Digital Ugerevy #16 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook optrapper kampen mod løgne om coronavirus
MIT Technology Review:
“Facebook will start directing people who have interacted with misinformation on coronavirus to a myth-busting page on the World Health Organization’s website. “We’re going to start showing messages in News Feed to people who have liked, reacted or commented on harmful misinformation about COVID-19 that we have since removed,” Facebook’s VP of integrity, Guy Rosen, wrote in a blog post.”
“Facebook will start nudging users who have “liked” coronavirus hoaxes”
“Facebook confronts the coronavirus hoaxes”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Facebook udgiver guide til at holde kontakten med følgerne
Social Media Today:
“Facebook has published a new, 64-page guide of key tips and notes to help brands and organizations maintain connection with their Facebook and Instagram audiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The guide covers all aspects of Facebook and Instagram content, including Stories, live-streaming, IGTV, groups and more. Each section includes notes on how to make best use of the latest features and updates, along with the key considerations for audiences in relation to the pandemic.”
…og guide til annoncering under krisen
Facebook for Business:
“Coronavirus is affecting the routines and habits of people and how businesses serve those communities around the world, changing everything from the day-to-day lives of individuals to global supply chains. Among the many areas impacted are businesses’ media spends and strategies: Some 89% of advertisers say they have taken action with their budgets in response to COVID-19; with 45% saying they have adjusted media type usage or shifted budget among media types.”
Ny bog kigger på historien bag Instagram
Simon & Schuster:
“At its heart, No Filter is a human story, as Sarah Frier uncovers how the company’s decisions have fundamentally changed how we interact with the world around us. Frier draws on unprecedented exclusive access—from the founders of Instagram, as well as employees, executives, and competitors; Anna Wintour of Vogue; Kris Jenner of the Kardashian-Jenner empire; and a plethora of influencers, from fashionistas with millions of followers to owners of famous dogs worldwide—to show how Instagram has fundamentally changed the way we shop, eat, travel, and communicate, all while fighting to preserve the values which contributed to the company’s success.”
Mere om bogen:
“A revealing new history of Instagram”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
Instagram tester “udfordring”-sticker
Social Media Today:
“Instagram is testing a new ‘Challenge’ sticker for Stories which would enable users to call on their connections to participate in visual competitions, prompting more engagement.”
De andre og branchen generelt
Nyhedsvisninger på YouTube stiger med 75%
– Hvis man var bare det mindste i tvivl om, at der er kæmpe interesse og efterspørgsel efter opdateringer og viden om coronavirus, COVID-19 og krisen, der fulgte med.
“One of the largest upswings went to videos the company classifies as “news,” according to [Chief Product Officer] Mohan. “People are trying to consume as much information around this crisis,” he said. “It’s top of mind for everybody.” He did not share the actual number of views.”
Det ser dog ikke ud til, pengene følger med:
‘We’re creating inventory faster than they can fill it’: Publishers see YouTube ad prices drop 20%
“As YouTube Traffic Soars, YouTubers Say Pay Is Plummeting”
Twitter trække støtten til BuzzFeed-show
Nieman Lab:
“The coronavirus hits just keep coming for BuzzFeed. Digital ad revenue is down. Employee pay was cut. Amazon and Walmart are suspending their commerce marketing deals, which BuzzFeed relies on for ecommerce revenue. And, yesterday, Twitter pulled funding for its live morning news show AM to DM as well as for a new untitled project.”
Kan coronavirus dræbe influencer-kulturen?
“With Covid-19 dominating public life, that’s become harder to do. Travel, parties, and dining are canceled. Campaigns and deals are frozen. Followers, facing mounting uncertainty, are less moved by images of new swag, and anyone posting such things can easily look detached or tone deaf. As the coronavirus spreads, how can influencers stay relevant when the pillars of their industry are upside down? How can they bounce back if they make the wrong move? And ultimately, will anyone care if they don’t?”
LinkedIn gør Events tilgængelig for alle virksomhedssider
Social Media Today:
“With thousands of industry events being canceled amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, this could be helpful for those looking for another way to connect, and promote replacement meet-ups, live-streams or webinars to their brand followers.
LinkedIn has now made its new Events option available for all company pages as part of its efforts to assist brands dealing with the COVID-19 impacts.”
