Digital Ugerevy #13 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook giver myndigheder gratis adgang til Messenger-værktøjer
Facebook Messenger:
“Today, we’re announcing two initiatives to support government health organizations in combating the coronavirus pandemic. We’re partnering with our developer community to provide free services to government health organizations and UN health agencies to help them use Messenger to scale their response to the COVID-19 crisis.”
Facebook og YouTube begrænser også videokvalitet
Dermed følger de i hælene på Netflix, Disney og andre.
“Facebook begrænser kvaliteten af videostreaming, så risikoen for trafikprop på netværk kommer ned. Tiltaget kommer efter flere andre tech-giganter i sidste uge gjorde det samme.”
“Lower-speed connections are served standard definition video. But soon, YouTube will default to streaming at standard definition. You’ll still be able to watch videos in high-def, but you’ll need to increase the resolution manually.”
“Why the internet (probably) won’t break during the coronavirus pandemic”
Brugen af Facebook stiger under krisen
The New York Times:
“Now, stuck inside their homes and isolated from their families and friends, millions of Americans are rediscovering the social network’s virtues. That has lifted usage of Facebook features like messaging and video calls to record levels and powered a surge in traffic for publishers of virus-related news.”
“Big Tech Could Emerge From Coronavirus Crisis Stronger Than Ever”
The New York Times
“4 Reasons Why Facebook Ads are Critical for Your Business During COVID-19”
Social Media Today
Instagram tester endnu en Snapchat-funktion
“Instagram is finally preparing to copy Snapchat’s most popular feature, and one of the few it hasn’t already cloned. Instagram has prototyped an unreleased ephemeral text messaging feature that clears the chat thread whenever you leave it, a Facebook spokesperson confirms to TechCrunch.”
Ny “co-watching”-funktion fra Instagram
Social Media Today:
“With everybody locked inside, and missing out on regular social interaction, Instagram is adding a new feature which aims to help users connect via video chat, with the option of also scrolling through your Instagram feed while still connected via video link.”
Instagram forbyder søgninger på AR-indhold om coronavirus
Social Media Today:
“After adding new information prompts and links to official resources in related search queries last week, Instagram is now expanding on its COVID-19 response tools, with additional information panels in the main feed and a ban on searches for coronavirus related AR masks.”
“Instagram Launches ‘Stay Home’ Sticker and Story to Encourage Social Distancing Amid COVID-19 Outbreak”
Social Media Today
WhatsApp er “en petriskål” for misinformation om coronavirus
Mother Jones:
“With more than 2 billion users, the platform has regularly been a conduit for fake news and misinformation. In India, fabricated videos of child kidnapping gangs on WhatsApp have led to lynchings of innocent people. In Brazil, the rapid spread of misinformation threatened the fairness of the 2019 presidential election. And amid the coronavirus pandemic, WhatsApp has become conduit for fake cures and conspiracy theories about coronavirus. “
WhatsApp vil bekæmpe misinformation med kontekst
“In the recent most beta version of its Android app, the Facebook-owned service has given users the ability to quickly comb through the web with the text or video they have received for more context.”
Twitter sætter gang i verifikation igen
Social Media Today:
“Twitter has additionally noted that it’s considering a way to action profile verification based on public recommendations amid the pandemic, but right now, it’s prioritizing suggestions from global public health authorities and partners.”
Twitter giver 1 mio. dollars til journalister, der dækker coronavirus
Twitter Blog:
“We’re donating one million dollars evenly distributed between the Committee to Protect Journalists and the International Women’s Media Foundation. These funds will be used to ensure these organizations can continue their work in the face of new economic strains and to directly support journalists. Their shared efforts to advocate for the rights of vulnerable reporters and to guarantee an equal share of voice for women in the industry has never been more relevant or important.“
Folk ser sig sure på @coronavirus på Twitter
BuzzFeed News:
“On Twitter, there’s a @coronavirus account. It’s been around since 2009 and has only tweeted four times — always about computer operating systems. But as the COVID-19 pandemic grew this week, people began finding it.”
Coronavirus rammer også Twitter på indtjeningen
“Det amerikanske sociale medie Twitter har mandag trukket sin prognose for omsætningen og driftsindtjeningen for første kvartal, mens guidance for omkostningerne, investeringerne, antallet af medarbejdere og aktieaflønning for hele 2020 også er skrottet.”
