Digital Ugerevy #44 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Twitter forbyder politiske annoncer
Det annoncerede Twitter-medstifter og CEO Jack Dorsey i en Twitter-tråd, selvfølgelig:
Det har selvfølgelig ført til en masse omtaler. Læs nogle af de vigtigste her:
Twitter will ban all political advertising starting in November
The changes will affect both candidate ads and issue ads, although ads encouraging voter registration will still be allowed, along with other exceptions. Dorsey said a full policy will be made available to the public on November 15th.
Twitter’s new ban on political ads is a silent challenge to Facebook
He warned that internet advertising’s power “brings significant risks to politics” — a dig at Facebook, which doesn’t fact-check ads from politicians.
Twitter does what Facebook won’t
Then there was the timing of the announcement, which came just as Mark Zuckerberg — who gently mocked Twitter’s relatively small investment in platform integrity efforts in the audio we published this month — was just about to start Facebook’s quarterly earnings call.
Intern uro om Facebooks syn på poltiske annoncer
Modsat Twitter har Facebook tidligere meldt ud, at man ikke vil faktatjekke politiske annoncer. Det kunne du læse om i Ugerevyen fra uge 42.
The New York Times:
“In an open letter, the social network’s employees said letting politicians post false claims in ads was “a threat” to the company. “
Facebook’s political ads policy is predictably turning out to be a disaster
Opfølgning på Facebook News
I sidste uge lancerede Facebook deres længe ventede ‘Facebook News’, indtil videre som en test for nogle af de amerikanske brugere.
Her kan du læse reaktioner og andet, der er skrevet om Facebook News i den forgange uge:
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook News won’t provide data to advertisers
On Friday at the Paley Media Center in New York City, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and News Corp CEO Robert Thomson engaged in a frank discussion about the role of news media in informing conversation on Facebook’s platform. It came after the soft launch of Facebook News, a new curation product intended to spotlight top-quality daily news.
Mark Zuckerberg makes the case for Facebook News
“While Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg seemed cheerful and even jokey when he took the stage today in front of journalists and media executives (at one point, he described the event as “by far the best thing” he’d done this week), he acknowledged that there are reasons for the news industry to be skeptical.”
Newsonomics: Will Facebook’s new news tab be a milestone or millstone?
No doubt, the numbers in this deal get attention. News Corp, of course, most likely does the best (see “Rupert always rises to the top,” below), with millions in new revenue.
Facebook News Won’t Fix the News
“Facebook News is too little because it doesn’t change the information equation within the platform’s news feed, which will remain the dominant platform by orders of magnitude. Only a fraction of users who spend hours on Facebook every day will even bother to open the news tab, and of those who do, few are likely to check it as regularly as they do their feed.”
Facebook’s paying publishers directly. Is this the new normal?
To be sure, Facebook News is a significant departure from how Facebook has treated news in the past. For one, Facebook has moved off uncertain ad revenue-sharing deals in favor of direct payments. What’s more, unlike something like Facebook Live, publishers are reusing content they have already created.
Facebook included far-right Breitbart News in its new ‘high quality’ news tab
Among major publications like The New York Times and The Washington Post, along with regional newspapers like the Dallas Morning News and the Chicago Tribune, Facebook selected Breitbart News to be one of around 200 outlets featured in the tab.
Facebook accepterer Cambridge Analytics-bøde
“Facebook har valgt at betale bøden på 4,3 millioner kroner for den lækage af mange millioner brugeres data, der er kendt som Cambridge Analytica-skandalen.”
WhatsApp sagsøger israelsk hacker-firma
MIT Technology Review:
“WhatsApp accuses NSO Group of exploiting a vulnerability to target approximately 1,400 phones and devices with “malware designed to infect with the purpose of conducting surveillance on specific WhatsApp users.” You can read the complaint here from WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook.”
WhatsApp’s Case Against NSO Group Hinges on a Tricky Legal Argument
Facebook sigter mod TV-annoncører
“Facebook is working hard to convince TV and digital advertisers to spend money on its 2-year-old video platform, Facebook Watch, particularly with its In-Stream Reserve ad product, which curates inventory from Watch’s top video channels, including content category-specific options.”
Facebook vil hjælpe amerikanerne med at komme til lægen
MIT Technology Review:
“Facebook has launched a new preventive health tool that lets US users opt in for reminders to get health checkups, vaccines, and cancer screenings.”
Influencer-aftaler handler mere om performance
“Influencers can’t simply tout their follower count anymore to get marketing deals. Marketers are now evaluating influencers more seriously — and using more metrics to do so — as they look for more transparency into the effectiveness of influencer marketing.”
Læs om Reuters’ Twitter-strategi
“Expanding Reuters’ Twitter video content into three different languages and spreading it out over five different accounts 24/7 for the past three years has driven Reuters’ revenue from in-stream video ads on Twitter into the seven figures, said Pierpaolo Maniglio, director of off-platform development and social at Reuters.”
Facebook-moderatorfirma forlader branchen
The Verge:
“The professional services firm Cognizant will exit the content moderation business after two Verge investigations into working conditions at sites dedicated to Facebook, the companies said today. Cognizant had hired thousands of moderators around the world to remove hate speech, terrorism, and other inappropriate content from platforms including Facebook, Google, and Twitter. “
De sociale platforme mister interessen for live-sport
“Contrary to the hype two years ago, the sports industry is still waiting for the great rights grab from the tech platforms. The likes of Facebook and Twitter have cooled their interest in becoming sports broadcasters.”
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
How Google’s Bert Update Will Affect Content Marketing
Neil Patel
Digiday Research: 54% of marketers say they allocated more ad money to Instagram this year
How Blockchain is Disrupting Digital Marketing and Where It’s Headed
CMS Wire
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Berlingske overtager 24syv-arkiv og udvalgte programmer
“Fast ligger det dog, at B.T. overtager programmerne “Fodbold FM”, “Politiradio” og sladdermagasinet “Det, vi taler om”.
