Uge 14, 2019

Facebook havde en rimelig vild weekend og overvejer samtidig dedikeret område til nyheder. BBC eksperimenterer med semi-automatisering, og tre danskere har startet en ny streaming-tjeneste for podcasts.
Og så var det ugen, hvor vi tog afsked med Google+. Alt det og meget mere i denne uges opsamling.
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Om Digital Ugerevy
Dette er stedet, hvor du kan få overblikket. Det handler om nye medier, sociale platforme og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Det er dit brief på, hvad der er sket i ugen, så du kommer up-to-date, mens du nyder din morgenkaffe.
Digital Ugerevy har mere end 500 følgere, der arbejder indenfor journalistik, kommunikation, markedsføring, digital udvikling og ledelse.
Se hvad nogle af følgerne siger
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Australien vil dømme platforme for at dele vold
Australia’s Parliament passed legislation on Thursday that could imprison social media executives if their platforms stream real violence such as the New Zealand mosque shootings.
Og det er muligvis ikke kun i Australien, det bliver sådan:
Social media bosses could be liable for harmful content, leaked UK plan reveals
Opsamling på Facebooks vilde weekend
After an already busy week for the social media platform—including a lawsuitfrom the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as a policy changeregarding white nationalist and separationist content—five major Facebook stories broke over the last few days, including a Washington Postop-edin which CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls for the social network to be regulated. Here’s what you need to know to get caught up.
Bemærk, at Zuckerbergs ønske om mere regulering formentlig handler om at beskytte Facebook.
Facebook overvejer område dedikeret til nyheder
Zuckerberg overvejer angiveligt også at ansætte redaktører til at hjælpe med udvælgelsen.
“We’re not going to have journalists making news,” said the social network boss, who explained the aim of the new feature would be to promote material produced by third parties. “What we want to do is make sure that this is a product that can get people high-quality news.”
Zuckerberg also said he is considering whether Facebook should start paying news publishers to include their articles in this news section in order to reward “high-quality, trustworthy content”.
Facebook løfter sløret for NewsFeed-algoritmen
Nu vil Facebook gøre det muligt for os at se, hvorfor vi ser specifikke opslag:
Eksempelvis at du er Facebook-ven med forfatteren, at du ofte liker posteringer fra afsenderen, at du ofte kommenterer denne type posteringer, at denne postering ofte likes af personer, der deler dine interesser og lignende.
Facebook køber sig til positiv omtale
Facebook is paying The Daily Telegraph to run a series of positive sponsored stories about it.
Millioner af Facebook-brugeres data lå frit tilgængeligt
In the researchers’ write-up, Mexico-based digital media company Cultura Colectiva left more than 540 million records — including comments, likes, reactions, account names and more — stored on the Amazon S3 storage server without a password, allowing anyone to access the data.
De andre:
BBC-journalister får forbud mod at tweete stærkt politisk
The BBC has emailed all news staff warning they could face internal sanctions if they express strong political views on Twitter, after several members of staff went public with their complaints that BBC programmes are debating the rights and wrongs of teaching children about tolerance for LGBT people.
BBC har fordoblet trafikken fra LinkedIn
In the last 12 months, BBC News has increased output from around three to five posts a day, a mix of motivational, inspirational content, topics relating to identity, psychology and relationships, even housing.
Misinformation: YouTube har gjort for lidt for sent
But as a major feature story published by Bloomberg earlier this week points out, YouTube has known about the problems associated with its recommendation algorithm for some time, and has done little or nothing about it.
“Terrorists use the internet in much the same way as other people.” How should tech companies deal with it?
Farvel til Google+

Facebook-konkurrenten har igennem årene haft svært ved at lokke brugere ombord på det sociale medie, og efter at platformen blev ramt af at omfattende datalæk sidste år, blev planerne om lukning fremskyndet.
Snap lancerer AR-platform
Previously, Snapchat’s camera could identify songswith Shazam and recognize objects so you could buy them on Amazon. But now instead of just offering a few scattered tools, Snapchat is crystallizing its plan to let you reveal hidden information about the world around you.
…og spilplatform
Snap is unlocking a new revenue stream while giving you something to do between chats and Stories. Today Snapchat debuts its Snap Games platform that lets you play real-time, multiplayer games while texting and talking with your friends.
…og tester nye kortværktøjer
As uncovered by social app researcher Jane Manchun Wong, Snap’s developing on a new UI for its Snap Map, which would include the ability to check-into locations with a chosen Bitmoji character.
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
What counts as a video view? A refresher on how social platforms calculate video ad views
Marketing Land
7 LinkedIn Mobile Features That Accelerate Relationship Building and Lead Gen
Social Media Today
5 Tips for Managing a Social Media Crisis
Social Media Today
? Tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Segmentering giver fagmedier digital medvind
Fagmedierne Folkeskolen og Fagbladet FOA har oplevet digital medvind de sidste par år, hvilket ikke kun skyldes medlemsnære nyhedshistorier, men også faglig fokusering og segmentering, mener fagmediernes chefredaktører.
BBC eksperimenterer med “semiautomatisering”
You might have seen some stories on the BBC News website that say they were generated using “some automation”. BBC News Labs’ Roo Hutton explains how we’re experimenting with semi-automated journalism to bring you even more relevant local stories.
Kortet, der kan finde konstruktive journalister over hele verden
Launched by the Constructive Journalism Network, the CoJo map aims to promote collaboration amongst newsrooms, universities and journalists who report on solutions rather focusing on the problems
Der er mulighed for at tilføje sig selv til kortet.
Sådan ser det ud for Danmark (tryk på billedet for at se det rigtige kort):

