Digitale medier og platforme i uge 39 (2022)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
😧 Partier sender persondata på medlemmer til Facebook
“Venstre, Frie Grønne og Nye Borgerlige sender oplysninger om nye medlemmer til Facebook. Det sker, fordi partierne bruger det omstridte annonceværktøj Facebook Pixels. Liberal Alliance bruger også Pixels, men her er det slået fra på medlemssiden.”
🥊 Meta slår til mod russisk propagandanetværk målrettet Europa
“A sprawling disinformation network originating in Russia sought to use hundreds of fake social media accounts and dozens of sham news websites to spread Kremlin talking points about the invasion of Ukraine, Meta revealed Tuesday.”
Mere om misinformation:
- Meta Removes Chinese Effort to Influence U.S. Elections [The New York Times]
🔄 Det bliver lettere at skifte mellem Facebook- og Instagram-konti
“Meta said Monday it’s testing new features intended to help people easily manage their Facebook and Instagram accounts through one interface.
The move underscores Meta’s attempt to consolidate its family of apps so they aren’t so distinct from one another.”
🛒 Instagram tester home-feed uden shopping
“Instagram introduced the shopping tab in an effort to get users to buy products directly on the platform. Now, it’s pivoting away from the approach.”
🤝 USA og TikTok nærmer sig aftale
“The Biden administration and TikTok have drafted a preliminary agreement to resolve national security concerns posed by the Chinese-owned video app but face hurdles over the terms, as the platform negotiates to keep operating in the United States without major changes to its ownership structure, four people with knowledge of the discussions said.“
- The road to a possible TikTok-Congress deal [Columbia Journalism Review]
👎 TikTok ruller “downvotes” ud til alle
“After testing them out in the live environment over the last six months, TikTok has today announced that it’s rolling out comment downvotes for all users, as a means to flag inappropriate responses to video clips.”
🤖 Ikke alle Twitter-bots er onde
“Bots have become public enemy number one in recent years, and remain in the spotlight thanks to Twitter’s former head of security Peiter “Mudge” Zadko’s claims that the company’s “senior management had no appetite to properly measure the prevalence of bot accounts.” Twitter’s apparent inaction in tackling bots—and its supposed underestimation of the proportion of users that are bots—is one of Musk’s main arguments for attempting to sidestep his deal to buy the social media platform.”
💔 Instagram vil ikke længere bryde video på <60 sek. op
“Instagram continues its gradual process of merging its video products into one, with the announcement that videos in Stories that are under 60 seconds in length will no longer be split into 15-second segments in the app.”
👊 Tysklands kamp mod hatespeech
“Battling far-right extremism, Germany has gone further than any other Western democracy to prosecute individuals for what they say online, testing the limits of free speech on the internet.”
🤔 Hvordan vurderer man værdien af onlinedebatter?
“In poll after poll, Americans say they are deeply concerned about rising incivility online. And extensive social media research has focused on how to counteract online incivility. But with Civic Signals, a project of the National Conference on Citizenship and the Center for Media Engagement, researchers took a different approach: If you started from scratch, they asked, what would a flourishing, healthy digital space look like?”
- Platform moderation, speech, and the courts [Columbia Journalism Review]
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🎓 Google vil snart oversætte nyheder direkte i søgningen
“At a Google Search-focused event this morning, Google announced that it will soon introduce ways to translate news coverage directly from Search. Starting in 2023, English users, for example, will be able to search and see translated links to news results from Spanish-language publishers in countries such as Mexico, in addition to links to articles written in their preferred language.”
✉ Personaliserede nyhedsbreve med blandede resultater
Mange medier taler om (nogle arbejder med) personalisering af indhold – altså at man anbefaler brugerne indhold, en algoritme vurderer, de vil være interesserede i at læse, se, lytte og så videre.
En af de oplagte kanaler er nyhedsbreve, der er blevet meget vigtige produkter og kanaler for en masse medier de seneste år.
Digiday har talt med nogle af dem, der forsøger sig.
Hos nogle ser det lovende ud, og hos andre er der tegn på, at nyhedsbrevsmodtagerne egentlig hellere vil modtage de samme historier, som andre gør.
Og det er den evige historie og balancegang om personalisering: På en side vil vi gerne vises indhold, der er om emner, vi interesserer os for, og som vi ellers ville være gået glip af – og nogle gange vil vi bare gerne se de historier, andre ser og taler om.
Det er også derfor, “mest læste”-lister stadig fungerer.
✨ Substack lancerer Reader i web-udgave
Nyhedsbrevsplatformen Substack har netop lanceret en web-udgave af deres Reader-app til at læse indhold udgivet på… ja, Substack.
Og den indeholder et vaskeægte “blast from the past”. For hvis du vil læse og følge noget, der ikke er et Substack-nyhedsbrev, kan du… dam dam daaaaam… tilføje et RSS-feed.
Jeg er meget nysgerrig på, i hvor høj grad dén mulighed vil blive brugt.
🆕 Lolland-Falsters Folketidende lancerer medie om Femern-forbindelsen
“Det nye erhvervsmedie om Femern-byggeriet bliver bygget op som en abonnementsforretning med et mål om 600-800 abonnenter inden for halvandet år. Adm. direktør Ole Sloth vil ikke afvise lignende satsninger i fremtiden.”
💡 Sådan bruger The Local i Sverige produkttænkning
“Product thinking is not limited to written articles. Podcast “Sweden in focus”, created a year ago, answers listeners’ needs with a solutions mindset. At a time when the right-wing populist parties are on the rise, O’Mahony is looking at projects that worked elsewhere and lessons we can learn from them.”
