Digitale medier i uge 44 (2021)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
👏 Facebook slukker for ansigtsgenkendelse
“Facebook said Tuesday it plans to stop using facial-recognition software that could automatically recognize people in photos and videos posted on the social network, marking a massive shift both for the tech industry and for a company known for collecting vast amounts of data about its billions of users. “
Læs også:
- Fra hestens mund: An Update On Our Use of Face Recognition
- Fra The Guardian: Why is Facebook shutting down its facial recognition system and deleting ‘faceprints’?
✨ Facebook ruller nye værktøjer ud til Groups
Fra Facebook selv – et par uddrag (der er mange nyheder):
“Members will also soon be able to give community awards, like Insightful, Uplifting or Fun, to content that they find valuable. These awards encourage engagement, make the content more visible to members and help demonstrate the group’s content at its best. […]
With one main feed for discussions in a group, it can be hard for members to find content they want to engage with. We’re testing the ability for admins to create subgroups within their groups for specific topics, regions or occasions, that can be managed in one place, so that members can more easily go deeper on what they care about.
When people want to connect in real-time, they will soon be able to use Community Chats in both Facebook and Messenger, as well as create recurring events when they want to get together more regularly, either virtually or in-person.”
🤟 Her er parløren til Facebooks interne ord og begreber
“One of the most surreal parts of going through the mountain of documents captured from within Facebook’s walls by whistleblower Frances Haugen is seeing the words employees use when discussing some of the company’s most sensitive products and systems. Many of these names (CORGI! Yoda!) sound deceptively cute, while others sound more… sinister. “
👏 Nu viser Instagram igen uddrag på Twitter-delinger
“It’s been a long time coming, and a much-requested update, and today, finally, Instagram has announced that IG posts shared in tweets will appear with preview cards once again, helping to improve cross-platform sharing.”
How Instagram and Twitter buried the hatchet
🤯 Privacy-stramninger på iPhone koster tech-firmaer kassen
“Snap, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube lose nearly $10bn after iPhone privacy changes”
😬 Facebook har arbejdet på produkter til børn på 6 år
“Internal documents show that Facebook has been actively hiring employees to build products that target children as young as 6 to expand its user base. […]
Critics of the company say these documents are part of a long-standing pattern of Facebook attempting to attract younger users as early as possible.”
“Facebook’s obsession with youth is misplaced. The key to success is in their aging user base”
Media Voices
💥 Roblox ramt af nedbrud
“Did the volume of trick-or-treaters seem heavier than usual this year? It might not be your imagination. The Great Halloween Roblox Outage of 2021 forced tens of millions of children into a rare extended vacation from the metaverse. While the outage was no less than a living nightmare for Roblox players, it also provides a useful case study on the potential pitfalls of scaling an immensely popular platform.”
Roblox kompenserer spiludviklerne efter nedbrud
🙄 Trumps sociale medie er allerede i modvind
“Former President Trump’s new social network might be in hot water before it even launches. Mastodon, a free social media framework, alleges that Truth Social is passing open source software off as its own, and has given them 30 days to fix this. If it doesn’t fix things by the end of next month, things could get messy.”
🐦 COP26: Twitter kæmper mod misinformation om klimaet
“Twitter on Monday will roll out a new program designed to “pre-bunk” climate misinformation, or get ahead of false narratives about climate by exposing people to more accurate information about the crisis on its platform.”
🛍 Facebook udvider live-shopping
“With more people planning to shop for gifts online this year, Facebook is using it as an opportunity to bolster its live shopping feature. Starting this week, Facebook (which now falls under newly named parent company Meta) is rolling out its largest live shopping program to date, according to Kate Gronso, product marketing lead for Facebook Shopping.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
✨ Aller blander lyd, video og tekst i nyt medie
“Ally er et rendyrket digitalt, abonnementsfinaniseret…”
MediaWatch fortæller også, hvordan den nye satsning åbner døren til datadrevet indhold.
Allers ALLY rammer plet på strategien, men står over for enorm hurdle
🇪🇸 Google News vender tilbage til Spanien
“The big difference from Google’s point of view is that it no longer has to pay a fee to Spain’s entire media industry and can instead negotiate fees with individual publishers. Some may want to charge Google for sharing stories in Google News, and Google can pay them or exclude them, depending on its preference. Other outlets will no doubt waive these fees, judging that the traffic offered by Google News outweighs any lost advertising revenue.”
Den danske vinkel er, at vores implementering af EU’s copyright-direktiv åbner for en kollektiv forhandling med fx Google.
