Digitale medier i uge 24 (2021)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Hvis du ikke må gå glip af noget, så gør som de andre.
Modtag kommende opsamlinger direkte på mail:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🙅♂️ Det er forbudt at lave “Tag en ven”-konkurrencer på Facebook
“Det er ulovligt at stille krav om, at folk tagger deres venner i konkurrencer på sociale medier. Sådan lyder det fra Forbrugerombudsmanden i sag, hvor cafe fra Vejle er blevet politianmeldt.”
🤨 Børn kan ikke gennemskue reklamer hos influencere
“Det skriver Erhvervsministeriet i en…”
Bloggerformand: Børn skal vide præcis…
– MediaWatch
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
🎙 Der kommer podcasts på Facebook i næste uge
“Facebook is planning to start rolling out its podcast product next week, on June 22nd, and, eventually, add a feature that’ll allow listeners to create clips from their favorite shows. “
Facebook is building its own in-app podcast player
– The Verge
☢️ Nye Facebook-værktøjer skal advarer admins om konflikter
“Facebook has announced a range of new admin tools for Facebook Groups, including improved comment moderation processes, ‘Conflict Alerts’ to help detect potentially problematic exchanges, and an updated overview dashboard which will highlight group tasks that require attention.”
💵 Facebook vil teste annoncer i VR-spil
“For now, the move is a test. In the next few weeks Facebook will run ads in Blaston, a futuristic shootout game from Resolution Games, and programs from a couple other developers, according to a company blog post Wednesday. Gaming companies will earn a portion of the revenue generated by the advertising, a Facebook spokesperson said, but didn’t disclose their share.”
Is Facebook cornering the VR market?
– Platformer
💰 …og der kommer annoncer i Intagram Reels
“The company announced today it’s launching ads in its short-form video platform and TikTok rival, Reels, to businesses and advertisers worldwide. The ads will be up to 30 seconds in length, like Reels themselves, and vertical in format, similar to ads found in Instagram Stories. Also like Reels, the new ads will loop, and people will be able to like, comment on, and save them, the same as other Reels videos.”
🤫 Twitter tester kontrol over, hvem der kan nævne dig
“Now, in line with its relatively recent addition of the capacity to control who can reply to your tweets, Twitter is also experimenting with new controls over who can @mention you on the platform, which could help people avoid unwanted attention, and limit negative experiences in the app.”
🎤 Spotify lancerer (også) Clubhouse-kopi
Twitter har Spaces og Facebook har deres Audio Rooms på vej. Imens er der vel nærmest ingen, der bruger Clubhouse. Interessant…
“In March, Spotify announced it was acquiring the company behind the sports-focused audio app Locker Room to help speed its entry into the live audio market. Today, the company is making good on that deal with the launch of Spotify Greenroom, a new mobile app that allows Spotify users worldwide to join or host live audio rooms, and optionally turn those conversations into podcasts. “
Spotify indgår millionaftale om populær amerikansk podcast
– MediaWatch
🤳 Mød Voilà: Den seneste virale selfie-app
“And the latest viral face-swapping app, Voilà AI Artist, isn’t helping by turning all your friends and loved ones into Pixar-style animated characters, renaissance paintings, and 2D cartoons. If you haven’t already been swept up by the app, here’s what it does and why you might want to be careful using it.”
🤔 Facebook til Oversight Boardet: Hvad er privat information?
“Today, Facebook has asked its independent Oversight Board to provide a ruling on how it should handle private user information – specifically, residential address info and if/how it may be displayed on Facebook.”
Læs også:
After Trump Ban, Facebook Oversight Panel Pushes for More Say
– The Wall Street Journal
🗣 Facebook-chefer testede Audio Rooms
Audio Rooms er Facebooks bud på en Clubhouse-kopi, der skal lanceres inden længe.
“Earlier today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hosted a test of the platform’s new audio rooms feature, with a range of Facebook executives in attendance. “
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🧐 Mere end halvdelen af danskerne tvivler på medierne
“Mere end halvdelen af befolkningen tror, der er danske nyhedsmedier, der bevidst går efter at levere fake news. Det er dog kun et fåtal, der mener, det er mange medier.”
Læs også:
…dem, folk ikke selv benytter
– Journalisten
Eksperter: Nye politiske medier kan…
– MediaWatch
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
🎧 Så fik Apple lanceret premium podcast-abonnementer
Efter en forsinkelse og en lancering, der ikke gik helt, som den skulle, er muligheden for betalte abonnenter for podcastere i luften.
