Digital Ugerevy #3 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Algoritmeændring skal gøre Facebook-brugere gladere
“Det sociale medie Facebook, der også ejer Instagram, vil ændre på algoritmerne i 2020, så brugerne på globalt plan får en mere positiv oplevelse af at være på deres platforme.
Det fortæller to nordiske topchefer fra Facebook i et interview med Politiken.
‘Vi ønsker ikke at skabe en maskine, der fanger unge mennesker i en negativ spiral. Vi vil gerne skabe positive fællesskaber’, siger Martin Ruby, der er politisk chef for Facebook i Norden.”
Wired: Private Messages Are the New (Old) Social Network
“The sudden fall of Facebook sharing has led to the rise of something else: private messaging.”
Jeg tror, Nathalie har fat i noget:
Det er en udfordring, Facebook har haft i nogle år, efterhånden. I juni 2016 skrev
“Facebook can’t stand that its users are no longer posting their own content like they used to. That’s why on Wednesday Mark Zuckerberg’s company announced a major overhaul to its News Feed algorithm that will prioritize users’ posts–and push publishers’ content further down–in an effort to encourage more original content sharing.”
Facebooks fem fokusområder for fremtiden
Social Media Today:
“Along this line, Zuckerberg has outlined five key areas of focus for Facebook, which he sees as critical to the future of the platform, and the role it plays in society. […]
– Generational Change
– A New Private Social Platform
– Decentralizing Opportunity
– The Next Computing Platform
– New Forms of Governance“
Sådan sporer Facebook dig – og det kan du gøre
“To make matters more complicated, Facebook owns WhatsApp and Instagram too, and can pool some of the information it gathers in those apps as well. The best way to limit Facebook’s tracking is to quit all three apps for good. If that’s too extreme for you, we’ve got some more suggestions.”
Facebook vil ikke forbyde usandheder i politiske annoncer
The New York Times:
“‘In the absence of regulation, Facebook and other companies are left to design their own policies,’ Rob Leathern, Facebook’s director of product management overseeing the advertising integrity division, said in the post. ‘We have based ours on the principle that people should be able to hear from those who wish to lead them, warts and all, and that what they say should be scrutinized and debated in public.'”
“Who is right about political ads, Twitter or Facebook?“
Columbia Journalism Review
Facebook: Det vil tage år at kryptere Messenger
“What Zuckerberg didn’t spell out at the time is just how difficult that transition would be to pull off, and not just in terms of political hurdles from encryption-averse law enforcement or a shift in Facebook’s business model. Encrypting Facebook Messenger alone represents a Herculean technical challenge. According to one of the Facebook engineers leading the effort, a version of Messenger that’s fully end-to-end encrypted by default remains years away.”
Facebook-sårbarhed afslørede skjulte administratorer
“All it took to exploit the bug was opening a target page and checking the edit history of a post. Facebook mistakenly displayed the account or accounts that made edits to each post, rather than just the edits themselves.”
Facebook tilføjer historik til sider
Social Media Today:
“Facebook has added a new tab to its Page settings which provides an overview of actions taken by Page admins, including Page role allocations, contact information, Business Manager relationships, and more.”
Facebook opgiver annoncer i WhatsApp
The Wall Street Journal:
“Facebook Inc. is backing away from efforts to sell ads in WhatsApp, in a retreat from a controversial plan that drove the creators of the popular messaging service to resign more than 18 months ago, according to people familiar with the matter.”
Instagram tester private beskeder i desktop-udgave
Social Media Today:
“This will be welcome news to many Instagram marketers. After the functionality was first spotted in testing in February last year, Instagram has now confirmed that it will begin a small roll out of direct message access through the web-based version of its app.”
Faktatjekker Instagram de forkerte ting?
Nieman Lab:
“Instagram users also called out the platform this month for fact-checking a Warren Buffett meme while leaving alone politicians’ lies and political ads. (Trump’s approval rating with Republicans is nowhere near as high as he says it is; his overall approval rating is currently around 42 percent.)”
Instagram-chef fortæller om Like-test
Social Media Today:
“Thus far, Instagram hasn’t provided many answers, but this week, we got a little more insight into the thinking behind the test, and its current impacts, via Vishal Shah, Instagram’s VP of Product, who took part in an interview on ‘The Social Media Geekout’ podcast, which is hosted by social media expert Matt Navarra.”
