Digitale medier i uge 46 (2020)


Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Opgradér din indbakke – abonnér på nyhedsbrevet:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Flere historier udspringer fra Twitter
“Men hvad betyder denne twitterisering? I en ny artikel reflekterer Mette Mørk, der er lektor i journalistik, og Roger Buch, som forsker i blandt andet politik, medier og demokrati, over, hvad der sker, når hurtige, fragmentariske og overfladiske prioriteres frem for dybden. “
Nu må du godt lave DR-memes
I oktober bad DR en række influencere om ikke at bruge billeder fra deres udsendelser. Det blev mødt med undren, for normalt er der brede rammer, når det som her gælder satire.
I denne uge vendte DR – og vil nu ikke gøre noget ved netop satiriske memes.
“Efter debat om brugen af DR’s indhold i memes på nettet skriver DR i et svar til Folketingets Kulturudvalg, at DR fremover som udgangspunkt ikke vil påtale brugen, hvis der er tale om satiriske memes – i andre tilfælde vil DR fortsat håndhæve sin ophavsret.”
Jodel lukker for sladderen
Ekstra Bladet:
“‘Vi har besluttet at lukke alle kanaler, der bliver betegnet som sladder efter lange konsultationer med brugere og bruger, influencere, reserachere og journalister,’ lyder beskeden, når man åbner appen.
I indlægget forklarer Jodel, at deres retningslinjer og muligheden for at anmelde kommentarer ikke har været nok.”
DR vil ikke følge BBCs stramme retningslinjer
“For BBC-ansatte er det slut med at ytre sig om ‘kontroversielle emner’ på private SoMe-profiler. Så nagelfast vil de ikke formulere det i DR, siger direktør i DR Nyheder Sandy French”
Studie: Links klarer sig bedre end billeder på Facebook
What’s New In Publishing:
“‘Sharing a mix of link posts and photo posts has a negative effect on performance for publishers, compared to exclusively sharing link posts,’ according to a new study by social publishing platform, Echobox. “
Twitter har travlt med at markere Trump-tweets
The Verge:
“Three days after Election Day, President Trump is still tangling with moderators in an effort to spread false claims about supposed election fraud. The president tweeted eight times on Thursday night and saw fully half of the tweets restricted by Twitter, blocking retweets and replies as it has done with previous infractions.”
300.000 valg-tweets blev markeret
Twitter Blog:
“Approximately 300,000 Tweets have been labeled under our Civic Integrity Policy for content that was disputed and potentially misleading. These represent 0.2% of all US election-related Tweets sent during this time period.
456 of those Tweets were also covered by a warning message and had engagement features limited (Tweets could be Quote Tweeted but not Retweeted, replied to or liked).”
…og tester nye advarsler
Social Media Today:
“As Twitter continues to add warning labels to tweets which make potentially untrue claims about the results of the US Election, and the voting process, it’s also apparently testing some new warnings which expand on the current pop-ups when users attempt to re-tweet a disputed update.”
Konservative forlader Twitter
“Twitter alternative Parler has become the most-downloaded app in the United States as conservatives flock to the self-styled “free speech” app after the US election.”
TikTok havde også problemer med misinformation
The Guardian:
“The report identified 11 examples of election misinformation on Wednesday that racked up more than 200,000 combined views before TikTok removed them. On Thursday, it found that videos pushing a Qanon-related conspiracy theory about ballots went viral, amassing more than 200,000 views in just a few hours before TikTok removed them for violating its misinformation policy.”
…og hvad skete der egentlig med TikTok-salget?
“Today is the day we’ve all been waiting for! The epic conclusion to the TikTok drama. Everyone’s on pins and needles, the closed-door meetings are going through the ni — wait, one sec, I’m being told that’s not right, and that actually everyone has completely forgotten about this particular “national security issue” and billion-dollar deal and it turns out this was basically a political farce that seems overwhelmingly likely to come to nothing?”
“New forecast pegs TikTok to top 1.2B monthly active users in 2021”
Nu kommer der forsvindende beskeder i Messenger og Instagram
“Facebook today announced its new Snapchat-like feature for disappearing messaging, Vanish Mode, is arriving on Messenger and Instagram. The feature, meant for more casual conversations, allows users to set chats to automatically delete after the message is seen and the chat is closed.”