“Apple today announced Apple Podcasts Subscriptions, the global marketplace for premium podcast subscriptions, is now available. Starting today, listeners in more than 170 countries and regions1 can purchase subscriptions for individual shows and groups of shows through channels, making it easy to support their favorite creators, enjoy new content, and unlock additional benefits such as ad-free listening and early access, directly on Apple Podcasts.”
🤖 Globe and Mail automatiserer distributionen med Sophi
Egentlig er det canadiske AI-startup Sophi (der er født og bord hos mediet The Globe and Mail) ikke nyt, men indenfor den seneste tid, har de opnået flere succes’er. I den forbindelse har Digiday skrevet om teknologien, der blandt andet skal hjælpe medier med at skaffe abonnenter.
💸 Nu vil BuzzFeed belønne brugere for gode bidrag
“BuzzFeed’s new Summer Writers’ Challenge could pay up to $10,000 for user-generated content that goes viral, in a bid to get its contributors to draw in readers interested in niche topics and potentially uncover new areas of coverage for BuzzFeed’s entertainment staff.”
BuzzFeed’s ‘Community’ Scam Is a Nightmare Come True
– Discourse Blog
👀 Edward Snowden starter nyhedsbrev på Substack
“In the past eight years, the depredations of surveillance have merely become more entrenched, with the capabilities that used to be the province of governments now in the hands of private companies, too, which employ them to track and tether us and attenuate our freedoms. This enduring danger, this compounding danger, is one of the reasons I’ve decided to lift my voice again — adding a new page to my ‘permanent record’…one to which I hope you subscribe.”
📚 Podimo køber tjeneste med børnebøger
“Podcast-platformen breder sig længere…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🌅 Er mediebranchen på vej tilbage?
“The big picture: Other factors, like record advertising growth and the speedy return of live events, suggest the media industry is rebounding quicker than it originally anticipated.”
🤞 Medier gør klar til kollektivet forhandlinger med tech-giganter
“Danske Pressepublikationers Kollektive Forvaltningsorganisation bliver…”
🤝 Medieforhandlinger med tech-giganter i fokus går i gang
“Techkoncerner og deres effekt på…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
Læs også:
…i mediestøtten over mod innovation
– MediaWatch
🔐 CNN vil sælge NFT’er
The Hollywood Reporter skriver:
“Beginning in late June, the company will “mint” NFTs on the Flow blockchain of memorable moments from CNN’s 41-year history. It will then sell them to the public as digital collectibles. The first batch of news “moments” is TBD, but the company says it could include coverage from presidential elections, CNN exclusives, or moments from world history (want to own CNN’s coverage of the Berlin Wall coming down? Now might be your chance!).”
🛑 Amazon blokerer for Googles FLoC-tracking
“Most of Amazon’s properties including, and are preventing Google’s tracking system FLoC — or Federated Learning of Cohorts — from gathering valuable data reflecting the products people research in Amazon’s vast e-commerce universe, according to website code analyzed by Digiday and three technology experts who helped Digiday review the code.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🔨 Røde partier varsler tech-regulering
“Techgiganter som Facebook og Google…”
💌 VentureBeat lancerer nyhedsbrev om open source
“OSS Enterprise will cover everything and anything related to the world of open source — but mostly where it intersects with the world of business.
The OSS Enterprise newsletter will include content sourced from VentureBeat and beyond and may also include useful long reads we encounter on our daily internet meanderings. Anything that we think will bring value to your understanding of open source.
⚠️ Tim Cook advarer mod EUs krav til Apple
Det vil ødelægge en stor del af sikkerheden ved iPhone, hvis man kan installere apps fra andre steder en App Store, siger han. Reuters skriver:
“Cook, in his first public comments about the Digital Markets Act (DMA) proposed by EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager, said parts were good but others were not. He said he feared the draft rules would lead to more installing of apps that do not come via Apple’s App Store, or ‘side-loading’.”
🔐 “End to end”-kryptering på vej til Google Workspace
“As ubiquitous as Google Docs has become in the last year alone, a major criticism often overlooked by the countless workplaces that use it is that it isn’t end-to-end encrypted, allowing Google — or any requesting government agency — access to a company’s files. But Google is finally addressing that key complaint with a round of updates that will let customers shield their data by storing their own encryption keys.”