Digital Ugerevy #10 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook gemmer chatbots af vejen i ny Messenger på iOS
“Chat bots were central to Facebook Messenger’s strategy three years ago. Now they’re being hidden from view in the app along with games and businesses. Facebook Messenger is now removing the Discover tab as it focuses on speed and simplicity instead of broad utility like China’s WeChat.”
Mark Zuckerberg:
“We’ve completely rewritten Messenger to get a lot faster […] Messenger will be one quarter the size and load twice as fast.”
Facebook Outlines “Smaller, Faster” Messenger on iOS
Social Media Today
Facebook Publishes New Data on The Growth of Messaging as a Business Tool
Social Media Today
Facebook giver gratis annonceplads til WHO
“In a post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company will give unlimited free advertising to the WHO. The company is also considering handing out free ad credits to other organizations fighting the pandemic, while searching for additional ways to support these efforts.”
Ny Facebook-algoritme finder falske profiler
“Chasing fake accounts on social networks is an high-tech game of cat and mouse game, and as soon as one troll is down, another one pops up. But Facebook has revealed that it has a new trick up its sleeve to better identify spammers – an improved weapon-of-choice that attackers won’t be able to dodge as easily as before, according to the social media giant.”
Facebook med opdateringer på “koordineret uautentisk opførsel”
Social Media Today:
“Facebook has been taking a more proactive approach to keeping the public informed of its efforts. And now, Facebook is looking to consolidate these reports into a monthly summary, providing overviews of each individual misinformation campaign, and how it operated, along with the scope of action Facebook has taken against it.”
Portræt af Trumps SoMe-rådgiver
New Yorker:
“‘The Democrats will have that problem this time. As they all interfight, we are building for our future.” Two years ago, Parscale was named the manager of Trump’s 2020 campaign. “I know everybody wants me to do it from my laptop,’ he joked to the audience. ‘Not possible. I’ve already done that once.'”
“In his first media column for The New York Times, Ben Smith says journalism’s problem might be The New York Times”
Nieman Lab
Portræt af YouTube
The Verge:
“But what if YouTube had failed? Would we have missed out on decades of cultural phenomena and innovative ideas? Would we have avoided a wave of dystopian propaganda and misinformation? Or would the internet have simply spiraled into new — yet strangely familiar — shapes, with their own joys and disasters?
Here’s one idea of what it might have looked like, tracing the line from why YouTube might have failed to what the world would have looked like without it. It’s far from the only option — but if you’re struggling to imagine a world without YouTube, it may not be as hard as you think.”
YouTube demonitariserer corona-videoer
The Verge:
“YouTube has demonetized videos about sensitive subjects in the past. The company’s advertising guidelines state that sensitive topics — usually a recent event with a “loss of life, typically as a result of a pre-planned malicious attack” — are normally not suitable for advertising. These videos are allowed to stay on the platform; they just can’t make money from YouTube’s built-in ad service.”
YouTube anbefaler nu halvt så mange konspirationsteorier
MIT Technology Review:
“Researchers trained an algorithm to judge the likelihood that a video on the site contained conspiracy theories by looking at the description, transcript, and comments. They examined eight million recommendations over 15 months. “
YouTube genindsætter sjældent fjernede videoer
The Verge:
“In three months, YouTube received nearly 110,000 appeals from creators who were frustrated that their videos were taken down — but less than a quarter were later reinstated.”
Twitter tester forsvindende tweets (læs: Stories)
“Like Instagram or Facebook stories, fleets—yes, fleets—will show up in a carousel at the top of the home timeline, and they’ll disappear after 24 hours. Fleets will also have a limit of 280 characters, like regular tweets, with the option to add images, videos, or GIFs, but users won’t be able to retweet, like, or publicly reply. People can reply to fleets through direct messages, if DMs are open. Depending on how the test goes in Brazil, Twitter says it may bring the feature to other countries.”
Er Twitters markeringer en god idé?
Nieman Lab:
“As part of its effort to deal with the spread of misinformation on its platform, Twitter is experimenting with adding colored labels that would appear directly beneath any inaccurate statements posted by politicians and other public figures, according to a leaked demo of new features sent recently to NBC.”
Twitter verificerer falsk præsidentkandidat
“The fact that a teenager using next to no resources was able to quickly create a fake candidate in his free time and get it verified by Twitter raises questions about the company’s preparedness for handling how the 2020 elections will play out on its platform.”
Twitter-investor presser Dorsey som CEO
“Jack Dorsey is the CEO of Twitter. He is also the CEO of Square.
That shouldn’t continue any longer, says an investment group, which wants Dorsey to stop running Twitter — or, at the very least, stop running both companies at the same time. And unlike other people who complain about Twitter, these guys might actually be able to do something about it.”
Jack Dorsey meets the fight of his life
The Interface / Casey Newton
De andre / Branchen
Coronavirus får WHO på TikTok
MIT Technology Review:
“The WHO launched its TikTok presence with a video on Friday about what coronavirus is, and a follow-up video on Saturday about when and how to wear a mask. By Monday, the account had garnered nearly 162,000 followers and 1.2 million likes.”
