Digitale medier i uge 9 (2022)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

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Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🤔 Facebook fjerner den mest sete side
“The most widely viewed page on Facebook last quarter was removed for violating the company’s Community Standards.
We don’t know what the page even was. It reached 121.8 million people.”
🏷 Twitter vil markere og begrænse russiske statsmedier
“Twitter announced on Monday new measures to prevent disinformation tied to the Russian government from spreading in light of the country’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
The company will begin adding labels to tweets containing links from Russian state-linked media outlets noting their affiliation. The labels are accompanied by an orange exclamation point, warning Twitter users to ‘stay informed.'”
💬 Instagram lancerer auto-undertekster til videoer i feedet
“After launching automated captions for IGTV uploads in 2020, then expanding captions to Stories last year, Instagram has now taken the next step, with the addition of auto-generated captions in Instagram feed videos.”
🎧 Eksperimenterer Twitter med podcasts?
Det startede med et screenshot på Twitter, og der vides ikke noget håndfast, men spændende er det da. Læs mere hos Social Media Today.
🐦 Twitter på vej med “tætte venner”-funktion
“For at least the past eight months, Twitter has been developing an Instagram-like Close Friends feature for its platform. Finally, it seems this alternative timeline is almost ready, according to reverse engineer findings.”
📽 TIkTok bekræfter video på 10 minutter
“TikTok is well-aware of this, and it’s well-aware of the increased direct monetization potential on offer in other apps, which is a big part of why today TikTok has confirmed that all users will soon be able to upload 10 minute long videos in the app, a significant expansion on its current time limits.”
🤳 TikTok var “designed for war”
“So much of TikTok’s success comes down to both how visual it is and how instant it is. From memes and dance crazes to the storming of the US Capitol, it captures and clips the world with an immediacy other platforms can’t. As Russia prepared to invade Ukraine, it became a boon for open source investigators trying to track troop movements, and has provided immediate, quickfire footage of what’s happening as Ukrainians fight for their future.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🛑 Rusland og dets propagandamedier bliver “deplatformet”
“On Monday, Meta, Microsoft, and TikTok said they would no longer display content from RT or its sister network Sputnik on their services across Europe. Google followed on Tuesday, and then the world’s biggest tech platform entered the conflict as well.”
YouTube bans Russian media outlets across Europe
TikTok Joins Meta in Restricting Access to Russian State Media
The Wall Street Journal
Meta Restricts Russian State Media on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram Following Invasion of Ukraine
Google udsteder reklameforbud til russiske statsmedier
Spotify Shutters Russia Office, Removes All RT and Sputnik Content
Facebook, Twitter remove disinformation accounts targeting Ukrainians
NCB News
How Social Platforms Are Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine
Social Media Today
How many people really watch or read RT, anyway? It’s hard to tell, but some of their social numbers are eye-popping
“Det nytter ikke, at EU begrænser adgangen til medier, vi ikke kan lide, mener formanden for Dansk Journalistforbund”
“Forbud mod Putin-venlige medier splitter Folketinget”
Det går også den anden vej:
Rusland lukker uafhængige medier og beskylder dem for at lyve om krigen i Ukraine
🤼♂️ Sådan bliver invasionen beskrevet på forskellige Wikipedia’er
“Meanwhile, there are echoes of the old ‘Kyiv vs. Kiev’ battle lingering on Russian Wikipedia, where some editors have pushed to rename the article, changing it from ‘Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2022)’ to either ‘Russian Military Operation in Ukraine’ or even the ‘Liberation of Ukraine’ (emphasis added). “This is Russian Wikipedia and we must interpret events from a Russian point of view,” argued LukaE, a Russian Wikipedia editor.”
🧰 Værktøjer til dig, der dækker krigen i Ukraine
“In the age of information warfare, journalists must take extra precautions when reporting breaking news. We rounded up resources for fact-checking and trauma reporting”
🇪🇺 Uvist om Google vil ændre på Analytics
“Tech-gigantens sikkerhedstiltag for at beskytte persondata i USA er ikke gode nok ifølge to datatilsyn, og derfor er tjenesten ulovlig. Men Google afviser at svare på, om man arbejder på nye sikkerhedstiltag, der måske kan gøre tjenesten lovlig.”
⚡️ Udgivere forlader Googles AMP
“Companies including Vox Media LLC, BuzzFeed Inc.’s Complex Networks and Bustle parent BDG said they have started testing or are considering using their own versions of mobile-optimized article pages, instead of building them using the Accelerated Mobile Pages framework, which Google introduced in 2015 and is supported by an open-source working group. The Washington Post has gone a step further, abandoning AMP last summer.”
