Digitale medier i uge 5 (2022)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
📉 Fald i Facebook-brugere – og Meta-aktien rasler nedad
“And so today, despite the best efforts of its legendary growth team, Meta reported the first global decline in the number of people using Facebook in its 18-year history. Facebook’s daily active users dropped by a million people, to 1.92 billion.
That’s hardly anything to panic about, and Meta’s core businesses remain strong. The number of people who use Facebook once a month went up globally, by 2 million.”
Facebook’s Stalled Growth Is a Very Big Deal
Meta’s market value just dropped by more than most companies are worth
Facebook Stock: Meta (FB) Set for $200 Billion Wipeout, Among Worst in History
It’s the beginning of the end of Facebook
Stort finanshus anbefaler ikke køb af Meta-aktier efter stort kursdyk
✨ Sådan forandrer Facebook sig til Meta
“Since then, Meta has pursued a sweeping transformation, current and former employees said. It has created thousands of new jobs in the labs that make hardware and software for the metaverse. Managers have urged employees who worked on social networking products to apply for those augmented reality and virtual reality roles. The company has poached metaverse engineers from rivals including Microsoft and Apple. And it has officially rebranded some products, like its Oculus virtual-reality headsets, with the Meta name.”
👤 Meta lancerer 3D-avatarer
“today, Meta has released an updated process for its 3D avatar creation on Facebook and Messenger, while it’ll also now enable people to use their custom avatars in Instagram Stories and DMs as well.”
🤔 Er Meta ved at lukke CrowdTangle?
“Facebook’s parent company Meta Platforms Inc has paused new users from joining its social media tracking tool CrowdTangle due to staffing constraints,” skriver CNN og tilføjer, at Meta (tidligere Facebook) sidste år opløste det hold, der arbejdede på CrowdTangle.
CrowdTangle er kort fortalt et værktøj, der giver adgang til statistik over engagement etc. på Facebook. Værktøjet er dog angiveligt ikke populært internt i biksen længere, efter journalisten Kevin Roose brugte det til at vise, hvilket indhold, der performer bedst på Facebook-platformen.
“What FB is doing to CrowdTangle — killing it off through neglect because it worked too well and became a PR liability — is so obvious,” skriver han på Twitter.
📚 TikToks rolle i rekordår for trykte bøger
“Kristen McLean, executive director and industry analyst at NPD Bookscan, said social media—particularly TikTok users who post about books, known collectively as BookTok—has “definitely been a factor” in surging book sales, along with the pandemic in general, with many of the sales gains coming in Q1 and Q2 before the Covid-19 vaccines were widely available.”
Why do news publishers struggle to embrace TikTok?
🔒 WhatsApp fokuserer på kryptering i ny kampagne
“Amid ongoing scrutiny over parent company Meta’s plan to implement full encryption by default across all of its messaging apps, WhatsApp has launched a new promotional campaign which aims to drum home the importance of privacy for users, with an exaggerated example of how your unprotected messages can be accessed.”
✈️ Elon Musk forsøgte at stoppe Twitter-bot
“‘Can you take this down? It is a security risk.’
That’s how Elon Musk opened a conversation with 19-year-old Jack Sweeney over Twitter DM last fall. He was referencing a Twitter account, called @ElonJet, which tracks the movements of his private jet around the world.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
📣 Så kom regeringens medieudspil
Sæt kaffen over og dyk ned i sagerne:
Her er hele regeringens medieudspil
Medieforlig: Ane Halsboe skal overvinde fire knaster
Regeringen vil flytte mediestøtte til lokale medier udenfor de store byer
Medieordførere ser både mangler og positive takter i medieudspil før startskud til forhandlinger
DJ-formand begejstret for medieudspil: ”Jeg har svært ved at få armene ned”
Danske Medier advarer mod at styrke DR lokalt og regionalt
Organisationer: Digital nulmoms er “alvorlig mangel” i regeringens medieudspil
Mediekommentatorer forventer bred enighed om medieudspil – med enkelte knaster
Facebook går regeringen i møde: Vil »meget gerne« fortælle mere om sine algoritmer
DR og TV 2 roser afgørende og vigtigt opgør med tech-giganter
Regeringen er på vej med nyt opgør med techgiganterne
Pressenævnet og ombudsmand: Regeringen vil styrke digitalt medieansvar
Journalist var i nabostrid med influencer: Tiltrængt med bedre klagemuligheder
Minister: Streamingtjenester skal betale mere til danske film
🦠 Spotify vil pege podcast-lyttere til COVID-19-fakta
Det sker efter, blandt andet Neil Young har kritiseret, at Spotify lægger båndbredde til Joe Rogan, der har delt misinformation i sin podcast (og ikke båndbredde nok til at streame musik i ordentlig kvalitet, men det er en anden sag).
