Digitale medier og platforme i uge 41

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🤳 B.T. er kommet på TikTok
“Forhåbningen er ifølge [ansvarshavende chefredaktør] Pernille Holbøll, at B.T. får et større kendskab til den yngre målgruppe, for hvem sociale medier er en central kilde til nyheder. Stoffet skal både være ”underholdende og oplysende”.”
😬 Influencere er på kant med loven ifm. pengespil
“Det er ifølge Forbrugerombudsmanden på kant med markedsføringsloven, når danskere streamer deres spil på online-kasinoer på platformen Twitch, der har mange brugere under 18 år.”
👪 Nu kan forældre holde øje med deres børn på Snapchat
“Det sociale medie Snapchat har mandag lanceret en ny funktion ved navn ‘Family Center’ i Danmark.
Funktionen gør det muligt for forældre at holde øje med, hvem deres børn korresponderer med.”
🔗 Instagram udvider test af flere links i bio
“It’s been in testing for a while, but Instagram has expanded access to a new option which enables some creators to add multiple links to their IG bio, as a means to help expand their business-building potential in the app.”
✋ Twitter tester begrænsning af, hvem der kan tagge dig
“Twitter’s developing yet another audience control option for your tweets, with a new toggle that would enable you to either stop people from mentioning your @handle completely, or limit mentions to only those who you follow in the app.”
👤 Nu kan du få et @brugernavn på YouTube
“YouTube is making it easier for creators to direct viewers to their channels. The company today announced “handles,” a new way for creators to identify their channel with an @username format in order to interact with their viewers across YouTube Shorts, channel pages, in video descriptions, in comments and more. These handles will be made available to everyone on YouTube — you don’t need to be a creator of a certain size or subscriber count to claim your own unique @handle, YouTube says.”
💭 Facebook gentænker filosofien bag feed’et
“The Facebook app, the blockbuster that powers the company we now call Meta, has been spending time in the juggernaut infirmary. While Feed is still the company’s most popular product, its user base has stopped growing, in stark contrast to that of its fierce new competitor, TikTok. In response, Meta’s leaders in July tweaked Facebook’s iconic home page.”
🤯 Rusland ser Facebook som ekstremistisk organisation
“Rusland har tirsdag tilføjet Meta, der er det sociale medie Facebooks moderselskab, til landets liste over ekstremistiske organisationer. Det skriver nyhedsbureauerne Reuters og AFP.”
🔙 Truth Social er tilbage i Play Store
“Google has approved Donald Trump’s Twitter-like social media app Truth Social for distribution in the Google Play Store, Axios has learned.”
💬 Twitter tester lydchat i Communities
“Twitter’s looking to further enhance smaller community engagement in the app, with the launch of a new test that will enable Communities admins to create dedicated audio Spaces within their groups.”
🤚 Meta har standset 400 login-stjælende apps
“Simple programs like flashlight apps, photo editing tools, and games can mask efforts to grab user data, authorize rogue charges, or steal login credentials to a legitimate service. Today, Meta said it has found and reported more than 400 apps this year in official app stores that were set up to steal victims’ Facebook credentials.”
😒 Intern metavers-utilfredshed i Meta
The New York Times har fået fingrene i interne dokumenter og talt med en række nuværende og tidligere Meta-ansatte om virksomhedens rejse mod metaverset.
Der er skepsis, forvirring og frustration, skriver The New York Times.
👋 Kanye West udelukket fra Twitter pga. antisemitisme
“Kanye West, legally known as ‘Ye,’ is rapidly running out of social media platforms to post his antisemitic content. On Sunday, Twitter locked Ye’s account after he posted an antisemitic tweet saying he was going ‘death con 3’ on Jewish people. In the same tweet, Ye added he ‘can’t be antisemitic because black people are actually Jew[s].'”
📊 Twitter laver ny analysevisning
“Of course, all of these stats were available before, within your Twitter Analytics tools. As such, this updated display is more of a reformat – though it could also open the door for Twitter to roll out new display improvements and data insights over time.”
🤝 Musk har indtil 28/10 til at købe Twitter
“Elon Musk is running out of ways to evade his original $44 billion contract to buy Twitter Inc.”