Reaktioner på Apple News+
One week with Apple News Plus: a messy but good-enough Netflix for magazines
Sådan prøvede Apple at få NYTimes og WaPo med
“They put a tremendous amount of pressure on,” one source said. “Eddy Cue was in and out of their offices really trying to woo them.” Cue’s elevator pitch, according to people familiar with the discussions, was, “We’ll make you the most-read newspaper in the world.”
Apple News+ could lead to a massive value destruction for the magazine industry
Apples nye platform er langt hen ad vejen baseret på Texture, som Apple købte for et års tid siden. Nu bliver Texture lukket, og dermed står blandt andet Android-brugere uden deres magasin-app.
Smarte højttalere i fremmarch – følger nyheder med?
“Forming a relationship with people on their speakers in the kitchen may make it easier to form a relationship with them on their headphones and in their cars.”
Medier mangler strategi for arkivering
What we found was that the majority of news outlets had not given any thought to even basic strategies for preserving their digital content, and not one was properly saving a holistic record of what it produces.
BuzzFeeds udviklingschef forlader virksomheden
[Ze] Frank, who has been serving as the head of research and development at BuzzFeed since 2018, will remain an adviser to the company.
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Danskere starter streaming-tjeneste for podcasts
I spidsen for Podimo står serieiværksætteren Morten Strunge, og han har selskab af den tidligere underdirektør i Tivoli Nikolaj Koppel og Sverre Dueholm. De tre stiftere tror ikke, at det bliver et problem til at få folk til at betale for deres podcasts, hvis ellers platformen og indholdet er godt nok.
Morten Strunges nye podcastsatsning har Heartbeats om bord – og flere på vej
Ugebrevet A4 relancerer med betalingsmur
Ugebrevet A4 skifter navn og vil lægge en del af indholdet bag betalingsmur. Det bliver ikke nemt at trække private kunder ind i butikken, erkender chefredaktør, der samtidig mener, at mediet har trængt til at blive mere tidssvarende.
Kforum også klar med betalingsmur
Det meste af Kforums indhold vil fortsat være frit tilgængeligt, men mediet indfører nu et betalingsunivers med navnet Kforum Plus. Det skriver mediet på sin hjemmeside.
Politiken Nicher i minus – men holder planen
De to nichemedier i Politiken Nicher følger ifølge direktør planen og oplever vækst i både abonnements- og annoncesalg, men selskabet må notere et minus på bundlinjen for 2018. “Nye abonnementsmedier er jo dyre i opstartsfasen,” siger direktør.
Financial Times har 1 million abonnenter
The Financial Times now has 1 million paying readers, reaching its target a year ahead of schedule, thanks to a long-term view and a data-first approach that balances building products for new audiences while retaining current readers.
“My mentor said to give a date or a target but never both, but we did,” said the FT’s CEO, John Ridding. “Still, reaching 1 million hasn’t been easy; it’s really hard.”
The Guardian vil have 2 millioner betalende om tre år
The publisher’s CEO David Pemsel and editor-in-chief Katherine Viner outlined the new target in an email sent to staff on April 3.
? Udvikling

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Sådan får du det meste ud af dit design-team
What’s more, the organizations that saw the most concrete benefits treat it as a decision-making tool, whereas those who saw the least benefits approach design in a way that’s limited to improving the aesthetics of their app or website.
Google Home kan nu snakke og synge som John Legend
Singer John Legend is bringing his melodious voice to Google Assistant users in the United States. Starting today, users will be able to access Legend’s voice on any Home smart speaker, smart display, or smartphone.
Det fik Google Danmarks kommunikationschef til at tweete:
10 ways Google Assistant can make people’s lives easier
Sådan kan du måle din robots succes
A key metric in measuring your bot’s success (and ultimately your user’s satisfaction) is to measure the number of niceties your users say when interacting with it. The goal is to create a bot so good, so accommodating, forthcoming, intuitive, and friendly, that users cannot help but say “thanks” when ending the conversation.
DSB sender VR og AR i udbud
I et nyt udbud søger DSB en leverandør, der over de næste fire år skal levere færdige AR- og VR-løsninger. DSB ved ikke præcist, hvordan løsningerne skal bruges, men selskabet har gjort sig nogle tanker.