Digitale medier i uge 19 (2022)
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
⏸ Musk sætter Twitter-køb på pause
“On Thursday afternoon I asked here which was likelier to fall apart — Elon Musk’s deal to buy Twitter, or the company itself. By Friday morning the answer was clear: it’s the deal.”
Elon Musk says Twitter deal “temporarily on hold”
Elon Musk Sows Doubt Over His $44 Billion Twitter Takeover
Musk sætter Twitter-køb på pause: Kræver kortlægning af brugere
🟧 Musk vil have Trump tilbage på Twitter
“Twitter’s future owner weighed in on the social network’s biggest question Tuesday, leaving little room for doubt that if Elon Musk has his way, the platform’s doors will be wide open for Trump.”
What Would Have to Happen for Trump to Return to Twitter
Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Twitter’s unknowable future
Columbia Journalism Review
📈 Musk vil fordoble Twitter-indtjening via abonnementer
“Elon Musk — the world’s richest man and Twitter’s new owner — expects Twitter to earn almost $10 billion in revenue from subscriptions by 2028, a projection that doubles the $5 billion in total revenue the platform made last year, according to a report from The New York Times. “
Mere Musk-Twitter:
Musk Plans to Increase Twitter’s User Base by Almost 200% Over the Next Three Years
Social Media Today
Top Twitter execs, including heads of revenue and consumer products, are out following Musk deal
Elon t says relaxing content rules on Twitter will boost free speech, but research shows otherwise
Nieman Lab
Elon Musk Will Fund His Twitter Deal With Money From Countries That Suppress Free Speech
BuzzFeed News
🤨 Meta overvejer, hvad de egentlig vil med medier
“Meta Platforms is considering reducing the money it gives news organizations as it reevaluates the partnerships it struck over the past few years, according to people familiar with the matter. The reassessment comes as Meta looks to cut costs broadly and rethinks the value of including news in its flagship Facebook app.”
Meta Looks Set to Push Publishers Towards Short Video in New Pivot
Social Media Today
😳 Whistleblowere: Facebook lavede bevidst ravage i Australien
“When Facebook blocked news pages last year to pre-empt Australian legislation that would force it to pay for content, it also took down hospitals, emergency services and charities. The company says that was inadvertent; whistleblowers allege it was a negotiating tactic.”
Mere Facebook vs. andre lande:
Meta Attacks German ‘All-or-Nothing’ Assault on Facebook
🛍 Hvad betyder influencere indenfor e-handel?
“Furthermore, nano and micro-influencers might carry better engagement rates with their users because they have a higher capacity to engage with those followers via direct messages or comments on posts, which helps them to create communities and increase their audiences’ level of trust in them.”
⛓ Instagram implementerer NFT’er
“On Monday, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that Instagram would start experimenting with NFTs on the social network with a small group of U.S. creators and collectors this week. Throughout the test, Instagram will allow these users to share NFTs they’ve created or bought on their profiles for free, setting it apart from Twitter.”
They didn’t do much for Twitter. Will Meta fare any better?
👎 Facebook dropper podcasts
“Part of Meta Platforms Inc., Facebook will stop letting people add podcasts to the service starting this week, according to a note sent to partners. It will discontinue both its short-form audio product Soundbites and remove its central audio hub.”
👯♀️ TikTok erstatter ‘Discover’ med ‘Friends’
“TikTok is rolling out a new “Friends” tab that replaces the “Discover” tab in the bottom menu of the app. The company says the new tab is going to roll out to more people over the coming weeks and that it will allow users on the platform to find content from people they’ve connected with. TikTok did not elaborate on the rollout or say whether it will be coming to all users in the future.”
🤳 9 tips til journalister, der vil på TikTok
“Three avid TikTokers share technical tips to start racking up views on the popular social media platform”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
📉 Falder podcasts i kvalitet?
2016 var – målt på anmeldelser – det bedste år for podcasts. Siden er det kun gået en vej, og det er nedad. Det kan du læse i denne opgørelse fra Rephonic.
