Uge 21, 2019

Om Digital Ugerevy
Dette er stedet, hvor du kan få overblikket. Det handler om nye medier, sociale platforme og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Det er dit brief på, hvad der er sket i ugen, så du kommer up-to-date, mens du nyder din morgenkaffe.
Digital Ugerevy har din ryg – her er de vigtigste historier om nye medier og digital udvikling fra påskedagene.
Digital Ugerevy har mere end 500 følgere, der arbejder indenfor journalistik, kommunikation, markedsføring, digital udvikling og ledelse.
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? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Hver 10. får primært nyheder fra sociale medier
Det er især personer med lav indkomst og indvandrere, der får deres nyhedsbehov dækket på de sociale medier frem for traditionelle kanaler.
Facebook strammer reglerne for live-kommentarer
Facebook is cracking down on its live-streaming service after it was used to broadcast the shocking mass shootings that left 50 dead at two Christchurch mosques in New Zealand in March. The social network said today that it is implementing a “one strike” rule that will prevent users who break its rules from using the Facebook Live service.
EU-studie: “Junknyheder” stortrives stadig på Facebook
A study carried out by academics at Oxford University to investigate how junk news is being shared on social media in Europe ahead of regional elections this month has found individual stories shared on Facebook’s platform can still hugely outperform the most important and professionally produced news stories, drawing as much as 4x the volume of Facebook shares, likes, and comments.
Partier bruger færre ressourcer på Facebook
For Venstre er hovedfokus på bl.a. traditionelle medier, outdoor og biografreklame, siger partisekretær til Politiken, mens Radikale Venstre satser på at møde vælgerne ansigt til ansigt.
Facebook: Ingen udenlandsk indblanding i valget
Med cirka en halv valgkamp overstået i Danmark er det dog ikke en udfordring, Facebook har oplevet i Danmark.
Det fortæller Martin Ruby, der er Facebooks politiske chef i Norden.
Facebook klar med to nye algoritmeændringer
As part of its ongoing effort to keep people engaged, and active on Facebook for longer, The Social Network has announced two News Feed algorithm updates this week, one focused on increasing the prevalence of posts from your closest friends, and the other aimed at reducing shallow, click-bait style content in feeds.
GlobalCoin: Facebooks valuta er klar næste år
The social media giant wants to start testing its crypto-currency, which has been referred to internally as GlobalCoin, by the end of this year.
3 milliarder falske Facebook-profiler slettet
I perioden oktober 2018 og til marts 2019 har Facebook fjernet mere end tre milliarder falske profiler.
Det er et rekordantal af falske brugere, der er blevet fjernet.
Facebook arbejder på nyt Stories-interface
As you can see here, the new layout – spotted by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong – adds a heap more options to the main screen. For comparison, this is the current Facebook Stories composer layout.
Spammere får Facebook-grupper taget ned
A Reddit thread on Wednesday called attention to many Facebook Groups’ privacy settings being changed to “secret.” The post generated more than 450 comments, with rumors that many Groups had been attacked by a spammer posting violating content that resulted in the Groups being removed by Facebook. Group admins were doing their best to avoid the issue to by switching their Group’s privacy settings to “secret.”
Cambridge Analytica giver Facebook rekrutteringsproblemer
More than half a dozen recruiters who left Facebook in recent months told CNBC that the tech company experienced a significant decrease in job offer acceptance rates after the March 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal
Nu kommer der horisontale videoer på IGTV
Instagram is opening up IGTV to horizontal videos in an effort to lower the barrier for individual video creators, publishers and brands to post to its long-form video platform. However, if Instagram really wanted to spur media companies’ and marketers’ adoption of IGTV, it may be better off opening up IGTV to ads.
Instagram tester opdeling af nye og gamle Likes
This would be a small, but helpful addition. According to a new finding by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, Instagram is testing out an option that would separate new and old likes on your posts, helping you to more easily see the latest activity, and take action on the same.
Instagram kopierer TikToks AI og Snapchats design
Instagram conquered Stories, but it’s losing the battle for the next video formats. TikTok is blowing up with an algorithmically suggested vertical one-at-a-time feed featuring videos of users remixing each other’s clips. Snapchat Discover’s 2 x infinity grid has grown into a canvas for multi-media magazines, themed video collections and premium mobile TV shows.
Oplysninger om Instagram-influencers lækket
The database, hosted by Amazon Web Services, was left exposed and without a password allowing anyone to look inside. At the time of writing, the database had over 49 million records — but was growing by the hour.
De andre:
Sagsanlæg kan ændre influencer-økonomien
The filing says that “the time is now for content creators, gamers and streamers to stop being taken advantage of through oppressive, unfair and illegal agreements.”
YouTube ændrer visning af subscriber-tal
Instead of seeing a YouTuber’s exact subscriber count (for example, 10,500,000), people will see a flat 10 million. This may not seem like a major change for people who aren’t invested in the messy lives of YouTube creators, but for a culture reliant on active subscriber counts as a way of proving who’s winning or losing when drama occurs, real-time subscriber counts are crucial.
Kan medier skrue ned for deres Twitter-indsats?
