Digital Ugerevy #38 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
6 ud af 10 politikere blev chikaneret under valgkampen
“Over halvdelen af de danske folketingskandidater modtog hadefulde beskeder under valget. Hvordan er det at modtage de beskeder? Vi spurgte seks politikere.”
Facebook lancerer Portal TV
“Facebook wants to takeover your television with a clip-on camera for video calling, AR gaming and content co-watching. If you can get past the creepiness, the new Portal TV lets you hang out with friends on your home’s biggest screen.”
Her er planerne for Facebooks “højesteret”
BBC News:
“The firm insisted the panel, which will hear its first “cases” in 2020, will have power to override decisions it makes over contentious material and influence new policy.
The idea, dubbed the Facebook supreme court, will eventually comprise 40 people around the world, but will be smaller at first.”
Facebook klar med AR-annoncer til efteråret
“Would you interact with a digital ad featuring polls, games, augmented reality (AR), or some Frankensteinian combination of the three? Facebook seems to think so. The social network this morning announced it will broadly launch three new ad units on its platform, starting with polls and playable ads in the mobile News Feed and followed by AR ads in beta globally this fall.”
Apple seeks patent on retinal hologram projectors for AR glasses
Annonce-funktion til overskrift på Facebook får kritik
“Advertisers on Facebook are able to completely rewrite the displayed headline for news stories, CBC News has learned, opening the door for potential disinformation to spread on the platform while using news media branding as cover.”
Facebook træner AI med skydetræning
“Videoer af amerikanske og britiske betjente, der er på træningsøvelser, skal forhindre, at brugere på Facebook kan sende masseskyderier live på det social medie.”
Nye videoværktøjer fra Facebook
“The highlights include better ways to prep for and simulcast live broadcasts, ways to take better advantage of Watch Party events, new metrics to track video performance and a much-anticipated option to schedule Instagram/IGTV content for up to six months in advance.”
De andre
Instagram sætter ind overfor diæter og plastikoperationer
Social Media Today:
“After consulting with various experts on mental health and wellbeing, Instagram has announced that it will implement new restrictions on posts related to diet products and cosmetic surgery.”
YouTube strammer verificeringen
“YouTube’s verification program is getting a massive overhaul, the company announced today, which will likely result in a number of less prominent creators losing their verification status.”
Nu kan amerikanere og japanere skjule svar på Twitter
Social Media Today:
“It’s an interesting experiment, and as noted in the results thus far, it does appear to be having the desired effect, prompting users to reconsider how they respond and engage on the platform. “
Snapchat overvejer også faneblade til nyheder
The Information:
“• Snap plans dedicated “tab” to highlight breaking news in app
• In early talks with news publishers about providing content for tab
• Snap aims to launch the news tab next year”
Snapchat tager selfies til 3D
The Verge:
“The 3D selfies captured in Snapchat can be shared on the app or saved to a user’s camera roll and shared elsewhere. Sharing outside the app will take away the ability for people to move their phone around to change the image’s perspective.”
Pinterest opdaterer den visuelle søgning
Marketing Land:
“The visual search technology that powers Pinterest’s Lens camera searches can now identify more than 2.5 billion objects within the fashion and home industry.”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
Facebook Publishes New Guide to Effective Brand Building
Social Media Today
Add a Poll to Facebook Video Ads and Posts
Jon Loomer
4 Key Elements of an Effective Social Media Strategy (and Tools to Help)
Social Media Today
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Podimo er gået i luften
Med mindre du har levet under en sten (eller bare haft virkelig travlt) har du nok set, at den nye podcast-app/-platform Podimo gik lige i ugens løb.
Journalisten spurgte Tav Klitgaard fra Zetland og mig om vores umiddelbare indtryk:
De første indtryk af Podimo: ”Jeg blev taget rigtigt fint i hånden”
Læs artiklen
Hos Kommunikationsforum har jeg skrevet en analyse, hvor jeg samler op på noget af det, der tidligere er blevet sagt og skrevet og giver mine “two cents”:
Podimo: podcasts med et pricetag
Læs analysen
Og der er blevet sagt og skrevet meget om Podimo rundt omkring. Tjek blot en Twitter-søgning på navnet.