Reddit opdaterer reglerne for politiske reklamer
“Reddit announced an update to its policy for political advertising that will require campaigns to leave comments open on ads for the first 24 hours. The platform also launched a new subreddit, r/RedditPoliticalAds, that will include information about advertisers, targeting, impressions and spending by each campaign.”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
LOUD havde for få DAB-lyttere til, at det kunne måles
“Men hvordan det er gået med lyttertallene siden starten på den nye radiokanal, er ikke til at sige. De har nemlig været så lave i Gallups måling af radiolyttertal, at instituttet ikke har taget kanalen med i sin seneste oversigt, hvor de laveste lyttertal er 9.000 om ugen hos DAB-kanalen Mix 7.”
“Radiofolk om Loud-start: Det er op ad bakke og fuld af benspænd at få lyttere på DAB”
“Radiodistributør: Ikke vores opgave at reklamere for DAB”
Sådan får Fyens Stiftstidende kontakt til brugerne under krisen
Gerd May / Medium:
“Ingen kan mødes, journalisterne arbejder hjemmefra, alle interviews foregår over telefonen, og intet er som planlagt. Men hos Fyens Stiftstidende har nedlukningen ført til nye niveauer af læser-engagement og relationer. Relationer der vil leve videre, når samfundet engang åbner igen.”
Krisen får folk til at søge positive historier
The New York Times:
“Instagram accounts dedicated to good news, such as @TanksGoodNews and @GoodNews_Movement, have seen follower counts skyrocket in recent weeks. At the end of March, the actor John Krasinski introduced a “news network for good news” on YouTube; within a week, Some Good News had surpassed 1.5 million subscribers and 25 million views. Google searches for “good news” spiked a month ago and have only continued to rise.”
Den distribuerede redaktion er kommet for at blive
Nieman Lab:
“They’ll develop and refine distributed workflows, processes, and structures. They’ll work to instill an online organizational culture in digital spaces. They’ll strategize carefully about the technologies and tools they use. They’ll have a plan for how to continue the professional development through distributed training. They’ll explore new kinds of editorial products and audience engagement initiatives. They’ll be ready as quickly as possible to get back to the business of reporting everything their audiences need.”
“How to set up your distributed newsroom for success”
Podcasts stiger trods manglende commute
– Ja, sådan er der så meget. I sidste uges Ugerevy kunne du læse, at podcast-lytningen er blevet ramt, fordi mange færre har et arbejde, de skal transporteres frem og tilbage fra (den transport er det tidspunkt, hvor mange lytter). Her er så en historie fra Digiday, der siger det modsatte.
“Those numbers deserve to be taken with a grain of salt. Chartable, like Podtrac and other podcasting analytics services, is an opt-in analytics service, and many different podcast networks, ranging from Entercom to Vox Media, showed increased listening last month.
But podcasting’s simplicity — and its on-demand nature — has meant that for now, ad revenue continues to grow for the medium, with many brand advertisers content to rework their messaging and keep spending, even as direct response advertisers pause or drop theirs. “
Det ser i hvert fald ud til, der sker noget med tidspunktet, vi lytter på:
“Coronavirus seems to have made podcasts more of an afternoon thing than a morning thing”
Nieman Lab
Hvad gik galt ved US-mediernes dækning af coronavirus?
“As we head into the next phase of the pandemic, and as the stakes mount, it’s worth looking back to ask how the media could have done better as the virus broke out of China and headed to the US.
Why didn’t we see this coming sooner? And once we did, why didn’t we sound the alarm with more vigor?”
“As newsrooms face coronavirus-related cuts, 54% of Americans rate media’s response to the outbreak positively”
Pew Research Center
Quibi downloadet 1,7 mio. gange første uge
The Verge:
“After all of the hype and a barrage of TV advertising, Quibi tallied over 1.7 million downloads in its first week after launch. CEO Meg Whitman revealed the stat to CNBC’s David Faber this morning, also noting that the median age of Quibi viewers is (so far) somewhere in the low 30s.”
Disney+ runder 50 mio. brugere
“Ifølge det svenske medie Dagens Industri har de nye lande nemlig betydet, at Disney + har fået 50 mio. betalende brugere. Det oplyser selskabet i en pressemeddelelse onsdag.
De otte europæiske lande, som er tilføjet til listen over steder, hvor den nye tjeneste er tilgængelig, er Storbritannien, Irland, Frankrig, Tyskland, Italien, Spanien og Schweiz.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Google opretter fond til lokalmedier
– Og ja, Danmark er et af landende på listen.
