Digital Ugerevy #49 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

<strong>Lars K Jensen</strong>
Lars K Jensen

Rådgiver og arbejder med digital udvikling og nye medier.

Du kan altid afmelde dig igen ved at bruge linket i bunden af hvert nyhedsbrev

In this edition:

? Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

Digitalt Ansvar vil stille platformene til ansvar

“Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat og de andre sociale medier skal tage et langt større ansvar, når det kommer til at fjerne ulovligt indhold fra deres platforme.

Det mener interesseorganisationen Digitalt Ansvar, som blandt andre Børns Vilkår og Red Barnet står bag.”

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Facebook foreslår moderatorer blandt dine brugere

Social Media Today:
“To help narrow down the field, Facebook is now adding a new ‘suggested moderator’ tool, which will identify key members of your group/s who could be good candidates to become moderators and group leaders.”

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Instagram vil kræve fødselsdato af nye brugere

“Facebook Inc’s Instagram said it will require birthdates from all new users starting on Wednesday, expanding the audience for ads for alcohol and other age-restricted products while offering new safety measures for younger users.”

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Facebook giver mere gennemsigtighed til bl.a. boligannoncer

Facebook for Business:
“Beginning tomorrow, you’ll be able to search for and view all active housing opportunity ads targeted at the US that started running – or were edited – on or after December 4, 2019, regardless of whether you’re in the advertiser’s intended audience. You’ll be able to search the housing ad section by the name of the Page running an ad or the city or state to which the ad is targeted.”

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NYT-værktøj skal forudsige succeser på Facebook og Twitter

“The tool, called TAFI (Twitter and Facebook Interface),  measures which articles draw the most social engagement with specific audiences, then adjusts spending to promote the high performers while weeding out the articles not attracting interest.”

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Facebook vil lade dig flytte billeder til Google Photos

“The announcement comes two months after the social networking giant published a white paper that sought to address some of the key issues involved in making data portable between online services. However, today’s news pertains more directly to the open source Data Transfer Project (DTP) announced last year by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter, with Apple joining the party just a few months ago.”

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Facebook launches a photo portability tool, starting in Ireland

YouTube vil ikke fjerne vold fra computerspil

YouTube said today that it will no longer restrict violent video game content, after an evaluation that concluded there is a difference between the simulated violence of movies and games and the depiction of real world violence.”

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YouTube Outlines its Ongoing Efforts to Reduce the Spread of Misinformation its Platform
Social Media Today

Chatbot skal hjælpe Facebook-ansatte med de svære spørgsmål

The New York Times:
“What if Mom or Dad accused the social network of destroying democracy? Or what if they said Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, was collecting their online data at the expense of privacy?

So just before Thanksgiving, Facebook rolled out something to help its workers: a chatbot that would teach them official company answers for dealing with such thorny questions.”

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Flere end 300 Trump-reklamer fjernet fra YouTube

“Det er regler, der skal sikre, at reklamer ikke bryder copyright-regler, spreder løgne eller ’ekstreme unøjagtigheder’. Det fremgår dog ikke af virksomhedernes rapporter, der ellers er lavet for at sikre gennemsigtighed ift. Googles beslutninger og politikker, hvad der gjorde, at reklamerne blev fjernet. Rapporten kan læses her.”

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How does YouTube handle the site’s misinformation, conspiracy theories and hate?
CBS News / 60 Minutes

Why YouTube Won’t Ban Trump’s Misleading Ads About Biden

LA Times deler historiske billeder på Instagram
“The US publisher is the largest and one of the oldest local newspapers in the country. To attract the audiences of tomorrow, it set up a new @latimesarchives Instagram account in October 2019, which posts archived black-and-white photos through the ages of the organisation.”

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Annoncer: Twitter opdaterer privatlivspolitikken

VentureBeat / Reuters:
“Twitter is updating its global privacy policy to give users more information about what data advertisers might receive and is launching a site to provide clarity on its data protection efforts, the company said on Monday. The changes, which will take effect on January 1, 2020, will comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).”

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Twitter Launches New Privacy Center to Better Communicate Platform Rules and Processes
Social Media Today

Facebooks anden VR-bølge er i gang

“Since acquiring Oculus VR in 2014, Facebook has spent five years building out hardware and research teams that are just now starting to churn out quality integrated products, like Oculus Quest, and surprising features, like hand tracking and Oculus Link, in advance of their goal of getting 1 billion people into VR. […] Now Facebook needs to try to win the next round, and there is still much the company lacks with lots of weak spots in its position.”

