Digitale medier i uge 31 (2021)
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🎥 Facebook taler – igen – om, at video er stort
Hvis man har arbejdet i mediebranchen i en håndfuld år, så husker man alt for godt det berygtede “pivot to video”, hvor mange medier og udgivere skiftede fokus til video i stedet for især tekst. Årsagen var, at Facebook fortalte om, hvor fantastisk populært video var på deres platform (🤑🤑🤑), og mange fulgte efter – og det gik helt galt.
Bedre blev det ikke af, at Facebook senere var ude at sige, at de tal, de havde rapporteret, var kunstigt højere end de reelle forbrugetal. Av.
Det gik så galt, at “pivot to video” har fået sin egen Wikipedia-artikel til skræk og advarsel.
Derfor er der naturligvis en del rynkede pandebryn og sund skepsis rundt omkring, når Mark Zuckerberg nu igen taler om, at video er kæmpestort.
Ikke desto mindre kan han dog have en pointe denne gang, skriver What’s New in Publishing:
“On the combined Facebook platform, across all forms of video, short-form video like Reels is growing especially quickly. Reels is already the largest contributor to engagement growth on Instagram.
On-demand video, like in Facebook Watch, is also growing quickly and is now growing faster than other types of video or content in the News Feed.”
🇩🇰 Forskningsprojekt skal bekæmpe hadtale på sociale medier
“Forskere på IT-Universitetet har udviklet…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
✨ Facebook lancerer News i Australien
“Facebook will begin to roll out its special News section to a small number of Australian users on Wednesday, which will feature content from mostly larger local news outlets.”
👊 Twitter samarbejder med AP og Reuters mod misinformation
Samarbejdet vil især hjælpe på tre områder, skriver Twitter selv:
- Increasing and improving context sharing
- Anticipating and proactively identifying emerging conversation
- Improving the effectiveness of product features
🎙 Clubhouse melder om fremgang
“Clubhouse announced that it’s now facilitating 600,000 rooms per day in the app, up from 300,000 back in May. […]
Following Clubhouse’s Android app launch in May, however, its numbers have started to pick up and regain its growth momentum. Clubhouse says that it’s added 10 million users since mid-May, a significant jump on the 2 million in total that it reported back in January.”
Læs også:
ClubHouse, Twitter, now Facebook? Publishers need a data strategy to capture audio value
– What’s New in Publishing
🦠 YouTube suspenderer Sky News Australia
Indtil videre varer suspensionen, der skyldes misinformation om COVID-19, syv dage. The Guardian skriver:
“The ban was imposed by the digital giant on Thursday afternoon, the day after the Daily Telegraph ended Alan Jones’sregular column amid controversy about his Covid-19 commentary which included calling the New South Wales chief health officer Kerry Chant a village idiot on his Sky News program.”
🤦🏻♂️ Facebook blokerer konti forbundet med forskningsprojekt
“Facebook Inc. has disabled the personal accounts of a group of New York University researchers studying political ads on the social network, claiming they are scraping data in violation of the company’s terms of service.”
Læs også:
Facebook shuts down research, blames user privacy rules
– Columbia Journalism Review
Banning NYU’s Ad Observer team was probably inevitable — but it didn’t have to be
– Platformer (Casey Newton)
Facebook’s Suspension of Research Accounts Shows Disregard for Scrutiny
– PEN America
🤨 Facebook ændrer på privacy-indstillinger
“Ever considerate of its users, Facebook has determined that its privacy settings needed a bit of a shuffle to keep things clear and easy to find. To that end they’ve taken the “privacy settings” settings and scattered them mischievously among the other categories.”
📲 Instagram tester TikTok-agtig visning af Explore
“As spotted by app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram appears to once again be looking to nullify its video rival with a new test of a TikTok-style vertical content feed for Explore, which, once entered, would enable you to swipe through Instagram’s content recommendations, and swipe across on multi-image posts.”
🤳 TikTok tester Stories
“TikTok Stories will come with a dedicated camera and creation flow, which, again, will appear at the left of the main screen, making it easy to both find and create Stories, which can then be shared in the app.”