Instagram og Iran-affæren
The Interface / Casey Newton:
“The activists’ concerns were fresh in my mind when I read about the weekend’s removal of Instagram accounts in Iran that expressed support for the Iranian general Qassem Soleiman, who was killed by the United States last week. Like a strong antibiotic, it appears that Instagram’s enforcement action wiped out both accounts tied to the ruling regime and the posts of everyday Iranians.”
Facebook sletter sympatiopslag med dræbte Soleimani
Instagram klar med nye Boomerang-funktioner
Social Media Today:
“The new options add more ways in which you can use the Boomerang mode to liven up your Instagram Stories. In addition to this, Instagram has also added capacity to ‘trim and tweak’ your Boomerang loop (visible in the second screenshot in the example above) in order to better control your final clip.”
10 pointer om YouTube og amerikanernes brug af det
Pew Research Center:
“Using a combination of public opinion surveys and large-scale data analysis, Pew Research Center has studied YouTube in recent years to better understand the content that gets posted to the site and how the U.S. public engages with it.”
Ytringsfrihed: YouTube strammer grebet
“Videodelingsplatformen YouTube har strammet grebet om brugernes ytringsfrihed med nye retningslinjer, der skal sikre et »ordentligt fællesskab«. Vi har talt med Google Danmarks politiske chef om YouTubes udvikling og de dilemmaer, der venter”
Twitter overvejer betalinger via tweets
The Information:
“Twitter is also considering a feature that will allow users to tip—sending each other money from their tweets—according to two people familiar with the company’s decisions. It couldn’t be learned when the tipping feature will debut or whether the microtransactions play will see Twitter linking up with Dorsey’s other company, Square.”
Twitter: Ingen redigering af tweets foreløbig
Social Media Today:
“Tweet editing advocates, brace yourselves. This week, in an interview with Wired, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said that an edit button is not on the cards for the platform, and likely never will be.”
Twitter udvider take over-format
Mobile Marketer:
“Twitter this week expanded its takeover ad format to include video and animations, helping to boost their visibility on mobile and desktop screens. Its Promoted Trend Spotlight ads support six-second videos, GIFs and static images, and appear atop its Explore tab that highlights what most people are tweeting about, per a blog post.”
Generelt / branchen
Influencer-industriens dage “er talte”
“Markedsføring gennem såkaldte influencere fylder stadig mere, men mens det tidligere var de store stjerner, der herskede, er det i dag microinfluencerne, der vinder frem hos virksomheder og forbrugere. Trods denne udvikling tror kommunikationsdirektør, at branchens dage er talte: »Fænomenet har undergravet og oversolgt sig selv«.”
Medier bør have en strategi for kommentarer og sociale medier
The Intersection / Adriana Lacy:
“However, encouraging readers to do most of their engaging off-platform on social media is a temporary solution to what will be a long-term problem. “
TikTok havde flere downloads end Facebook i Q4 af 2019
What’s New In Publishing:
“TikTok has surpassed 1.5B downloads on the App Store and Google Play, according to Sensor Tower. The app reached an all-time high of 220M installs in Q4 of 2019 (a 24% increase over Q3 2019).
It became the second-most downloaded app worldwide in 2019, after WhatsApp, and ahead of Facebook and Messenger. Sensor Tower also reports that TikTok’s revenue grew by 540% YoY in Q4 of 2019.”
Lær et nyt ord: Shitposting
“Shitposting er, når man poster indhold, der ligner et meme, men er fuldkomment meningsløst. Det i sig selv kan skabe nye memes. Shitposting bruges som udråb, udtryk og til at trolle – dvs. digitalt at chikanere personer eller organisationer, man ikke kan lide.”
? Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
Ritzau ansætter robotredaktør
“Nu vil Ritzau give robotterne endnu mere at arbejde med for at styrke sin position i den regionale og lokale dækning. Til det arbejde har bureauet fra 1. januar ansat sin første robotredaktør, Mads Petersen, som sammen med to udviklere og en projektleder blandt andet skal opdyrke nye emner, som kan dækkes af computere.”
Bliv klogere på automatisering i mediebranchen:
Tag med til Automation Day
EB-robot skrev forkert resultat af fodboldkamp
“‘Vi kunne godt have brugt noget VAR,’ siger Ekstra Bladets chefredaktør Poul Madsen, efter at mediets nye robotjournalist har udgivet et sportsreferat med væsentlige fejl. Det er få uger siden, EB er gået i luften med de robotskrevne nyheder, som ifølge Poul Madsen skal forbedres”
MediaWatch lancerer podcast om medier
“Den nye podcast hedder “Q&co” og får Henrik Qvortrup som vært. Programmet udkommer hver torsdag, og Henrik Qvortrup bliver ugentligt flankeret af en skiftende gæstevært.
