Digitale medier og platforme i uge 44

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

😬 Fyringsrunde og kaos hos Twitter

Fra The New York Times:

“The layoffs hit across many divisions, including the engineering and machine learning units, the teams that manage content moderation, and the sales and advertising departments.”


😬 Musk deler konspirationsteori på Twitter

Så er vi ligesom i gang.

Fra The Guardian:

“Elon Musk was criticized on Sunday after posting a baseless conspiracy theory about the assault of Paul Pelosi to Twitter – the social media giant he took over several days ago with a promise to impose fewer restrictions on its content.”

✔ Skal det koste at være verificeret på Twitter?

Fra Elon Musk:

“Twitter’s current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bullshit.

Power to the people! Blue for $8/month.”


🔮 Twitters roadmap under Musk

Fra Platformer:

“Some of the product road map is, by this point, well known: Musk plans to begin charging for verification through Twitter Blue, likely at $8 a month; he is exploring a revival of the short-form video product Vine; he is considering allowing creators to put video posts behind a paywall, OnlyFans-style. The New York Times also reported today that the company is looking into letting users pay to send direct messages to high-profile users.”


👋 Annoncører har fået en undskyldning for at forlade Twitter

Fra Digiday:

“They’re in that position because they could see the Twitter takeover was going to be rocky from a mile off — ever since Musk first floated the idea of takeover, in April. And they were right. There’s been no shortage of corporate chicanery, memes, broken promises, empty threats, whistleblowing, legal scraps and more in this takeover drama.”

👀 Wikipedia-stifter arbejder på Twitter-alternativ

Fra Slashgear:

“Essentially, instead of relying on an algorithm determined to make you scroll forever, WT.Social will prioritize content based on which accounts the users trust.

According to Wales: “I don’t know if it will be perfect, and I’m sure we’ll have to adjust on the way, but it has to be better than this hellsite, yeah?”

A social media platform based entirely on trust may have its own downsides, but it could also be a step in the right direction.”


💸 Borgerlige køber flest annoncer på Facebook og Instagram

Fra MediaWatch:

“De Konservative har i valgkampens sidste dage overhalet Liberal Alliance, målt på hvor mange penge partiet har postet i annoncekampagner på tværs af de to sociale medier. Samlet har de borgerlige partier brugt markant mere på annoncering hos Meta.”

Mere politik:

💬 WhatsApp lancerer Communities

Fra TechCrunch:

“WhatsApp today is officially launching Communities, the new feature offering larger, more structured discussion groups that first entered into testing earlier this year. Designed to help organizations, clubs, schools and other private groups better communicate and stay organized, Communities bring a number of new features to the messaging platform, including admin controls, support for sub-groups and announcement groups, 32-person voice and video calls, larger-file sharing, emoji reactions and polls.”

🤖 Meta automatiserer News-faneblad i UK

Fra Press Gazette:

“The technology giant informed publishers of its decision to end a curation contract with Upday shortly after a Press Gazette investigation aired concerns about working conditions on the Facebook News tab. The aggregation tool is curated around the clock by a team of roughly 15 journalists.”

🎮 TikTok afviser “Gaming”-faneblad

Fra Digiday:

“TikTok wants brands and marketers to know all about its vibrant gaming community — but exactly how the platform will offer it up to advertisers remains to be seen. Reports of a dedicated gaming tab on TikTok are greatly exaggerated, according to company reps.”

🤨 Skal medier (og andre virksomheder) være på BeReal?

Fra What’s New in Publishing:

“While publishers are yet to join the app, some brands and marketers have dipped their toes. “Major brands like Chipotle and e.l.f. Cosmetics have already launched brand accounts on the app,” reports Kimeko McCoy, Senior Marketing Reporter, Digiday. Publishers looking for new avenues of growth may find some of their strategies useful.”

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

🕹 News games hos The New York Times og The Washington Post: Er du god som baseball-dommer – eller rotte?

Fra Nieman Lab:

“The New York Times and The Washington Post each published a fun game-with-a-news-angle last week — one that placed the reader behind home plate calling balls and strikes as a Major League Baseball umpire and another that, uh, made the reader a rat scavenging for food, water, and a place to nest in Washington, D.C.”

