Digitale tendenser, uge 40 (2020)
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
💬 Facebook integrerer Messenger og Instagram
Social Media Today:
“So, you can cross message from Messenger and Instagram, and you’ll be able to see your Messenger threads in Instagram Direct. But your existing Instagram messages and call details will only be available in Instagram, at least at this point. “
Facebook har tænkt privatliv ind i integrationen, skriver TechCrunch:
“Through an expanded set of privacy tools, users can specify who can reach their main Chats list, who is sent to the Message Request folder and who can’t reach them at all. If an Instagram user doesn’t want to hear from anyone on Facebook, they can turn this feature off.”
“Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, confirmed that full end-to-end encryption remains on the company’s map, but did not say when it will get there,” skriver Wired.
“The effort could effectively cement Facebook’s dominance over the messaging market for years to come, and arguably make it harder to break up the company,” skriver CNN.
Mere integration:
“Facebook Launches Accounts Center to Better Connect Cross-Data and Payment Systems,” skriver Social Media Today.
🆕 Nye gruppefunktioner
Social Media Today:
“In terms of new features, first off, Facebook has announced a new set of admin tools for Facebook groups, which will provide more ways for group admins to control their group discussions, and manage engagement.
The biggest addition, from a group management perspective, is Admin Assist, which is a new process that will enable group admins to set up automated rules for post moderation, saving them time in having to sort through common problematic posts.”
😠 Facebook-algoritmen straffer medier for forkerte tidspunkter
Det er seriøst blevet en hel videnskab bare at dele sit indhold på Facebook…
What’s New in Publishing:
“Posts spaced roughly 10 to 40 minutes apart resulted in a slight increase in Facebook traffic, appearing to be the “sweet spot” for these publishers. However, the relationship between post frequency and penalization is nonlinear: beyond the 40-minute mark, penalization occurs again and referral traffic dips.
In the case of news publisher #2, posting at intervals of anywhere between 40 and 52 minutes apart results in more penalization, yet at the 52-minute mark, the trend reverses and results instead in a traffic boost. It would be difficult for a publisher to divine this kind of precise information, all the more so as this data continuously fluctuates.”
🤔 Facebook: Vi er meget mere klar end i 2016
“Forud for præsidentvalget om fem uger understreger Facebook, at det sociale medie i dag er langt bedre rustet til at bremse internettes trolde. – Facebook har ændret en hel del siden det amerikanske valg i 2016, siger Nick Clegg, der er vicedirektør for Facebook med ansvar for globale anliggender og kommunikation.”
Det er det vist ikke alle, der er enige i… Recode skriver:
“Democratic Party leaders are ‘banging their head against the wall’ after private meetings with Facebook on election misinformation”
🤺 Facebooks eget råd får nu konkurrence
I sidste uges Ugerevy kunne du blandt andet læse, at Facebooks tilsynsråd snart går i gang. I rådet, der skal håndtere eksempelvis klager over fjernet indhold, sidder også danske Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
Nu skriver NBC News imidlertid, at en række brancheeksperter har lavet en konkurrent til Facebooks råd:
“A group of about 25 experts from academia, civil rights, politics and journalism announced Friday that they have formed a group to analyze and critique Facebook’s content moderation decisions, policies and other platform issues in the run-up to the presidential election and beyond.”
I sit ‘The Interface’-nyhedsbrev behandler Casey Newton (snart eks-The Verge) også historien om det nye råd:
“Meanwhile, the fake Real Oversight Board tells me that it plans to pick up where the actual real Oversight Board leaves off.
“It’s been misreported as being about ‘content moderation,’ but it’s about addressing the whole thing: ads, algorithmic amplification, group recommendations, etc.,” a spokesperson told me. “The OB is focussing solely on stuff that’s been taken down at launch. Our chief concern at this time is on what’s up.” Thursday’s Zoom call will be a “curtain raiser” that walks through some of the more disturbing scenarios we may see in the run-up to, and aftermath, of the November 3rd election, the spokesperson said.”
