Digital Ugerevy #48 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Ordet ‘samleje’ i en artikel får museum blokeret på Facebook
“‘Vi er ikke idioter. Vi kender godt Facebooks regler og er påpasselige, men da vi annoncerer for udstillingen ved at vise Politikens anmeldelse, bliver vi udelukket på grund af ordet samleje i anmeldelsens rubrik. Vi ønsker ikke at reklamere eller promovere porno – jeg har også børn, der er på Facebook – men her udelukker de os på grund af ord,’ siger Michael Thouber, museeumsdirektør på Kunsthal Charlottenborg.”
Twitter vil fjerne inaktive konti
The Verge:
“Twitter is sending out emails to owners of inactive accounts with a warning: sign in by December 11th, or your account will be history and its username will be up for grabs again. Any account that hasn’t signed in for more than six months will receive the email alert. “
Læs mere:
- Twitter has to finally figure out what to do with dead people / MIT Technology Review
Nu kan alle skjule svar på Twitter
“Starting this week, everyone on Twitter now has the option to “hide replies” on their tweets, a feature the company started testing earlier this year and one of several new ideas to improve the state of conversation on the platform. There are other, bolder ideas potentially coming down the pike, too: an option to disable retweets, remove an @ tag, or disallow people to @ mention them without permission.”
Facebook tester favoritter for Stories
Influencer-bureau konkurs
“Efter at have kørt med underskud og negativ egenkapital siden stiftelsen er det digitale bureau Gonzo Media med knap 30 ansatte begæret konkurs. Adm. direktør oplyser, at teknologisk udviklingsprojekt har trukket selskabet ned.”
Mere om den historie:
Facebook byggede app til ansigtsgenkendelse – til intern brug
“When asked for response by VentureBeat, a company spokesperson provided the following statement: ‘As a way to learn about new technologies, our teams regularly build apps to use internally. The app described here was only available to Facebook employees, and could only recognize employees and their friends who had face recognition enabled.'”
Sacha Baron Cohen i kritik af bl.a. Facebook
Artiklen kommer som en opfølgning til denne tale:
The Washington Post:
“Under this twisted logic, if Facebook were around in the 1930s, it would have allowed Adolf Hitler to post 30-second ads on his ‘solution’ to the ‘Jewish problem.'”
Mere om Cohens kritik:
- Sacha Baron Cohen unloads on Facebook / The Interface
Virtuelle Instagram-profiler vinder på engagements
“I de senere år er der strømmet computerskabte influentere ind på Instagram og Youtube og helt nye beregninger fra Medietrends viser, at de virtuelle influenter skaber næsten fire gange så stort engagement, som de rigtige menneske-influenter.”
YouTube vil kombinere annoncer og “edgy” videoer
“Recently, though, YouTube has been running a test with advertisers who are comfortable appearing next to more “edgy” content. In her quarterly letter to creators published last week, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said, “In its first month, this program resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in ads on yellow icon videos.””
Britisk regerings Twitters-konto hacket
“The official Twitter account of the UK Government in Wales has been used to post pornography.”
Sådan håndterer TikTok politisk indhold
MIT Technology Review:
“German publication Netzpolitik has posted an excerpt from TikTok’s new moderation guidelines. The document shows that moderators don’t take down political and protest content, but are still told to prevent these videos from becoming popular. “
Mere TikTok:
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? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Det er risikabelt for medier at bruge hashtags
Nieman Lab:
“We found that using political hashtags is a risky way for news outlets to try to engage readers. When stories included a hashtag, people perceived the news topic to be less important, and they were less motivated to know more about related issues.”
Introduktion til ‘mikroøjeblikke’ for medier
What’s New In Publishing:
“Micro moments is the term which describes this now-ubiquitous digital reflex of turning to our smartphone when we want information, distraction or entertainment. It’s all about immediacy and whim. We expect to have our curiosity satiated at the exact point we think it might need satiating.”
Wikipedia-stifter vil ansætte journalister
Press Gazette:
“Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales plans to a hire a small number of journalists for a “news-focused social network” in the hopes of finding an audience for his failed crowd-sourced news platform Wikitribune.”
Hvad har konspirationsteoretikere på Reddit tilfælles?
Plos One / Forskningsartikel:
“Using a retrospective case control study design, we analyzed how Reddit users who would go on to engage with a conspiracy-related forum differed from other users in the language they use, differences in the social environments where they posted, and potential interactions between the two factors.”
Scribd henter 58 mio. dollars
“The company first launched as a document-sharing service in 2007 before creating an e-book subscription in 2013. It now offers access to a library of e-books, audiobooks, newspapers and magazines for $8.99 per month. (Access is unlimited for most subscribers, but Scribd can cap the reading and listening of its most active users.)”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
9 ud af 10 dagblade arbejder med digital betalingsstrategi
“En ny rapport fra Infomedia viser, at 87 pct. af dagbladene har indført brugerbetaling online. Samlet er det dog kun en mindre andel af de danske medier, der arbejder med en digital betalingsstrategi.”