Ambitionen bag tiltaget er at styrke mediedebatten på MediaWatch, forklarer Anders Heering, ansv. chefredaktør og adm. direktør på Watch Medier, og samtidig tage tråden op efter Radio24syvs nu lukkede medieprogram “Q&A”, som havde Henrik Qvortrup som medvært.”
BBC vil gøre nyheder på smart speakers menneskelige
“The technology is still far from maturity and this ‘conversational AI’ – to use the technical jargon – is where the new in-house software Beeb seeks to take the traditional news bulletin. That could see more specific and natural language between listener and journalist, arriving at something closer to a real back-and-forth conversation”
Reddit vil forbyde nogle deepfakes
“But don’t worry. This doesn’t apply to all deepfake or manipulated content– just that which is actually misleading in a malicious way. Because believe you me, we like seeing Nic Cage in unexpected places just as much as you do.”
Mobil adblocking lader stadig vente på sig
“Despite the fact that more people are accessing publishers’ sites via mobile devices, publishers aren’t wringing their hands about the rising number of ad blockers on them. This is partly because publishers earn less revenue from ads on these smaller screens. Also the industry as a whole has made great strides in improving theonlinead experience overall. Plus, ad blockers on mobile devices are harder to install, and because of this, they are less prevalent.”
“Axel Springer pushes on in its legal fight against ad blocking”
Sådan kommer lokaljournalister i gang med mobilvideo
“In a lot of cases, that will be sufficient before posting the content online or to social media. But Scott warned it is easy to get carried away. A common mistake is to try to do too much or over-invest in apps and equipment before truly understanding the basics.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Ekstra Bladet lukker to ungemedier
“Der er blevet stille om de to medier Shero og Skærm, som Ekstra Bladet står bag. Aktiviteterne på de to sites er stoppet, oplyser Ole Sloth, adm. redaktør hos Ekstra Bladet og direktør for selskabet Medieselskabet af 2017, som har stået bag de to medier. “De to sites opfyldte hver især ikke vores krav til indtjening,” skriver Ole Sloth i en kommentar til MediaWatch om baggrunden for at lukke de to medier.”
Flere medier ser abonnementer som primær indtægt
“In 2020, reader revenue is set to become the main income stream for half of publishers, according to Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions 2020, an annual report published by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, that surveyed 233 CEOs, editors and digital leaders from 32 different countries.”
“Learnings from this year’s Reuters predictions”
“Salg og journalistik smelter sammen”
“The reader revenue revolution: How publishers can grow digital subscriptions”
What’s New In Publishing
2019 var digitalt rekordår hos The New York Times
The New York Times Company:
“It passed its goal of $800 million of annual digital revenue a year ahead of schedule. […]
The Company added more than 1 million net digital subscriptions last year. This is the highest annual run-rate since the launch of the digital model in 2011, indeed the largest number of net subscription additions in a year in the history of The New York Times Company.
The New York Times Company now has more than 5 million total subscriptions, again an all-time record for the Company.”
“New York Times når digitalt mål et år før tid”
Historien bag Business Insiders succes
“Insider Inc., the new umbrella name for the businesses, just hit a target for revenue diversification, Blodget said, with about a third from ads, a third from subscriptions and a third from data and research. ‘We’re not necessarily trying to be the fastest growing or biggest,’ (even if the story seems to read that way), he told me. ‘We aim to be sustainable and are investing all the time in that.'”
Hos nyt medie betaler donorer for abonnementer
“Tortoise ønsker at blive læst af alle – også dem uden råd til medlemsskab. Derfor betaler donorer for over 11.000 medlemmer”
Crowdfunding-platforme for journalister
“Setting up a campaign to fund your latest journalism project has never been easier, with a range of different platforms to raise money, but the challenge of finding the most suitable one for you and reaching your target remains. has put together a list of crowdfunding platforms to launch your next reporting project.”
Digital direktør forlader TV 2
“‘Vi kommer til at se på, om vi har tilstrækkelige ressourcer på det digitale område, om vi skal lave yderligere tiltag i vores strategi med digital acceleration, og om vi skal arbejde anderledes sammen på tværs af huset. Det er ikke nyt. Vi har været i gang med dén proces længe, men et direktørskifte giver anledning til at kigge dybere ned i, om vi kan organisere os anderledes. Mere kan jeg ikke sige om det i dag, siger [Anne Engdal Stig Christensen, adm. direktør for TV 2].”