Reddit-brugerne der bekæmper “fake news”
Fast Company:
“The links between the Trump campaign and the successful push for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union are just a few of the connections highlighted by an interactive project called WebOfLies that was first released in January […] it was developed by a user who goes by the name MinimalGravitas on the sprawling discussion platform Reddit, where everyday commenters are increasingly seeking to strike back against those who would spread potentially harmful disinformation online.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Er The New York Times blevet for store?
The New York Times:
“In his debut, our new media columnist says The Times has become like Facebook or Google — a digital behemoth crowding out the competition.”
Russiske trolder snyder norske medier
“Undersøkelser gjort av NRKbeta viser at minst åtte norske medier publiserte ti saker med Twitter-meldinger fra den russiske trollfabrikken Internet Research Agency (IRA). Trollfabrikken brukte sosiale medier for å splitte den amerikanske befolkningen i tiden før, under og etter presidentvalget i 2016.”
Bonnier vil udgiver e-bøger på stream
“Der skal graves nye, digitale indtjeningskanaler i magasinhuset, der er presset af et sivende printmarked. En lancering af omkring 60 lydbøger er blandt de nye skud på stammen, fortæller adm. direktør, der til gengæld ikke ser podcasts som det perfekte match forretningsmæssigt.”
Sådan kan man gøre AI på redaktionerne mere etisk
“From correcting algorithms that discriminate certain groups of people to fighting filter bubbles that endanger democracy, we need to remind ourselves who is in charge of machine learning”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Cookie-kampen gør nyhedsbreve endnu mere relevante
“‘That’s what’s fueling rapid rise newsletter products, it’s to create that value exchange between the consumer and the company, and that value is the email address,’ said a publishing executive at Digiday’s Publishing Summit Europe, this week. ‘Publishers will get more sophisticated, newsletters now are fairly blunt instruments.'”
Coronavirus ryster mediebranchen
“‘It’s far too early to see the impact the coronavirus has had on the global ad market as there are only a small number of territories where the outbreak has had a significant impact,’ said Daniel Knapp, chief economist at IAB Europe. ‘But looking at the economic history of advertising the situation doesn’t bode well.'”
“Virusfrygt rammer annoncemarkedet: ‘Der vil forsvinde millioner, det er indiskutabelt‘”
“Not to alarm you, but coronavirus-focused news products are spreading very quickly”
Nieman Lab
Are coronavirus podcasts the new impeachment podcasts?
Nieman Lab
Ekstra Bladet runder 100 mio. sidevisninger på en uge
“Dækningen af coronaudbrud har været med til at skubbe antallet af sidevisninger på i den rigtige retning, siger chefredaktør Poul Madsen, som vurderer, at tre elementer har været nøglen til at nå nyt niveau.”
POV International overtager Den Offentlige
“POV International og POV Denoffentlige vil være to selvstændige medier, men fælleskabet vil ‘åbne muligheder for videndeling og debat på tværs af de to medier’, lyder det i meddelelsen.”
Sportsmedie henter halvdelen af pengene på tech
“Many digital publishers looking for alternative revenue streams to advertising turn to subscriptions and commerce. But Minute Media, home to Players’ Tribune and The Big Lead, has found success licensing to other publishers it publishing technology, to the tune of the business accounting for half of Minute Media’s revenue.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Folk forlader Firefox
…og må jeg som en, der har brugt Firefox siden 2003 sige, at det er en skam.
“De viser, at Firefox lige nu har en markedsandel på blot 7,6 procent af det globale marked, og det er det foreløbige lavpunkt i en nedtur, der nu har varet mere end otte månede for browser-selskabet.”
Rygter om trackpad til iPad
“This week, a rumor circulated that Apple is planning to release its own iPad trackpad and keyboard accessory this year — a development I’d characterize as not only plausible, but inevitable. But such a product only makes sense if Apple is planning a larger push to win over Surface Pro and Windows users.”
Microsoft lukker for tredjeparts-“skills” på Cortana
“[…] Microsoft says that it’ll remove music, connected home, and third-party Cortana app integrations as it ‘tightens access’ on work and school accounts, and that it’ll end support for Cortana in older versions of Windows ‘that have reached their end-of-service dates.'”
Python er mere populært end nogensinde
“It’s the first time that a language other than JavaScript, which remains number one in the firm’s ratings, or Java, the other runner-up, has entered the top two since RedMonk started compiling its rankings in 2012.”
Facebook vil tillade andre valutaer end kun Libra
The Information:
“Succumbing to pressure from regulators, Facebook has decided to offer its users digital versions of government-backed currencies, including the U.S. dollar and the euro, in addition to the proposed Libra token, according to three people familiar with the matter.”
Facebook benægter aflysning af kryptovalutaen Libra
Apple lukker for Clearview
BuzzFeed News:
“A BuzzFeed News analysis of Clearview AI’s app for Apple’s mobile operating system found that the company had been violating the iPhone maker’s rules to distribute its apps to law enforcement agencies and other customers.”
“If you’re worried about the end of privacy, don’t waste your outrage on Clearview AI”