Digital Ugerevy #45 (2019)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Regeringen klar til at se på regulering af sociale medier
“‘Spørgsmålet om sociale mediers ansvar for indhold giver anledning til en vigtig debat. Vi skal selvfølgelig forholde os til virkningerne af den indholdsmoderation, som foregår hos de sociale medier, men vi har samtidig også en interesse i, at sociale medier fjerner ulovligt og skadeligt indhold – f.eks. terrorrelateret indhold,’ lyder svaret fra Nick Hækkerup.”
Danske Medier kalder på yderligere regulering af techkoncerner
Facebook overvejer begrænsning af politiske annoncer
I Ugerevyen fra uge 44 kunne du læse om, hvordan Twitter forbyder politiske annoncer.
Den udmelding var lige så meget en hilsen til Facebook som det var noget andet. Og nu overvejer Facebook så, hvad handlingen skal være.
“Facebook is considering restricting politicians’ ability to use highly detailed demographic and personal information to narrowly target would-be voters with ads, policy chief Nick Clegg confirmed Thursday in an interview with POLITICO — in a possible shift in the social network’s broadly permissive policy on political advertising.”
Studie: Der er stadig masser af disinformation på Facebook
Columbia Journalism Review:
“And according to one recent study, the problem is getting worse instead of better, especially when it comes to news stories about issues related to the election. Avaaz, a site that specializes in raising public awareness about global public-policy issues, says its research shows fake news stories got 86 million views in the past three months, more than three times as many as during the previous three-month period.”
SocialAvaaz: Facebook will see a ‘tidal wave’ of fake news ahead of the 2020 elections
Facebook lækker stadig brugerdata til tredjepart
“Dozens of third-party apps may have had access to certain Facebook user data for months after the company moved to place limits on that information, the social media giant said on Tuesday.”
Facebook ruller WhatsApp Catalogs ud i udvalgte lande
Marketing Land:
“Catalog allows businesses on WhatsApp to showcase products and services and share them with customers via the app’s messaging function. Consumers can also discover businesses and see and browse products directly on the business profile.”
Debatten om Facebook og politiske annoncer overser resten af verden
The Guardian:
“The glaring problem with this justification is that only a small fraction (less than 10%) of Facebook’s 2.45 billion users live in this democracy, and many live in countries that are not democratic at all.”
Facebook er nu FACEBOOK
“The social media giant has created new corporate branding and a new logo for Facebook Inc. to distinguish Facebook the corporation from the company’s popular social network with the same name. The new logo — which is the word Facebook spelled out versus the white or blue “f” Facebook has used for years — will appear in places like the login screen and the settings page of Instagram and WhatsApp.”
Hvordan Trump bruger Twitter
The New York Times:
“There was no missing Mr. Trump’s threat that day in early 2017, the aides recalled. With a tweet, he could fling a directive to the world, and there was nothing they could do about it.
When Mr. Trump entered office, Twitter was a political tool that had helped get him elected and a digital howitzer that he relished firing. In the years since, he has fully integrated Twitter into the very fabric of his administration, reshaping the nature of the presidency and presidential power.”
Twitter gør det muligt at følge emner
Social Media Today:
“Yes, after several months of discussion and testing, Twitter is now launching its new Topics option, which will enable users to follow specific topics, and have those tweets appear within their Twitter stream along with the specific accounts they follow.”
Twitter is rolling out Topics, a way to follow subjects automatically in the timeline
The Verge
Twitter finally starts shipping
The Interface / Casey Newton
Her er nogle af de idéer, Twitter har for næste år
Han er Twitters Vice President for design og research.
Twitter klar med emoji-eksperimenter
BuzzFeed News:
“In the first, Twitter will add an emoji to a retweet, giving people a chance to quote-tweet without going into the compose field. Gasca and Xie want to find out if this feature might encourage people to express more nuanced emotions, putting a damper on dunking and mindless retweeting.
In the second experiment, Twitter will automatically suggest people use an emoji in their replies. If you like something, you could use the heart-eyes emoji.”
Har Saudi Arabien spioneret via Twitter-ansatte?
“Saudi Arabian officials allegedly paid at least two employees of Twitter to access personal information on users the government there was interested in, according to recently unsealed court documents. Those users were warned of the attempt in 2015, but the full picture is only now emerging.”
De andre
YouTube redesigner forsiden
“YouTube’s homepage is getting a makeover. The company announced today an updated, cleaner design that does away with information density to instead give more room to the videos and their titles, plus other new features like an “Add to Queue” option on the desktop, a desktop version of YouTube’s stop suggesting feature and more.”
