Digitale medier i uge 16 (2022)
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🤳 Instagram-algoritmen skal fokusere mere på originalt indhold
“Today, Instagram chief Adam Mosseri has announced that Instagram is making update to the way that it ranks content, in order to put more focus on original work.”
💸 Sådan vil Zuckerberg tjene penge på metaverset
“Meta is exploring new ways to monetize the metaverse amid dwindling profits and user numbers at the company.
Two emerging revenue streams have been revealed in the last week: selling virtual goods and digital currency.”
🤔 Twitters ‘Edit’-knap får redigeringshistorik
Andet ville også være mærkeligt, kan man sige.
“So it looks like you will be able to access a full edit log for each tweet – which won’t eliminate the editing concern entirely (once people have re-tweeted something, they’re probably not going to go back and re-check it), but it could at least give people an out if they were criticized for re-tweeting a message that had later been changed to something else.”
🐦 Tre steder, hvor Twitter Spaces kan give mening for en redaktion
“The social audio feature has given news organisations like The New Statesman and Tortoise a way to chat with their audience about the stories they are keeping a close eye on. But the possibilities do not end there”
🧠 Analyser hitter på TikTok
“This style of commentary is gaining prominence among TikTok creators — influencers, trend forecasters, armchair media pundits, and celebrity analysts, to name a few. These “analysis creators” are a marked departure from the earliest days of the app when content was short, simple, and straightforward.”
💬 WhatsApp præsenterer ‘Communities’
“WhatsApp has announced a new Communities feature, which is designed to provide additional functionality for your group chats in the app, and includes a range of new features including file sharing, emoji reactions, group audio calls and more. “
🔮 Skal Twitter have ny ledelse?
“Today, let’s consider the weekend’s news about Elon Musk and his effort to buy Twitter along two dimensions: the practical considerations, and the theoretical improvements he could make to our favorite hellsite. Taken together, I’d say recent developments make it more likely that Twitter is going to see some kind of change in leadership.”
Elon Musk puts his money where his mouth is
Columbia Journalism Review
Assessing the Options for Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover Push
Social Media Today
A history-making hostile tech takeover
👻 Snapchat styrker sin position
“Snapchat has posted its Q1 2022 performance update, showing steady increases in both users and revenue as the platform continues to solidify its niche in the social media landscape.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
✨ B.T. hyrer tidligere digital EB-chefredaktør
“MediaWatch erfarer, at afløser til Michael Dyrby i rollen som ansv. chefredaktør er fundet i skikkelse af den tidligere chefredaktør hos konkurrenten Ekstra Bladet.”
Mere om historien:
Pernille Holbøll skal skabe en “100 procent digital fremtid for B.T.”
“B.T. skal ligge på kanten, men ikke gå ud over den og knalde ind i væggen med 120 km/t”
»Det er et tab for JP/Politikens Hus«: Valget af ny B.T.-chef skubber til stor magtkamp
B.T.’s papiravis på vej mod graven: ”Jeg vil ikke sætte tidspunkt på”
Holbøll overtager en B.T.-forretning der er presset på flere centrale områder
Kommentator: B.T.’s nye chefredaktør står over for “grundproblem” for tabloidmedier
📺 BBC- og ITV-streamingtjeneste kommer til Danmark
“Britbox rummer et bredt indholdskatalog af nye og gamle britiske serier og programmer fra bl.a. den britiske public service-station BBC. Betalingstjenesten lanceres i de nordiske lande i slutningen af april. “
📊 Apple giver adgang til mere podcast-data
“Et af de helt store mørketal i podcasts har altid været, hvor mange der egentlig abonnerer på ens podcast og på den måde ønsker at få en besked om, når du udgiver en ny episode.”
📹 Spotify lancerer videopodcast via Anchor i udvalgte lande
“Starting today, we’re expanding Video Podcasts on Spotify to all creators in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the U.K. Creators will have the ability to upload their video content to Spotify through Anchor as easily as they already publish audio.”