🤔 Megafon kræver penge for brug af meningsmålinger

Fra Journalisten:

“Det er ikke kun Erik Gahner, der står bag hjemmesiden, som har fået tilsendt en juridisk trussel fra analyseinstituttet Megafon for at bringe et overblik over meningsmålinger og det vægtede gennemsnit af dem.

Det samme har Jyllands-Posten, der under valgkampen har fået stillet data fra til rådighed af Erik Gahner.”


💌 Media Voices vil uddele nyhedsbrevspris

Fra hestens mund:

“The team behind the highly successful Publisher Podcast Awards and Summit is launching an awards programme to celebrate the very best in publisher newsletters. Building on the foundations of its four-year old podcast awards, Media Voices will hold its inaugural Publisher Newsletter Awards in July 2023.”

🍾 DRs valgtest blev taget 2,5 mio. gange

Fra MediaWatch:

“På valgdagen tirsdag er DR’s kandidattest nået op på 2,5 millioner gennemførsler, som var målet fra begyndelsen af valgkampen.”

📽 Amazon vil producere i Danmark

Fra MediaWatch:

“Amazon har ambitioner om at producere fiktion i Danmark til tjenesten Prime Video, men bølgerne fra dette års rettighedskonflikt gør det mere vanskeligt, lyder det fra selskabets nordiske ledelse.”


Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

📈 NYTimes’ vækst handler om andet end nyheder

Det er der ikke så meget nyt i, men det er altid værd at blive mindet om.

Fra Poynter:

“But the growth is no longer primarily in subscriptions to news alone. Rather, the Times is heavily pushing what it calls internally “the bundle.” That is an all-access product that also includes Games and Cooking verticals, audio, the Wirecutter product information site and now The Athletic, which the Times purchased for $550 million in January.”


🔀 Information ser hurtigere skift fra print til digital

Fra MediaWatch:

“Avishuset er ramt af stigende omkostninger og oplever generel mathed i markedet, men trofaste abonnenter gør kommerciel direktør Simon Fancony rolig for den kommende tid, som byder på flere digitale investeringer. Avisen er dog forberedt på, at udviklingen kan vende.”

🤷‍♂️ Valgkampen bød på blandet annonceheld hos medierne

Fra MediaWatch:

“Flere af landets nationale og regionale medier har fået færre annoncekroner ud af dette års valgkamp i forhold til i 2019. Men hos to store avishuse tegner der sig et billede af fremgang, lyder det fra salgs- og annoncechefer.”

💪 Bloomberg vil udøve større kontrol over programmatiske annoncer

Fra Digiday:

“Bloomberg Media won’t rule out getting rid of more ad tech middlemen after parting ways with Taboola.

And why would it?

For the first time in a while, premium publishers like Bloomberg Media are operating from a position of strength. They have the context and audience marketers need to sustain personalized advertising at scale at a time when both are more difficult to come by from third-party cookies.”

📉 Er gassen gået af nyhedsaggregatorerne?

Fra Digiday:

“Three years ago, publisher analytics firm Chartbeat saw news aggregators becoming the fastest growing traffic referral source. But with the share of traffic from aggregators dipping, that’s not so much the case anymore.

‘Everything is down,’ said Jill Nicholson, Chartbeat’s CMO. ‘By and large, people are just not reading as much as they were during 2020.'”

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🤔 Hvilke former for lokaljournalistik kan automatiseres?

Fra Nieman Lab:

“Automated news stories often get dunked on when a publication first starts testing them out. Auto-generated crime stories, then, are likely to invite even more criticism.”

⏲ AI-værktøjer, der kan spare tid for medier

Fra Spiny Trends:

“He says individuals and publishing operations can improve their efficiency using AI and has produced  a list of AI-powered tools for writers, editors and social media managers to amplify content, produce or enhance visuals, or generate audio versions of text articles.”

😠 Nye Meta-investeringer i metaverset frustrerer aktionærer

Fra MediaWatch:

“Nogle af de største aktionærer hos Meta har udtrykt sin vrede overfor administrerende direktør Mark Zuckerberg, efter at han har annonceret en ny stor pengesatsning for at bygge selskabets såkaldte metavers. Det skriver Financial Times.”

👋 KMD vil pensionere valgsystem

Fra Computerworld:

“Når Netcompany i 2025 overtager jobbet med at it-understøtte de danske valg, vil KMD sende sit mainframe-baserede og 30 år gamle it-system til de evige digitale jagtmarkeder.”