Digital Ugerevy #35 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

<strong>Lars K Jensen</strong>
Lars K Jensen

Rådgiver og arbejder med digital udvikling og nye medier.

Du kan altid afmelde dig igen ved at bruge linket i bunden af hvert nyhedsbrev

In this edition:

? Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

Twitter-CEOs egen profil blev kompromitteret

The Verge:
“Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Twitter account was hacked on Friday afternoon by a group that calls itself the Chuckle Squad. The hackers tweeted racial slurs, antisemitic messages and at least one Holocaust denial from Dorsey’s account.”

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Der var blandt andet tweets om at Hitler var uskyldig og meldinger om en bombe på Twitters hovedkvarter.

Årsagen var ikke, at Twitter blev hacket – men at nogen kunne udgive sig for/eller tilegne sig Dorseys telefonnummer:

I dette tilfælde er det svage led i kæden altså teleselskaberne. Derfor er det også kritisk, at Version2 kan rapportere, hvor let det kan være at få SIM-kort med andres telefonnumre.

“SIM-swapping”, hedder teknikken. Det vides dog ikke med sikkerhed, om det var det, Dorsey var udsat for — men resultatet er det samme.

Facebook strammer regler for annoncører op til 2020-valg

MIT Technology Review:
“Businesses and nonprofits will have to provide a tax-registered organization identification number, while government advertisers will have to provide a web domain or email address ending in .gov or .mil. Parties and political action committees will be required to hand over their Federal Election Commission identification number, Facebook said in a blog post.”

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Facebook tester skærmdeling i Messenger

Social Media Today:
“Spotted by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, the new option, as you can see above, would switch to a screenshare of your mobile device, enabling you to share in-app experiences, videos, etc.”

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Facebook tilføjer flere gruppe-badges

Social Media Today:
“And the initiative is obviously producing results, because in addition to the above group badges, Facebook has been slowly adding badges into Page interactions also, and expanding the signifiers available in order to highlight more prolific and engaged Page fans.”

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Cambridge Analytica-klager startede måske tidligere

The Verge:
“The Cambridge Analytica scandal rocked Facebook when it came to light last year, but newly revealed documents containing internal Facebook conversations released jointly by Facebook and the District of Columbia attorney general show that the company was already investigating complaints about Cambridge Analytica potentially abusing data as early as September 2015, months before the December date that Facebook has repeatedly testified to.”

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Rygte: Facebook arbejder på Instragram-besked-app

The Verge:
“Facebook is developing a new messaging app called Threads that is meant to promote constant, intimate sharing between users and their closest friends, The Vergehas learned. Threads, which is designed as a companion app to Instagram, invites users to automatically share their location, speed, and battery life with friends, along with more typical text, photo, and video messages using Instagram’s creative tools.”

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Instagram øger annoncetrykket i Stories

Marketing Land:
“The test involves running ads from two different advertisers back-to-back within a Story, according to a report from AdWeek. The experiment is only being performed on a small group of users, and all advertisers are eligible to be part of the test.”

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Facebook og Twitter tjener (stadig) penge på kinesisk propaganda

Columbia Journalism Review:
“Xinhua placed four ads on Monday, according to BuzzFeed, saying the police have been “very restrained” in handling the riots, and calling them “heroes” for standing up to the protesters, and other state outlets have been running ads promoting the benefits of the detention and re-education camps China has set up for Uighur Muslims.

Despite its ban on state-owned media, Twitter has also apparently continued to run ads and promoted tweets from China’s state-run media outlets, according to BuzzFeed reporter Ryan Mac.”

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YouTube-CEO sætter streg under ordet “åbenhed”

“YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki says the platform will remain “open,” even if that means a continued influx of content deemed controversial or offensive. 

In a letter addressed to YouTube creators, Wojcicki says the Google-owned platform is committed to remaining open to all creators because she thinks it does more good than harm. “

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YouTube recommendation algorithm audit uncovers paths to radicalization

Pinterest strammer op overfor misinformation

The Guardian:
“On Wednesday, Pinterest announced a new step in its efforts to combat health misinformation on its platform: users will be able to search for 200 terms related to vaccines, but the results displayed will come from major public health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Vaccine Safety Net.”

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Tips til din digitale markedsføring:

Will Instagram Business Profile Reach Follow the Same Path as Facebook Pages?

Social Media Today

Facebook Lead Ads: The Definitive Guide
Ad Espresso

TV-focused brand budgets are more efficient when combined with YouTube and Facebook

Marketing Land

4 Automation Skills Every Marketer Needs to Have

Social Media Today

? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

Rapport: Mediernes guide til podcasting

What’s New In Publishing:
“Podcasting is growing in popularity, with many individuals and brands taking advantage of the low barriers to entry to launch their own podcasts. 