Podimo fjerner JP-podcasts
“‘Redaktøren på Jyllands-Posten skrev til mig i går, og jeg svarede og beklagede, at vi var kommet til at lægge deres indhold på tjenesten. Vi havde heller ikke taget Politikens indhold, fordi vi ikke havde lavet en aftale med JP/Politikens hus. Så det var en fejl fra vores side, at Jyllands-Postens var kommet med,’ siger Morten Strunge, som håber og forventer, at der vil komme en aftale på plads med mediehuset.”
Podimo-stifter regner med 250.000 abonnenter
“‘Det gør man ved at skabe en masse indhold, som folk ikke kan leve uden. Og ved at skabe en platform, der er så god, at folk ikke kan leve uden den,’ siger [Morten Strunge] til [Politiken].”
Konsulent: Svært at få 200.000 til at betale for podcast
Pocket Casts gør app’en gratis og lancerer Plus-produkt
“At the same time, Pocket Casts is launching a monthly subscription called Pocket Casts Plus, where he said “power users and super users” can pay 99 cents a month or $10 a year for access to the desktop apps, cloud storage of their own audio and video files and exclusive app icons and themes.”
Du kan læse mere hos Pocket Casts selv.
Tips: Sådan får du lyttere til din podcast
“At a panel at the London Podcast Festival (14 September 2019), three hosts of podcasts aimed at underserved communities explained how they succeeded in getting their voices heard and expanding their pool of listeners.”
Why should publishers start a podcast?
What’s New In Publishing
NYTimes’ The Daily runder 1 mia. downloads
The New York Times Company:
“‘The Daily’ has reached a milestone, one billion downloads since its debut in early 2017. Lisa Tobin, Theo Balcomb and Michael Barbaro recap some highlights.”
Andre tendenser
Streaming: Netflix og DR er de mest populære
“Mere end hver anden bruger Netflix og DRTV, når de vil streame film eller serier. Det viser en undersøgelse fra Det Danske Filminstitut, der er foretaget af Yougov blandt 2500 deltagere (fra 15 år).”
Aggregering-app målrettet unge lanceret i Danmark
“Squid App giver brugerne mulighed for at sammensætte deres eget nyhedsfeed ud fra en række nyhedskategorie. Appen har til den danske udrulning hyret Morten Tastum, der også er tilknyttet som Arktis-analytiker, som landechef.”
Google fortæller mere om fokus på originalt indhold
Global Editors Network:
“The first step in addressing original reporting is to understand the changes in an evolving cluster of stories and understand the nature of those deltas — additional fact-based coverage? Analysis? Commentary? New media assets? Etc etc. What are the ‘signals’ that indicate an original report? Or a component of original reporting? Does it have some or many quotes? Are the quotes unique or redundant with other stories? Is there further ‘factual’ information and/or relevant analysis? Are there attributions to other parties?”
Google vil linke søgninger direkte ind i videoer
Social Media Today:
“This is interesting. Google has announced a new addition to Google Search which will link users to specific moments within a YouTube video that directly answer their Google query.”
BBC eksperimenterer med negative filtre på nyheder
“As one third of audience switches off from news, the public broadcaster is testing a tool that would allow readers to blur out stories that may impact their mental health”
The Guardian når 1 mio. YouTube-abonnenter
“Another benefit to YouTube is that there’s a longer shelf life to videos that news publishers don’t always enjoy, said Bennett. On YouTube, typically 50% of the views are not in the first 24 hours, unlike on news sites where 80% of the views tend to be in the first 24 hours.”
Klik: Den tabte generation af journalister
“The cheap clicks era has left behind a jaded generationof journalists.”
