Digitale medier i uge 41 (2021)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
😬 Er Zuckerberg en byrde for Facebook?
Læs denne uges Ugerevy-artikel:
🎧 Facebook lancerer hub til podcasts, livelyd og klip i USA
“Facebook is expanding its investment in audio initiatives with the launch of a new “Audio” destination in its mobile app in the U.S., where users will be able to discover in one place all the audio formats Facebook now hosts, including podcasts, Live Audio Rooms and short-form audio.
The company says it’s also making its Clubhouse rival, Live Audio Rooms, more broadly available to global users, and is beginning to roll out a new product called Soundbites, a sort of TikTok for audio offering short audio clips.”
📃 Her er 4.000 navne, du ikke må nævne på Facebook
“The Intercept has reviewed a snapshot of the full DIO list and is today publishing a reproduction of the material in its entirety, with only minor redactions and edits to improve clarity. It is also publishing an associated policy document, created to help moderators decide what posts to delete and what users to punish.”
🚨 Instagram vil fremover advare ved nedbrud
“On Tuesday, Instagram announced that it was testing a new feature that would alert users at the top of their Activity Feeds when the platform is going through some sort of outage or tech issue. And perhaps most importantly, it’ll let those users know when they can expect those problems to be resolved.”
Læs også:
Fra MediaWatch:
Danske nyhedsmedier fik 19 pct….
Fra MarTech:
Facebook’s failure highlights why email reigns
🇺🇸 Derfor er Facebook dårligt til lokalnyheder
“The combination of local news outlets being bought out by bigger media conglomerates and the ever-present influence of social media in helping spread news seems to have created a new phenomenon, according to a new study: Issues of importance to local audiences are being drowned out in favor of harder-hitting news pieces with national relevance.”
😬 Politikere annoncerer forkert på Facebook
“Flere kandidater til kommunalvalget målretter Facebook-opslag til folk, der slet ikke kan stemme på dem. Det viser, at det er ”amatørernes” valgkamp, siger ekspert Benjamin Rud Elberth. En af dem, det smuttede for, var tidl. CMO og byrådsmedlem Hanne Bjørn-Klausen (K).”
😕 Facebook blokerede “ligestilling” i annonce
“Det digitale bureau Abtion måtte ikke skrive ordet ”ligestilling” i Facebook-annonce, fordi det blev opfattet som politisk. Facebook beklager”
🤔 Twitter vil nudge os til bedre opførsel
“The changes are subtle. If you are about to berate someone in a tweet reply, the company may show you a pop-up asking you to reconsider your language. If you are about to retweet an article you haven’t read, it’ll nudge you to open it first. A separate pop-up alerts you if you’re about to retweet known misinformation. These are small tweaks meant to slow us down. Head of product Kayvon Beykpour calls them ‘speed bumps.'”
👀 Det skal blive lettere at opdage Twitter Spaces
“It’s been in testing for some time, and available to selected for the past few weeks. But now, Twitter is launching a broader roll out of its new Spaces tab in the app, which will help to improve Spaces discovery by highlighting in-progress audio broadcasts in the app.”
🇨🇳 LinkedIn lukker i Kina
“LinkedIn, in a statement Thursday, said that it made the decision after ‘facing a significantly more challenging operating environment and greater compliance requirements in China.'”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🇩🇰 Forskning skal kigge på mediers brug af anbefalingsalgoritmer
“Flere nyhedsmedier i Danmark og i udlandet er begyndt at indføre en lignende model, hvor brugerne bliver præsenteret for nyheder, som de formodes at være interesserede i ud fra deres tidligere adfærd. […]
Spørgsmålet er, hvad de personaliserede nyheder betyder for vores nyhedsforbrug? Bliver vi præsenteret for mindre diversitet i nyhederne, og går nogle nyheder tabt, fordi vi blot får mere af det samme? Det skal forskningsprojektet ’Safeguarding Diversity in News Recommendation’ undersøge over de næste to år.”
📈 Se & Hør vil være blandt de største
I løbet af to til tre år vil Se & Hør gerne være Danmarks fjerde største nyhedssite efter TV 2, Ekstra Bladet og B.T., skriver Journalisten.
Læs også:
Fra MediaWatch:
Se & Hør udvider på…
🎤 3 apps til at inddrage dine lyttere på lyd
“Podcasts and social audio apps like Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces often dominate when newsrooms think about audio storytelling, but they are far from the only players in town. Here are three other apps to consider, and some of the ways in which journalists can deploy them.”
📊 Spotify nærmer sig Apple Podcasts – og så alligevel ikke
“Spotify is closing in on Apple Podcasts and indie podcast apps are becoming less popular, according to new data released to Podnews by Podtrac today. Calculated from over a billion US podcast downloads in September, for monthly audience, Spotify is now less than three percentage points away from Apple. But, for monthly streams/downloads, Apple is more than seven times larger – and that number’s growing.”
Fra selve artiklen:
“It’s here that the difference between Apple and Spotify is most obvious. Spotify appears to be used by the occasional podcast user; Apple (and Overcast) by the podcast fan. This may be that Spotify users also use the app for music streaming; but it may also represent an opportunity for Spotify to significantly increase its market share overall.