This practical guide shows how you can leverage the power of your existing audience to plan, record, edit, publish and distribute your own podcast.”

Hent rapporten

Ingeniøren bygger login med fokus på transparens

“Helt konkret har vi eksempelvis fravalgt oplysninger om køn og fødselsdato. Man skal slå til, hvis man ønsker et personaliseret nyhedsbrev. Vi forklarer hvad vi bruger data til, ved fremover på profilsiden at have små informations- i’er, hvor vi forklarer hvad lige præcist denne oplysning er relevant for.”

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Derfor vil podcastere være med i Podimo

“”Jeg tager en kæmpe chance lige nu, og jeg tror overhovedet ikke, jeg bliver rig af det,” siger Rikke Collin om de penge, hun kommer til at tjene på Podimo. Vi spurgte to podcastere, som er med fra start, hvorfor de vil være en del af Podimo”

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Journalisten har også talt med Eric Ziengs, Tor Arnbjørn – og selvfølgelig Podimo:

“Podimo vil betale sine podcastere alt efter, hvor mange abonnenter der lytter til dem, og hvor stor en andel af deres tid, abonnenterne lægger hos den enkelte podcaster. Modellen ”er elendig for nichepodcastere,” siger ekspert. Indholdsdirektør hos Podimo, Nikolaj Koppel, er uenig”

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Jysk Fynske Medier lader robot læse op

Jysk Fynske Medier:
“Athena er en service, som kommer fra Google. Athena lærer efterhånden, som vi kommer med input til hende. Kort fortalt en kunstig intelligens”, forklarer webudvikler, Jonas Storm Nikolajsen, der har specialiseret sig i kunstig intelligens.

Athena læser op på dansk, og selvom du aldrig er tvivl om, at det er en robot, du lytter til, er hun let at forstå. Hun lærer løbende at blive bedre til dansk, og der er mulighed for, at vi selv kan tilpasse fonetikken, hvis hun eksempelvis siger ”scannerbår” i stedet for ”Skand-er-borg”.”

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EU kigger på platformenes brug af lyd

“According to agency sources, temporarily prohibiting the way a tech platform handles audio data won’t have a huge impact on the company’s revenues. But a platform’s ability to monetize audio through data collection in the future could be thwarted.”

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Kinesisk aggregator bygger engelsk udgave

What’s New In Publishing:
“The company is now looking at dominating the international market with the English version of Toutiao called TopBuzz. The app is quietly climbing the charts and making its presence felt by driving substantial traffic to Western publishers.”

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Knight-Mozilla-samarbejde ophører

Open News:
“For the last two years, the Knight-Mozilla Fellowship has been on hiatus. After an incredible five-year run, during which 33 fellows were placed with news organizations around the world, we took some time to reflect on the program and plan for the future. “

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TV 2 Echo skal lave længere indhold til Play

TV 2:
35 procent af de 20-30-årige danskere kender TV 2 ECHOs aktuelle journalistiske fortællinger. Nu udvider ECHO sine tilbud til de unge mediebrugere ved også at producere længere formater til TV 2 PLAY under titlen ECHO DOX.

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? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

BT nedlægger betalingsavis på hverdage

“Fremover vil avisen i hverdagene kunne tages gratis i toge, busser og rundt omkring, mens den i weekenden vil kunne købes i løssalg i en større udgave end hidtil. Abonnenterne vil fortsat få leveret avisen alle ugens dage.”

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“Ansv. chefredaktør, Michael Dyrby, fortæller, at beslutningen ligger i forlængelse af den udmeldte strategi fra sidste år. Her blev det digitale område med i centrum udpeget som trækdyr i den fremtidige strategi, mens gratisavisen Metroxpress blev rebrandet som B.T. Metro.”

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Mere fra MediaWatch om BT-historien:

Læs også:

How publishers are cutting print days — and not losing (too many) subscribers
Nieman Lab

Frivillige betalinger gør Morgenpost levedygtig

“Omkring tre måneder senere har flere end 250 læsere tilmeldt sig med en fast ugentlig betaling, hvilket giver en indtægt på mere end 10.000 kr. om måneden, og den indtægt er ifølge adm. direktør hos Føljeton, Søren Høgh Ipland, nok til at gøre projektet økonomisk levedygtigt.”

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Sådan bekæmper The Sun churn på deres fodboldspil

“To address this churn, Dream Team built a new content vertical including a newsletter and YouTube series around fantasy football last summer. Now it has begun to bear fruits: Dream Team retained 68% of last year’s customers this season, increasing annual audience retention rate 21% year-on-year, and won new branded content clients; however, the publisher was unwilling to share exactly how many people subscribed for the 2019 season.”