Mere fra MediaWatch:
“Det er primært udviklingen af streamingtjenesten Play, der har delt vandene i TV 2’s direktion og udløst Anders Blauenfeldts farvel, men ikke alene, forklarer den afgående direktør.”
Programmatic har vendt købsprocessen på hovedet
“While industry folks have deliberated the man-versus-machine question, automation in the form of programmatic advertising has upended the media buying process, changing many of the jobs required to run a campaign. Machines are simply better and faster when it comes to gathering insights, testing ads, learning what works and optimizing the result. But the dirty secret of programmatic advertising is that it still requires an awful lot of people.”
Tre ting kan ændre digitalt annoncemarked efter år med fri leg
Apples privacy-opdatering presser geobaserede annoncer
““We have seen a drop in sales pitches from providers on location-data solutions, and there is a rise in ensuring that the data-exchange piece is addressed transparently up front as part of bigger deals,” said Sargi Mann, evp of digital strategy at Havas Media.”
Penguin Random House forlader streaming-tjenester
“Penguin trækker sig ud af samtlige abonnementstjenester, hvor forlagets bøger hidtil har været stillet til rådighed for alle, der vil betale et månedligt beløb for at kunne læse eller lytte med.”
Læs artiklen
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Google vil udfase tredjeparts-cookies i Chrome
“Google today announced its plans to phase out support for third-party cookies in Chrome within the next two years. The fact that Google will drop support for these cookies, which are typically used to track users across the web, doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise, given Google’s announcements around privacy in Chrome, including its proposed “privacy sandbox.” But this aggressive timeline is new and puts the company on a track that will have repercussions for a lot of other industries, as well.”
“The change will enhance user privacy, and that’s likely to be welcomed by privacy advocates, who have harshly criticized Google for its data collection. But some critics pointed out that ending third party cookies will also make the troves of user data that Google, Facebook and other large tech companies with advertising businesses have already collected even more valuable.”
Læs briefing hos The Information
“RIP third-party cookies: What Google’s ‘pivot to privacy’ means for publishers”
What’s New In Publishing
“Winners, losers and fallout from Google’s plan to drop cookies”
“WTF is Google’s Privacy Sandbox?”
“Google vil udfase invasiv datajagt med cookies”
En relevant pointe i den forbindelse:
Browsere skruer ned for notifikationer
“‘Chrome 80 will show, under certain conditions, a new, quieter notification permission UI that reduces the ‘interruptiveness’ of notification permission requests,’ McLachlan says. […]
In essence, nobody finds them useful. In one month Mozilla found that 1.45 billion prompts were show to users—only 23.66 million were accepted. As a result, the latest version of Firefox, which was released this week, doesn’t use notifications prompts at all. If a website tries to send a notification request it is relegated to the address bar and will show as a speech bubble.”
Tre søgemaskiner på vej til Android-telefonerne
“Fra marts vil du blive præsenteret for tre alternative søgemaskiner til Google på dine Android-enheder. Google vil sælge pladserne i auktioner hver fjerde måned. Her er de fire søgemaskiner, som er på vej til danske Android-telefoner.”
“DuckDuckGo trumps Bing in Google’s controversial Android ‘choice screen’ search engine auction”
Microsoft ruller Chromium-browser ud
“På onsdag 15. januar går Microsoft nemlig i gang med at udrulle selskabets nye nye browser, der bygger på open source-motoren Chromium. Den er blevet kaldt for ‘Chredge’ og ‘Edgium.’
Den nuværende ‘klassiske’ Edge-browser bygger på Microsofts egen EdgeHTML.”
“The browser wars are back, but it’s different this time”
The Verge
“Browser benchmark battle January 2020: Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge vs. Brave”
“Mozilla lays off 70 as it waits for new products to generate revenue”
Forbrugerrådet anmelder dating-apps til Datatilsynet
“Flere populære apps bør granskes af Datatilsynet, mener Forbrugerrådet Tænk, der peger på, at deres opsamling af brugernes data kan være i strid med GDPR.”
Danmarks tech-ambassadør skal være Microsoft-ambassadør
“I stedet skifter han til Microsoft, hvor han får ansvaret for Microsofts officielle anliggender og politiske arbejde på tværs af landene i Europa med titlen »Vice President European government affairs«, lyder det i en pressemeddelelse.”