Digital Ugerevy #14 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebooks moderatorer kæmper mod løgne om coronavirus
The Wall Street Journal:
“There is no coronavirus vaccine available for dogs being withheld from humans.
It isn’t necessary to close your windows because military helicopters will start spraying disinfectant.
And baby-formula manufacturers aren’t sending freebies to people who call their customer hotlines.”
…blandt andet fra Brasiliens præsident ?
NBC News:
“Facebook, Twitter bar video of Brazilian president endorsing unproven antiviral drug”
Facebook lancerer Messenger-app til Windows og macOS
“Facebook is launching Messenger apps for Windows and MacOS globally from today, nearly a year after the social networking giant first announced plans to bring dedicated apps to the desktop.”
Nye videofunktioner til Facebook-sider
Facebook for Media:
“Today, across all Pages globally, we’re rolling out updates to playlists and a new feature called series, a brand new way to publish episodic content on your Pages. Playlists and series can help all Pages that create related content increase discovery across the Facebook app ecosystem.”
Krisen har gjort Facebook Live populært igen
“But now, live-streaming is more popular than ever as people around the world stay at home to flatten the pandemic’s infection curve. And while this lockdown has killed in-person events, it has also breathed new life into virtual ones via services like Facebook Live. “
Facebook tilføjer “Experiments” til Ad Manager
Social Media Today:
“If you want to maximize the performance of your Facebook ads, you have to be willing to put the time in, and to try out different audience targeting options and creative elements in order to see which ones gain the most traction, helping to refine your results.
To help with this, Facebook has this week added a new ‘Experiments’ section to Ads Manager, which will provide a central home for all your Facebook ad tests and results, making it easier to track and measure your variables – and ultimately, improve your approach.”
Nu følger der mere med, når du henter dine Facebook-data
Social Media Today:
“Facebook is adding some new sections to its ‘Download Your Data‘ (Instagram) and ‘Download Your Information‘ (Facebook) tools in order to provide more transparency over the information it collects on your activities, and how it uses them to show you more relevant ads and content as a result.”
Facebook klar med 100 mio. dollars til medier ramt af coronavirus
The New York Times:
“With grants and marketing spending, the social media giant hopes to support outlets doing essential local reporting but struggling with a drop in advertising.”
YouTube og Snapchat
Sådan rammer YouTubes regler ifm. coronavirus YouTuberne
“As a result, creators who would ordinarily focus on news commentary have shied away from creating videos around coronavirus. Or, they’ve developed odd codes (like calling coronavirus “CV”) to try and subvert the new policy. Some of them say that the restrictions are hurting their ability to earn money from YouTube, which has not yet figured out how to moderate the type of independent content it encourages them to create.”
“YouTube sellers found touting bogus coronavirus vaccines and masks”
YouTube går med planer om TikTok-konkurrent
The Information:
“ouTube is currently planning Shorts, its answer to TikTok, as a feature inside its existing mobile app. Shorts will include a feed of brief videos posted by users inside the Google-owned app and will take advantage of the video service’s catalog of licensed music, songs from which will be available to use as soundtracks for the videos created by users, said the people [familiar with the matter]”
Snapchat oplever også øget brug
Social Media Today:
“This week, Snapchat has provided an update on the specific usage trends it’s seeing in its app, along with some key notes on the trends that are gaining momentum, which could provide some valuable pointers for marketers looking to maximize their performance during our coronavirus-induced hibernation.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Ingeniøren lancerer nyhedsbrev om coronavirus
…og følger blandt andet Information og en række internationale medier i hælene.
“Vi kommer bredt rundt om epidemiologi, vacciner, beredskabsteknologier og sundheds-it, ligesom vi undersøger påvirkningen af industri- og teknologiarbejdspladser. Du får også direkte hjælp til, hvordan coronakrisens teknologiske udfordringer kan løses, når det kommer til f.eks. hjemmearbejde, it- sikkerhed og driftsplanlægning.”
Flere danske medier droppede aprilsnarren
“Flere store danske medier dropper aprilsnarren i år. Ifølge TV 2 har aviser som Berlingske, B.T. og Jyllands Posten samt medierne DR og TV 2 selv ikke en aprilsnar i år.”
Google donerer 6,5 mio. dollars til faktatjekkere
Social Media Today:
“That’s why this new initiative from Google is so important – this week, Google has pledged $6.5 million in funding to support fact-checkers and nonprofit organizations that are combating misinformation around the world, with an immediate focus on coronavirus.”
Sådan håndterer du et community under en pandemi
The Coral Project:
“This is a time of uncertainty and fast-moving change. People are seeking reliable information and advice from each other and from you. Find expert voices, and give them a platform. Make sure that anything you share is up to date and verified – where possible, share links to your sources. “
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Sådan rammer krisen danske medier
Det er hård læsning:
“North Media vil skille sig af med Helsingør Dagblad”
“Coronakrisen har fjernet troen på snarlig breakeven hos Helsingør Dagblads ejer”
“Otte medarbejdere fratræder frivilligt hos Berlingske Media – 12 skal fyres”
“Berlingske Media opsiger fem HK-ansatte i salg og marketing”
“Coronakrisen koster også på Benjamin Media – otte fyret i dag”
“Herning Folkeblad fyrer syv medarbejdere og indfører kollektiv lønnedgang”
“Seks stillinger nedlægges hos Hovedstadens Mediehus”
“Altinget siger farvel til to journalister – medarbejderne er rystede og målløse”
“Heartbeats efter corona-fyringer: Kulturministeren har glemt os”
“Jobindex og Computerworld sender 93 medarbejdere hjem”
“Efter tre uger med coronakrise – få overblik over afskedigelser og sparetiltag”
Krisen truer lokale medier
Columbia Journalism Review:
“With each passing week, the torrent of dire news about COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, intensifies across the United States. So, too, does the torrent of dire news about the newspapers bringing you the dire news.”