“Facebook Ranks Last in Digital Trust Among Users”
✋ Facebook fjerner usand Trump-annonce
The Guardian:
“On Wednesday the social media platform took down the Trump-sponsored advertisements which claimed, without evidence, that accepting refugees would increase Americans’ risk of Covid-19. The ad, which featured a video of Joe Biden talking about the border and asylum seekers, claimed, also without evidence, that the Democratic candidate’s policies would increase the number of refugees from Syria, Somalia and Yemen by “700%”.”
🤨 Har højrefløjen det lettere på Facebook?
“But Facebook says there’s a reason why right-wing figures are driving more engagement. It’s not that its algorithm favors conservatives — the company has long maintained that its platform is neutral. Instead, the right is better at connecting with people on a visceral level, the company says.”
🇩🇰 Dansk musik er tilbage på YouTube
Så fik KODA og Google angiveligt løst hårdknuden.
“Den nye aftale betyder, at pengene, som vil tilflyde de danske komponister, vil være betinget af, at der er reklamer på videoerne.
‘Din konkrete udbetaling for en video med musik på YouTube afhænger af, hvor mange annonceindtægter den enkelte video genererer,’ hedder det i aftalen.”
🤳 YouTube forbedrer Stories på iOS med AI
“Google today launched Looking-to-Listen, a new audiovisual speech enhancement feature in YouTube Stories captured with iOS devices. Leveraging AI and machine learning, it allows creators to take better selfie videos by automatically boosting their voices and reducing background noise, the company says.”
📊 26% af amerikanerne får deres nyheder fra YouTube
“Americans are as likely to often turn to independent channels as they are to established news organization channels; videos from independent news producers are more likely to cover subjects negatively, discuss conspiracy theories.”
🎤 Lyd ruller ud på iOS-Twitter – udskrift er på vej
The Verge:
“Twitter has just expanded its voice tweets feature, which lets you record a snippet of audio to include with a tweet, to more users on iOS. But perhaps more significantly, Twitter is now saying it plans to add transcriptions to voice tweets to improve accessibility, which could help address criticisms from the feature’s June 17th launch.”
🕶 QAnon vil ændre strategi efter Twitter-tiltag
NBC News:
“The shift in tactics comes the same week as Twitter released new data stating that their ban on QAnon-related accounts was severely limiting the reach of the conspiracy theory.
A Twitter spokesperson said that QAnon-related tweets had been cut in half in the two months since the company banned high-profile QAnon Twitter accounts and surfaced QAnon-related tweets lower in search results.”
🧠 Twitter vil rulle “læs før du tweeter” ud til alle
Meldingen er, at de vil lægge den nye funktion ud på hele platformen “very soon”.
“In June, Twitter introduced a test feature on Android to promote “informed discussion” on the platform — something social media’s staccato conversational bursts are rarely conducive to.
The experimental prompt appeared for users who went to retweet an article they hadn’t clicked to open, and suggested they read before they retweet.”
🥵 Sådan klarede Twitter sig igennem kæmpe hacker-angreb
“Chaos ensued, with many of those who could still tweet celebrating the silencing of the “blue checks.” But it also created an information bottleneck. The National Weather Service couldn’t send out a tornado advisory, and media companies, including WIRED, were unable to tweet news about the hack, leaving the official Twitter Support account as the primary reliable source of information on the platform. The updates trickled out over one long thread that would ultimately extend into September, with Twitter sharing what it knew essentially in real-time. And what it knew was this: At least one of those phishing phone calls had worked.”
