Digital Ugerevy #8 (2020)

Her har du Danmarks mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook tester største News Feed-ændring siden 2013
What’s New in Publishing:
“The tabbed interface would be the biggest change to News Feed since 2013 when Facebook announced but later scrapped the launch of a multi-feed with side bar options for just exploring Music, Photos, Close Friends and more.”
Facebook vil betale for dine stemmeoptagelser – men ikke meget
The Verge:
“Facebook will offer to pay some users for voice recordings that will be used to help improve its speech recognition technology, the company announced Thursday. The move comes after Facebook — as well as Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft — was caught listening to and transcribing voice recordings to improve speech recognition systems without informing customers it was doing so.”
Facebook: Udgiveransvar egner sig ikke til internettet
“Publisher liability laws that punish the publication of illegal speech are unsuitable for the internet landscape. Despite their best efforts to thwart the spread of harmful content, internet platforms are intermediaries, not the speakers, of such speech, and it would be impractical and harmful to require internet platforms to approve each post before allowing it.”
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(PDF, 22 sider – du finder citatet på side 7)
“Facebook foreslår tilsyn til kontrol af hadtale og fake news”
“Brussels pushes back on Zuckerberg pitch”
Facebook slår til mod “inauthentic behavior”
Facebook Newsroom:
“Inauthentic Behavior From Russia, Iran, Vietnam and Myanmar
Today, we removed three unconnected networks of accounts, Pages and Groups for engaging in foreign or government interference — which is coordinated inauthentic behavior on behalf of a government or foreign actor — on Facebook and Instagram. “
Instagram overhaler Facebook på store brands
Retail Dive:
“Instagram has overtaken parent company Facebook’s social network among top 50 brand profiles and audience size, per a quarterly report by Socialbakers that was shared with sister publication Mobile Marketer.”
Instagram tester kronologi
Ja, det lyder helt vildt, men i en verden styret af algoritmer er det en en ting, når nogle tester at vise indhold i den rækkefølge, det er blevet udgivet/uploadet.
“Instagram users who miss the reverse chronological feed might get a new way to see the most recent pics and videos from who they follow. Instagram has been spotted internally prototyping a “Latest Posts” feature. It appears as a pop-up over the main feed and brings users to a special area showing the newest content from their network.”
Instagram på iPad? Ikke foreløbig
“[We] would like to build an iPad app. But we only have so many people, and lots to do, and it hasn’t bubbled up as the next best thing to do yet.”
Sådan bruger Adidas WhatsApp
“‘It’s allowed us to build direct relationships with a smaller community of influential people in an ongoing way that doesn’t feel transactional and allows for a conversation, rather than just a broadcast,’ said Laura Coveney, managing editor for Adidas’ newsroom in London where the campaign was managed.”
De andre
YouTube Gaming kæmper med snyd og svindel
“YouTube Gaming has been clawing its way into streaming platform Twitch’s market share for months. But new data retrieved by WIRED suggests that YouTube Gaming also has a serious problem with scammers and cheat-makers—and lots and lots of bots.”
Hvordan gik det de første YouTubere?
The Guardian:
“As more money and more eyeballs have entered the frame, the level of competition has increased. What was once a site for hobbyists has turned into a mini-Hollywood, with huge teams of staff churning out content for demanding fans.
As the website celebrates its 15-year anniversary, five of its significant early stars explain how their relationship with the site has evolved.”
Twitter gør det lettere at lave tråde
“The feature lets you pull down as you’re composing a tweet to add to your previous tweet by creating a thread or seeing a ‘continue thread’ option.
Tapping on a three-dots menu brings up an interface of older tweets which you can link the new tweet to — to continue (or kick off) a thread.”
Twitter tester nye features i kampen mod misinformation
NBC News:
“Twitter is experimenting with adding brightly colored labels directly beneath lies and misinformation posted by politicians and other public figures, according to a leaked demo of new features sent to NBC News.”
TikTok lancerer ‘Family Safety Mode’
The Verge:
“Under the new Family Safety Mode, parents will be able to control how long their children can spend on TikTok, according to a new blog post from Cormac Keenan, head of trust and safety at EMEA. The goal is to encourage people to develop ‘a healthy relationship with online apps and services.'”
TikTok-influencere: Gå udenfor
“The guy was TikToker Gabe Erwin, who has two million followers on the platform, but the video wasn’t posted from his personal account. It came from @TikTokTips, which is run by the company itself. Three other high-profile creators, Alan Chikin Chow (722,200 followers), James Henry (2.7 million followers), and Cosette Rinab (1.6 million followers) – have also made videos encouraging people to turn off the app. (“When’s the last time you’ve been outside?” asks Rinab.)”
? Digitale medietendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
US-medier vil stille tech-firmaer til ansvar
“The News Media Alliance, a trade group which represents thousands of U.S. newspapers, plans to propose limits to a rule that, to-date, has helped Big Tech companies dodge responsibility for the content people upload to their platforms.”
Bliver dette ‘influencer’-præsidentvalget?
I Ugerevyen fra uge 7 kunne du læse om, hvordan den demokratiske præsidentkandidat Michael Bloomberg bruger influencere. Det er der nogle af de andre, der har lagt mærke til:
“We’ve been getting a lot of inbound interest in paid campaigns,” said Ted Murphy, CEO of influencer marketing platform Izea. “The buzz from Bloomberg has other people are looking at influencer marketing as a potential strategy.” Murphy declined to share where the requests have come from or identify if they are from other presidential candidates. “
Spotifys podcast-lyttere er mindre interesseret i nyheder
Nieman Lab:
“Data from Germany finds that Apple Podcasts users devote about 23 percent of their podcast listening to news shows — versus just 8 percent for Spotify users.”