- Elon Musks køb af Twitter er kommet i myndighedernes søgelys [MediaWatch]
- Users of Trump’s Truth Social Have Thoughts on Elon Musk’s Twitter Deal [Bloomberg]
🛒 TikTok vil oprette varehuse
“While seemingly every social media app is copying TikTok, TikTok now appears to be copying Amazon’s playbook.
TikTok appears to be looking to create a new logistics and warehousing network in the United States to support its e-commerce efforts, according to several job openings recently posted to its hiring site and LinkedIn page.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🌎 Ny aftale åbner for dataudveksling mellem EU og USA
“The United States is not going to stop spying on Europeans’ data, but it is going to make sure that spying is “proportionate.” This was the reassurance that US President Joe Biden offered concerned citizens across the Atlantic today by signing an executive order designed to restart the easy flow of data between Europe and the US.”
- Dansk Erhverv: Nyt dekret løser ikke Google Analytics-knude på kort sigt [MediaWatch]
- ”Det er klart, at hvis nu Datatilsynet kommer og siger, at Microsoft 365 også er et problem, så vil vi og mange andre i Danmark være udfordret” [Computerworld]
- Nu har Biden taget første skridt: Løsning på Schrems II-problem rykker tættere på [Computerworld]
- Løsning på Google Analytics-knude rykker et skridt nærmere [MediaWatch]
- Ny aftale om overførsel af persondata til USA kan være på vej [MediaWatch]
📊 Gælder 80/20-reglen også for medier?
“The 80-20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is the idea that roughly 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. In practice, this might take the form of a farm where 80% of vegetables come from just 20% of crops or a business where 20% of customers account for 80% of revenue. […]
To determine how closely the publishing world adheres to the 80-20 rule, our Data Science team analyzed thousands of websites from more than 70 countries to understand what percent of articles drive the majority of pageviews and how the ratio might vary by factors like site size and subject matter. Here’s what we learned.”
✨ Pris og lanceringsdato for Netflix med annoncer
Tjenesten kommer til at koste 7 dollars om måneden og lanceres den 3. november i USA. Herefter fortsætter udrulningen i andre lande. Det er ikke alt indhold, der er med på reklameudgaven af Netflix, på grund af manglende aftaler.
Læs mere hos Recode, hvor du også kan se et eksempel på en annonce på Netflix.
🇩🇰 Danmarks datatilsyn er blandt de mildeste
“Det danske Datatilsyn har langt fra været i førersædet i EU, når det kommer til indstilling af GDPR-bøder. Her er overblikket over GDPR-bøderne i Danmark sammenlignet med resten af EU.”
🤖 Dansk magasin prøver sig med AI-illustrationer
“Og i septemberudgaven af Radiografen, der er radiografernes fagblad, er alle magasinets illustrationer også lavet ved hjælp af MidJourney.
Før det blev besluttet at bruge kunstig intelligens, diskuterede redaktionen, om de egentlig kunne tillade sig at gøre det, fortæller redaktør for fagbladet Radiografen Camilla Beer Arnsberg.”
📚 Gyldendals Bogklubber bliver til digital læseklub
“Efter frasalg af streamingtjenesten Chapter bliver Gyldendals Bogklubber en digital læseklub, og dermed har forlaget tilendebragt de ændringer, som blev varslet i august. Nu sætter Gyldendal efter vækst i kerneforretningen, siger konstitueret direktør Hanne Salomonsen.”
🎧 WaPo udvider nyhedsbrev med podcast
“A year after The Washington Post debuted a short newsletter (also available in audio form) called ‘The 7,’ the publication is expanding the franchise with a podcast format this fall and a more specific, local version for people in the Washington, D.C, Maryland and Virginia area.”
🤔 Var frygten for en “infodemic” overdreven?
“We’re starting to get some solid initial data to answer those questions, with three studies on those issues published in the past six weeks. The answers from those studies are complex and nuanced (as always), but on the whole, things may not have been quite as bad as we feared.”
🎤 Tips til medier, der vil arbejde med lyd
“Give it ten weeks, exude confidence, avoid silos and don’t be afraid to make heavy use of post-it notes.“
📊 Intro til Google Analytics 4 for marketing-bureauer
“Here’s everything you need to know about Google Analytics 4, including what it will mean for how you measure marketing activity and conversions, how to get started using GA4 and how to prep your clients for the change.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
📰 Analyse: Der er stadig penge i print
“Det er ofte en ganske god forretning at udgive printmedier i Danmark. 6 ud af 10 medievirksomheder, som udgiver skrevne medier, var lønsomme i 2021, og deres samlede resultat for 2021 lå på 679 millioner kroner.
