Uge 37, 2024

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

🤳 Er influencere fortid?

Det mener denne rådgiver, i hvert fald.

Fra Kforum:

Det begyndte godt, men influencere som redskab til PR by proxy er fortid, skriver Sophie Egede-Schrøder, selvstændig rådgiver. Men employee advocacy står heldigvis klar som redningsdisciplin.

😬 Facebook indrømmer at have scrapet data fra australiere

Fra ABC News:

Facebook is scraping the public data of all Australian adults on the platform, it has acknowledged in an inquiry.

The company does not offer Australians an opt out option like it does in the EU, because it has not been required to do so under privacy law.

📉 Meta begrænser data i Business Tools

Fra MarTech:

This move reflects Meta’s ongoing commitment to privacy but could complicate ad targeting and reporting for you.

🗳️ X vælger Trumps side

Fra Bloomberg:

This week’s debate didn’t just confirm the reality of this shift, it also erased any lingering hope I had that X was still a useful and trustworthy source of information for major political events. Declaring Trump the victor in Tuesday’s debate is a subjective call; people will agree and disagree, and that’s certainly OK and expected.

But X’s feed felt so incredibly one-sided — so detached from reality — that it rendered the service unusable for any kind of serious information or discussion about the most important political moment of this US election.

✨ YouTube tilføjer “website visits” til kampagneværktøj

Fra Social Media Today:

YouTube’s added another way to drive traffic to your site via paid promotions, with a new “Website Visits” goal that’s been added to its direct campaign options available within YouTube Studio.

🗯️ Instagram udvikler nye funktioner til direkte beskeder

Fra Social Media Today:

First off, Instagram’s adding drawing tools and stickers for images shared in DMs, providing another way to customize your messaging engagement.

Mere om Meta og beskeder:

🫤 Hvad betalte Rusland højrefløjsprofiler for at poste om?

Fra Wired:

In hundreds of videos since taken down by YouTube, right-wing influencers working for Tenet Media—a company the US Department of Justice alleges was financed and guided by a state-backed Russian news network—showed interest in a highly specific set of topics, according to a WIRED analysis.


Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

😡 Udbud af lydunivers til børn møder kritik

Fra Journalisten:

Kampen om millionerne til et nyt lydunivers til børn blev afgjort på de sidste decimaler. Men eksperten, der skulle hjælpe udvalget med at finde en vinder, havde kun set halvdelen af den ene ansøgning, lyder kritikken fra direktør

🤝 Google i samarbejde med The Internet Archive

Fra 9 to 5 Google:

Rolling out starting today, Google Search results will now directly link to The Internet Archive to add historical context for the links in your results.

I opsamlingen fra uge 36 kunne du læse, hvordan The Internet Archive tabte en appelsag, hvilket kan have betydning for internettet og dets historie i fremtiden.

✊ Er Reddit internettets sidste håb?

Fra Fast Company:

In an era of AI upheaval, the cacophonous social hub is proving that the human-driven internet has value—and a chance at survival.

🤔 Hvad Metas forbud betød for canadiske medier

Fra Digital Content Next:

Publishers and experts weigh in on the wide ranging impacts of Meta’s decision to ban news on its platform in Canada, which does not bode well for the future of news on the platform worldwide

⚒️ Buzzsprout redesigner podcast-websites

Fra hestens mund:

Buzzsprout’s podcast websites have been completely rebuilt to give you a professional website without the hassle.

📺 X lancerer TV-app

Fra Social Media Today:

After sharing glimpses of its new TV app over the past few months, X has now officially launched the beta version of X TV, which it claims is “a massive leap forward in transforming X into a video-first platform.”

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

📽️ Video op, tekst ned på annoncemarkedet

Fra MediaWatch:

Det billede – at annonceomsætningen på video-kanaler stiger, mens tekst taber terræn – gør sig også gældende, i andet kvartal.

🤔 Forstå sagen mellem DOJ og Google

Fra Digiday:

Google and the Justice Department are poised to lock horns in an era-defining antitrust case that’s been 15 years in the making. The outcome will profoundly impact the 300,000-plus workers in the U.S. advertising sector, plus countless more globally.

Og på dansk:

Mere om retssagen:

💰 EU idømmer Google bøde

Fra MediaWatch:

EU-Domstolen fastslår i en dom, at Google har misbrugt sin dominerende stilling på markedet for søgemaskiner. Derfor får Google og Alphabet, der står bag Google, en samlet bøde på knap 18 milliarder kroner.

🤜 DPCMP varsler voldgiftssag mod Meta og TikTok

Fra MediaWatch:

Danske Pressepublikationers Kollektive Forvaltningsorganisation (DPCMO) varsler nu en voldgiftssag mod Facebook-ejeren Meta og Tiktok. Det er torsdag eftermiddag besluttet på et bestyrelsesmøde i organisationen, fortæller adm. direktør Karen Rønde til MediaWatch.

💸 Vox lancerer podcast-franchise

Fra MediaPost:

The franchise will launch on September 18 as a podcast and newsletter, and a video series will roll out on Vox’s YouTube channel later in the month.  

🥤 Coca-Cola bruger penge på det åbne web

Fra Digiday:

The company not only spends ad dollars on the open web, but it also plans to keep investing in these spaces that exist outside the walled gardens of platforms like Amazon, YouTube and Google. However, Coca-Cola does so with strict safeguards in place to ensure its ads avoid the open web’s shadier corners.

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🆕 OpenAI lancerer o1

Fra The Verge:

OpenAI is releasing a new model called o1, the first in a planned series of “reasoning” models that have been trained to answer more complex questions, faster than a human can. It’s being released alongside o1-mini, a smaller, cheaper version. And yes, if you’re steeped in AI rumors: this is, in fact, the extremely hyped Strawberry model.

“Potentielt årets største nyhed indenfor AI,” kalder forfatteren til bogen “AI epoken” det.

🎤 Google-AI kan lave podcast-episoder

Fra The Verge:

Google’s NotebookLM app can now generate ‘lively’ audio discussions with two AI hosts about the documents you’ve given it.

💡 Her er, hvad du skal vide om Google Gemini

Fra TechCrunch:

To make it easier to keep up with the latest Gemini developments, we’ve put together this handy guide, which we’ll keep updated as new Gemini models, features, and news about Google’s plans for Gemini are released.

🍏 Apples AI undervælder

Fra Vox:

Apple Intelligence is not that scary, not that advanced, and definitely not finished.


🧛 Sådan er det at arbejde med AI for tech-firmaerne

Fra The Guardian:

Working for an AI company as a writer was therefore a little like being told you were going to be paid a visit by Dracula, and instead of running for the hills, you stayed in and laid the table. But our destroyer is generous, the pay sufficient to justify the alienation. If our sector was going up in smoke, we might as well get high off the fumes.

🤖 Roblox lancerer generativ AI

Fra MIT Technology Review:

Once it’s up and running, developers on the hugely popular online game platform will be able to simply write “Generate a race track in the desert,” for example, and the AI will spin one up. Users will also be able to modify scenes or expand their scope—say, to change a daytime scene to night or switch the desert for a forest.