Derfor bliver det spændende at se, hvordan Google vil gå til det – beslutningen om at vende tilbage til Spanien indikerer jo, at de helst vil forhandle direkte.
Jeg har skrevet lidt om det i mit andet nyhedsbrev om digital medier, som jeg udsender i mit eget navn: Derfor er det interessant, at Google News vender tilbage til Spanien
📚 Flere og flere danskere abonnerer på bogstreaming
“Det har 22,6 pct. af…”
🤔 Nyt Frederiksberg-lokalmedie vil leve af abonnenter
“Falkoneren er navnet på et…”
🤔 Ingeniøren lancerer nyhedsbrev på engelsk
Ingeniøren skriver i et nyhedsbrev:
“Rigtigt mange engelsksprogede arbejder for danske virksomheder enten direkte eller som underleverandører.
Med det brede tilbud af historier som Ingeniøren, Version2 og vores PRO-medier producerer kan vi give dem en føling med, hvad der rører sig på teknologifronten herhjemme.
Det gør det også en del nemmere at tale med, når de mødes med dansktalende kolleger.
Nu kan dine engelsksprogede ansatte og kolleger nemlig få Danmarks stærkeste dækning af teknologi, IT og naturvidenskab – med Ingeniørens ugentlige nyhedsbrev ING/Tech Weekly.“
💨 Pressenævnet: Medier skal afindeksere artikler fra 2005
Spørgsmålet om retten til at blive glemt var oppe at vende i ugens løb, hvor Pressenævnet afgjorde, at en række medier skal afindeksere artikler fra 2005 fra Google, efter personen omtalt i artiklerne (der siden har skiftet navn) har bedt en række medier fjerne den pågældende Ritzau-artikel.
Det betyder også, at artiklen skal afindekseres i mediernes egen søgemaskine, og dermed ligner det en reel sletning af indholdet, kan du læse hos Journalisten.
Mediechefer vil kigge presseetiske regler…
🤨 Hvordan kan både Apple og Spotify være størst på podcasting?
Fra I Hear Things af Tom Webster:
“Here’s the crux of the kerfuffle I observed on Twitter and whatever-the-heck Facebook is (a word on that below): How can Apple and Spotify both be “Number One” (when we all know Apple is)? The short answer–they both sit atop very different ladders. If you want to measure downloads, Apple has been and continues to be the leader.
But the Spotify platform is preferred by more people. I’m not making a value judgement either way about which claim is objectively better (and by the way–both are clients. My only motivation here is to foster understanding). I’m merely saying they are objectively different. “
📄 Amazon lancerer podcast-udskrifter i USA
“Amazon Music announced today the launch of synchronized podcast transcripts in the U.S. for recent episodes of select Amazon Original and Wondery podcasts like SmartLess, Dr. Death, and Uncommon Ground With Van Jones, plus popular hit shows My Favorite Murder, Crime Junkie, Modern Love, This American Life, and much more. Podcast transcripts start rolling out for customers in the U.S. today in the latest version of the Amazon Music app on iOS and Android.”
🎂 The Verge fylder 10 år
“The Verge launched on November 1st, 2011. In the 10 years since, we’ve published more than 120,000 stories — or more than 230 stories a week, every week, since the day we got started.
To celebrate our 10th birthday, we’re taking a look back at our first decade of coverage. And to start, we’re breaking down exactly what those 120,000 stories were about.”
“The Verge’s Nilay Patel talks about how Vox Media’s tech publication has and hasn’t changed after 10 years”
👦 Egmonts Talk Town målretter sig til børn
Ordet ‘Kids’ bliver føjet til navnet, fordi det er børneindholdet, der hitter mest på lyd-app’en, skriver MediaWatch.
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🆓 Politiken dropper paywall frem til kommunalvalget
Anders Bæksgaard Christensen (politisk redaktør hos Politiken) på Twitter:
“En vintergave fra alle os på Politiken til alle jer, der vil læse med. Klima, mink og kommunalvalg fylder de kommende uger, så heldigvis er der nu fri adgang til hele . Vi håber du vil læse med om det, der nu interesserer dig.”
Sådan ser det ud:

💡 Tre innovative metoder til indtjening på brugerne
“By turning to AI-powered paygates, newsletters and a stock market game, these news organisations are getting readers to pay for their news content”
📧 The Atlantic føjer 9 til nyhedsbrevssatsning
“The Atlantic on Tuesday will roll out its new newsletter program with nine contracted writers, including Charlie Warzel, Molly Jong-Fast and Nicole Chung.