De andre
Guide til virtuelle events på YouTube
Think With Google:
“The possibilities that technology affords us today mean that digital events, whether video on demand or live stream, are a readily available option. If you’ve decided that hosting a virtual event is the way to go, below is a downloadable guide you can use for making videos and hosting events on YouTube, complete with links to many more resources and video tutorials.”
YouTube ændrer “Trending” til “Explore”
Social Media Today:
“YouTube is replacing the ‘Trending’ tab in its app with a new ‘Explore’ listing, which will showcase more video categories, along with popular videos, in order to prompt broader discovery.”
Snapchat spørger brugerne om deres COVID-19-bekymringer
Social Media Today:
“With an average user age of 13-24, the data is likely indicative, and it shows that younger people are indeed concerned, and are heeding the health warnings – though maybe not as much as they could be (based on visit data).
You can check out Snapchat’s full report here, or take a look at the key findings below.”
Pinterest laver ‘Today’-faneblad i kampen mod coronavirus
“While information from the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control about topics like handwashing is slated to feature prominently in the coming weeks, the Today tab will also show ideas for kid-friendly baking, work from home setups, family-favorite movies, comfort food recipes, and more”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
164.000 artikler om coronavirus i de danske medier
“Omtalen af corona har især været massiv de seneste fire uger. I uge 9 var der 11.498 mediehistorier. Det steg i uge 11 til 49.703 historier, da der blev holdt en række pressemøder i Statsministeriet. Omfanget af historier kulminerede foreløbigt i sidste uge med 63.012 mediehistorier.”
WAN-IFRA lancerer site om dækning af coronavirus
What’s New In Publishing:
“WAN-IFRA has published a dedicated resource site at to share its members’ experiences, best-practice, crucial resources, and the things it is doing to help.”
Digiday redesigner
“Our new site is not a result of the coronavirus dislocation, but it is a way of us adapting to the changed needs of our audience and our own evolution as a company. When we last refreshed our site, Digiday had a single brand. We now have three. Back then, we did not have a membership program; now we have three across all brands. We needed to adapt our experience.”
BBCs nye explainer-format
“Work started on the ‘explainer builder’ last year, initially to be used as an evergreen resource to add context to stories such as climate change and the US presidential elections, that do not need updating on a daily basis.
However, as the covid-19 pandemic began to escalate, the real potential for the feature and the need for constant updating with new questions became clear.”
Google Podcasts klar på iOS
“Launched last summer, the app quickly became the top podcasting app on Android, because, well, Google. There’s been some limited cross-platform availability by way of a browser. Obviously, native app support is much more appealing for iPhone and iPad owners looking to see what kind of alternative Google is offering to Apple’s own popular Podcasts app. “
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Sådan hjælper gratis indhold Jysk Fynske Medier
Som noget nyt har vi mulighed for at læse en ellers intern analyse skrevet af Jysk Fynske Mediers data- og analyseredaktør, Claes Holtzmann – ham bør du i øvrigt følge på Twitter.
Danske Medier vil have hjælpepakke til danske medier
“Der er behov for en særskilt hjælpepakke til danske medieselskaber, mener Danske Medier, som er de private mediers brancheorganisation.
En lang række medieaktører har meldt om faldende annonceomsætning som følge af coronakrisen, der har lagt en dæmper på samfundsøkonomien. Og det er netop annoncemarkedet, der er i centrum for Danske Mediers oplæg til en hjælpepakke.”
Danske Medier: Hjælpepakke vil koste trecifret millionbeløb
“Herning Folkeblad håber på hjælpepakke: Vi kigger ind i et annoncetab på 20-25 mio. kr.”
“Selvom coronavirus vil præge regnskabet for 2020, er det en formildende omstændighed, at krisen rammer i lavsæsonen, siger Gyldendal.”
“108 hyperlocal UK publishers may go bust without government financial help”
Slate lancerer metered paywall
Nieman Lab:
“Nothing will change for their 60,000 paying members of Slate Plus. And nothing will change for many casual readers who don’t read enough articles to hit the paywall. But those “most loyal readers” will now need to join Slate Plus to have access to unlimited articles (after a free two-week trial).”
