Digitale medier i uge 37 (2022)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
😲 Internt dokument om Metas kamp med TikTok
“Dokumentet er fra august og viser en række nøgletal for Instagram Reels, der er Metas hovedsvar på den skarpe konkurrence om særligt yngre brugeres tid fra den kinesisk ejede platform Tiktok. Brugere af Tiktok har et dagligt tidsforbrug på 197,8 mio. timer, altså over ti gange så meget som Instagram”
- Læs historien hos The Wall Street Journal
- Instagram Trails TikTok and YouTube On Creator Satisfaction, Mosseri Tells Staff [The Information]
- Is Instagram reeling? [Platformer]
- New Report Highlights the Decline of Facebook and IG, as TikTok Becomes the New Home of Entertainment [Social Media Today]
🧪 Facebook skærer i eksperimentgruppe, fokus på video
“The product group, which was created in 2019 to build everything from games to business tools, was recently given a new mission. In a recent memo, Meta Chief Product Officer Chris Cox directed the team to focus its efforts entirely on innovation in short-form video, according to a person familiar with the matter.”
🛒 Instagram vil skrue ned for shopping-ambitioner
“Instagram is planning to drastically scale back its shopping features, the company told Instagram staffers on Tuesday, as it shifts the focus of its e-commerce efforts to those that directly drive advertising. The retreat shows how Meta Platforms is moving away from some long-term projects as it focuses on building its short-form video business.”
🤨 TikTok skal svare på spøgsmål om Kina
“At a hearing in front of the US Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, TikTok COO Vanessa Pappas faced stern questioning from lawmakers.
They had pointed questions about the company’s relationship with its parent, with the Chinese government, and the potential for Americans’ data to be misused. And while on one level it was simply the latest chance for our Senate to grandstand about the tech industry while doing nothing to regulate it, the hearing also showcased the growing momentum to take more definitive action against the company.”
🏆 Twitter er stadig størst for medier
“Twitter is still the place where media publishers collectively have the largest audiences, followed by Facebook and Instagram, according to an Axios analysis of 82 major news, entertainment and sports publishers.”
📹 YouTube tester nye søgning og engagementsindsigter
“YouTube has previewed some new analytics options coming to Creator Studio, which will provide more data on what your audience is interested in, based on their search and engagement activity, and how they’re interacting with different topics across the app.”
😘 Roblox præsenterer snart nye avatarer
“Roblox users will soon be able to give their avatars facial expressions that mimic the player’s own, the platform announced today.
The update, announced today at the Roblox Developer Conference, will be available only to select creators on the platform for now, but is expected to be widely available to all Roblox users by early 2023.”
🛡 Sådan vil Facebook beskytte brugerne mod scraping
“As part of an ongoing series about addressing data misuse, we recently shared an update on how our External Data Misuse (EDM) team works to safeguard people against clone sites. Today, we’re detailing our approach on deterring scraping of Facebook Identifiers (FBIDs) on Facebook. “
🐦 Twitter slettede kontroversielt tweet om Elizabeth II
“A Twitter spokesperson said the social media giant deleted a Carnegie Mellon University professor’s controversial tweet condemning Queen Elizabeth II on the grounds that it was “abusive.” The company defines abusive behavior as “an attempt to harass, intimidate, or silence someone else’s voice” — in this case the voice of the world’s longest-reigning monarch.”
🎧 Twitter ruller podcasts ud til Blue-medlemmer
“Twitter has begun rolling out its redesigned Spaces tab. Starting today, Twitter Blue members on iOS can check out the new interface element through the subscription’s early access Labs feature. The tab brings together live and recorded Spaces, and even offers a selection of popular podcasts you can listen to directly through the app.“
😬 Truth Social har det svært og forsøger at skjule det
“Trump’s fledging social media platform recently made a tweak that makes it more difficult to track an important measure of the site’s growth. Like Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms, Truth Social used to allow users to endlessly scroll through an account’s followers and the accounts who amplified or engaged with its posts. That data is helpful in assessing the site’s overall health and legitimate growth rate.”