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Facebook lukker “Live with friends”

Social Media Today:
“Live with friends never seemed like a major focus for Facebook Live, but Facebook Live in general seems to have de-prioritized somewhat after that initial boom. Which, as noted, may be a trend among the live-stream function altogether, as users move onto other elements, like Stories, and increasingly, messaging.”

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Annoncører ser med interesse på Facebook-whitelists

“Last month, Facebook confirmed it is piloting publisher whitelists for its Audience Network and in-stream ads, with plans to expand the whitelists more broadly next year. Whitelists allow ad buyers to note specific words or site URLs for Facebook to use in targeting their ads. Facebook has had block lists since 2017 but had yet to offer whitelists.”

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Tips til din digitale markedsføring

Where Brands Go Wrong In Social Media Advertising

The 2020 Influencer Marketing Playbook

Twitter Publishes 2020 Marketing Calendar to Help with Strategic Planning
Social Media Today

? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

Danmarks første netmedie fylder 25

“Men fredag den 2. december 1994 kl. 10.00 skete det altså. Det første indhold, der blev publiceret, var resumeer, jobannoncer og to-tre ultrakorte beskrivelser af ugens vigtigste overskrifter fra papiravisen. Online-indholdet var primært målrettet ingeniører i udlandet, som ofte måtte vente flere uger på at få tilsendt avisen og på dette tidspunkt anvendte internettet i langt højere grad end deres kolleger hjemme i Danmark.”

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Læs mere hos Ingeniøren:

Jysk Fynske klar med daglig podcast

“Efter måneders forberedelse har Jysk Fynske Medier skudt julemåneden ind med lanceringen af sin nye podcastsatsning, der nu har nået flyvehøjde med daglige produktioner til avishusets læsere – og nu lyttere – på tværs af udgivelser. Det fortæller Peter Rasmussen, chefredaktør for avisen Danmark, som den nye “Podcasten Danmark” er forankret under.”

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Reuters: Nyheds-podcasts vokser med 32%

What’s New In Publishing:
The number of news podcasts globally rose by almost 12,000 between January and October 2019 – an increase of around a third, according to a new report from the Reuters Institute, one of the first to try to categorise this emerging sector.”

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News Podcasts and the Opportunities for Publishers

Can there be a third way to discover new podcasts, somewhere between word-of-mouth and soulless algorithms?
Nieman Lab

Spotifys årsopsamling giver os podcasting-tal

The Drum:
“Spotify said it now has more than 500,000 podcast titles available and its podcast listeners have grown by more than 50% since the start of 2019. It has seen a 39% increase in podcast hours consumed by listeners quarter over quarter. The Joe Budden Podcast with Rory and Mal, which was the most consumed podcast, globally this year. Comedy, Society & Culture, True Crime, News, and Health & Fitness were the most consumed podcast genres of the year.”

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Rapport om ‘Media Moments’ i 2019

Sovrn / What’s New In Publishing:
“From key business mergers to our changing relationships with platforms and shifting perceptions around data privacy, this report explores how 2019’s defining moments have changed the media landscape, and what the future holds for 2020 and beyond.”

Hent rapporten

Apple News på vej med daglig e-mail

9 to 5 Mac:
“Apple News is expanding its mail notifications with a new ‘Good Morning’ daily newsletter. Previously, users could opt in to receive email alerts from Apple News about select featured stories. The company appears to be formalizing that into a regular daily newsletter.

Apple says it will bring top news, analysis, and fascinating features every morning, collating the ‘best stories from the most trusted sources’.”

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Tech-magasinet The Information lancerer app til private

(App’en har tidligere været nævnt i opsamlingen fra uge 42.)

Nieman Lab:
“The Tech Top 10 app (available for iOS and Android now) is for “consumers who want to be plugged into the big tech stories without searching through Twitter or watered-down general news sites,” and it costs $2.99 per month or $29.99 per year.”

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Gyldendal vil udgive flere bøger kun på lyd

“‘Vi vil gerne skabe mere indhold, der er henvendt til lydbogsformatet fra start og som ikke nødvendigvis også skal udkomme som papirbog. De lydbøger, som Gyldendal har i dag, er alle startet som bøger i printform, og det er ikke alle bøger, der egner sig til lydformatet. Vi vil gøre lydbøger til en selvstændig disciplin,’ siger Jeppe Mossin, der er digital salgschef ved Gyldendal.”

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AT&T og Washington Post vil vise, hvad 5G kan

“AT&T outfitted The Post’s newsroom with 5G technology to test out the tools within its daily operations. So far, the partnership has yielded a livestream on the Post’s website of the most recent Democratic Debate in November. The broadcast featured AT&T Business branding and call-outs of the partnership during the debate.”