It should be noted that this data will be affected by automatic downloads. Overcast downloads new shows until your phone fills up; by default, Apple Podcasts continues automatically downloading shows until it notices you’re not listening any more. On the other hand, Spotify (and browsers like Chrome) stream podcasts instead in most cases. This difference may explain some of this data.”
🥰 Chrome på Android forsøger at genoplive RSS
“Google now lets you “follow” sites within its mobile browser. The feature has a similar effect to following an account on Twitter or Instagram, except you get content updates through Chrome on the new tab page. The ability is widely available to anyone on Android running the latest version of Chrome 94 that was pushed out to the Play Store at the end of September.”
💌 The Atlantic vil hyre nyhedsbrevsskribenter
“The Atlantic is launching a newsletter offering that wants to bring writers under the Atlantic’s umbrella (and paywall) while letting them stay semi-independent.”
ℹ️ Lea Korsgaard stopper som Zetland-chefredaktør
Posten overtages i stedet af Ida Ebbensgaard skriver Zetland selv. Korsgaard skal være bestyrelsesformand, og MediaWatch skriver, at hun drømmer om at bygge medier som Zetland i andre lande.
Hos MediaWatch kan du også læse, at Ebbensgaard vil styrke Zetland på tre områder.
⚔️ Kulturministeriet ansætter chef for techgigant-kontor
Vedkommende hedder Andreas Flensted Geertsen, og han kommer fra stillingen som som souschef og sekretariatsleder for Danmarks tech-ambassadør, skriver MediaWatch.
🎧 Gyldendal henter indholdschef fra Podimo
Steffen Raastrup træder ind i en nyoprettet stilling som chef for medieudvikling og salg, skriver MediaWatch.
⚽️ finder ny chefredaktør
Det bliver René Schrøder, der arbejder som redaktør for DR Events og Partnerskaber og har en fortid på Ekstra Bladets sportsredaktion, skriver MediaWatch.
👔 Reddit hyrer produktdirektør
“Reddit announced today that it has hired Pali Bhat, the former vice-president of product and design at Google Cloud, as the company’s first chief product officer. Bhat will be tasked with overseeing Reddit’s product organization and leading the development of tools and features for the platform.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🇪🇺 Facebook og Google afkræves mere data om politiske annoncer
“Facebook and Google will have to provide reams of detailed information on how political groups target people via online ads or face steep fines, according to European Commission draft proposals seen by POLITICO.”
✨ Sådan lykkes Harvard Business Review med vertikal til unge
“Harvard Business Review inadvertently got ahead of the curve when it launched its Ascend vertical in November 2016 to focus specifically on modern, global young professionals, defined by the publication as postgraduate individuals who are just starting out in their careers.”
🇨🇭 Medier i samarbejde om ét logind
“OneLog brings together some of the largest and most trusted Swiss media companies. Their single sign-on solution will reach 2 million active accounts in 2022 — representing one in four inhabitants in the country.”
🤑 Axios har tjent mere end 1 mio. dollars på software
“In February, Axios launched Axios HQ, its software-as-a-service business that is designed to teach companies how to write it its trademarked editorial style of “Smart Brevity” for internal communications.
After just eight months, HQ has earned over $1 million in software licensing, which starts at $10,000 for an annual contract, and is projected to hit $1.5 million by the end of the year, according to Axios HQ’s general manager Jordan Zaslav.”
🤼♀️ Mediealliance mødes med tech-firmaer om brug af indhold
Danske Pressepublikationers Kollektive Forvaltningsorganisation blev oprettet for tre måneder siden for at forhandle med tech-firmaer som Facebook og Google om brug af indhold fra medier på vegne af en række medier.
Nu er de indledende møder holdt, skriver MediaWatch.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤖 Facebook køber AI-startup
“AI.Reverie offered APIs and a platform that procedurally generated fully annotated synthetic videos and images for AI systems. Synthetic data, which is often used in tandem with real-world data to develop and test AI algorithms, has come into vogue as companies embrace digital transformation during the pandemic.”
Mere om Facebook og AI:
Fra MIT Technology Review:
Facebook wants machines to see the world through our eyes
🇩🇰 …og er på vej med endnu et datacenter i Danmark
“Facebook køber kæmpegrund på 212…”
😎 HTC vil konkurrere med Facebook indenfor VR
“The Flow is HTC’s latest attempt to compete with Facebook in the consumer VR space. It’s something the company used to be quite good at: The original Vive was at one point considered the gold standard in PC VR, thanks in part to tracking hardware engineered by Valve that made it possible to operate a much larger playspace than what was supported by Facebook’s Oculus Rift.”
🧑⚖️ Apple appellerer Epic-afgørelse
“But the one area where Apple lost ground was in what sort of rules it can make for its own App Store. On this point, the judge sided with Epic Games, saying that Apple can no longer prohibit developers from pointing to other means of payment beyond Apple’s own payment systems. Now, Apple is appealing that decision and asking for a stay on the injunction the judge had put into place.”
💻 Gå i dybden med Windows 11
Hvis du er interesseret i at følge med i, hvordan det ser ud ude hos dine brugere, er det værd at kigge med på nyheder indenfor browsere og styresystemer. Også hvis du bare selv er interesseret 🙂
“Windows 11 er fremtidens styresystem…”