Digital Ugerevy #43 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Her er Facebooks nye News-satsning
Facebook Newsroom:
Today we’re starting to test Facebook News, a dedicated place for news on Facebook, to a subset of people in the US. News gives people more control over the stories they see, and the ability to explore a wider range of their news interests, directly within the Facebook app. It also highlights the most relevant national stories of the day. News articles will continue to appear in News Feed as they do today.
…og hvad har det ikke kostet Facebook at lære det her?
“Regarding personalization, publishers worry that machine learning has limits and they’re right. We have progress to make before we can rely on technology alone to provide a quality news destination.”
I pressemeddelelsen kan du også læse om de krav, Facebook stiller til udgiverne, før de kan være med i Facebook News.
Mark Zuckerberg har også en “opinion” artikel ude:
Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Can Help the News Business
Advertising revenue that used to support journalism now goes to companies like mine. We have a plan to help fix that.
Udvalgte omtaler af lanceringen:
Facebook Calls Truce With Publishers as It Unveils Facebook News
“Facebook News launches in testing phase as local newsrooms fear being left behind”
“Facebook launches its “test” News tab in the U.S., but you may not see it yet”
Facebook includes Breitbart in new ‘high quality’ news tab
“News Corp has reached a deal to let Facebook Inc. feature headlines from The Wall Street Journal and other Dow Jones media properties, as well as the New York Post, in the social-media giant’s coming news section, the companies said.”
Why the Facebook News tab shouldn’t be trusted
Hope springs eternal for publishers trying yet again with Facebook News
Facebook picks winners and losers ahead of news page launch
Det vil Facebook gøre ifm. US-valget 2020
The Verge:
“Facebook today released a new set of tools and policy changes intended to fight the spread of misinformation on the platform, moving to more clearly label false posts and content created by state media. Separately, the company removed four networks of accounts based in Iran and Russia that Facebook said misled users about their identities and posted inflammatory political news.”
Facebook suspenderer russiske konti forud for valg i USA
New Facebook features fight election lies everywhere but ads
Plan for 2020 Is Too Little, Too Late, Critics Say
Facebook vil kalde falsk information “Falsk information”
Nieman Lab:
““Disputed by 3rd Party Fact-Checkers” wasn’t cutting it, so Facebook is getting a little more blunt: Over the next month, fake news posts will begin to be labeled, simply, as “False Information,” Facebook announced on Monday as part of a press call and post outlining the ways it’s handling content around the U.S. 2020 presidential election. Fake Instagram posts are also getting clearer, pop-up labels.”
Facebook vil måle organiske Page-visninger anderledes
Marketing Land:
“The initial announcement came via an update last week to a Facebook Business blog post published more than a year ago. The company said it is changing the way it measures Page impressions to align with the methodology it uses for ads: ‘This is not a change in distribution, but a change in the way we filter out repeat organic impressions that occur within a short amount of time.'”
Facebook vil beskytte børn bedre på Messenger
“Med et nyt toårigt projekt sætter Facebook beskyttelse af børn på det sociale medies beskedfunktion Messenger i fokus. Det skriver Financial Times.“
Nu kan alle annoncere på Facebook-søgninger
Marketing Land:
“After nearly a year of testing ads in News Feed and Marketplace search results, Facebook is rolling out search ad placement more broadly to all advertisers. The ads will appear in results for search terms that have commercial intent, such as searches for commercial products connected to the e-commerce, retail or auto vertical.”
Facebook sagsøgt for billedgenkendelse
“The suit alleges that Illinois citizens didn’t consent to having their uploaded photos scanned with facial recognition and weren’t informed of how long the data would be saved when the mapping started in 2011. Facebook could face $1,000 to $5,000 in penalties per user for 7 million people, which could sum to a maximum of $35 billion.”
US-stater vil i kødet på Facebook
“Næsten alle amerikanske stater går nu ind i en omfattende undersøgelse af, hvorvidt Facebook bryder monopol-lovgivningen i USA, oplyser Letitia James, der er rigsadvokat (attorney general) i New York, i en pressemeddelelse.”
De andre/generelt
Måske er det ikke YouTubes algoritme, der radikaliserer
“The paper, written by Penn State political scientists Kevin Munger and Joseph Phillips, tracks the explosive growth of alternative political content on YouTube, and calls into question many of the field’s established narratives. It challenges the popular school of thought that YouTube’s recommendation algorithm is the central factor responsible for radicalizing users and pushing them into a far-right rabbit hole.”