Studie: Hvad betyder Instagrams skjulte likes for engagementet?
Social Media Today:
“This week, influencer marketing platform HypeAuditor has released a study of content from more than 154k Instagram influencers, each of whom sees at least 30% of their following coming from users in the regions in which Instagram’s hidden Like counts test is currently running.”
Presset stiger på Tik Tok
Casey Newton / The Interface:
“For the past 10 years, any regulation of social media companies in the United States has moved at a glacial pace. But when it comes to TikTok, the government is moving with unusual speed.”
The US thinks TikTok could be a national security threat—here’s why
MIT Technology Review
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
9 Social Media Metrics You Should Be Tracking (& How to Track Them)
Tumblr is launching a new group messaging feature built with fandoms in mind
The Verge
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Udgivere ser mere og mere trafik fra Google Discover
“Publishers have a new platform traffic darling: Google Discover, a feed of recommended content that appears on all of Google’s mobile homepages, and loads every time a mobile Chrome user opens up a new tab in their browser.”
Det svære ved lyd-briefings på Alexa er ikke at lave dem
“Now, however, there are more than 10,000 Flash Briefings to choose from. And while publishers continue to make them, it seems, some still wonder who’s listening, who can find them and if it’s still worth it for them to be doing these briefings.”
Her er de ting, der frustrerer podcastere mest
Nieman Lab:
“The rise of big money podcast companies and their treatment of content creators. It harkens back to they way major labels took advantage of young artists in the ’70s. Bad contracts explicitly designed to take advantage of podcast creators who don’t have the resources or knowledge to fully understand every detail of the contract. No aspect of the industry is immune.”
Hands on: Sådan får du dit medie på WhatsApp
“As the popularity of private messaging platforms continues to rise for news consumption, quite a few news organisations have set themselves on platforms like WhatsApp to publish news round-ups, to engage with local audiences and to provide fact-checking services.
So, how do you get started if you want to set up your organisation on WhatsApp?”
HuffPost redesigner: It’s personal
“But you’ll also find a lot more stories about what’s happening at your house: raising good kids, finding a therapist you can afford, managing your student debt. We know the day to day challenges of life are serious news too, and we are here to help.”
The Internet Archive gør Wikipedia mere troværdig
“Now, thanks to a new initiative by the Internet Archive, you can click the name of the book and see a two-page preview of the cited work, so long as the citation specifies a page number. You can also borrow a digital copy of the book, so long as no else has checked it out, for two weeks—much the same way you’d borrow a book from your local library.”
Stream danske stumfilm
“Over de næste fire år vil der blive føjet over 400 værker til streamingtjenesten. Det sker som led i et større digitaliseringsprojekt af stumfilmene fra 1903 til 1928. Ifølge filminstituttet er det det største filmhistoriske formidlingsprojekt i Danmark.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Berlingske runder 2 mio. brugere og 25.000 digitale abonnenter
“Før omlægningerne, der også indebar en relancering af, havde avisen 14.000 digitale abonnenter. Det steg i løbet af 2019 til 19.500 ifølge Berlingske Medias årsrapport for 2018, og væksten er fortsat i år, forklarer Anders Krab-Johansen.
‘Vi har passeret 25.000 digitale abonnementer på,’ siger han og uddyber, at målet samlet set er at nå over 100.000 Berlingske-abonnenter de næste par år – halvdelen på print og halvdelen digitalt.”
Podimo og Berlingske i aftale
“Med partnerskabet bliver Radio24syvs bagkatalog eksklusivt tilgængeligt på den gratis del af Podimos tjeneste, ligesom de Radio24syv-programmer, som Berlingske har valgt at videreføre under egne mediebrands, kommer til at ligge på Podimos platform. De podcast, som ligger bag betalingsmur hos medierne under Berlingske Media, vil også blive tilgængelige på Podimos betalingstjeneste.”
Europæiske udgivere sammen i registreringsalliance
“Attracting registrations is a key tactic for publishers looking to maintain a relationship with their users and to be able to gather the first-party data to offer those prized audiences to advertisers. That’s led to a mushrooming of publishers establishing so-called login alliances that enable people to use a single account to register with multiple sites.”
Derfor lancerer JPPOL dataplatform
“Med dataplatformen Relevance vil JP/Politikens Hus bl.a. sætte brugerdata fra Iphone-trafikken i spil, som ellers er utilgængelig. Målet er at danne modvægt til Google og Facebook, siger chef for ad tech.”
…du kan læse mere om dataplatformen i Ugerevyen fra uge 44.
Publishers scramble to control audience data
“In the long term, for publishers making use of their first-party data, it’s an opportunity for them to take back more control of CPM prices and encourage advertisers to buy against that data, added Root.”