“In a blog post, Richard Gingras, Google’s vice president of news, noted that local news has become even more vital amid the widespread lockdowns aimed at limiting the spread of COVID-19. Local news organizations have seen their traffic soar during the outbreak as readers seek relevant information, but advertising has been gutted.”
Podimo oplyser antal brugere – men ikke abonnenter
“200.000 brugere har været forbi podcasttjenesten Podimo i Danmark, oplyser selskabet, der melder om “solide konverteringsrater” uden at sætte tal på, hvor mange der betaler penge for adgang til indholdet.”
Google omsatte for 4 mia. kroner på det danske annoncemarked
“Google tog nye markedsandele på det digitale annoncemarked sidste år, som ellers bød på mindre vækst end de foregående år.”
Lær af andres paywall-erfaringer
Artiklen hos What’s New In Publishing er en kort overflyvning af betalingsmurene hos:
- The Boston Globe
- Wired
- Dagbladet
- Handelsblatt
- The Financial Times
- Bild
- The Athletic
- Esquire
“Webinar with TechCrunch: Building and Growing a Successful Subscription Business”
Krisen er en mulighed for at hente loyale læsere og abonnenter
“So, what should news publishers do with this newfound surge of interest in news content? Deep BI’s report suggests that this an opportunity for news organisations to build loyalty and subscriptions amongst their audiences in the short and long term.
This is not just a scramble for information, audiences are more engaged in news content right now. In March, there were twice as many users who were ‘likely to subscribe’ than January. ‘Likely to subscribe’ means it has a high ‘propensity to subscribe’ algorithm score based on more than 100 factors.”
“The coronavirus traffic bump to news sites is pretty much over already”
Nieman Lab
Dentsu Aegis-ansatte går ned i løn
“I håbet om at være rustet til at kunne investere og gribe kommercielle muligheder på den anden side af coronakrisen skærer mediebureauet Dentsu Aegis Network i Danmark ca. 15 pct. af omkostningerne. “Den nedgang, vi ser i annonceringen nu, bliver ikke midlertidig,” lyder det fra adm. direktør.”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Google og Apple arbejder sammen i kampen mod COVID-19
The Verge:
“On Friday, Apple and Google announced a system for tracking the spread of the new coronavirus, allowing users to share data through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmissions and approved apps from health organizations.”
“Apple, Google Bring Covid-19 Contact-Tracing to 3 Billion People”
“Apple and Google answer our questions”
Casey Newton / The Interface (The Verge)
“Sådan kommer Apple og Googles store samarbejde om en API til smittesporing til at fungere”
Gmail blokerer 18 mio. coronavirus-e-mails hver dag
“Google has said that it intercepted 18 million malware and phishing emails related to COVID-19 each day in the past week, representing nearly 20% of the “more than 100 million” phishing Gmail messages that Google says it typically blocks daily*. And this doesn’t include the 240 million coronavirus-related spam messages that its automated systems have filtered out every day.”
Facebooks digitale valuta får ny strategi
MIT Technology Review:
“A key piece of feedback from regulators was “the potential for a multi-currency Libra coin to interfere with monetary sovereignty,” according to the updated Libra white paper. So there’s a new strategy: The Libra Association, the nonprofit that Facebook has stood up to manage the currency, will issue multiple stablecoins denominated in single currencies. There will still be a Libra coin, but it will be a “digital composite of some of the single-currency stablecoins available on the Libra network.””
Bliver det muligt at teste apps uden at installere i iOS 14?
“Apple is working on a new way to offer specific parts of third-party apps across the system without needing to have them installed, 9to5Mac has learned based on an early build of iOS 14. The feature would allow users to experience parts of an app’s functionality by scanning a QR Code.”
Betalende Zoom-brugere kan selv vælge datacenter
– Zoom har fået endnu mere kritik; denne gang for at sende trafik igennem datacenter i Kina. Det stopper nu.
The Verge:
“Free users can’t change their region, but data won’t be routed through China”
Facebook tester softwaren med bot-brugere
MIT Technology Review:
“In response, Facebook built a scaled-down version of its platform to simulate user behavior. Called WW, it helps engineers identify and fix the undesired consequences of new updates before they’re deployed. It also automatically recommends changes that can be made to the platform to improve the community experience.”