- Build a community, not an audience: how to find out what your readers value and want to pay for []
💳 Independent lader brugere shoppe direkte på siden
“As part of the initiative, the publisher has partnered with checkout technology company Bolt, who earlier this year raised $355 million in a Series E round managed by BlackRock. Bolt is led by CEO Maju Kuruvilla, a former Amazon exec, and the company’s decentralized tech allows consumers to checkout quickly ‘without the needless restrictions that Amazon, Shopify and Stripe use to trap people in their ecosystems’. “
🛑 Det bliver lettere at blokere ulovlige websites
“Internetudbydere får nu lettere ved at blokere for hjemmesider, der er dømt ulovlige ved en domstol, eksempelvis fordi siderne streamer indhold, som de ikke har rettigheder til at vise.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤔 Zetlands “vælg selv” giver flere abonnenter men færre penge
“Selv om Zetland for få dage siden glædede sig over at have rekrutteret 5.000 abonnenter via en ambassadørkampagne, afslører tallene, at de nye medlemmer bogstaveligt talt sætter mindre pris på produktet, end det var tilfældet”
📈 NYTimes vil vokse via spil
“The strategy has paid off, according to [New York Times head of games Jonathan Knight]. ‘In recent weeks, we’ve definitely seen evidence that, when we ultimately offer people a subscription to games and give them the choice to take the games subscription or take the larger New York Times bundle, people take the bundle,’ he said, though he declined to provide specific subscription numbers. “
💡 Det skal udgivere vide om Googles “heavy ad”-tiltag
“The FAQ below defines what is a ‘heavy ad’ and everything a publisher needs to know to make sure heavy ads aren’t negatively impacting ad impressions and revenues. “
⏩ Du har et halvt minut til at overbevise en læser
“Axios’s signature writing format, smart brevity, targets time-poor audiences with snappy writing. In with bullet points, out with long-winded quotes”
😕 Cookie-fri browsere presser medierne
“Google may have yet to deprecate the third-party cookie in its Chrome browser, but publishers have been dealing with the online tracking mechanism’s absence in browsers like Apple’s Safari and Mozilla’s Firefox for years. And they’re growing more and more impatient about addressing this issue, which was a focal point during the Digiday Publishing Summit in Key Biscayne, Fla., last week.”
✨ Tech-firma påstår at have ny vej til førstepartsdata
“As Amol Waishampayan, FullThrottle’s chief product officer explained, Audience Flume latches onto the browser cache of a client’s website to generate a household profile that enables them to create audiences and establish downstream processes on top of an open addressability framework.
Waishampayan said the data feed can be used to generate privacy-compliant campaign tactics including targeting, measurement and attribution.”
💸 Independents arbejde med nyheder og programmatic
“Programmatic advertising makes up approximately 75% of The Independent’s advertising revenue in the U.S., according to Tapper. But because news is such a highly avoided category by many advertisers, her team has been working to reframe the idea that buying programmatically means losing control over where and when a display ad gets placed. “
🧠 Om balancering af paywall og annoncer
“The opening panel featured News UK Chief Operating Officer David Dinsmore, Forbes Managing Director of Europe Alex Wood, Footballco Chief Executive Officer Juan Delgado and VP Gabe Gonda. They discussed some of the biggest themes impacting news media revenue strategies, including paywalls, micropayments and other lines of revenue such as licensing and merchandise.“
🎬 CNN lukker resterne af CNN+
“Months after shuttering its much-hyped streaming service less than a month after its launch, CNN laid off the last remaining CNN+ staffers on Wednesday morning, multiple sources confirmed to The Daily Beast.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤖 DeepMind har fremtidens chatbot – udgiver den ikke
“‘We have not deployed the system because we think that it has a lot of biases and flaws of other types,” said [Geoffrey Irving, a safety researcher at DeepMind]. ‘I think the question is, how do you weigh the communication advantages — like communicating with humans — against the disadvantages? I tend to believe in the safety needs of talking to humans … I think it is a tool for that in the long run’.”
🧑🎨 OpenAI fjerner venteliste til DALL-E
“The announcement comes in the context of a growing number of startup players offering more accessible text-to-image AI generators, including Midjourney, which was released in open beta in mid-July, as well as Stability AI’s open-sourced Stable Diffusion, which was released in August (its new CIO, Daniel Jeffries, wrote a new blog post today saying that the company is ‘putting the open back in AI’).”
- The age of synthetic media has begun [Platformer]
🤐 Hacker udsendte racistiske beskeder via Apple News
“A hacker who infiltrated Fast Company, a publication owned by Morningstar Inc.’s billionaire founder Joe Mansueto, sent obscene push notifications to Apple News users’ home screens on Tuesday night, sparking a shutdown of the magazine’s website.”
🗣 Ukrainsk tech-firma hjalp med Vaders stemme i Kenobi
“What Respeecher could do better than anyone was re-create the unforgettably menacing way that Jones, now 91, sounded half a lifetime ago. […]
When he ultimately presented Jones with Respeecher’s work, the actor signed off on using his archival voice recordings to keep Vader alive and vital even by artificial means—appropriate, perhaps, for a character who is half mechanical.“
😲 Google lukker Stadia
“Google is shutting down Stadia, its cloud gaming service. The service will remain live for players until January 18th, 2023. Google will be refunding all Stadia hardware purchased through the Google Store as well as all the games and add-on content purchased from the Stadia store. Google expects those refunds will be completed in mid-January.”
- So long, Stadia, we hardly knew ye [Protocol]
🐕 Amazons nye robot kan passe din hund
“Broadly speaking, the new features offer more home monitoring. The capabilities include some standard fare: Astro will be able to watch pets and send a video feed of their activities to users, for example. But Astro will also be able to wander around the house to keep an eye on rooms and entry points.”