Digital Ugerevy #11 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook forbyder reklamer for ansigtsmasker
“Facebook vil rulle et forbud mod reklamer for ansigtsmasker ud over sin platform i de kommende dage, ligesom et direkte salg af ansigtsmasker og andre sundhedsprodukter, der er relateret til det aktuelle udbrud af coronavirus, er forbudt på Facebook.”
Google går nu samme vej, skriver CNBC,
Facebook fjerner Trump-annoncer
Associated Press:
“Facebook on Thursday began taking down ads for the reelection campaign of President Donald Trump that direct people to a survey labeled a “census,” hours after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said people would confuse it with the once-a-decade head count.”
Facebook-contractors kan ikke arbejde hjemme
The Intercept:
“Like other tech firms scrambling in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, Facebook is encouraging staff worldwide to work from home, part of a so-called social distancing strategy to slow the new coronavirus’s spread. But some in the social network’s army of contract workers, already often treated like second-class employees, have complained that they have no such luxury and are being asked to choose between their jobs and their health.”
Instagram tester begrænsning af flere profiler på én gang
Social Media Today:
“After first launching its ‘Restrict’ option to help users better manage their comment streams last October, Instagram is now testing a new process which would enable people to Restrict multiple users in one action, direct from their comments listing.”
Læs om The Telegraphs Instagram-strategi
“It is surprising given many publishers are told that audiences do not want to be diverted off the platform and therefore native content is key for engaging with social media audiences. But Zaffarano has proved that audiences can be persuaded to leave the platform with the right motivation.”
Instagram gør det nu også lettere at finde info om coronavirus
Social Media Today:
“Following the latest announcements around coronavirus-related content measures from Facebook and Twitter, Instagram has now also detailed how it’s working to guide users towards accurate, relevant updates on the situation.”
Facebook og Twitter optrevler russisk-støttet kampagne
The Hill:
“Facebook and Twitter on Thursday announced they have dismantled a Russia-backed online interference campaign targeting African Americans.
The campaign was based out of Ghana and Nigeria, marking Russia’s latest attempt to obfuscate how it’s working to sow discord on U.S. soil by propping up volunteers and workers from foreign nations.”
Ny Twitter-klient har – en slags – redigering af tweets
The Verge:
“The undo button allows subscribers to set a delay between when they type and send their tweet and when it posts. They can choose between no delay, a 10-second delay, or a 10-minute delay. During that time, they can click “undo,” which cancels the tweet and gives them time to edit.”
Trump rammer Twitters nye “manipulated media”-mærkat
The Washington Post:
“Twitter applied its new “manipulated media” label for the first time on Sunday to a deceptively edited video of former vice president Joe Biden. The video was shared by White House social media director Dan Scavino and retweeted by President Trump.”
…og Twitter er ikke alene:
“Facebook flags Biden video from Trump’s social media director as ‘partly false’”
Twitter-CEO overlever, men hvad nu?
I Ugerevy #10 kunne du læse, at der var pres mod Twitters CEO, Jack Dorsey, fordi han er CEO for to firmaer og planlagde en længere tur til Afrika – der nu er aflyst.
Faren ser dog ud til at være drevet over ved lidt udskiftning i bestyrelsen. Spørgsmålet er, hvad der så sker nu.
The Interface / Casey Newton:
“Noting the lightning speed at which Twitter capitulated — giving up three board seats within five business days of the first reports that Elliott had targeted the company — Galloway speculated that the new investors would press their advantage. What might that mean? Hiring a recruiter to find a new CEO, goes one thought. Taking the company off the public market, goes another. “Silver Lake does not buy shares in tech firms, it takes them private,” Galloway tweeted. “This was first step toward that end.””
De andre i brancen
Google fjerner corona-misinformation på YouTube og søgninger
“‘In a highly uncertain, fearful moment there will naturally be more disinformation,’ said Thomas Rid, a professor of strategic studies at Johns Hopkins University. ‘Right now, Google should absolutely emphasize results from the government agencies that can be trusted here, from research-based, evidence-based data.'”
Samtidig ser det ud til, at YouTube er knapt så strikse på at demonitasiere videoer, der omtaler coronavirus, som de var i sidste uge. The Verge skriver:
“YouTube is reassessing its policies in an effort to let some creators monetize videos they make about the novel coronavirus outbreak.”