YouTubes “takedowns” gør det sværere at dokumentere krigsforbrydelser
Columbia Journalism Review:
“Like every other large social platform, YouTube has come under fire for not doing enough to remove videos that contain hate speech and disinformation. The Google-owned company has said repeatedly that it is trying to get better at doing so. But in some cases, removing videos because they contain graphic imagery of violence can be a bad thing.”
Snap overrasker med brugertal
MediaWatch / Ritzau Finans:
“Den sociale medietjeneste har fremlagt regnskab for årets tredje kvartal. Det viste flere brugere end ventet, man forventningerne til fjerde kvartal halter efter.”
WSJ sætter fokus på influencere
The Wall Street Journal:
“Online Influencers Tell You What to Buy, Advertisers Wonder Who’s Listening “
The journalist as influencer: how we sell ourselves on social media
The Guardian
Sådan kan medier bruge chat-apps til engagement
“The rise of dark social sharing poses both threats and opportunities to news organisations – here is how to make the most of it”
Ny Firefox blokerer social tracking
“With Firefox 70, Mozilla now also includes social tracking protection under the Standard setting. It blocks cross-site tracking cookies from sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.”
Hvordan bruger de store medier de sociale medier?
What’s New In Publishing:
“It’s a relationship that’s a complex one, but it’s getting more mature. At least that’s what the researchers at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism in partnership with API and NORC recently concluded, based on a survey of over 1100 working journalists.”
FTC: Salg af følgere er ulovligt
Social Media Today:
“All in all, the case sets a new parameter for potential legal action against fake social engagement sellers, which will likely deter many from taking the risk in future. Of course, there’s still a level of complexity in pursuing legal action against providers with no US presence, but Facebook has already extended its push to fake like sellers originating from China. The time may soon be up for fake sellers – and for those who’ve bought their way to significant social media followings.”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
Facebook advertisers boost video budgets 24%, study finds
Mobile Marketer
3 Key Tips on Social Media Content Templates, and Why You Need to Use Them in Your Efforts
Social Media Today
How to Use Facebook Ads and Google Ads Together to Boost your Holiday Sales
9 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Chatbot Marketing
Social Media Today
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Jysk Fynske vil personalisere under de væsentligste historier
Jysk Fynske Medier:
“Derfor lancerer vi her i 2019 det ambitiøse personaliseringsprojekt, der skal gøre os i stand til at levere et skræddersyet produkt uanset, om du går ind på et nyhedssite, modtager et nyhedsbrev eller læser e-avisen på din mobil. […]
Vi vil stadig holde fast i vores ret og pligt til prioritere væsentlige nyheder, men i laget under har vi mulighed for at lave et langt mere relevant produkt til lokale borgere.”
Forskning: Mere innovativ udvikling fra medierne
“Konklusionerne fra ny DMJX-forskning kalder på begrænsninger for techgiganter, forsvar for demokrati og mere innovativ udvikling fra medierne, siger flere medieeksperter.”
Ny CNN-tjeneste skal konkurrere med Facebook
Der er ingen tvivl om, at vi i øjeblikket ser en kamp om at blive det sted, hvor medieforbrugere starter deres rejse, når de skal finde ud af, hvad der er sket ude i verden.
The Information:
“Just a few months after Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. announced it was developing, a news aggregation service offering articles from a wide range of outlets, CNN is jumping in with its own offering. Not yet named, but referred to internally as “NewsCo,” CNN is discussing paying news organizations to feature their content on the platform, which will likely be a mix of subscription-based and advertising-based content, according to CNN digital chief Andrew Morse.”
Mere om den kommende CNN-tjeneste:
“Into this situation walks CNN, or News Corp, or any other news company that has a high-cost model of production and fears becoming that icon in someone else’s app. They don’t want to become mere suppliers to the tech titans. They want to own the customer relationship. And hence NewsCo and Knewz.”
The Washington Post lancerer Apple TV-app
“The ‘News Reader’ app allows users of Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV to browse through a selection of different stories on a big screen. […]
Users can swipe through a range of different articles ranging from quick reads to long-form investigative pieces, often featuring video content and other graphics.”
Pas på med Brexit-filtre
Altinget / Lisbeth Knudsen:
“At briterne har fået nok af Brexit i medierne, er til at forstå, men at de nu også kan vælge en Brexit-fri nyhedskanal for at slippe for Brexit-stress, det er alligevel en ny trend, skriver Lisbeth Knudsen.”
Hvilken iPhone er den rette for mobiljournalister?