Nyt AP-værktøj vil standardisere datajournalistik
“It sounds like an arcane, almost bureaucratic problem, but the structure of data journalism is often a Wild West in need of a lasso. Data journalists rely on multiple programming languages and countless processes and techniques to get their jobs done — rendering collaboration between newsrooms or even individual journalists an exercise in translation.”
Sådan kæmper Internet Archive mod misinformation
Financial Times:
“Since the 2016 US election, as fears about the power of fake news have intensified, the archive has stepped up its efforts to combat misinformation. At a time when false and ultra-partisan content is rapidly created and spread, and social media pages are constantly updated, the importance of having an unalterable record of who said what, when has been magnified.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
SEIN har brug for crowdfunding for at overleve
Indiegogo / SEIN:
“Ud af en voksende frustration over at blive talt om og til, men aldrig med så SEIN dagens lys for 2,5 år siden. SEIN er et webmagasin, et fællesskab og en forening. Vi lever på vores passion, men nu har vi svært ved at overleve! […]
SEIN startede i sin tid, fordi der var brug for et medie, hvor vi unge kunne komme til orde på en anderledes og meningsfuld måde. Det var vi heldigvis ikke ene om at synes, og i dag er vi vokset utroligt meget. Det er selvfølgelig helt fantastisk, men virkeligheden banker på døren, og vi kan ikke få det til at løbe rundt.”
Samarbejde vil bruge 100 mio dollars på at finde nye forretningsmodeller
“To reinvigorate the search for sustainable platforms that enable folks to support content they value, San Francisco startup Coil today announced a collaboration with the Mozilla Foundation and Creative Commons to launch Grant for the Web. The ambitious $100 million, five-year fund will encourage innovation among creators while promoting access and inclusion, with at least 50% of all grant dollars awarded to openly licensed software and content projects.”
US-medier mander op på marketing-profiler til abonnement
“This year, publishers ranging from The Atlantic to The New York Times to The Daily Beast have hired or begun hunting for growth marketers, media strategists and digital ad buyers to support their growing subscription offerings. The growth spurt is tied to new needs brought on by the pivot to paid, as publishers need to master the kind of growth-marketing chops that’s common at fast-growing direct-to-consumer brands that depended on customer acquisition, particularly through Facebook, Instagram and Google ads.”
Sådan lykkes The Daily Beast med at sænke abonnementsprisen
“Over the past 15 months, the price of a Beast Inside membership has dropped 65%, to $35 per year or $4.99 per month. That offer is the fourth pricing combination that the Beast has tested since launch, but it delivers the best combination of conversion rate and retention; conversion rates on the $35 offer were five times higher than the rates on the membership’s initial price points of $100 per year or $9.99 per month.”
HBRs succes med registreringsvæg
The Bylin:
“Eventually, HBR rolled out what’s called a registration wall. Unlike a paywall, which forces a reader to subscribe, a registration wall merely requires a user to create a free account to continue reading. […]
It didn’t take long for email signups to come pouring in. Over the next few years they ballooned from 500,000 to over 3 million. And it soon became clear that these logged-in users were much more likely to convert into paying subscribers.”
Vil Apple blokere for annonce-tracking i apps?
“There is good reason for the jitters. Apple has taken a no-nonsense approach to third-party ad tracking, blocking all third-party cookies on Safari, putting the kibosh on all programmatic monetization on the Safari browser. Many ad tech vendors see a clear path to this jumping to ads in-app on iOS devices.”
Test med at erstatte cookies med digitale ID’er
Apple har med privacy-stramninger gjort livet sværere for det digitale annoncemarked, især programmatic, der i høj grad afhænger af cookies. Der bliver der nu ledt efter en erstatning eller afløser.
“Mail Metro Media, the commercial division of MailOnline and London free sheet The Metro, began implementing the standardized ID from DigiTrust, a non-profit consortium, and the universal identifier from tech company ID5, in June. Since then, MailOnline has seen a 30% increase in CPMs on Safari, according to Tom Pickworth, head of technical operations, commercial, Mail Metro Media. Fill rate was slightly higher, via Rubicon, a member of DigiTrust, which increased by 1.4%, added Pickworth.”