📽 LinkedIn køber video-tutorial-app
“LinkedIn has acquired how-to video app Jumprope as part of its expanded video focus, and tying into both the development of its new, on-platform creator tools, and the ongoing growth of LinkedIn Learning for professional skills development.”
🤔 YouTube tester light-udgave af Premium
“Google is piloting a more affordable premium subscription tier for YouTube that offers ad-free viewing without YouTube Premium’s other features like offline downloads or background playback. The new “Premium Lite” plan was spotted by a user on ResetEra, and YouTube subsequently confirmed the test offering in a statement given to The Verge. Premium Lite is currently being tested in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.”
🐦 Twitter vil gøre det lettere at opdage Spaces
“Twitter has rolled out some new tweaks for its audio Spaces tool, including easier Spaces sharing to help boost awareness and engagement, and new search tools to find the most relevant Spaces at any given time.”
😳 Twitter-klonen GETTR går fra porno til Islamisk Stat
“Last month, members of Donald Trump’s insufferable inner circle launched GETTR, a half-assed and poorly built Facebook/Twitter clone that previously seemed to mostly serve as a vanity project for a far-right, fugitive Chinese billionaire with a cult-like following.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
💡 Hvad er “metaverset”, og hvorfor er det hypet lige nu?
“[…] to those who were already working toward the Metaverse, the concept — a persistent and expansive “successor state” to the modern internet — transcends the ups and downs of this hype cycle. They believe the Metaverse is no mere buzzword — it’s an evolution of the internet that is already underway.
The Metaverse took center stage on July 22, when Mark Zuckerberg claimed that Facebook would pivot to being a “Metaverse company” in an interview with The Verge.
According to Victor David, CEO of digital item production firm Epik, the Metaverse will be far more expansive, allowing users to move between platforms and virtual worlds without needing to shed their digital identities or eschew experiences. In other words, it will be a virtual universe that boasts all the features of the real world — and more.”
💸 De stores kamp i podcasting presser de små
“In this big-pockets, big-boots era, when all the attention goes to celebrity shows, or those with a large marketing spend, how can lo-fi podcasts survive? How can independent podcasts continue to be funded, and be noticed, expand their audience and community? How do they stay creative? “
Læs også:
Is Spotify’s podcast bet finally paying off?
– Simon Owens’s Media Newsletter
🇺🇸 Lokalmedier spreder også misinformation om vacciner
“Facebook and other social platforms have in recent weeks attracted attention for vaccine misinformation, as Covid cases surge from the infectious Delta variant and vaccination rates slow. But The Freedom’s Phoenix and The Atlanta Business Journal are two small publications — along with dozens of radio and television stations, and podcasts aimed at local audiences — that have also become powerful conduits for anti-vaccine messaging, researchers said.”
🎙 Poul Madsen bliver vært på Podimo-podcast
“Podcasten vil blive sendt mandag til fredag klokken 15, og Poul Madsen vil hver dag have to gæster i studiet. Sammen kommer de til at vende dagens store nyhedshistorier i podcasten på 30 minutter. Podcasten bliver sendt første gang i dag.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
💵 Jysk Fynske øger fokus på indholdsbetaling
“Sidste års økonomiske lussing til…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
📈 The Guardian går frem på digitale abonnenter
Mere end halvdelen af omsætningen på digitale abonnenter kommer nu fra udenfor UK. PressGazette skriver:
“Digital reader revenue was up 61% on last year to £68.7m, driven by “record numbers” of digital subscriptions and recurring contributions which grew by a third (33%) to 961,00, helping offset lost print and advertising revenue.
Digital subscriptions were up 46% year-on-year to 401,000, recurring contributions were up 24% to 560,000, and print subs were up 8% to 120,000.”
Læs også:
How The Guardian plans to hit 2 million paying supporters by 2022
🤔 NYTimes går igen frem på “non-news”-produkter
“In the same quarter last year, the Times reported a record-breaking 669,000 new subscribers but even then, Times executives cautioned that the exceptional peak — amid a global pandemic, historic protests, and the run-up to a sharply contested election — was unlikely to last forever.