…og WhatsApp
Facebook Newsroom:
“When disappearing messages is turned on, new messages sent to a chat will disappear after seven days, helping the conversation feel lighter and more private. In a one-to-one chat, either person can turn disappearing messages on or off. In groups, admins will have the control.”
Twitters “Fleets” kommer nu til Japan
Social Media Today:
“It’s been a while since we’ve had a Fleets update, but today, Twitter announced that its Stories-like, vertical presentation-aligned, disappearing content option is being expanded to users in Japan, marking the next stage of its broader roll-out.”
Facebook volder annoncører problemer
Social Media Today:
“As Facebook works to manage the ongoing tension and confusion around the US election, it seems that something may have gone awry within its ad processing systems, which has caused some major headaches for marketers over the past 24 hours.
In the afternoon yesterday (US time), Facebook acknowledged that a high number of advertisers were ‘experiencing issues with their accounts, such as ad rejections’. “
Google og Facebook blokerer fortsat politiske annoncer
“En uge efter det amerikanske præsidentvalg opretholder Facebook og Google fortsat beslutningen om ikke at bringe politiske annoncer.”
Twitter lancerer karruselannoncer
Social Media Today:
“Carousel ads have been a popular choice for marketers advertising on other social platforms for many years, especially on Facebook and Instagram. Why is this? It’s simple: marketers are seeing positive results when using Carousel ads. To prove it, look at any Carousel ad study and you’ll find these ads out-perform standard, static-image ads significantly. “
Del 2: Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
De vigtigste tendenser i vores nyhedsforbrug
“Den årlige rapport ’Danskernes brug af nyhedsmedier’ fra Roskilde Universitet er netop udkommet, og Journalisten giver dig her fem af de vigtigste pointer”
“De meget højreorienterede stoler mindst på nyhedsmedierne”
Flere streamer TV Avisen
“For DR’s nyhedsudsendelser, der bliver sendt klokken 18.30 og klokken 21, er det sket en stigning på hhv. 86 pct. og 73 pct. i forhold til, hvor mange der streamede nyhedsudsendelserne på DRTV i samme periode sidste år. Trods fremgang på DRTV ser cirka ni ud af ti seere TV Avisen via flow på DR1.”
Satte Spotify sig lige på hele podcast-værdikæden?
Pod Culture:
“Spotify has, this week, acquired Megaphone in a deal that The Verge reports as being worth $235m. […] In a way, Megaphone was the last piece of the puzzle — a pure hosting company (Anchor is also that, though in techland it’s value is perceived as being podcast creation, rather than hosting). They can now offer a nose-to-tail experience for podcasters, from creation with Anchor, hosting with Megaphone, dynamic advertising with their own Streaming Ad Insertion (SAI), and distribution with Spotify.”
Spotify overvejer – måske – Podimo-lignende tjeneste
The Verge:
“Spotify appears to be interested in launching a subscription podcast service that would offer access to original shows or exclusive episodes for a monthly fee. The potential service was described in a survey sent out through Spotify’s app, which was reported on by Andrew Wallenstein, president of Variety’s Intelligence Platform.”
Nieman Lab stiller det store spørgsmål:
“Can Spotify be the one to convince people to pay for podcasts?“
Journalisten lancerer podcast om kommunikation
“Hver uge dykker Line Ernlund sammen med to af branchens dygtigste rådgivere ned i ugens store kommunikationssager og ser på, hvordan de blev løst – og hvordan de kunne være løst.”
Netflix tester …en tv-kanal?
“Netflix is testing out a programmed linear content channel, similar to what you get with standard broadcast and cable TV, for the first time (via Variety). The streaming company will still be streaming said channel — it’ll be accessed via Netflix’s browser-based website — and it will be initially available in France only, having rolled out to select areas on November 5, with plans to expand to more of France through December.”
Rygte: Trump vil starte digitalt medieselskab
“President Trump has told friends he wants to start a digital media company to clobber Fox News and undermine the conservative-friendly network, sources tell Axios.”