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NY Times’ modsvar til Chromes incognito: Registreringer

What’s New In Publishing:
“Many of the articles are still free to view, but it appears that access to metered articles will now be registered to the account rather than the browser.

The introduction of the registration wall comes just after Google’s release of Chrome 76, which remedied a loophole allowing sites to detect and block people who are browsing in Incognito Mode.”

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Sådan udviklede Daily Maverick deres medlemsmodel

Nieman Lab:
“Our weekly Insider meetings are attended by the editor-in-chief, CEO, membership manager, product manager, support manager, developer, marketing and design team, with occasional drop-ins from finance and events team reps. Of the 10 regular attendees, only three of those positions existed before the decision to move into membership.”

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Ny Politiken-niche om sundhed lanceret

“Navnet på det nye medie er Politiken Sundhed. Den nyeste tilføjelse til nicheporteføljen vil beskæftige sig med sundhedsvæsenet og skrive om bl.a. forebyggelse, genoptræning og lægemangel. En del af sløret for det nye medie blev løftet tilbage i maj.”

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? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

Danske netbutikker frygter 14. september

“Her træder et nyt EU-regelsæt om mere sikre net-betalinger nemlig i kraft. 

Det nye regelsæt hedder SCA – Strong Customer Authentication – og det er en del af det nye PSD2-direktiv, som har været længe undervejs.”

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BBC bygger digital assistent

The Guardian:
“The BBC currently has no plans to launch a standalone physical product such as Amazon’s Echo speaker or a Google Home device. Instead, the Beeb software will be built into the BBC’s website, its iPlayer app on smart TVs, and made available to manufacturers who want to incorporate the public broadcaster’s software.”

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Apple rydder op efter Siri-skandale

“First, it is making audio review an explicitly opt-in process in an upcoming software update. This will be applicable for every current and future user of Siri.

Second, only Apple employees, not contractors, will review any of this opt-in audio in an effort to bring closer to the company’s core processes any process that uses private data.”

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Chrome vil måske snart blokere beskeder om notifikationer

9 to 5 Google:
“It’s almost impossible to browse the web these days without being inundated by sites asking if they can send you notifications. Infuriatingly, these notification requests even appear as dialogs that take over your screen on Chrome for Android. Google is working on a new way for Chrome and Chrome OS to deal with requests for notification access, including blocking them automatically.”

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Googles tekst-til-tale har nu 187 stemmer

“‘With these updates, Cloud Text-to-Speech developers can now reach millions more people across numerous countries with their applications — with many more languages to come,’ wrote product manager Dan Aharon.”

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Facebooks partnere overvejer at forlade kryptosamarbejde

“Tre af de 28 stiftende partnere bag Facebooks libra-kryptovaluta begynder at få kolde fødder, skriver Financial Times, som citerer unavngivne kilder.”

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Facebook kører lobbyarbejdet i stilling: Coinbase’s Ex-Policy Head Will Lobby for Facebook’s Libra Crypto, skriver CoinDesk.

Facebook is working with HackerOne on a bug bounty program for its Libra cryptocurrency

Og det lader til, Facebook er ved at blive overhalet:

While Facebook’s big cryptocurrency plans have hit a wall with regulators, another big social network, Telegram, is charging ahead with its own digital currency.
The New York Times

Nu kommer den nye generation Wi-Fi

“Sure, your Roku and your Nintendo Switch will see wireless speed gains, but a lot of the new computational intelligence behind Wi-Fi 6 will be devoted to handling streaming to multiple gadgets at once. It’s Wi-Fi for a world crowded with mobile gadgets, IoT devices, and connected equipment.”

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De vigtigste sikkerheds- og privacy-opdateringer i Android 10

“The Android team has focused instead on labor-intensive technical changes and upgrades that will have an outsized effect. And the improvements touch numerous parts of the system, from how it deploys encryption to how settings are organized and applications are quarantined from each other.”

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Kinesiske Baidu overhaler Google indenfor smart speakers

“Den kinesiske søgegigant Baidu sidder nu på 17,3 procent af markedet for smarthøjttalere, og dermed har den kinesiske konkurrent overhalet Google på det nye lovende marked.”

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Og Huawei er ved at indhente Samsung

“Verdens nummer to, når det kommer til salg af smartphones, er fortsat kinesiske Huawei. Men med en solid vækst i andet kvartal af 2019 haler Huawei fortsat ind på Samsung, viser en ny opgørelse fra Gartner. Se hele stillingen her.”

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Google: Ny Huawei-mobil bliver lanceret uden Chrome, Gmail og Youtube apps

Smartphone sales declined again in Q2, surprising no one

Forskere frigiver begrænset udgave af “farlig” AI

“But now a new, more powerful version of the system – that could be used to create fake news or abusive spam on social media – has been released.

The BBC, along with some AI experts, decided to try it out.”

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