“Audio streaming giant Spotify announced it will add a content advisory to podcasts that discuss COVID-19 after several musicians boycotted the service due to virus misinformation. “
Mere fra The Hill:
Critics slam Spotify for using ‘Facebook playbook’ on Joe Rogan controversy
✨ Seneste nyt:
70 episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast removed from Spotify amid controversy over racial slur
The Washington Post
Why Spotify Will Win
“The market wants what Rogan is selling, and what Rogan is selling is doubt.”
Joni Mitchell joins Neil Young, pulls her music from Spotify over vaccine misinformation
Joe Rogan, Spotify, and the difference between speech and association
Columbia Journalim Review
Spotify’s big Rogan mistake
Spotify’s Rogan problem: a special edition
What Spotify should do next
White House urges Spotify to take further action on Joe Rogan: ‘More can be done’
The Independent
🤷♂️ Hvorfor har nogle medier udvidet billedvisning på Facebook?
Det er der tilsyneladende ingen, der kan forklare. Der er fx forskel på Berlingske og TV 2-regionerne, skriver MediaWatch.
🏛 Copydan: DR-arkiv skal ikke lægge åbent hos “tech-giganter”
“DR’s store arkiv skal behandles…”
🔤 The New York Times køber Wordle
“The Times remains focused on becoming the essential subscription for every English-speaking person seeking to understand and engage with the world. New York Times Games are a key part of that strategy. Our games already provide original, high-quality content and experiences every single day. Wordle will now play a part in that daily experience, giving millions more people around the world another reason to turn to The Times to meet their daily news and life needs.”
The New York Times buys Wordle for a price in the “low seven figures”
Nieman Lab
Why the New York Times has acquired Wordle
The Drum
Derfor bliver vi afhængige af Wordle – Fra The Atlantic:
“Wordle feels harder than it is. That gap between real and perceived difficulty makes Wordle players feel smart, but more important, it imbues them with a sense of power—a great feeling, and a rare one these days.”
🛑 Tumblrs CEO har sagt op
Tekst-/blogplatformen blev købt af Automattic (der står bag WordPress) i august 2019.
“The news (and the refusal to present it as news) is sort of sad, sort of odd, and maybe ominous. Tumblr, launched 15 years ago this month, once had a reputation that was as big and confusing as that of Texas or Taylor Swift:
It wasn’t just a blogging platform, but a staging ground for an array of political movements, the birthplace of all manner of digital aesthetics, and the site of freaky in-groups, niche conspiracy theories, community meltdowns, and one very famous grave-robbing scandal. “
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
😬 IAB har gjort i GDPR-nælderne
“The pop-up legal forms reportedly used by 80% of Europe’s internet to acquire tracking consent from users have fallen foul of the very GDPR rules they were designed to follow. This means far-reaching implications for advertisers, web users and publishers.“
Artiklens overskrift indeholder ordene “advertisers may have to destroy data”, så der er et potentielt drama på vej…
Læs om historien på dansk:
Ekspert: Vild dom river tæppet væk under cookie-pop-ups
Europæiske datatilsyn i ‘vildt’ opgør med pop-up cookies: Det gør ondt
Techmediet Radar
👎 Google dropper cookie-afløseren FLoC
“Et år efter Google begyndte…”
I stedet forsøger Google sig nu med ‘Topics’, som du kan læse hos blandt andet Digiday:
“Google is pitching Topics as an upgrade on the much-maligned FloC. Less is revealed — the topics are controlled and the sharing of them is more restricted, it has claimed. How that translates into a utility for advertisers and publishers is anyone’s guess currently. Google’s initial reveal is light on details. “
😮 NYTimes går 10 mio. abonnenter – et par år før planen
“The New York Times Company reached its goal of 10 million subscriptions ahead of schedule, the company said Wednesday, aided substantially by the 1.2 million it gained by buying the sports news website The Athletic.”