“My two days watching Newsmax, the network waging war on Fox News from the right”
Disney+ når hver sjette dansker
“I oktober brugte 16 pct. den nye streamingtjeneste Disney+, der dermed har overhalet flere etablerede konkurrenter på markedet. Især – næsten dobbelt så mange – børn og unge brugte tjenesten. Den nye konkurrence skærper DR’s fokus på at skille sig ud fra udenlandske konkurrenter.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
SDU lancerer inkubatorforløb
“Inkubatorforløbet forankres som en udbygning på faget “Innovation og Entreprenørskab for Journalister”. Efter eksamen kan de studerende pitche deres projekter for FST Growth, og er der et match, kan de studerende vinde praktisk og økonomisk hjælp, til at kvalificere deres ide yderligere i et skræddersyet inkubator-forløb.
Samarbejdet er et af de første initiativer der udspringer af Media City Odense, hvor SDU sammen med bl.a. medie – og teknologivirksomheder er gået sammen om at udvikle et innovations- og vækstmiljø inden for medieområdet.”
Skævvrider Public Service podcast-markedet?
MediaWatch / debatindlæg af Bjørn Vestergaard:
“Et kig på det danske Podcastindex viser, at det er tungt domineret af podcasts fra DR, som lever af public service-midler. Læg dertil Radio4, som også producerer et stort antal podcasts, ligesom Radio24syv gjorde det, og med den seneste tilføjelse af en ny pulje statsfinansierede podcasts fra Radio Loud bliver det efterhånden næsten umulige konkurrencevilkår, man har som privat, egenfinansieret podcastproducent.”
Sådan skaber Gallery Media indtægt på TikTok
“Publishers do not yet have a quick and easy, one-size fits all strategy for monetizing TikTok.
But for Gallery Media, publisher of women’s lifestyle brand PureWow and gaming and internet culture brand One37pm, TikTok is now a mid-seven-figure business, according to CEO Ryan Harwood. He declined to disclose the hard revenue amount.”
ESPN lukker esport-redaktion
The Esport Observer:
“‘We have made the difficult decision to cease operations for our dedicated daily esports editorial and content,’ an ESPN spokesperson told The Esports Observer. ‘We recognize esports as an opportunity to expand our audience, and we’ll continue to do so through coverage from the broader team for major events, breaking news and coverage.'”
BuzzFeed vil sælge sexlegetøj
“BuzzFeed’s name and signature bright red color will be used to sell a new vibrator this fall in the publisher’s latest effort to become the internet’s authority on sex and wellness.
To do it, the publisher is deepening its ongoing, two-year-long partnership with sex toy manufacturer and porn company Bellesa, which started out as an affiliate and advertising relationship but has since extended into a royalty-based licensing agreement for the new product called the BuzzFeed AirVibe that launched this week.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Net Applications dropper browser-måling
“So why is Net Applications killing off NetMarketShare? Don’t act surprised when I tell you the undisputed market leader has something to do with it.
In January, Google proposed deprecating the User-Agent string (used to identify which browser and operating system is being used) as part of its war on fingerprinting. Net Applications says the change will break NetMarketShare’s device detection technology and “cause inaccuracies for a long period of time.” Add the ongoing problem of filtering out bots to prevent skewing of the result, and Net Applications decided it was best to throw in the towel after 14 years.”
LinkedIn open-sourcer ML-bibliotek
“LinkedIn today open-sourced Dagli, a machine learning library for Java (and other JVM languages) that ostensibly makes it easier to write bug-resistant, readable, modifiable, maintainable, and deployable model pipelines without incurring technical debt.”
Google-AI skal gøre det lettere at søge viden på tværs af sprog
“Multilingual entity linking involves linking a text snippet in some context to the corresponding entity in a language-agnostic knowledge base. Knowledge bases are essentially databases comprising information about entities — people, places, and things.”
EU sender antitrust-beskyldninger mod Amazon
“The European Commission has formally accused Amazon of misusing third-party merchant data on its platform to gain a competitive advantage for its own products. The new antitrust case marks European regulators’ latest salvo against the dominant U.S. tech companies.”
Hvad vil Biden betyde for tech?
Columbia Journalism Review:
“Biden has spoken out against Section 230, and his concerns seem to be driven by the idea that the platforms distribute disinformation and then face no penalties for doing so. “Section 230 should be revoked, immediately,” Biden said last year, adding that Facebook and the other platforms are “propagating falsehoods.” The idea that the major digital companies should do more to stop disinformation isn’t controversial: a number of experts CJR spoke to as part of an interview series using our Galley discussion platform said they believe Section 230’s protections could be amended in some cases, as a way of forcing the platforms to take action. How exactly that might happen remains to be seen.”