Det fremgår af rapporten ’Mediernes Økonomi 2022’ lavet af Patrick Arendal Fahlström fra Media Scale, der laver analyser om mediebranchen.”
🎤 Virker Spotifys podcast-strategi?
“It’s difficult to give a completely objective assessment of the exclusivity strategy given my own reluctance to switch between apps, but I do think there’s a clear advantage to choosing the windowing approach instead. It gives the owned and operated app a competitive edge without relinquishing the benefits of the open podcast ecosystem.”
💰 Sådan kan medier hente abonnenter via podcasts
“The Week Junior, The Financial Times and The New Statesman use podcasts to bring in new, loyal audiences that may pay for news”
🧐 Annoncering efter tredjepartscookien: Mød Googles PAIR
“PAIR is the latest solution on Google’s Display & Video 360, a.k.a. the most widely-used demand-side platform in the business or DV360, enabling advertisers to target online campaigns by cross-referencing their first-party datasets with relevant publishers.
The cross-referencing of first-party data is performed at an aggregated level in order to safeguard any personal identifiable information shared with either of the primary partners with Google claiming that intermediaries (including itself) will not be able to hack any encryption.”
📈 Altinget-ejer overgår forventningerne
“Alrow Media landede et overskud på over ti mio. kr. i det forskudte regnskabsår 2021/2022. Frasalg af ejerpost i dataovervågnings-selskab trækker bundlinjen op i koncernen, der nu har lagt afstand til tidligere års negative egenkapital.”
😟 Britisk onlinesucces fyrer 10% af medarbejderne
“LadBible, one of the UK’s biggest online media success stories, is sacking 10% of its staff following a slump in its share price and a warning about tough trading conditions.”
🤔 Undersøgelse: Førstepartsstrategier er lettere sagt end gjort
“Despite rhetoric from advertisers about investing in first-party data as privacy laws erode traditional means of targeting — the reality is much more difficult, according to a recent survey on programmatic attitudes.”
🔉 Lyd på abonnement: Podcastere venter på fleksibilitet fra Apple, Spotify etc.
“Podcasters are increasingly offering subscriptions as a way to grow complementary revenue and offer listeners bonus content or additional benefits. But they’re waiting on Apple, Spotify and other podcast-hosting platforms to offer more flexibility and features to grow listenership and make it easier for people to find the shows that offer subscriptions.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
👋 CNN lukker Web3-projekt
“CNN is dropping the development of its marketplace selling collectible ‘Moments’ tied to major news events, angering users who’d spent thousands of dollars and were sold on exclusive access and features coming in the future.”
🕶 Meta præsenterer Quest Pro-headset
“The Quest Pro is a new branch of the Quest VR headset lineup, featuring a new processor and screen, a dramatically redesigned body and controllers, inward-facing cameras for eye and face tracking, and a color video feed for mixed reality apps. Preorders open today in 22 countries, and devices will ship on October 25th.”
- A year after its rebrand, Meta forges new bonds to shift its VR strategy beyond the social advertising era [Digiday]
- Meta’s metaverse turns Pro [Platformer]
- The Meta Quest Pro Merges the Real World and the Metaverse for $1,500 [Gizmodo]
🤖 EU vil sætte fokus på skadelig AI
“The EU is creating new rules to make it easier to sue AI companies for harm. A bill unveiled this week, which is likely to become law in a couple of years, is part of Europe’s push to prevent AI developers from releasing dangerous systems. And while tech companies complain it could have a chilling effect on innovation, consumer activists say it doesn’t go far enough. “
👩💻 Google føjer transkribering til Meet
“Meetings — nobody wants them but everybody has them. So for those times when you’re in a meeting but mostly just surfing the web, it’s nice to have a transcript to make sure you didn’t miss that one important nugget of information that actually pertains to your job. Google knows this, so the company today announced that it is bringing automatic meeting transcriptions to its Meet video conferencing service.”
🔒 …og lancerer kodeordsfri login i Chrome og Android
“In line with this passwordless vision, today Google announced that it is bringing passkeys to Chrome and Android, enabling users to create and use passkeys to log into Android devices. Users can store passkeys on their phones and computers, and use them to log in password-free. “