Uge 39, 2024

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

🤔 Historien om, hvordan Meta distancerede sig fra politik

Fra The New York Times:

Ahead of November’s election, Meta has de-emphasized political content on Facebook, Instagram and Threads and doesn’t want to talk about candidates or campaigns.

Lidt mere Meta:

🫤 Flere berømtheder faldt for Meta-AI-fup

Fra BBC:

Film stars James McAvoy and Ashley Tisdale, as well as former NFL player Tom Brady, are among those who re-shared the fake “Goodbye Meta AI” message on Instagram stories.

🛑 TikTok forbyder også russiske statsmedier

Fra NBC News:

Social media rivals Meta and YouTube have announced similar suspensions of Russian state media accounts this month.


👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 …og udvider abonnementsmuligheder

Fra Social Media Today:

TikTok is expanding its subscription option for creators, which will enable more users to build an audience of paying subscribers in the app.

🎼 …og vil lukke TikTok Music

Fra Bloomberg:

TikTok Inc. plans to discontinue its music service in November, ending a years-long experiment to compete with Spotify Technology SA and Apple Inc.

👋 Sig hej til Social Web Foundation

Fra hestens mund:

Leaders of the open social networking movement have formed the Social Web Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to making connections between social platforms with the open standard protocol ActivityPub.

🤨 LinkedIn gjorde træning af AI til standard

Fra Bloomberg:

Users were upset that the Microsoft Corp.-owned professional network was taking their information by default without asking, and they began posting about how to opt out.

✂️ YouTube vil gøre det lettere at fjerne de dele, der bryder reglerne

Fra Social Media Today:

YouTube’s looking to add yet another way for creators to avoid content restrictions, this time by giving them the opportunity to edit out violative elements of their clips.

🫡 Telegram klar til at give mere data til myndigheder

Fra Bloomberg:

Messaging app Telegram will provide users’ IP addresses and phone numbers to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests, according to Chief Executive Officer Pavel Durov.

Mere Telegram:

💸 TikTok vil gøre søgninger til annonceprodukt

Fra Digiday:

As of today (Sept. 24), the short-form video giant has rolled out its Search Ads Campaign tool, giving advertisers the ability to target ads based on what users are actively searching for. The goal is to turn those searches into ad dollars by matching ads with user intent, and cashing in on exactly what users want.

🔖 Nye stickers fra Instagram

Fra Social Media Today:

Instagram has added some new sticker types to help spice up your Stories and Reels, while it’s also updated its “Emoji Pong” game to challenge your friends.

🫡 X retter ind i Brasilien

Fra The New York Times:

In an abrupt reversal, the social network’s lawyers said it was complying with court orders that it had previously defied. Brazil’s Supreme Court could allow the site to return next week.

📉 …og mister brugere i US og UK

Fra Social Media Today:

Despite Elon Musk’s claims that X is reaching new record highs in usage every other month, and that the app remains a critical connector, the latest data shows that Elon’s X project is losing user interest, sparked, in many cases, by Musk’s own divisive commentary in the app.

📖 …og genopliver rapport om transparens

Fra Digiday:

Despite how it looks, X claims to be a community safe zone — and a prime advertising playground — according to its latest transparency report.

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

📺 Er du klar? DRTV kræver snart login

Fra Journalisten:

Fra på mandag bliver det obligatorisk at logge ind på DRTV, hvis man vil se alt andet end live-tv på streaming-platformen.


🚦 Medier henter trafik via WhatsApp

Fra The New York Times:

News outlets are experimenting with a feature in the world’s most popular messaging app that allows them to send links and headlines directly to followers.

🎧 Pocket Casts understøtter nu transkription

Fra PodNews:

If you’re producing your own transcripts on a supported podcast host, they will now automatically appear within Pocket Casts on both Android and iOS. Transcripts are searchable and show speaker names where provided.

💡 Sådan kommer du i gang med brugerbehov

Erfaringer fra Reuters, Metro og Smartocto.


The worlds of academia, news and tech come together to offer tips on producing content that is more relevant to your audience and helps to grow loyalty

💌 Tips til Substack for lokalmedier

Og selvom du ikke bruger Substack, kan du muligvis lære noget om at udkomme på e-mail alligevel 😉


Individual, entrepreneurial journalists are making big splashes on the newsletter subscription platform – at least to begin with – as regional journalism is crying out for innovation

📈 US-medier får mere trafik fra Google Discover

Fra Nieman Lab:

Search traffic, still dominated by Google search, has remained relatively steady during the period, Brad Streicher, sales director at Chartbeat, said in a panel at the Online News Association’s annual conference in Atlanta last week. Google Discover — the Google product offering personalized content recommendations via Google’s mobile apps — is increasingly becoming a top referrer, up 13% across Chartbeat clients since January 2023.