Læs hele analysen på »
JP/Pol, Berlingske og TV 2 bag ny reklameplatform
“Platformen bliver lanceret i første kvartal af 2020 og har på nuværende tidspunkt arbejdstitlen Publicistplatformen. Tanken er, den skal være et dansk alternativ i konkurrencen med udenlandske techselskaber som Google og Facebook, der napper en stadig større andel af de digitale annoncekroner – sidste år 61 pct.”
Mere om den historie:
- Ny reklameplatform får både ros og forbehold med på vejen fra annoncørside / MediaWatch
- Flere mediehuse ser fordele i at deltage i fælles reklameplatform / MediaWatch
- Mediehuse vil kæmpe sig tilbage på digitalt annoncemarked med 1 milliard sidevisninger / MediaWatch
Derfor er det svært at skalere podcasts på abonnement
What’s New In Publishing:
“Why is it so difficult to scale podcast subscriptions? Mostly because of the technical difficulties associated with any subscription offering. Podcast listening is fragmented across dozens of apps, and while a few individual apps offer some kind of paid membership capabilities, that means you can only offer subscriptions to people who listen to you through that specific app. The Apple Podcast app, which has, by far, the largest market share of podcast listening, doesn’t provide any in-app payment processing functionality. “
The Economist henter abonnenter via sociale medier
“Since changing its social media strategy to drive traffic from social media back to its own pages where people can register and, ultimately, subscribe, the publisher has grown monthly referral traffic from social media platforms by 180%. Now, about a third of its site traffic comes from social platforms, said Kevin Young, head of social at The Economist, although he was unwilling to share specific figures on how many subscribers this is driving.”
Financial Times laver konsulentfirma
What’s New In Publishing:
“The consulting firm, FT Strategies, draws on the FT’s data scientists, product managers and digital experts, and uses the FT’s deep experience and expertise in data and technology, to help organisations build successful customer-focused businesses.”
Høj læsetid øger risiko for churn
“På to af de tre medier stiger risikoen for at læserne opsiger abonnementet, hvis de bruger meget tid på websitet. Forskerne vurderer, at læserne oplever det som tidspilde og at de måske søger hen, hvor de kan blive informeret hurtigere og mere effektivt.”
Aller laver enhed til digital transformation
“I spidsen for den nye enhed vil stå Lars Kroløkke med titel af direktør. Han har været en del af Aller Media siden 2014 og kommer senest fra et job som Head of Business Projects. De opgaver, som Lars Kroløkke skal varetage i sit nye direktørjob, ligger i “spændingsfeltet mellem teknologi, data og forretning”, skriver Aller Media i en pressemeddelelse.”
Bonnier lukker innovationshub
“Swedish media company Bonnier News is closing its 2-year-old innovation hub, Bonnier News Next, and will task existing staffers at each of its publishing brands responsible for designing new, revenue-generating products instead.”
Sådan går de store medier efter internationale abonnenter
“The New York Times’ international subscriber base has seen a nearly tenfold increase since Mark Thompson became CEO in 2012, totaling some 525,000 people today. The Times is projecting a fourfold increase in that number over the next six years.”
Blacklists giver medier hovedpiner
“A single word, without the right context, can misrepresent the meaning of the article, leading clients to restrict ads from running on it. Sports writers invariably use the word “shoot” for scoring a goal, but publishers find this word is often on these lists due to connotations with violence, demonetizing any content featuring it.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Berners-Lee vil redde web med støtte fra bl.a. Facebook og Google
The Verge:
“Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web, has officially launched the Contract for the Web, a set of principles designed to “fix” the internet and prevent us from sliding into a “digital dystopia,” The Guardian reports. The contract lists nine core principles for governments, companies, and individuals to adhere to, including responsibilities to provide affordable, reliable internet access and to respect civil discourse and human dignity.”
Google ruller ‘AMP for Email’ ud i Gmail-app
Marketing Land:
“Google has announced that the Gmail app for Android and iOS will be rolling out support for AMP for Email, the dynamic content feature that allows users to interact directly within emails. The update is available to all G Suite editions and will be set to “on” by default. Users viewing emails through a third-party app will receive a static version of the email.”
Firefox vil blokere IABs DigiTrust ID
“Mozilla intends to block the DigiTrust consortium from tracking users in its Firefox browser, a blow for the IAB-led effort to create a standardized online user ID that’s designed to reduce the online ad industry’s reliance on third-party cookies.”
Læs også:
Microsoft og Sony uenige om VR
“Spencer’s take apparently didn’t sit well with Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida, who led the company’s worldwide studios through much of the growth of PlayStation VR — a headset that has, in fact, sold well over 4 million units.”
Amazon giver Alexa skuffelse og begejstring
Lyt til eksemplerne i The Verge-artiklen. Det er ret imponerende, at det er en syntestisk stemme.
The Verge:
“You might hear a little more emotion from Alexa’s vaguely-robotic voice some time soon, as Amazon announced todaythat developers can now have Alexa respond to questions from US users with a ‘happy/excited’ or a ‘disappointed/empathetic’ tone.”
Nyt MitID vil formentlig kunne bruges til Google-tjenester
“NemID-afløseren MitID får følgeskab af en U2F-enhed, som Digitaliseringsstyrelsen forventer kan bruges til at logge på blandt andet Google med.”