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? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

Danmark ligger i bunden på vækst i digitale abonnementer

Læs artiklen hos Nieman Lab

Ny EB-chefredaktør skal sætte brugerne i centrum

Ekstra Bladet:
“Pernille Holbøll, 37, bliver chefredaktør for Breaking, som er Ekstra Bladets nyhedsmotor. Hun får desuden ansvaret for at gøre endnu stærkere, både nyhedsmæssigt og i måden at fortælle historier på.”

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“Jeg vil gerne, at vi bliver bedre til at sætte brugeren først, og hvordan danskerne oplever vores journalistik digitalt, når de kommer ind på sitet. Det gælder både vores betalingsjournalistik og gratisdelen. Vi kan godt være mere udefra og ind.”

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Ny chefredaktion på Ekstra Bladet skal fokusere på tv og digitalt

Sådan går Quartz til medlemskaber

What’s New In Publishing:
“‘Most organizations’ emails were a list of links [to stories] published that day or week. Our main strategy was to create a great email that you can read entirely in your inbox but you don’t have to click the links. The KPI is open rates. We want you to open it, love it and then open it again the next day. We check the main active users, who open at least once a week, in a week across all our emails sent that week. Active matters.'”

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Bauer tror stadig på programmatic

“I marts, inden virksomheden var kommet i gang med den nye salgsmetode, lød forventningen fra Bauer Medias COO, Tobias Nielsen, at det programmatiske salg ville fylde 10 pct. af det samlede digitale salg allerede i 2019. Men her ved udgangen af året udgør det programmatiske salg kun “en symbolsk andel”, oplyser han.

‘Det kommer til at gøre en forskel, at flere bureauer fra næste år får mulighed for at handle programmatisk med os,’ siger han.”

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Hvad er IABs ‘Data Transparency Label’?

“The Data Transparency Label is a standardized labeling system that ad tech vendors can use to clarify the quality of data they sell. Similar to a nutrition label, the Data Transparency Label reveals to advertisers previously hidden details, such as where the data came from, how it was collected, whether it was manipulated or modeled, along with any rules for defining it for a particular audience segment.”

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Bliver annoncering taberen i streaming-krigene?

“The streaming wars have begun to unsettle the advertising industry. As Netflix, Disney and WarnerMedia all focus primarily on their ad-free streaming services, ad buyers are wary that their ability to reach large audiences will get caught in the crossfire — and result in higher costs.”

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? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

EU undersøger Googles indsamling af data

“A document seen by Reuters shows the EU’s focus is on data related to local search services, online advertising, online ad targeting services, login services, web browsers and others.”

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Sådan leder Facebooks AI efter indhold, der skal fjernes

MIT Technology Review:
“If the system decides that a video file contains problematic images or behavior, it can remove it automatically or send it to a human content reviewer. If it breaks the rules, Facebook can then create a hash—a unique string of numbers—to denote it and propagate that throughout the system so that other matching content will be automatically deleted if someone tries to re-upload it.”

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Rygte: Apple lancerer telefon uden porte i 2021

The Verge:
“Apple’s 2021 flagship iPhone will reportedly kill off the Lightning port, but USB-C fans (like myself) shouldn’t get too excited. According to Kuo’s note, Apple won’t replace the proprietary port with USB-C; rather, it will rely on an entirely wireless experience for charging and syncing, via 9to5Mac.”

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Alexa elsker Amazon-produkter

“But the initial Alexa responses are just another sign of Amazon’s aggressiveness in promoting its own brands, whether they are gadgets like the Echo family of smart speaker products and Ring doorbells or apparel lines like Goodthreads. Amazon’s Black Friday deals also predominately featured Amazon’s own brands ahead of others, according to an analysis by Quartz.”

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Google-CEO overtager ledelsen af Alphabet

The New York Times:
“Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the Stanford graduate students who founded Google over two decades ago, are stepping down from executive roles at Google’s parent company, Alphabet, they announced on Tuesday.

Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive, will become the chief of both Google and Alphabet.”

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Why Alphabet’s days could be numbered
Casey Newton / The Interface

Apple udpeger årets bedste iOS-apps og -spil

“For apps and games, Apple’s editors leaned on those that help people have fun, simplify life, express their creativity, and connect to friends, family and the world beyond. In 2019, apps made their mark by reflecting the zeitgeist of society and sitting at the nexus of digital and pop culture.”

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