Snapchat lancerer ‘Lens Web Builder’
Social Media Today:
“You can choose from a library of hundreds of 3D objects, animations, and effects to build your own custom branded AR Lens. You can also upload your own 2D assets (such as logos and images) to further customize the AR experience. Once you’re finished, you can select your Lenses in the Creative Library of Ads Manager when launching campaigns.“
LinkedIn gør kurser om hjemmearbejde gratis
Social Media Today:
“In the coming days, we will make 16 LinkedIn Learning courses available for free including tips on how to: stay productive, build relationships when you’re not face-to-face, use virtual meeting tools (Microsoft Teams, Skype, BlueJeans, Cisco Webex and Zoom), and balance family and work dynamics in a healthy way.“
Sådan får du det meste ud af Pinterest-trends
CMS Wire:
“‘With more users now than Snapchat and driving almost 4 times as much in sales as other social platforms, [Pinterest] is a formidable venue for increasing conversions,’ Pillar said. Pinterest Trends, in particular, is a powerful tool for gaining insight into what your target market is interested in. ‘It is another way of performing social listening, and essentially gives you a sneak peek into a virtually untapped universe of customer data.'”
WeChat brugere undgår corona-censur med emojis
BuzzFeed News:
“People on WeChat, the Chinese messaging app, are evading censors by translating a viral interview from a Wuhan, China, coronavirus whistleblower by rewriting it backward, filling it with typos and emojis, sharing it as a PDF, and even translating it into fictional languages like Klingon.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Information lancerer coronanyhedsbrev
Som du kunne læse i denne Nieman Lab-artikel, der var med i Ugerevy #10, er der flere medier, der i øjeblikket starter nyhedsbreve om coronavirusset. Ofte er det såkaldte “popup-nyhedsbreve”, der betyder, at de kun kører, mens emnet er tilstrækkeligt relevant.
Nu følger danske Information trop, og du kan tilmelde dig gratis.
Værktøjskasse til journalister, der dækker coronavirusset
“Værktøjskasse” er måske ikke helt det rigtige ord. Egentlig er det en række links til vigtige ressourcer (okay, nogle af dem er værkøjer) om coronavirusset. Den er udgivet hos Society of Professional Journalists.
DR lover bedre kvalitet på stream end på flow
“En lang række teknologiske opdateringer er på vej til det nye DRTV, som blandt andet er klar med en ny app til Android TV. ‘Vi kommer til at tilbyde en bedre billedkvalitet på streaming end på traditionel flow-tv på sigt,’ lyder det også. Bliv klogere på de nye teknologiske tiltag for den danske streamingtjeneste her.”
Nyt WaPo-nyhedsbrev indeholder kun én historie
Nieman Lab:
“Enter Drop Me The Link, a new politics newsletter from The Washington Post that promises to deliver election news in a manageable dose. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon, the Post will send a single link to a Post politics story alongside context that will help readers understand the news — and talk about it with friends.”
Google lancerer ny Lens AR-integration med NY Times
Social Media Today:
“This week, Google has launched a new initiative, in partnership with The New York Times, which will enable users to scan in elements of the physical NYT publication in order to get further context and information via the AR capacity of Google Lens.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
BT præsenterer millionoverskud
“Markante nedskæringer på udgifter til aviser og ansatte har skabt et millionoverskud hos B.T. ”Vi har flyttet et medie fra at være truet på eksistensen til at være i god form,” siger Michael Dyrby. Han afviser, at det – trods flest næser i Pressenævnet i 2019 – har kostet journalistisk”
Hvordan coronavirusset kan skade mediebrancen
Columbia Journalism Review:
“Still, the disruption caused by the coronavirus risks impinging on news organizations’ ability to function. As I wrote earlier this week, routine reporting will become harder the more society is walled off. And as Joshua Benton, of Nieman Lab, has noted, the virus has the potential to pull the bottom out of an advertising market that has been tough on many media companies for years. Last week, the Times said it was already seeing an advertising slowdown, which executives attribute to uncertainty caused by the virus—and that was before the rapid escalation of recent days. If the economy tips into recession, the effect on advertising could be dire.”