Nye cookie-retningslinjer fra Datatilsynet
“Datatilsynet er nu klar med nye retningslinjer om behandling af personoplysninger om hjemmesidebesøgende.
Retningslinjerne kommer på baggrund af en sag, hvor Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI) har fået kritik for at behandle personoplysninger i strid med databeskyttelsesforordningen (GDPR).”
“JP/Politikens Hus forbereder sig på flere cookie-afvisninger efter ny afgørelse”
Tidligere Altinget-direktør med i investormedie
“Investorbranchen er målgruppen for et kommende digitalt vidensmedie om supertrends, som iværksætter og millionær Lars Tvede står bag sammen med blandt andre tidligere Altinget-direktør Per Mikael Jensen. Mediet bliver lanceret efter sommer.”
Googles Jigsaw udgiver magasin om digitale udfordringer og løsninger
Nieman Lab:
“Jigsaw, a unit of Google previously known as Google Ideas, recently launched a digital magazine called The Current, which aims to “explore today’s digital threats and solutions.” There isn’t much exploring to be found in the inaugural edition, however.”
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Fem abonnementstendenser til medierne
What’s New in Publishing:
1: Growing subscription revenues is a priority
2: NYT and WSJ are leading the pack
3: Digital subscriptions doubled globally in 2018-19
4: Limits to growth? A bumpy road ahead for some
5: Gaining subscribers can be expensive
Spiegel tilbyder tracking-frit abonnement
“This month, German publisher Spiegel, which publishes weekly news magazine Der Spiegel, introduced a paid, ad-free subscription offer where users have the option of not being tracked by third-parties. Spiegel Pur is a response to a number of developing trends: Tightening privacy regulations, mounting user concerns with being tracked and more internet browsers restricting cross-site tracking.”
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Google i dialog med medier om betaling for indhold
The Wall Street Journal:
“Alphabet Inc.’s Google is in talks with publishers about paying a licensing fee for content in a news product, according to people familiar with the matter, a move that would mark a shift in the search giant’s relationship with news organizations.”
…i november lancerede Google deres personaliserede nyhedsprodukt på lyd. Her er der også betaling til udgiverne, som du kan læse om hos Digiday.
…og det ser ud til, at det ikke er den bedste forretning (for nogle i hvert fald) at lade finanserne gå via de store platforme:
“European publishers see modest gains from platform subscription services”
Slut med gratis prøveperiode på dansk Netflix
“Danskerne skal dermed have penge op af lommen hvis de vil prøve Netflix, men til gengæld kvitterer den amerikanske streamingtjeneste med andre rabatter.
Lige nu tilbydes der bl.a. rabat på et ‘Premium-abonnement’, som giver adgang til Netflix på 4 skærme ad gangen. Samt mulighed Ultra HD og download videoer på 4 telefoner eller tablets.”
Axel Springer vil have flere kunder med simple priser
“I don’t see three prices on Netflix […] Our lesson from the last six years is to make it simple without too many variations. On Bild, we had six prices six years ago.”
Patreon lancerer Patreon Capital
Nieman Lab:
“Patreon Capital, then, is an adaptation of those services for the creative class, whose members are increasingly being made to understand themselves as business entities — meaning they increasingly require the kinds of services that contribute to the support of conventional businesses. And given its history and positioning as a creator support platform, Patreon believes it’s in a better position than banks to provide creators with the business support they need.”
Watch Medier udvider syd og nord for grænsen
“Mens det norske finansmedie får samme navn som i Danmark, FinansWatch, bliver det tyske søstermedie lanceret under navnet FinanzBusiness. Begge skal bygge på samme model som FinansWatch med en tæt, daglig og digitalt forankret nyhedsdækning af den lokale bank- og finansverden og en forretningsmodel baseret på abonnementssalg til virksomheder i og omkring branchen.”
“Så længe vi kan se den rigtige udvikling, er vores tålmodighed stor”
? Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
EU klar med digital strategi og hvidbog om AI
“Den europæiske datastrategiSøg efter tilgængelige oversættelaser for foregående linkEN••• og de politiske valgmuligheder, der blev fremlagt i dag, har til formål at sikre en menneskecentreret udvikling inden for kunstig intelligensSøg efter tilgængelige oversættelaser for foregående linkEN•••, men de er blot første skridt på vejen til at nå disse mål.”
HTC eksperimenterer med 5G-briller
“It’s worth noting up front that HTC is showing two concepts — neither final — but isn’t officially announcing details or putting out a formal press release. That’s because it’s hoping to solicit community feedback as it continues to develop the concept, and hasn’t yet decided whether to go after the “all-in-one” mixed reality headset market developed by Microsoft’s HoloLens, or the “all-in-two” market with separate processing units, represented by Magic Leap One and Nreal’s Light.”
Google fjerner 500+ udvidelser med “malvertising”
Marketing Land:
“Security researcher Jamila Kaya and Cisco’s Duo Security team identified the group of extensions. When a user installs any one of the 500+ extensions, a network of downstream malware sites will act in concert for a command and control scenario to redirect in such a way as to masquerade as ordinary, but intrusive, looking ads.”
Apple overvejer at åbne for nye standard-apps
“The technology giant is discussing whether to let users choose third-party web browser and mail applications as their default options on Apple’s mobile devices, replacing the company’s Safari browser and Mail app, according to people familiar with the matter.”