Medier kigger endnu mere på abonnement
“The impacts of the coronavirus outbreak are still just beginning to be felt on the economy. In media, the global pandemic has meant a forecasted drop in ad revenue and event revenue for publishers. About 88% of them say they will miss their forecasts for the year.“
US-medier melder om flere abonnenter trods gratis indhold
“Bloomberg Media has witnessed record subscriber numbers since February, the average daily subscriber count is three times as high as usual, according to the publisher. Bloomberg, along with others like The Wall Street Journal, is putting virus-related content outside of its paywall. The Atlantic also had its single best week of subscriber growth despite coronavirus coverage not counting against its metered paywall.”
“‘We’re looking at this as an opportunity’: Bloomberg Media CEO Justin Smith’s optimistic scenario for media’s recovery”
Medier ærgerlige over blacklisting af indhold om coronavirus
Ad Age:
“Publishers have grown increasingly frustrated with third-party measurement companies, saying the vendors are preventing them from capitalizing on a surge of traffic driven by content related to the coronavirus pandemic.”
“News Sites Need Ads To Survive The Coronavirus. More Than 35 Million Times In March, They Didn’t Get Them From This Major Advertiser.”
BuzzFeed News
“With ad rates falling, Snopes can’t keep up with coronavirus misinformation”
Jeg har skrevet en opsummering:
“Coronavirus: Derfor er det svært at tjene penge på annoncer”
Øjnene hviler på Italiens mediebranche
“Despite the spike in media time, ad spending in Italy is trending downward as the lockdown caused major cash flow issues at businesses across multiple sectors. One agency executive said they expect ad spending in Italy to take a 10% to 15% hit for the year — drawing from an average of different sources — but that May will be the key month to make more accurate forecasts. “
The New York Times køber app med lyd på abonnement
The New York Times Company:
“The New York Times Company has acquired Audm, the subscription-based audio app that offers listeners the world’s best longform journalism, read aloud word-for-word by celebrated audiobook narrators.”
“Is The New York Times’ purchase of Audm a turning point in its new audio strategy?“
Nieman Lab
Firefox tester samarbejde med Scroll om betaling til udgivere
The Verge:
“Scroll is just the latest in a long line of attempts to get users to directly pay for visiting websites without asking them to sign up for a million different subscriptions or worry about convoluted micropayment systems. It does seem to have more momentum than earlier efforts.
Mozilla, for its part, is characterizing the partnership as a “test pilot,” and as such it will only be available in the US for the time being. “
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Safari blokerer tredjeparts-cookies
The Verge:
“It’s a significant milestone for web privacy, and it puts Apple’s browser officially two whole years ahead of Chrome, after Google said in January that it would start phasing out third-party cookies but not fully until some time in 2022. “
Statens Seruminstitut overvejer teledata
I Ugerevy #12 kunne du læse, at de amerikanske myndigheder overvejer at bruge lokationsdata i kampen mod coronavirusset. Det ser ud til, der er en lignende interesse herhjemme.
DR Nyheder:
“- Vi har fået en henvendelse fra Statens Serum Institut om, hvorvidt vi kan assistere dem med teledata, der kan underbygge deres analyser for at begrænse udbredelsen af Covid-19 og vurdere om regeringens tiltag virker, siger direktør for telebranchen Jakob Willer.”
“The case for using location data to fight coronavirus”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
BBC-studie af syntetiske stemmer
BBC Research & Development:
“The study explores the ways synthetic voices could be used in different media contexts in the future and is part of our ongoing research into new forms of content driven by synthetic voices. It is a collaboration between BBC R&D, the University of Salford, BBC Science, BBC Radio 4 and with the expertise of the BBC’s Voice + AI team.”
“Teleindustrien kræver »klart juridisk grundlag« for udlevering af teledata til SSI”
Er algoritmerne bag stemmegenkendelse racistiske?
Udfordringen hedder “algoritmebias” og skyldes ofte det datagrundlag, en algoritme er trænet på.
Ars Technica:
“Now, researchers at Stanford have identified another area with potential issues: the speech-recognition algorithms that do everything from basic transcription to letting our phones fulfill our requests. These algorithms seem to have more issues with the speech patterns used by African Americans, although there’s a chance that geography plays a part, too.”