TikTok og resten
🗳 TikTok lancerer in-app-guide til præsidentvalget
TikTok Newsroom:
“Today we’re launching an in-app guide to the 2020 US elections to provide access to authoritative information as we continue our work to protect against misinformation. The guide connects 100 million Americans with trusted information about the elections from the National Association of Secretaries of State, BallotReady, SignVote, and more. “
🙅♂️ Trumps TikTok-blokering bliver blokeret
“En føderal amerikansk dommer har søndag midlertidigt sat en stopper for et forbud mod at downloade videoappen Tiktok i USA.
Det sker, blot timer inden at forbuddet skulle være trådt i kraft, efter at selskabet bag den populære app har klaget.”
😔 Jøder bliver ramt af antisemitisme på TikTok
NBC News:
“A half-dozen Jewish teens on TikTok said they experience anti-Semitism nearly every time they post content to the platform, regardless of whether or not the content is about their Judaism. Sometimes it takes the form of denying the existence or the severity of the Holocaust; at other moments, it takes the shape of equating Jews as a people with the actions of the government of Israel.”
👍 Snapchat får 1 mio. amerikanere til at stemme
…eller, til at registrere sig som vælgere, i hvert fald:
NBC News:
“While that is significantly fewer than the 2.5 million who have signed up through Facebook, the recruitment of Generation Z and millennial voters could play a larger role in affecting the outcome in certain districts.”
✴️ Trump er den største spreder af COVID-19 misinformation
(Nu må tiden så vise, hvor meget af selve sygdommen han reelt har spredt…)
The New York Times:
“Cornell University researchers analyzing 38 million English-language articles about the pandemic found that President Trump was the largest driver of the ‘infodemic.'”
Del 2: Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🎧 Loud vil mindre DAB og mere podcast
…og det giver jo egentlig meget god mening.
“Dab er ikke Radio Louds målgruppe, de 15-50 åriges, foretrukne medieplatform, og derfor skal radiokanalen satse mere på podcast, lyder det fra programchef Kim Pihl-Vester.”
😨 Skal medier og udgivere frygte Substack?
Simon Owens:
“Technically these kinds of defections have been possible since the advent of blogging, but few writers could reach the kind of traffic scale required by programmatic advertising to generate real revenue. The rise of platforms like Patreon and Substack allowed for the monetization of small-but-passionate audiences.
I can only imagine that the trend will accelerate, which means the line between mainstream media outlets and solo content creation will become more porous in the coming years. But just as prominent creators can break off from legacy outlets to hang up their own shingles, I can also see talent flowing in the opposite direction. Which brings me to the next news item.”
Mere om nyhedsbreve og Substack:
“Publishing’s next big trend: ‘monetizing the individual'”
What’s New in Publishing
“7 things we’ve learned from launching a daily newsletter”
What’s New in Publishing
🤖 Kan man lave en algoritme til public service-nyheder?
London School of Economics / Polis:
“How can we produce more relevant news stories and at the same time promote the values of outstanding public service journalism? This is the key question facing Swedish Radio (SR) in constructing its new editorial algorithm. In this article, Olle Zachrison, Head of Digital News Development, explains how the system is empowering local editors across the country. “
✨ Wikipedia får nyt design
“Forthcoming changes to the desktop include a reconfigured logo, collapsible sidebar, table of contents, and more! You can see the full list of new features on MediaWiki. These changes will happen incrementally over a long period of time, to allow for ample user testing and feedback. If all goes to plan, these improvements will be the default on all wikis by the end of 2021, timed with Wikipedia’s 20th birthday celebrations. “
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🚀 Seks danske mediehuse lancerer Publisher Platform version 1
“De seks mediehuse, der står bag den nye annonceplatform, Publisher Platform, vil gerne have flere medier ombord, siger formand, der lige som et mediebureau peger på ét led, der kræver arbejde for at gøre sig gældende mod Google og Facebook.”
Vigtig pointe: “Annoncer sælges baseret på kontekst og ikke cookies“
Du kan læse mere i pressemeddelelsen fra JP/Politikens Hus:
“TV 2, JP/Politikens Hus, Berlingske Media, Børsen, Jysk Fynske Medier og Sjællandske Medier står bag lanceringen af den nye digitale reklameplatform, hvor annoncørerne er garanteret en dansk, journalistisk kvalitetskontekst og fuld valuta for pengene.”