🇩🇰 Dansk Folkeparti overtager
“Driften af det parti-finansierede nyhedssite, bliver efter fire år overtaget af Dansk Folkeparti selv. Kontrakt med ansv. chefredaktør er i den forbindelse opsagt.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🎤 DMJX-undersøgelse: Er der penge i podcasting?
“‘Det er muligt at tjene penge på podcast. Det er i hvert fald det, vores undersøgelse viser. For dem, som gerne vil, og dem, der har noget godt at byde på og arbejder målrettet på forretningsudvikling, kan der være en okay forretning,’ siger Aske Kammer.”
Ny rapport kortlægger det danske podcastmarked og indtægtskilderne
Why podcast agencies are warning about the move to dynamically-inserted ads
🤝 Watch Medier køber Kommunikationsforum
“Ejerne af Kommunikationsforum sælger 100 pct. af aktierne til Watch Medier, som er en del af JP/Politikens Hus. Mediet bliver drevet videre i eget brand, men flytter efter planen “på sigt” ind hos sin nye ejer.”
Opkøb af Kforum skal styrke Watch Medier på flere områder
🤩 Financial Times når 1 mio digitale abonnenter
“FT hits 1m paying digital subscribers with online journalism matching all its other revenue streams combined“
🇳🇴 Altinget satser på Norge
“Efter at have skåret nicheforretningen til er fundamentet i Alrow Media-koncernen nu på plads og tiden inde til at realisere næste skridt i selskabets internationaliseringsplan. Det fortæller adm. direktør Christoph Nørgaard, der ikke ser årelangt underskud i svensk Altinget-satsning som forhindring.”
😕 Invasionen af Ukraine bekymrer nogle annoncører
“Flere annoncører er bekymrede for at blive sat i forbindelse med Ruslands invasion af Ukraine, fortæller Ekstra Bladet. Men avisens annoncedirektør opfordrer dem til at støtte op om medierne, der dækker krigen.”
Ukraine invasion exposes balancing act of brand responsibility in advertising
Bureauer: Krig i Ukraine giver skvulp på annoncemarkedet – men ingen større bølger
😎 Sådan bruger Disney data og annonceteknologi
“That scale only really matters, though, if Disney is able to tie it together for advertisers, which is what Disney has spent the past five years working on. In 2017, Disney began to unify its ad sales teams, which had previously been separated by its various TV networks.
Since then it has also been plugging away at fusing its back-end technology running across its properties, in part, to facilitate ad buys across its traditional TV, streaming and digital properties.”
💸 Ritzau vil tjene penge på andet end medier
“Ritzaus nylancerede Pro-afdeling skal bl.a. samle nyhedsbureauets pressemeddelelse- og fototjeneste, og samtidig er det ambitionen at lancere nye produkter, som skal understøtte ambitionen om at øge omsætningen betragteligt inden 2026.”
📈 6 vækststrategier for medier
“1) Introductory offers
2) Newsletters
3) Audio (paid podcasts and audio articles)
4) Premium features: gift articles, no ads, newsroom participation
5) Support mission (Guardian-like membership)
6) Using a “time wall””
🤨 Epic Games køber Bandcamp
“It’s a strange acquisition from a thematic perspective, for sure. But Epic has been on something of an acquisition tear in recent years, with a ton of funding in its coffers, thanks largely to Fortnite’s wild popularity. The pandemic, meanwhile, has forced many musicians to reassess their relationship with their work and the platforms they use to put it out into the world. Bandcamp has positioned itself as a far more musician-friendly service versus behemoths like Spotify, adding things like streaming concerts to its list of offerings.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
💡 Hvilken algoritme skal medier fokuserer på?
“No, Google. I’m not going to change what metrics I focus on just so that your algorithms work better for you. I’m going to focus on the metrics that work well for me, and I encourage every other publisher to do the same.
But this leads us to the question. What is the publishing algorithm that we should focus on as publishers, and what makes that different from what we see from Google Search, Facebook, and the other channels?”
😬 Ny Google-AI kan læse dit kropsprog uden kameraer
“What if your computer decided not to blare out a notification jingle because it noticed you weren’t sitting at your desk? What if your TV saw you leave the couch to answer the front door and paused Netflix automatically, then resumed playback when you sat back down? What if our computers took more social cues from our movements and learned to be more considerate companions?”
🍏 Apple dropper salg i Rusland
“Apple today confirmed that it has stopped all product sales from its online website in Russia, which means customers in Russia can no longer purchase Macs, iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices. Attempting to make a purchase from the Russia store results in a “delivery unavailable” result when trying to add a product to the online cart.”