🇫🇷 Uvist om kæmpebøde til Facebook og Google får betydning i DK
“De to amerikanske techkoncerner fik…”
🇺🇸 Forsøg med annonce-netværk for uafhængige medier
“For years we’ve been asked for help selling ads. Many small hyperlocal and community media organizations don’t have ad sales staff, and their audiences aren’t attractive to regional or statewide advertisers because of their size.
That’s why we launched the Ad Lab for members of the NJ News Commons. The Ad Lab was intended to create an advertising network among independent media organizations across New Jersey, and to provide a shared sales representative to sell ads for the network.
Of the 16 publishers who participated, four will receive checks of $1,000 or more. The average was $562.50 per site, although some with little digital traffic got substantially lower payouts.”
🇪🇺 USA lobbyer for en mildere Digital Services Act
“The United States is pressing the EU to revise rules targeting digital giants to make them focus less on American companies and ensure they will also cover tech firms from outside the U.S., according to a new paper distributed to Brussels officials and seen by POLITICO.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
📲 Arbejder Apple på web push i Safari?
“The feature is disabled by default in the latest beta and release notes make no mention of it, which may say that it won’t be shipped now, and we may need to wait a couple of months for iOS 16 or later.”
🤖 OpenAI: Opdateret GPT-3 lyver kun halvt så meget
“GPT-3 has also been shown to conjure up false information. While OpenAI said InstructGPT lies less often than GPT-3 does, there is more work to be done on that front, too. The company’s researchers gauged the new model’s ‘hallucination rate,’ noting, ‘InstructGPT models make up information half as often as GPT-3 (a 21% vs. 41% hallucination rate, respectively).'”
🔈 Måske er det en fordel, at Apples smarte højttaler er dum
For et par år siden var smart speakers (smarte højttalere med digitale assistenter indbygget, som du kan styre med din stemme) ganske hypede – hvilket jeg selv var med til. Men efterhånden tegner der sig et billede af, at vi bruger højttalerne til ganske få ting, og det kan måske ende med at blive en fordel for Apple, hvis HomePod-serie langt fra er de hurtigste knallerne på den digitale havn.
Læs mere hos FastCompany – og hos Bloomberg, hvor du kan læse, at man hos Amazon angiveligt er bekymret over, at folk slet ikke bruger alle de smarte ting, højttaleren kan.
📉 Har Facebooks kryptoplaner slået fejl?
“Facebook’s ambitious effort to bring cryptocurrency to the masses has failed.
The Diem Association, the consortium Facebook founded in 2019 to build a futuristic payments network, is winding down and selling its technology to a small California bank that serves bitcoin and blockchain companies for about $200 million, a person familiar with the matter said.”
Jack Dorsey Says Mark Zuckerberg Should Have Focused on Bitcoin Instead of Diem
🤨 Derfor er web-pioner Tim O’Reilly skeptisk overfor “Web3”
“But the Web3 wave has a long way to go before proving it can produce technology with the functionality, reliability, security, and scale needed to disrupt the internet we have now. O’Reilly is one of a handful of influencers who have begun to raise doubts about its chances of doing that. After all, he’s seen this movie before—twice.”
😳 Firma påstår, de kan genkende dit ansigt ud fra dit DNA
“Corsight AI, a facial recognition subsidiary of the Israeli AI company Cortica, purports to be devising a solution for that sort of situation by using DNA to create a model of a face that can then be run through a facial recognition system. It is a task that experts in the field regard as scientifically untenable. “