Der er også andre interessante indsigter, såsom at større “shows” ser ud til at blive vurderet lavere end mindre shows. Spændende læsning.
🤩 Få din podcast fremhævet på Spotify
“Spotify’s editorial submission form is now open so creators can potentially have their show amplified.”
🔎 Kommissionen vil tvinge til at scanne for børneporno
“The obligation also requires tech platforms to conduct risk assessments and “reasonable mitigation measures” that are targeted and proportionate. They will need to report to both the national coordinating authority and the newly-established, built-for-purpose EU agency in The Hague – stationed “at the same location as its closest partner, Europol” – the proposal stresses.”
😬 Schrems klar til at lægge sag an mod ny Privacy Shield
“Mens Max Schrems står klar med det næste sagsanlæg mod den kommende version af Privacy Shield-overførselsgrundlaget mellem EU og USA, foretager USA lovændringer, der kan få afgørende betydning for, om overførsler fra EU holder i retten.”
😮 Google betaler mere end 300 medier for indhold
“Google has signed deals to pay more than 300 publishers in Germany, France and four other EU countries for their news and will roll out a tool to make it easier for others to sign up too, the company told Reuters.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤝 Aller lancerer annonceplatform for influencere
“En ny app, der skal fungere som en slags datingside for såkaldte nano- og mikroinfluencere og annoncører, er blevet født hos Aller Media i et forsøg på følge med strømningerne på annoncemarkedet, hvor influencermarketing er i vækst.”
💡 Abonnementsmedier bør arbejde med “dunning”
“Publishers have been on a crucial hunt for strategies to reduce churn in recent months, particularly as readers’ propensity to pay for subscriptions have begun to waver. But what happens when up to half of churn occurs unintentionally because of an expired credit card or someone reaching their credit limit ahead of payment?
That’s when a process called “dunning” comes into play.”
👌 Mediers paywalls bliver mere sofistikerede
“After years of positive press, it looks like the shine is finally coming off publishing’s digital subscriptions revolution. From concerns around peak subscriptions to falling subscriber numbers at Netflix and the lightning failure of CNN+, the worry is that consumers have had enough. But rather than hitting the buffers, digital subscriptions are evolving through an array of publisher paywall options.”
💪 Nordiske Medier nærmer sig mål om 25.000
“I løbet af de seneste tre år har Nordiske Medier øget sin abonnementsbase med over 40 pct. ved at holde et klart fokus på abonnementsforretningen og mindske frafaldet af læsere. I år forventer mediehuset at indfri mål om 25.000 abonnenter. “
🎤 Podx vil skabe verdens førende podcastproduktionsgruppe
“Ny spiller på det danske podcastmarked vil udskære position gennem en ny forretningsmodel uden egen platform. Podx vil købe sig til medejerskab af uafhængige podcastproducenter og investere i formater, der kan krydse landegrænser. “
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
👋 Store browser-firmaer vil udfase kodeordet
“The FIDO Alliance, an industry group aimed at standardizing authentication methods online, announced that its passwordless sign-on method has received support from the big browser builders: Apple, Microsoft, and Google. That means that later this year you will be able to sign in to your various web accounts across the internet without using a password in all the major browsers.”
👊 Chrome kæmper med at blokere stalkerware-annoncer
“Google Search displays advertisements for stalkerware services that boast real-time monitoring of romantic partners and spouses, despite the company’s self-imposed ban on such ads.”
😢 Apple udfaser den sidste iPod
“The company announced Tuesday that it would discontinue the iPod Touch, the last remnant of a product line that first went on sale in October 2001. The touch-screen model, which launched in 2007, will remain on sale until supplies run out.”
✋ Clearview vil ikke sælge billeddatabase til firmaer
“Clearview AI, the facial recognition software maker, on Monday settled a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union and agreed to limit its face database in the United States primarily to government agencies and not allow most American companies to have access to it.”