Derudover bliver Euroinvestor ny udgiver af investeringsudsendelsen “Millionærklubben”, mens avisen Berlingske udvider sin podcastportefølje med de politiske programmer “Cordua og Steno”, “Kampagnesporet” og “Hitlers Æselører”.
Samtidig bliver Weekendavisen nyt hjemsted for programmet “24 spørgsmål til professoren”.”
Læs også:
Nye podcasts hos Berlingske skal leve af sponsorater – og lokke abonnenter til
Radio4 vil bruge podcast-talenter gratis
“Jeg er rigtig, rigtig træt af aktører i markedet, der synes, at andre skal arbejde gratis. Jeg kan ikke betale husleje med omtale. Det her er en licensfinansieret public service-kanal. Det hører ikke nogen steder hjemme.”
Netflix går mod podcasts
“Den amerikanske streamingtjeneste breder sig ud over film- og tv-produktioner og ind på nyt territorium: Originale serier på lyd – distribueret hos eksterne partnere. Netflix’ første originale podcastserie får titlen “The only podcast left” og står til at få premiere på Spotify den 7. november. Det skriver Variety.”
Spotify har 113 mio. betalende abonnenter
“The music-streaming giant is maintaining a roughly 45% ratio of premium to ad-supported subscribers, claiming 113 million paying users for the past quarter, up 31% from 87 million in the Q3 2018 period — and marginally surpassing the high-end analyst estimates.”
Berlingske nedlægger 12 stillinger og opretter 14
“‘Vores it-afdeling Digital Service udvides med profiler inden for blandt andet UX, digital kundehåndtering og data. Samtidig oprettes innovationsenheden MobileX, som skal udvikle vores mediebrands’ mobile brugeroplevelse,’ skriver Berlingske Media i meddelelsen.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
JP/Politikens Hus lancerer dataplatform
“Mediebureauer og annoncører kan fremover via en ny dataplatform bruge førstepartsdata til at købe annonceplads på tværs af JP/Politikens Hus’ titler med henblik på at ramme bestemte målgrupper. Det oplyser JP/Politikens Hus i en pressemeddelelse.”
Medier kan tage mere for fornyelse af abonnementer
“We observed these sample groups for several months and measured the level of stops, customer service calls, and natural attrition. Using these results, an optimal renewal price for the digital-only product was identified, and in most cases this recommended renewal price was higher than expected by publishers.”
The Economist vil gøre YouTube-abonnenter til abonnenter
“The Economist has reached 1 million YouTube subscribers and is starting to see signs that these videos are driving referral traffic back to its site, where ultimately it wants people to subscribe.”
“Ad tech-firmaer er holdt op med at innovere”
“Similar to what the Washington Post created with its Arc Publishing and Zeus platforms, which give publishers ad optimization and other publishing tools, BuySellAds is focused more on journalists and smaller publishers that want to build profitable platforms for their journalism without having to sink tons of money into multiple vendors or web developers.”
Gemius skal igen måle danske netmedier
“Efter en årrække, hvor flere medier på skift har stået uden for målingen af webtrafik, bliver opgaven fra 2020 lagt i hænderne på ny leverandør, som der er fuld opbakning i branchen til, oplyser direktør. Skiftet betyder en periode uden måling af onlinetrafikken.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Snak med Siri, uden Apple lytter med
“Apple har netop sendt nyeste opdatering til iOS på markedet. Det er version 13.2, og det vigtigste er nok, at du som bruger nu bliver spurgt, hvorvidt du vil tillade, at dine samtaler med Siri bliver optaget og gemt.”
Facebook-teknologi kan beskytte video mod ansigtsgenkendelse
“Facebook AI Research says it’s created a machine learning system for de-identification of individuals in video. Startups like D-ID and a number of previous works have made de-identification technology for still images, but this is the first one that works on video. In initial tests, the method was able to thwart state-of-the-art facial recognition systems.”
Sådan påvirker AI mediebranchen
What’s New In Publishing:
“Gould Finch and Frankfurter Buchmesse (international publishing industry’s biggest trade fair) have collaborated on a recently published whitepaper, ‘The future impact of artificial intelligence on the publishing industry.’
It is the result of a 6-month international survey of 233 participants from 17 countries, and includes inputs of CEOs and editors from the publishing industry.”
Apple fjerner 17 apps efter malware-fund
“Det sker efter, at sikkerhedsselskabet Wandera har opdaget, at de 17 vidt forskellige apps har været udstyret med hemmelige funktioner, der har gjort, at de automatisk og i skjul klikker på links og åbner vinduer i baggrunden, når de er aktiverede.”
How 18 Malware Apps Snuck Into Apple’s App Store
Betal regningerne med Alexa
“Amazon this week announced that in the coming months, Alexa users in the U.S. and on the web will be able to pay participating utilities with information stored in their Amazon account. Coinciding with the launch, a complementary bill management feature will roll out to Alexa-enabled devices in the U.S.”
Mere om Amazon Alexa:
Amazon researchers reduce data required for AI transfer learning
Hurtig guide til 5G: Fakta og fiktion
“So here’s a quick guide to where things stand with real 5G and 5G hype as we head into the end of 2019. It’s based on the very latest information I’ve gathered from multiple companies in the 5G space, as well as my own experiences and hands-on tests.”
Google køber Fitbit
“Just days after it was reported that Google was close to buying Fitbit, Google and Fitbit today confirmed the purchase: Google will pay $7.35 per share for the wearables company in an all-cash deal that values Fitbit at $2.1 billion.”