🎤 Twitters tidligere sikkerhedschef har vidnet i Senatet
“I en høring i Senatet i USA tirsdag fortalte Peiter Zatko, som fra 2020 til 2022 var sikkerhedschef hos Twitter, om baggrunden for, at han i juli sendte en whistleblower-klage til Kongressen om store problemer med datasikkerheden hos det sociale medie.”
- Sloppy data use is Twitter’s original sin, Mudge tells Congress [Protocol]
- Twitter whistleblower says security holes cause ‘real harm to real people’ [The Washington Post]
- The Rundown: Twitter’s whistleblower highlights concerns with Chinese ad revenue, security concerns in Senate hearing [Digiday]
- Twitter holder fast: Godkender salg til Elon Musk [Journalisten]
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🥇 Spotify er nu #1 podcast-netværk i USA
Den tendens kommer nok kun til at fortsætte og brede sig.
“Edison Research announces the Top Podcast Networks in the U.S. for Q2 2022, and Spotify, SXM Media, and iHeartRadio take the top three spots, respectively. Spotify’s weekly reach outstripped the leader from the Q1 estimate, SXM Media, by a tiny margin. The list ranks the most listened-to podcast networks based on total audience reach from Edison Podcast Metrics. “
⛔ Adblockere kæmper under Chromes nye regler
“Google began working on a revised API, namely MV3, for Chromium browser extensions in 2018 to deal with what it characterized as the security, privacy, and performance consequences of its MV2 extension architecture.
In Google’s mind, ad blockers and similar extensions, under the MV2 regime, have too much control over and access to the pages you’ve got open in the browser. If one of these add-ons turns rogue, it can harvest all kinds of sensitive data about you from these pages as you visit them.”
✨ The Verge redesigner
“Yes, we have a sharp new logo that started with the idea of an unfinished interface between the present and the future. Yes, we have a bright new color palette that highlights our work in confident new ways. Yes, we have new typefaces across the board, including serifs for our body copy. Look at these ink traps in our new headline font, Poly Sans. I love them.”
🍭 Substack bejler til algoritme-trætte Instagrammere
Flere er ikke glade for det seneste Instagram-redesign, der skal konkurrere med TikTok.
“Substack is seizing the opportunity to bring frustrated Instagrammers into its email platform.
Substack is aggressively selling creators on its less-cluttered interface and network reach.”
🗣 Derfor er tone of voice vigtig for Morning Brew
Det kommer næppe som hverken overraskelse eller nyt for nogen, at det er vigtigt, hvilken tone og sprog, man bruger i sine nyhedsbreve. Derfor overrasker det heller ikke nogen, at det er en stor del af den succes, Morning Brew har opnået.
Men derfor er det alligevel interessant at læse om.
“Newsletter-first publisher Morning Brew has refined its voice since starting its flagship business-focused newsletter in 2015. Each issue opens with a short and witty comment, signed by that day’s editors. Then it links to that day’s top stories, with a mini editorial or explainer initialled by the relevant editor talking about the key points of the news item and any additional context.”
👎 Egmont nedlægger Talk Town Kids som app
“Efter cirka tre et halvt år i markedet lukker Egmont podcast- og lydbogsappen Talk Town Kids, som sidste år ændrede navn fra Talk Town. Det fremgår af en pressemeddelelse fra Egmont.”
🤖 Derfor er marketing automation svært
“At finde de rette talenter. At forstå, hvad kunderne egentlig vil have. At have de rette tekniske værktøjer. At forstå data rigtigt.
Det er over en bred kam de problemer, virksomheder kæmper allermest med, når de skal tage deres marketing-arbejde til det næste niveau med marketing automation. Det viser en ny rapport, som konsulenthuset Forrester har lavet for software-virksomheden Agilic.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🔚 Er det ved at være slut med annoncefri medier?