✋ Spotify vil stoppe spredningen af misinformation
“And today, some news: Spotify told us that they are improving things. They’re using some tools to prevent misinformation spreading, and one of those tools is “restricting content’s discoverability” — which should mean that if a podcast like, I don’t know, the Schmoe Schmogen Experience blathers on about how dangerous the SCHMOVID vaccines are, when the best science says something different, Spotify would restrict and limit how that episode could be discovered, making it harder for people to find.”
Mere Spotify:
Spotify’s acquisition of podcast analytics firms has some in the industry concerned
Morning Brew
🙁 CNN+ lukker ned
“Whether CNN+ was successful or not is up to debate — the service had a reported 150,000 subscribers three weeks after its launch, with a goal of signing up 2 million in its first year. However, its launch coincided with the corporate merger of Discovery and WarnerMedia, and it became clear quickly that Discovery’s leadership had no interest in a separate news subscription service.“
CNN+ was always doomed
CNN+ struggles to lure viewers in its early days, drawing fewer than 10,000 daily users
📉 InfoWars tæt på konkurs
“Far-right website Infowars and two other companies owned by radio host Alex Jones have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in light of several defamation lawsuits. The filings were made in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤔 Quartz går fra betalings- til registreringsvæg
Derudover bliver det fremover nyhedsbreve, man skal betale for. Interessant, mildest talt.
“With the new system – a registration wall – all readers, regardless of who they are, get to read four articles a month for free. After clicking on the fourth article, a non-dismissable email registration will pop up, asking the reader to sign up to their main, free newsletter, Quartz Daily Brief.”
We’re taking down the paywall on
😧 Netflix taber abonnenter (og kigger på annoncer)
Fra MediaWatch/Ritzau/Reuters:
“I alt mistede Netflix 200.000 abonnenter i første kvartal. Det var langt fra streamingtjenestens egne forventninger om, at det ville få 2,5 mio. nye brugere i perioden.”
Why Netflix is suddenly losing subscribers
Netflix Struggles to Hold Its Place in the Streaming Wars
As subscriber numbers crater, Netflix mulls cheaper advertising-driven plans
Ads are coming to Netflix: What do top media buyers and analysts think?
✨ Om FTs “mindre for mindre”-produkt
“Within a matter of months, FT Edit was conceived. Not only is the price point low, the limited offering provides a concise and digestible solution to too much news. The company says ‘the purpose of FT Edit is to provide an alternative to endless scrolling, allowing readers time to digest eight important stories selected for them each day. It will launch with the strapline: time well read.'”
📲 Om The Economists app-relancering
“Available for $7.99 (or £7.99) a month, the Economist Espresso app offers a global news briefing round-up and five briefing-style articles a day, as well as a daily fact, chart, quote, quiz and an excerpt from an Economist podcast episode. On the weekends, Espresso has a word and cartoon of the week. Subscribers also get access to an audio version of all the content on the app, as well as four longer articles from the latest weekly edition of The Economist in a For You tab. “
🎶 Dansk Musiker Forbund vil have bedre betaling fra Spotify
“Dansk Musiker Forbund brokker sig over »urimelig lav« betaling fra streaming, men ifølge Spotify har der aldrig været bedre muligheder for at finde et marked som kunstner.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤖 Google: Robotgenereret indhold er spam
“All the publishers and editors out there thinking of replacing their journalists with AI might want to pump their brakes. Everybody’s boss, the Google algorithm, classifies AI-generated content as spam.”
Mere AI:
The Future of the Web Is Marketing Copy Generated by Algorithms
A new vision of artificial intelligence for the people
MIT Technology Review
AI Can Write in English. Now It’s Learning Other Languages
Meet Bond, the Robot That Creates Handwritten Notes for You
👏 Scraping er lovligt
“Good news for archivists, academics, researchers and journalists: Scraping publicly accessible data is legal, according to a U.S. appeals court ruling.”
🖼 Ny OpenAI-teknologi laver tekst til billeder
“Named DALL-E 2, the system is the successor to a model unveiled last year. While its predecessor generated some impressive outputs, the new version is a major upgrade.”