In other words, thanks to the strength of its non-news products, it’s still very good to be The New York Times, even with the sharp slump in news consumption.“
💳 Mere end 1000 podcast-shows bruger Apples betalings-service
Der er nu mere end 1000 forskellige podcasts, der tilbyder indhold bag betaling via Apples nye abonnementstjeneste. Podnews har samlet en liste over dem.
🍪 Google udgiver mere detaljeret plan for cookie-udfasning
“Google unveiled new details about when and how its Chrome browser division will roll out cookieless ad targeting and measurement methods in a color-coded timeline posted late on a summer Friday.”
Læs også:
Preparing for the “cookiepocalypse” with first-party data strategies
🚀 Det går fremad for Amazons annonceforretning
“Amazon doesn’t disclose advertising revenues in its quarterly earnings reports. It bundles the ad group into an ‘Other’ category, which consists of advertising and analytics services.
But even without a specific number, it’s clear that Amazon’s advertising business is both massive and growing fast.”
🤝 Yahoo bruger platforme og partnere i jagten på flere brugere
“In the latest episode of the Digiday Podcast, [Joanna Lambert, head of consumer at Yahoo] said she wants to reach 900 million monthly, paying users by further enticing them with shoppable videos, online sports betting partnerships, cross-brand content offerings, and more.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
📱 Apple retter efter kritik af iOS 15-Safari
Senere i år lancerer Apple version 15 af deres mobile operativsystem, iOS. En af nyhederne bliver et større redesign af Safari-browseren – men nogle af de præsenterede ændringer er angiveligt for voldsomme.
Blandt andet havde Apple flyttet adresselinjen (URL-baren) i bunden af skærmen og kombineret den med de åbne faneblade i en såkaldt “tab bar”. Det giver jo fin mening; bunden af skærmen er nærmere din tommelfinger, og det gør det lettere at indtaste adresser og surfe på WWW med én hånd.
En ting er dog teori – noget andet er virkeligheden. Den foreslåede ændring (plus at gemme deleknappen bag et yderligere tryk) er blevet mødt af stærk kritik. Angivelig så stærk, at Apple har ændret det, skriver TechCrunch.
De skriver om “beta 4” af iOS og iPad OS, der blev udsendt i slutningen af juli:
“In the pre-iOS 15 design, the tab bar sits in its traditional spot at the top of the screen, with an easy to access Reader Mode button (the double A’s) on the left and the reload button on the right. At the bottom, you’d find the forward and back buttons, a share button, reading list and tabs buttons.”
Hvis du er nysgerrig på iOS 15, kan du læse mere i Apples eget preview.
⛓ Derfor er mediechefer nødt til at forstå blockchain
“Without a doubt, blockchain is poised to impact the media business. That future will demonstrate the full force of Tim Berner Lee’s paper about the semantic web and blockchain will play a critical role. The blockchain train is about to leave the station, and you’d better make sure you have a ticket and get on board.”
📞 Google klipper understøttelse af Android 2.3.7 og ældre
“If you still have a device running Android 2.3.7 (the final version of Gingerbread) or older, Google won’t let you sign in to your Google account on that device starting September 27th, according to a support document (via Liliputing).”
💰 GDPR-bøde på 5,5 milliarder til Amazon
“Luxembourg’s National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) has hit Amazon with a record-breaking €746 million ($887 million) GDPR fine over the way it uses customer data for targeted advertising purposes.”
Læs også:
Amazon’s Massive GDPR Fine Shows the Law’s Power—and Limits
– Wired
📲 Google udvikler ny chip til kommende Pixel-telefoner
“Google said on Monday that its next flagship phones—the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, both due this fall—will be powered by a custom-built processor called Tensor. Codesigned over the past four years with machine learning and artificial intelligence experts, it’s built for all the Android-based wizardry in the upcoming Pixel phones.
The move comes at a time when tech industry giants increasingly favor custom designs for the processors that power their phones, laptops, and other gadgets.”