Flere abonnementsmedier har satset dedikeret på at leve af abonnenterne – og fravalgt annoncer. Den klare opdeling ser ud til at forsvinde – i hvert fald for mange, skriver Simon Owens. Flere succesfulde medier tjener penge på både abonnement og annoncer – og flere af de store streaming-firmaer planlægger nu også annoncer i deres produkter.
Interessant tendens.
😟 Patreon fyrer 80 og konsoliderer sig i USA
“CEO Jack Conte wrote in a letter to staff — cross-posted to Patreon’s blog — that 17% of the staff will be laid off. This affects the Go-to-Market, Operations, Finance and People teams. Patreon will also close its Berlin office, which worked on sales and marketing. The Dublin office will close as well, since Patreon wants to consolidate its engineering efforts in the U.S.”.
🤔 Google tænker mindre og hurtigere i innovationsstøtte
“At first, the program went for big multi-year grants, Ludovic Blecher, who runs the Google Innovation Challenges from Paris, told me. ‘But we decided that might not be it. … Something funded for one year that could then be expanded … gets to both vision and execution … (and) leads to projects that are truly iterative.'”
📈 Newsday skaffede abonnenter med bl.a. grafikker
“In 2020, we experimented with the use of graphics. Font, size, colour, and photos were all part of the test to see what our audience reacted to best. The following year, after analysing those metrics, we started posting graphics to Instagram daily.
We noticed the graphics got the highest engagement were stories where we brought out percentages, used compelling art, and put headlines on the photo to enhance the storytelling — most of the time changing the headline to make it more appealing to younger and diverse audiences.”
👩⚖️ Google sagsøges for misbrug af annonceposition
“To søgsmål i henholdsvis Storbritannien og EU sigter efter kompensation fra techkoncernen på i alt 25 mia. euro til bl.a. nyhedsmedier for skævvridning på digitalt annoncemarked.“
💰 Podimo i ny investeringsrunde
“Den danske podcast- og lydbogsplatform Podimo har fået endnu en kapitalindsprøjtning, denne gang på 436 mio. kr. Det fremgår af en pressemeddelelse.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
📱 iOS 16 opgraderer låseskærmen
“The lock screen is the true star of iOS 16. Apple has reconceived its purpose altogether, shifting it from just a clock and a bunch of notifications to something much more like a second homescreen. Lock screen widgets were an instant upgrade to my phone life: I can now see my calendar without unlocking my phone or even swiping right to get to that page of widgets everyone always forgets about, and I have a tiny widget that launches a new note in my notes app.“
🕶 Er dette Metas nye VR-headset?
Images and, later, a video of a “Meta Quest Pro” virtual reality (VR) headset surfaced online, posted on Facebook by Ramiro Cardenas, who claims the device was left in a hotel room (Thanks, Peter! via Reddit). The device shown resembles the Project Cambria headset Meta has been publicly teasing since late last year and looks like the one spotted in leaked setup videos.
📈 Amazon Web Services vokser i Danmark
“Interview: AWS har lejet det halve af en etage i et kontorfællesskab i Carlsbergbyen og er i fuld gang med at hyre.”Vi har lige nu 29 åbne stillinger. Jeg er blevet bedt om at ansætte og ansætte. Vi vokser kraftigt,” siger AWS’ nye talsmand for Danmark, Peer Jakobsen.”
🔗 The Merge: Ethereum har udrullet opgradering
“The Merge”, a major upgrade to the Ethereum cryptocurrency platform, was finally completed today after a six-year buildup. As of 2:43 ET this morning, Ethereum now uses proof of stake, a way to approve new transactions that promises to cut the blockchain’s energy requirements by 99.9% and usher in a new era for the second-largest cryptocurrency.
🤝 Adobe køber Figma
“Figma, founded in 2012, creates cloud-based design software that allows teams to collaborate in real time. It competes head-to-head with Adobe’s XD program.”