“Do you really need the latest 11 Pro Max? Here is a rundown of the Apple devices that mobile journalism trainers, reporters and lecturers are using”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Jysk Fynske Medier nedlægger 150 stillinger
“Over de næste tre år vil Jysk Fynske Medier skære 228 mio. kr. af omkostningerne. Omkring 150 stillinger forsvinder – størstedelen i en kommende fyringsrunde. Samtidig lægges der låg på lønudgifter. Adm. direktør afviser, at mediehuset er i krise.”
Danske Medier opfordrer regeringen til at have fokus på lokale medier
Podcastings “Pivot to Subscriptions”
“The broad move to consumer revenue in the publishing industry is spreading to podcasts, as publishers like Slate and The Athletic look to use the loyal audiences podcasts attract to drive paying subscribers and monetize this platform in new, non-cyclical ways beyond advertising.In other cases, podcast platforms like Stitcher are putting podcasts behind the paywall.”
Sådan laver man et betalt nyhedsbrev
(Bemærk: Artiklen er skrevet af Revue, der tilbyder et produkt til bl.a. betalte nyhedsbreve. Men stadig værd at læse.)
What’s New In Publishing:
“Paid newsletters are a fantastic way to build a closer relationship with your readers than ever before, so we wanted to create a guide to the paid newsletters we love, a look at the state of the industry, as well as offer advice on how to go about building your own.”
Lokale medier i US går mod betalte nyhedsbreve
Local News Initiative (
“Local news organizations, which have long used email newsletters to drive readers to their websites and boost page views, are increasingly offering newsletters as destinations of their own to boost subscriber loyalty.”
From newsroom to newsletter: How local journalists are DIYing important coverage via email
Nieman Lab
ePrivacy er mediernes kommende hovedpine
“Forget GDPR. Publishers could be in for an even rougher time with the looming ePrivacy Regulation, which will clamp down on how cookies are used for ad targeting, with potentially far-reaching impact for the way digital advertising has operated for over 20 years.”
Everything you need to know about Europe’s data privacy regulations
Medium vil aflønne efter læsetid
Medium Blog:
“Instead of paying based on claps as the main signal, we will now reward stories primarily based on reading time, which we’ve seen to be a closer measure of quality and resonance with readers. To increase transparency and provide richer insight to our writers, we will also introduce new stats so it’s more clear how a story’s earnings were calculated.”
Er ‘ad viewability’ et godt målepunkt?
Marketing Land:
“A new report published by mobile ad company Kargo found that ad viewability does not directly correlate to memorability. Similarly, the report also indicated that ad visibility does not necessarily yield higher user engagement.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
VR på telefonen er dødt
The Verge:
“‘We saw a lot of potential in smartphone VR — being able to use the smartphone you carry with you everywhere to power an immersive on-the-go experience. But over time we noticed some clear limitations constraining smartphone VR from being a viable long-term solution,’ said the spokesperson.”
Google gennemfører stor opdatering i søgeresultater
BuzzFeed News:
“Starting today, the company is rolling out a new machine learning–powered language processing method called Bidirectional Encoder Representations From Transformers, or BERT for short. BERT looks at the sequences of words in searches — not just the words themselves — to glean more information on the intent behind them.”
Amazon lancerer ‘in skill puchasing’ til børn
“‘Alexa developers have already created thousands of kid skills that provide fun and educational experiences for families, such as a skill that encourages kids to brush their teeth and one that teaches kids how to run their own lemonade stand business,’ wrote Amazon developer BJ Haverkorn in a previous blog post. ‘With ISP, you can further enrich these kid skill experiences, offering premium content in the form of one-time purchases or subscriptions for families to enjoy across over 100 million Alexa-enabled devices.'”
Kunstig intelligens fjerner halvdelen af de stødende tweets
“Twitter has faced an uphill struggle as it strives to make its platform a less daunting place to spend time — bullying and abuse are genuine threats for anyone daring to engage with others on Twitter. But relying on user reports and human moderators to remove abuse is a near-impossible challenge on a platform of Twitter’s scale, which is why it has turned to machine learning tools to automate much of the process, just as Facebook is doing.”
Amerikansk healthcare-algoritme ramt af bias
The Verge:
“A health care algorithm makes black patients substantially less likely than their white counterparts to receive important medical treatment. The major flaw affects millions of patients, and was just revealed in research published this week in the journal Science. “
Opera understøtter Bitcoin
“Opera has officially added Bitcoin support to its Android browser app, nearly a year after it first introduced a built-in crypto wallet.”
Børn har godt af skærmtid
MIT Technology Review:
“- children between 2 and 5 should be limited to “one hour a day of high-quality programming”
– infants between 18 and 24 months can have screen time so long as it’s high quality and with a caregiver
– babies shouldn’t be exposed to screens other than video chat”