Medier fjerner paywall ifm. coronavirus
“Publishers from The Atlantic and The Philadelphia Inquirer to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg News have each made coronavirus coverage available to non-subscribers. The decision for these outlets was an easy one, even for those who have recently put up paywalls as a way to get people to pay for subscriptions or memberships.”
“Danske dagblade giver fri adgang til corona-artikler”
Aflyste arrangementer presser medier
For flere udgivere er arrangementer blevet et godt ekstra indtjeningsben i en diversificeret forretningsmodel. Det bliver nu udfordret af coronavirusset.
“The continuing spread of coronavirus has put that promise on hold, with consumers staying home, marketers holding back requests for proposals and insurance companies refusing to issue event cancellation policies that would cover coronavirus, as actuaries struggle to figure out the scope and consequences of the disease.”
Programmatic: Coronavirus kravler op ad block-listerne
“The media industry has braced for shocks to their ad revenues as the coronavirus ripples through the global economy. But publishers may have to deal with short-term pain too, as brands and platforms add terms associated with the disease to their keyword block lists.”
“Mediehuse melder om annoncører i bakgear på grund af coronafrygt”
BuzzFeed-CEO: Vi har ændret, hvordan vi tjener penge
“A few years ago most of the company’s revenue came from native advertising — in 2020 that category will bring in just 20%. Other parts of the revenue pie — commission on purchases driven by BuzzFeed content, as well as BuzzFeed’s own branded products — have grown enough for the company to bring in $320 million in 2019, and for BuzzFeed to forecast profitability.”
Slates erfaringer: “Med i motorrummet”-indhold gav intet
…men det gjorde bonus podcast-episoder til gengæld.
Nieman Lab:
“Probably our biggest group of members join because of our podcast benefit. Members get ad-free feeds and bonus content, including entire bonus episodes, like a special episode of Political Gabfest looking at South Carolina and Super Tuesday that we dropped over the weekend for members only. For all three seasons of Slow Burn, between six and eight primary episodes in the series were ad-supported, so anybody could listen to them; but for each one of those episodes, there was an entire bonus episode that was for members only.”
Boliga skruer ned for bannere
“Boligportalen Boliga har skabt en forretning ved at fokusere på boligmarkedet i en digital tid. Markedsføringen tester løbende kanaler, og lige nu virker radio, mens bannerannoncer er parkeret.”
Mars vil hellere måle opmærksomhed end sidevisninger
“Attention metrics are enjoying somewhat of a second wind currently as more advertisers mull whether to ditch easily gamed hygienic metrics in favor of better proxies for media quality. This shift has been accelerated by the fact that targeting data will get harder to access as third-party cookies are purged from Google’s Chrome browser over the next two years. The removal of this data will force advertisers to reevaluate how they prove they measure the effectiveness of the ads, which is why some are turning to attention-based metrics. “
Norsk rapport om reklamebranchen går verden rundt
Lige nu ser vi kun toppen af isbjerget, lyder det.
“Rapporten skildrer en annonceindustri, som udnytter forbrugerne og systematisk bryder loven.”
? Udvikling, design og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Her er 200 coronavirusikoner til gratis brug
Icon Finder:
“The icons can be used for hand-washing instructions, hygiene recommendations, and other initiatives fighting the virus spread. Feel free to add them to signs, posters, flyers, and similar.”
Chrome og YouTube vil blokere “intrusive” annoncer i korte videoer
What’s New In Publishing:
“Chrome will begin enforcing new standards August 5, 2020. Sites that continue to show disruptive ads that do not meet Chrome’s new standards will have all ads blocked by the browser. AdSense and DoubleClick will update their product plans to meet the new Google compliance standards for video ads. YouTube will be “reviewed for compliance with the Standards” notes Google.”
Svensk millionbøde til Google ifm. retten til at blive glemt
“Sweden’s Data Protection Authority (DPA) has slapped Google with a 75 million kronor ($8 million) fine for “failure to comply” with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) after the internet giant reportedly failed to adequately remove search result links under right-to-be-forgotten requests. In a notable twist, the DPA also demanded that Google refrain from informing website operators their URLs will be de-indexed.”
Berners-Lee: Internettet er ikke sikkert for kvinder
The Guardian:
“Women and girls face a “growing crisis” of online harms, with sexual harassment, threatening messages and discrimination making the web an unsafe place to be, Sir Tim Berners-Lee has warned.”