Lasso X skiller robotjournalistik ud i eget selskab
“Lasso blev født som et dataselskab, der indsamler og bearbejder virksomhedsdata. Det har bl.a. udmøntet sig i robotjournalistik, hvor data fra eksempelvis CVR-registeret bliver omsat til skrevne artikler, ligesom selskabet også bearbejder og videreformidler data om virksomheder på anden vis.
Det er dén del, der nu er blevet flyttet over i IC Robotic, som har Marc Aas Nilsson, hidtidig forretningsudvikler i Lasso med ansvar for området, som direktør.”
Slate driver digital vækst med podcasts
“Slate is now making half of its overall revenue from podcast advertising, with total downloads up 39% this year following a 78% increase last year.
That’s made Slate a relatively large player in the podcast arena, while its site stayed modest in the range of 15 million to 17 million unique visitors per month in the fourth quarter last year, according to Comscore.”
Annoncer: Mobil overhaler desktop i 2022
What’s New In Publishing:
“According to Statista’s Digital Market Outlook, mobile will account for 50 per cent of ad spending by 2021 and finally surpass desktop in 2022.”
Sådan erobrede Google annoncemarkedet
The Wall Street Journal:
“How Google Edged Out Rivals and Built the World’s Dominant Ad Machine: A Visual Guide”
The new dot com bubble is here: it’s called online advertising
The Correspondent
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Cookies på offentlige websites bruges til marketing
“Hele 94 pct. af de undersøgte hjemmesider indeholder cookies fra tredjeparter, der bruges til enten funktionelle formål, statistiske formål eller marketingformål.”
How to Opt Out of the Sites That Sell Your Personal Data
Den oprindelige cookie var GDPR-compliant
Baekdal Plus:
“We were never supposed to be able to do what most publishers and tech companies do today. In fact, what if I were to tell you that the original specification for how cookies should be implemented in browsers pretty much defined what GDPR is today?”
Microsoft integrerer Cortana ind i Outlook
“Microsoft er på vej med en maskulin stemme til Cortana, der samtidig har fået et nyt strategisk fokus. Fremover skal stemmeassistenten fungere som en personlig produktivitetsassistent. Cortana vil eksempelvis blive integreret med Outlook, hvor man via tjenesten kan få læst mails op og planlægge møder.”
Amazons plan er, at Alexa skal styre vores liv
MIT Technology Review:
“Speaking with MIT Technology Review, Rohit Prasad, Alexa’s head scientist, has now revealed further details about where Alexa is headed next. The crux of the plan is for the voice assistant to move from passive to proactive interactions. Rather than wait for and respond to requests, Alexa will anticipate what the user might want. The idea is to turn Alexa into an omnipresent companion that actively shapes and orchestrates your life. This will require Alexa to get to know you better than ever before.”
Amazon is poorly vetting Alexa’s user-submitted answers
Gyldendal vil have teknologiforståelse på skoleskemaet
“Forlaget Gyldendal støtter op om at gøre faget teknologiforståelse til en obligatorisk del af skoleskemaet, fortæller direktør. Gyldendal har allerede investeret i at udvikle digitalt undervisningsmateriale.”
Adobe og Twitter står bag billedværktøj
The Verge:
“A tool will record who created a piece of content and whether it’s been modified by someone else, then let other people and platforms check that data. Adobe showed off a prototype in Photoshop today, but many of the details are still in flux, and there’s no release date.”
Adobe udgiver Photoshop til iPad
“As Adobe said right from the start, this initial version of Photoshop for the iPad isn’t at feature-parity with its desktop editing software. It does, however, support Apple Pencil for iPad Pro and more recent iPad models, and it allows editing of PSD files.”
Internettet bliver stadig mindre frit
“Free speech and privacy on the internet declined globally for the ninth consecutive year according to the Freedom on the Net 2019 report by bipartisan watchdog and think tank Freedom House.”
Mød forskerne, der prøver at bygge en bedre blockchain
“Tse believes this is like the early days of mobile connectivity, when the market was filled with a variety of standards. “There have been a gazillion projects on focused scalability,” Tse says. “You’ll expect the process of elimination will take a while. We believe that the best technology will win, and that’s ours.””
Google lancerer open source-chipprojekt
“Google has partnered with several tech companies to develop and build OpenTitan, a new, collaborative open-source secure chip design project.
The aim of the new coalition is to build trustworthy chip designs for use in data centers, storage and computer peripherals, which are both open and transparent, allowing anyone to inspect the hardware for security vulnerabilities and backdoors.”