💰 Flere medier tester “penge eller data, tak”
I Ugerevyen fra uge 38 kunne du læse, hvordan Gaffa lancerede et “annoncepas” i kampen mod adblockere.
Nu forsøger andre danske medier sig med noget lignende.
MediaWatch skriver, hvordan Jysk/Fynske vil kræve penge fra de brugere, der ikke vil betale med data. Og i JP/Politikens Hus kigger de også på mulighederne.
💸 Google vil give medier penge for showcases
“Google will pay publishers more than $1 billion over the next three years to create and curate high-quality journalism for a new set of features called Google News Showcase, executives tell Axios.
Why it matters: This is Google’s biggest ever financial commitment to the news industry. In 2018, it pledged $300 million to efforts supporting the news industry. This announcement builds on that effort and its existing news licensing program, where it pays select publishers to feature their stories in Google News and Search.”
“Google is giving $1 billion to news publishers — to help convince governments not to take a whole lot more than that”
Nieman Lab
📈 Svenske medier går frem på digitale indtægter
“Den svenska morgonpressen ökade sina digitala läsarintäkter med 56 procent under första halvåret 2020. Tobias Lindberg, analytiker på TU Medier i Sverige, ser tre förklaringar till rekordökningen: corona, moms – och Netflix.“
🤜 Coronavirus vs. bannere: Minus 20%
“Det generelle fald på annoncemarkedet, som coronakrisen har ført med sig, rammer også bannersalget, der har fået en mavepuster i første halvår, viser tal fra Danske Medier.”
🔮 Er kuraterede markedspladser fremtiden for programmatic?
The Drum:
“There are multiple advantages to curated marketplaces. A key one for agencies and holding companies is that they enable them to partner with technology companies and mine for the best media on the supply side. The model is evolving to offer new programmatic supply solutions that focus on driving performance with high quality inventory and transparency.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
📱 Sådan lavede The New York Times et designsystem til Android
The New York Times Open:
“When the NYT Cooking team started preparations to build an Android app in April 2019, we didn’t have a design system. At the time, our design team was made up of two designers and a design manager, which meant we often juggled a lot of work. As the sole designer on the Android project, I knew that it was the perfect opportunity to create a design system that the NYT Cooking Android team could use. These are some of the steps I took.”
👎 Apple får (igen) kritik får gebyrer i App Store
“Blandt de utilfredse selskaber er Facebook og Spotify, og de tilslutter sig dermed udviklervirksomheden Epic Games, der står bag spillet Fornite, og som tidligere indledte en konflikt med Apple om netop gebyrerne i App Store.”
“Apple makes unexpected concession on 30% App Store fees”
Financial Times
Det er ikke kun Apple:
“Google to Increase Push for Apps to Give Cut of In-App Purchases”
👩💻 Teknologien bag præsidentkampagnerne
MIT Technology Review:
“Data exchanges allow campaigns and PACs to share data, making outreach and messaging more efficient and comprehensive. Republicans have used Data Trust since 2013—it’s a one-stop shop that includes an exchange, voter data, and data hosting services. Democrats initially felt this was a violation of Federal Election Commission rules against cooperation between different types of political organizations, such as PACs, nonprofits, and the campaigns themselves. The American Democracy Legal Fund, a democratic group, sued DataTrust and lost … so naturally Democrats spun up their own version. That’s the Democratic Data Exchange that went live in June.”
🎶 Twitch tilføjer streaming af musik
“Twitch today is introducing a new tool, Soundtrack by Twitch, that will allows it creators to add licensed music within their streams. The feature, which has been in development over the past year, is meant to not only make it easier to find rights-cleared music, but also to address the ongoing issues creators face with having their archives muted.”