Hvad har Googles ‘first price’-ændring betydet for udgivere?
Som regel fungerer programmatiske auktioner på den måde, at den med det højeste bud vinder, men betaler det, den med det næsthøjeste bud bød.
Google har nu i nogle måneder testet, at den med det højeste bud betaler det, vedkommende bød.
“Since then, some publishers have seen CPM spikes between 9% and 50% on display inventory as a direct result, in the first few days post-full rollout, according to publisher sources. Other patterns, such as volume of impressions traded via header bidding, are less consistent across each publisher. Several have seen a bump in impressions traded of more than 10% since the days before the rollout, while others have seen the volume of impressions drop despite CPMs rising.”
The Washington Post lancerer sit eget annonce-netværk
“The Washington Post on Tuesday will unveil Zeus Prime, a product that will allow companies to buy automated ads in real-time, similar to Big Tech platforms. Zeus will also support a new ad network that will include other publishers.”
Derfor har Netflix købt Seinfeld
“But the bigger story is that Netflix is buying someone else’s high-profile programming instead of seeing high-profile programming that it currently streams leaving for a competitor. […]
Would-be Netflix competitors including Disney, Comcast’s NBC, and AT&T’s WarnerMedia are taking programming that used to run on Netflix and bringing it back to their own, yet-to-launch streaming services.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Se hvilke e-mail-klienter, der understøtter hvilke funktioner
Det her er smart. Måske kender du, der fortæller dig, hvilke browsere, der understøtter forskellige funktioner.
Et nyt site gør det samme for e-mail-klienter, så du kan se, hvor mange af dem, der understøtter fx video-tag, tabeller, tekstområder etc.
Deepfake kan give anonymitet og bevare ansigtsudtryk
MIT Technology Review:
“The algorithm extracts information about the person’s facial expression by finding the position of the eyes, ears, shoulders, and nose. It then uses a GAN, trained on a database of 1.5 million face images, to create an entirely new face with the same expression and blends it into the original photo, retaining the same background.”
Apple-studie: Vi vil gerne småsnakke med vores digitale assistenter
“Perhaps that’s why in a paper (“Mirroring to Build Trust in Digital Assistants“) accepted to the Interspeech 2019 conference in Graz, Austria, researchers at Apple investigated a conversational assistant that considered users’ preferred tones and mannerisms in its responses.
They found that people’s opinions of the assistant’s likability and trustworthiness improved when it mirrored their degree of chattiness, and that the features necessary to perform the mirroring could be extracted from those people’s speech patterns”
Tre spørgsmål til dig, der vil starte et “innovation lab”
Harvard Business Review:
“First, what’s the vision for the lab? Unless the incubator has a clear, well-defined goal, measuring success will be difficult. Second, what happens when an idea born in the lab needs to be developed further? Maybe the project will go back into the core business, or get passed on to an accelerator — it doesn’t necessarily matter as long as everyone knows the process. Third, how will you staff the lab? The best R&D hubs have both new talent from outside the company and insiders who know how the firm works. That mix of skills and knowledge will help ideas come to life and keep growing beyond the lab’s walls.”
Automatisering af billedkomprimering
“Because it’s Calibre’s mission to make the Web faster, we’ve created a freely available GitHub Action that automatically optimises images in your Pull Requests. […]
You can add automatic image compression to your repositories directly from GitHub Action Marketplace. Don’t forget about continuously tracking the performance of your sites. If your focus is to reduce image-induced sluggishness, pay special attention to your Lighthouse Performance Score, Transferred Image Size and First Contentful Paint.”
iOS 13 er lanceret
The Verge:
“iOS 13 is here. Apple is bringing a very different sort of update to last year’s iOS 12, which was built around performance improvements and rethinking how much we use our phones. iOS 13 is big and flashy. It’s looking to wow users with a slick dark mode; striking updates to apps like Apple Maps, Photos, and even Reminders; and long-overdue additions like a swiping keyboard and UI improvements.”