Nogle kan, ser det i hvert fald ud til:
The Philadelphia Inquirer’s audience team stopped putting all their time into Twitter (and referral traffic stayed the same)
LinkedIn øger også gennemsigtighed ved annoncer
That’s why, this week, LinkedIn has followed the lead of Facebook and announced the addition of a new ad transparency tab for LinkedIn company pages, which will provide oversight into all the ads a company has run on the platform over the preceding six month period.
10 skarpe LinkedIn-tips
“By adding a photo and post text to your post, publishing, then clicking on the edit button to edit the post and add in the relevant external link to your post, this seems to be a way of getting good interaction on your posts as it confuses the Linkedin algorithm into thinking the link is an internal platform one.”
TikTok-ejer klar med chat-app
The new offer is called Feiliao (飞聊), or Flipchat in English, a hybrid of an instant messenger plus interest-based forums, and it’s currently available for both iOS and Android. It arrived only four months after Bytedance unveiled its video-focused chatting app Duoshan at a buzzy press event.
Der kommer flere annoncer på TikTok, men kvaliteten er lav
The ads themselves are quite basic. Some, like one for GO Keyboard, are not even formatted to vertical video. Others, like one for Facetune, are simply a photo that lasts about 10 seconds. One ad for an app called the 30 Day Fitness Challenge shows a cartoon belly flattening. Both of those ads are rather cringe-inducing and arguably problematic for TikTok’s young audience
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
7 Video Trends That Will Dominate in 2019 and Beyond [Infographic]
Social Media Today
5 KPIs for Social Media Reporting
The Secret to a Successful Facebook Ad Strategy (That No One Tells You)
Ignite Visibility
The Smallest Viable Audience: How Micro-Influencers are Changing Marketing
Social Media Today
? Tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Dansk podcastindeks lanceres 1. juni
Hvad går danskerne rundt med i ørerne, når de streamer og downloader podcast i Danmark? Det har der hidtil ikke været et samlet overblik over, men det kommer der fra den 1. juni i år.
Hvis du er nysgerrig på podcaststatistik, skal du også kigge på Eric Ziengs Dansk Podcast Analyse.
Kig og lær: 103 eksempler på datajournalistik
Our jury of international experts has gathered and debated. The 607 projects we received this year have been reviewed, and the list is finally ready. 103 projects of the highest standards have been shortlisted for this year’s Data Journalism Awards competition.
Ansigtsgenkendelse viser mest skærmtid til Lars Løkke
Derfor har Mediernes Forsknings- og Innovationscenter på Syddansk Universitet kortlagt, hvor lang tid partilederne har fået på tv under de første 14 dage af valgkampen.
“Junkmedier” har indsamlet penge ulovligt
De kontroversielle netmedier 24Nyt, NewSpeek og Den Korte Avis, som et ekspertpanel i Politiken har stemplet som ’junkmedier’, har i årevis indsamlet penge uden tilladelse. Det er i strid med indsamlingsloven, som skal sikre gennemsigtighed, og at pengene bruges på det, de er indsamlet til.
Indsamlingslov spænder ben for moderne, innovativ medieøkonomi
24syv klar til at lukke podcast-platform
Det er ikke kun Radio24syv, der står til at lukke og slukke ved udgangen af oktober. Også den selvstændige, kommercielle podcastplatform 24syv bliver smidt i skraldespanden under et år efter lanceringen, hvis ikke radiokanalen lever videre, siger adm. direktør.
Politiken Nicher på vej med nyt medie
Efter første lancering i 2017 og den næste året efter er Politiken Nicher på vej med det tredje nichemedie i familien. Det vil have fokus på sundhed og forebyggelse.
Sony Music går ind på podcasting-markedet
The new entity, which has yet to be named, is structured as follows: Sony Music will own 50 percent while Mayer and Davidson each hold 25 percent, with the former taking responsibility of the various business aspects (marketing, sales, distribution, business development, and so on) and the latter two focusing solely on the creative side. According to the Variety writeup, Sony Music is also investing an undisclosed sum.
Sådan forbereder journalistuddannelser sig på fremtiden
After reading through Nieman Lab’s “Predictions for Journalism in 2019,” we identified four areas of emphasis – data, local news, social media and business models – that will be crucial for journalism students to spend time on. We interviewed five journalism educators across the country who lead especially forward-looking programs and courses within those areas.
Stor vækst i antallet af e-bøger
Lydbøger er i kraftig vækst med en stigning i antallet af udgivelser på mere end 100 pct. mellem 2017 og 2018, viser nye tal fra Dansk Biblioteks Center.
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Mitt Media har succes med paywall på tid
Across 20 of MittMedia’s sites, all content published is open for the first hour in order to drive the maximum reach before readers hit the paywall. Articles are marked with “provläs till,” which translates as “test read,” with the time it’s accessible until in green text. According to the publisher, opening up all content for the first 60 minutes has led to an increased subscriber conversion rate of 20%. The publisher was unable to share specific numbers.