Nieman Lab:
“The coronavirus pandemic is proving the value of local news to millions of readers, driving up subscriptions. But the advertising collapse is knee-buckling. ‘If it’s a couple of months, we’ll make it through. If it’s six months, all bets are off.'”
Bred politisk enighed om støtte til mediebranchen
“Aftalen betyder, at alle medievirksomheder med et omsætningstab på mellem 30 og 50 procent kompenseres for 60 procent af det tabte, mens virksomheder med et omsætningstab på over 50 procent kompenseres med 80 procent af tabt fortjeneste.
Der er ikke sat noget økonomisk loft på hjælpepakkens omfang i kroner og øre, men det skønnes at løbe op i cirka 180 millioner kroner.”
“Få overblikket: Sådan er hjælpepakken til mediehuse skruet sammen”
“Danske Medier roser hjælpepakke til medier”
“Tilfredse mediepolitikere: Vi fik det i høj grad, som vi ville have det”
Medier vil have annoncører til at acceptere indhold om coronavirus
“Publishers want the rampant blocking on news to stop. Jason Kint, CEO of Digital Content Next, the trade body representing CNBC, Bloomberg, The New York Times and other publications, wrote an open letter this week urging certain advertising technology companies including Integral Ad Sciences and DoubleVerify to exempt “premium, trusted media properties” from brand safety filters around COVID-19 and related terms.”
“Coronavirus: Derfor er det svært at tjene penge på annoncer”
Annoncesvindlere udnytter krisen
“Website traffic is surging. But with advertisers adding coronavirus-related keywords to their block lists and others pausing spend altogether, ad prices on news sites are low. With less competition in the auction, low quality ads — and even publishers’ own house ads — are now making their way to the most prized ad slots on homepages. The fraudsters have quickly leaped into action.”
Google begynder at tillade annoncer om coronavirus
The Verge:
“Over the next few days, Google will begin to allow “government entities, hospitals, medical providers, and NGOs” to run ads related to the novel coronavirus on its platforms. Since February, most nongovernmental advertisers have been barred from running ads related to the COVID-19 pandemic to stifle organizations seeking to spread misinformation or profiteer off of the panic. “
Schibsted vil ikke fjerne paywallen ved indhold om coronavirusset
“‘Opening the paywall is not an option,’ said Jacobsen. ‘With advertising as it is right now, we really need those revenue streams.’ Because of coronavirus, on Mar. 24 the publisher said it was canceling its previously announced proposal to pay dividends as its revenues are weakened.”
“McClatchy puts coronavirus paywalls back up”
Nordiske medier klar med nichemedier om kommunerne
“Det nye medie “Kommunefokus” skal dække kommunernes drift og investeringer og udkomme digitalt og som magasin på print. Mediet er abonnementsfinansieret med en årlig pris på 1995 kr. Samtidig har Nordiske ambitioner om at opbygge en konference- og eventforretning omkring mediet, fremgår det.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
WordPress 5.4 er klar – på engelsk
“ today launched WordPress 5.4, which focuses on “more ways to make your pages come alive,” as well as “boosts in speed you can feel.” Version 5.4, which was developed by 552 volunteer contributors, includes new blocks, clearer navigation, a faster editor, privacy improvements, and developer additions.”
Zoom i problemer: “De skal se at vokse op”
Videokald-/konference-app’en Zoom har fået kritik efter, det kom frem, at en Facebook-integration sendte informationer til Facebook, selvom brugeren ikke var logget ind. Zoom har siden fjernet integrationen, men skaden er sket. Analytikeren Ben Thompson skriver:
“The exact same sort of speed that led to Zoom fixing this in 48 hours led to the company to make the mistake of including Facebook Login in the first place, and, for that matter, the local webserver. The problem, though, is that Zoom is now a public company with a $42 billion market cap and a skyrocketing number of enterprise customers because of the coronavirus. Zoom needs to grow up.”
Det er så sidenhen kommet frem, at det set ikke stopper det. Eksempelvis lover Zoom, at videokaldene er krypteret “end-to-end” – det er de ikke.
Mere om Zooms problemer:
“Zoom meets the critics”
The Interface / Casey Newton (The Verge)
“Zoom under pressure”
Columbia Journalism Review
“Zoom freezes feature development to fix security and privacy issues”
“Zoom is facing questions about how private or secure it really is”
MIT Technology Review
“Videoconferencing apps saw a record 62M downloads during one week in March”
Open source-værktøj til animerede mockups
Smashing Magazine:
“What do you do when you’re missing a tool for a specific purpose? You build it yourself. That’s what Alyssa X did when she was looking for a tool to make animated GIFs and videos to showcase a product. Her take on the subject: Animockup.”
SSIs adgang til teledata giver “god mening”
“Ifølge en databeskyttelses ekspert giver det mening, at man begynder at bruge data om borgernes adfærd i den aktuelle situation. Hos Institut for Menneskerettigheder er man betænkelig ved EU-reglerne, der tillader overvågning af enkeltpersoner.”
Google droppede aprilsnarren
Business Insider:
“In an email obtained by Business Insider, the company asked workers to ensure that any plans they have for the traditionally prank-filled holiday are put on hold lest they be considered in poor taste.”