Why it matters: The company is hoping that new writers will attract more subscribers, which are key to The Atlantic’s goal of becoming profitable next year, CEO Nick Thompson told Axios.”
✉️ Nyhedsbrevene lokker og skaber splid på redaktionerne
“Earlier this year, newsletter platform Substack Inc. expressed interest in signing up CNN contributor Van Jones to write a newsletter for its service, according to people familiar with the matter.
Earlier this year, newsletter platform Substack Inc. expressed interest in signing up CNN contributor Van Jones to write a newsletter for its service, according to people familiar with the matter.”
“Should publishers allow their journalists to launch personal newsletters?”
Simon Owens
📣 Opdateringer fra WebSummit
Jan Birkemose, der står bag Medietrends, deltager på WebSummit og sender dagligt et nyhedsbrev hjem.
Læs med:
- Facebooks whistleblower dumper Metaverse og fyrer Zuckerberg
- Vi har ikke newsrooms mål – vi har business mål
- Facebooks dårlige dag
- Tre take aways fra Websummits grumsede dagsorden
💰 Nye Medier: Startups skal have bedre adgang til mediestøtte
Fra et debatindlæg hos Altinget:
“Den politiske debat omkring mediernes…”
🤩 Flere medier sælger produkter direkte til deres brugere
“It also revealed that a majority of the respondents said that their organizations make some money from selling products directly to their readers. While its impact on the bottom line tends to be minor — more than three quarters of the respondents who make money from selling products describe it as a “small portion” of their revenue — the scope of publishers doing it signals that the publishing industry, as a whole, is starting to embrace a different mindset when it comes to the way it thinks about revenue diversification.”
💸 Tips til medier, der arbejder med branded content
“Working with commercial companies to produce content can raise important revenue as well as questions over independence. Find out how Financial Times and Will Media tread this line”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
😎 Denne uge i metaverset
Nu melder Microsoft sig også ind i kampen om vores digitale tilstedeværelse.
“If you’re worried the metaverse will be all fun and games, fear not: Microsoft Corp. is taking its own stab at the idea, and it will have PowerPoint and Excel.
The company is adapting its signature software products to create a more corporate version of the metaverse — a concept promoted by Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg that promises to let users live, work and play within interconnected virtual worlds.”
Facebook wants to build a metaverse. Microsoft is creating something even more ambitious
Fast Company
Fra VentureBeat:
“In Microsoft’s view, one aspect of the metaverse is ‘the culmination of the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge’ working in harmony. ‘[The enterprise metaverse] brings together internet of things, digital twins, mixed reality,’ Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said during a keynote at Microsoft Inspire this summer.”
To fra Kforum:
– Metaverset er større end Meta
– Metaversets unoder: Brillen er din nye mobil
Facebook’s metaverse shift smacks of desperation
Columbia Journalism Review
Mere metavers:
Fra Platformer:
Microsoft’s metaverse moment
What the metaverse pessimists are missing
“Hey, Facebook, I Made a Metaverse 27 Years Ago – It was terrible then, and it’s terrible now.”
The Atlantic
“The Meta dream envisages whole companies operating in a virtual world. Many made the switch years ago—with mixed results.”
What the metaverse means for brand experiences
Metaverset er den våde drøm, der har drevet spilindustrien de sidste mange år
🇨🇳 Og hvad med Kinas metavers?
“Even though Tencent hasn’t gone as far as decoupling its corporate identity—and it probably never will—the Chinese firm may actually be better positioned than Meta to turn the sci-fi concept of a 3D world wide web into reality.
Apart from its roots in social networking, Tencent runs a sprawling business empire, touching everything from gaming to mobile payments and virtual offices. Its WeChat super app is already indispensable to the one billion Chinese people who use it to chat, shop, watch videos and order food and taxis.”
📸 Adobe arbejder på værktøj, der kan finde et fotos ophav
“Adobe’s Content Authenticity Initiative is developing tools and standards that allow people to capture, store, and verify key details about a photo — its digital provenance — with an eye toward creating standards that can be used across the internet. […]
The applications go beyond journalism and fighting misinformation for Adobe. The company’s chief product officer, Scott Belsky, introduced content credentials as a way for people to ensure they get credit for their creative work at Adobe’s annual conference on Tuesday and spoke at length about its NFT applications with The Verge.”
🤷♀️ Sprogmodeller behandler kvindelige politikere anderledes
“Smuk. Hysterisk. Gravid. Skrøbelig. Og…