WSJ bruger kobler paywall og kommentarer
Since last month, the publisher has reduced how many articles it opens for comments and put them all behind a paywall — a strategy that’s starting to pay off. The publisher has claimed a higher number of subscribers now reading and writing comments, from a broader demographic than previously.
Dagens Nyheter halverede deres churn
The first four to six months after subscribing is a crucial window for building habits. The publisher experiments how it pushes products like its app, daily e-paper, audio articles, newsletters and push notifications. It also plans to focus on comments, an area it says can drive more loyalty.
Mange medier viser annoncer til deres abonnenter
But according to data from a Digiday survey of 99 executives at publishers with subscription products, the majority of publishers are still using advertising to extract greater revenue from their paying audiences beyond just subscription fees. 74%of respondents said they currently serve advertising to their paying subscribers.
Sådan vil The Guardian nå flere donationer i USA
While The Guardian U.S. accounts for 30% of the publisher’s worldwide audience, those readers have made more than 50% of the individual donations The Guardian has received in the past year, said Evelyn Webster, Guardian U.S. CEO.
Boston Globe har flere abonnenter på digitalt end print
“While there were specific tactics employed including experimenting with the meter model and introductory offers — high traffic, the coverage, and highly converting content, particularly the Spotlight series on Aaron Hernandez was a major driver of the surge,” Brown said in an email to the Business Journal. “We also extended our mobile offerings, with iOS and Android apps for digital subscribers.”
Medium-CEO holder fast i abonnementsmodellen
For Williams, Medium’s subscription business model is an answer for publishers looking to escape the collapsing digital ad market, which is now largely dominated by Facebook and Google. And he thinks that partnering with publishers and hiring journalists to produce original content will ultimately grow subscriptions.
Annoncer kan målrettes baseret på dine følelser
The idea is that emotion is just another metric. Companies are increasingly skittish about buying ads paired with content that doesn’t match their brand “story” or pinpoint a highly specific target audience with just the right “values.” Having a list of emotions in front of them means they can — within the limits of publishers’ machine-learning capabilities — ensure that their brand is experienced in exactly the right context.
Amazon Is Working on a Device That Can Read Human Emotions
Google blokerer vildledende anti-abort-annoncer
Google has changed its advertising policy after facing scrutiny for providing tens of thousands of dollars in free advertising to an anti-abortion group that runs misleading ads designed to deter women from terminating their pregnancies.
Salt Lake Tribune vil overleve som nonprofit
The Tribune’s weekday circulation has dropped to 32,000 from roughly 61,000 in 2014. Ad revenue plunged 40 percent during Mr. Huntsman’s first two years at the helm, and he has been paying employees out of his own pocket.
Annoncebranchen gør sig klar til flere GDPR-bøder
“There is a certain amount of complacency setting in,” said Andrew Buckman, COO of ad tech vendor Sublime. “Until a lot of people get a wrist slap [from regulators,] then people will carry on in this way and say, what’s the point if it is reducing my revenue?”
Game of Thrones’ betydning for medieøkonomien
Along with Trump, GoTcontent has propelled digital journalism. But what will happen when it’s over? And is this the end of appointment television?
? Udvikling

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
5 tips til dine A/B-test
Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’re ready to expand on your campaign’s fundamental elements. Review the following best practices for opportunities to improve your email A/B testing campaigns.
Apple vil gøre annonce-tracking til standard
In its latest missive to web developers and advertisers, Apple today announced a new Safari feature designed to protect user privacy while allowing advertisers to track ad clicks — a technology it is offering to a web standards group to inspire its adoption across other browsers.
Google giver AI-millioner til kamp mod misinformation
Fact-checking charity Full Fact has been awarded a $2 million (£1.6 million) grant by Google’s AI Impact Challenge to help them in its efforts to combat misinformation online.Kan du sætte nye digitale medier på landkortet og gå mod strømmen i mediebilledet?
Irland vil kigge i Googles datastrømme
Næsten på årsdagen for GDPR bebuder den irske databeskyttelsesmyndighed nu en undersøgelse af Googles brug og behandling af persondata i forbindelse med virksomhedens auktioner over annoncepladser internettet.
Sådan vinder Finland kampen mod “Fake News”
The course is part of an anti-fake news initiative launched by Finland’s government in 2014 – two years before Russia meddled in the US elections – aimed at teaching residents, students, journalists and politicians how to counter false information designed to sow division.
Næste version af Google Assistent er på vej
Google er på trapperne med næste generation af den personlige assistent, Google Assistant. “Det bliver svært for Apple at komme på omgangshøjde,” hedder det.
Handelskrig: Google blokerer Huawei
The suspension could hobble Huawei’s smartphone business outside China as the tech giant will immediately lose access to updates to Google’s Android operating system. Future versions of Huawei smartphones that run on Android will also lose access to popular services, including the Google Play Store and Gmail and YouTube apps.
Tech-redaktør: Android-restriktioner er en katastrofe for Google
Er Huawei truet på livet? Her er konsekvenserne af Google-forbud og amerikansk modstand
The US government’s ongoing battle with Chinese telecom giant Huawei, explained
Google’s Huawei restrictions are a wake-up call for all Android phone makers