😡 WordPress-stifter og WP Engine er blevet uvenner

Fra Fast Company:

Millions of websites worldwide are unable to update thanks to an ongoing dispute that has bubbled over between a core backbone of the internet and a popular hosting platform that brings it to many users.


Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

💰 The New York Times vil sælge lydabonnementer via Apple og Spotify

Fra Axios:

Beginning next month, The New York Times will make its audio subscription available for purchase through Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

💵 Flere danskere betaler for podcasts

Fra MediaWatch:

16 pct. af de adspurgte danskere i en ny undersøgelse analysehuset Wilke har foretaget for MediaWatch betaler direkte for podcast, mens tallet nærmer sig 30 pct., hvis man samtidig tæller podcasts fra medier, som brugerne ellers betaler til.

🧱 CNN vil indføre betalingsmur

Fra The New York Times:

In early October, CNN will begin experimenting with charging some readers for digital access as part of a bid to shore up its business as cable television erodes industrywide, according to two people with knowledge of the decision.

🎈 Vice vender tilbage med digitalt abonnementsprodukt

Fra AdWeek:

The digital media company Vice relaunched its print magazine and debuted its first subscription product on Tuesday, part of a broader renaissance of the publisher following its May 2023 bankruptcy filing.

💳 AI-paywall hæver konverteringsraten med 75% hos Business Insider

Fra Digiday:

The new smart paywall instead determines the content that individual users are most likely to pay to access based on their previous reading habits, which platform they come to the website from and the propensity that each genre of content has for converting readers. Using those insights and Google Analytics data, the AI’s algorithm decides whether users meet a paywall, registration wall or nothing upon entering the website.

🌡️ Nyt Subscription Index fra Digiday

Fra Digiday selv:

Against this backdrop, Digiday’s second annual Subscription Index seeks to examine and measure publishers’ subscription strategies across several different digital touch points to identify some common approaches and key tactics. We start in this installment with publishers who produce news content.

▶️ YouTube hæver prisen på Premium

Fra Flatpanels:

Nu koster det 139 kr/md. for et individuel abonnement og hele 259 kr/md. for et familieabonnement. Abonnementerne er med andre ord steget med henholdsvis 20 og 80 kr/md.

✨ Nye medielanceringer fra Ingeniøren og Monitormedier

🧑‍⚖️ Sagen mellem Google og DOJ fortsætter

🧑‍⚖️ …og det gør sagen mod TikTok også

🪧 Danske Medier og Jobindex anker Google-dom

Fra MediaWatch:

I slutningen af august blev Google frikendt for at have krænket Jobindex’ ophavsret. Det, mener Danske Medier og Jobindex, beror på en forkert juridisk vurdering.

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🗣️ OpenAI lancerer ny stemmebaseret AI-assistent

Fra Bloomberg:

The San Francisco-based startup said Tuesday it has started rolling out the option, known as advanced voice mode, to ChatGPT Plus subscribers and users of its ChatGPT Team service for businesses. The company said Enterprise and Edu paid users will begin getting access to the feature next week.

🤖 VG syntetiserer journalist

Fra MediaWatch:

Hvis man lytter til VG’s artikler fremfor at læse dem, kan man høre en AI-udgave af journalisten Julie Tran.

🗯️ YouTube udvider adgang til AI-assistent

Fra Social Media Today:

YouTube is expanding access to its conversational AI tool, which is essentially its own AI chatbot that can provide answers to queries within your video engagement options.

👍 Newsweek vil bruge AI til podcast-anbefalinger

Fra MediaPost:

Newsweek has chosen Headliner’s Disco, an AI-powered tool that provides readers with podcast recommendations, to drive discovery.

🌍 Mediano kigger på AI til oversættelse

Fra MediaWatch:

Mediano er ved at undersøge, om podcast-virksomheden ved hjælp af AI kan gøre sine podcast mere bredt tilgængelige, skriver Mediano-direktør Peter Brüchmann i et indlæg på virksomhedens egen hjemmeside.

👓 Meta fremviser nye AR-briller

Fra The Verge:

Orion is an impressive demo of AR glasses, but can Mark Zuckerberg beat everyone else to the next big platform?


🍄‍🟫 Stol ikke på Googles AI-billede af svamper

Fra 404 Media:

Google is serving AI-generated images of mushrooms when users search for some species, a risky and potentially fatal error for foragers who are trying to figure out what mushrooms are safe to eat.

🤝 Flere store tech-firmaer slutter op om EU’s AI-pagt

Fra TechCrunch:

The European Commission has revealed a list of the first 100-plus signatories to the AI Pact — an initiative focused on getting companies to publish “voluntary pledges” on how they approach and deploy artificial intelligence.