Uge 10 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
😲 DR fraråder TikTok og lukker profil
“Efter at have tygget på sin brug af den kinesisk ejede videoplatform Tiktok, fraråder DR fra i dag samtlige medarbejdere i organisationen at downloade og bruge appen på deres arbejdstelefoner. Det betyder også, at stationen ikke vil udgive mere indhold på ungdomsafdelingen P3’s profil på Tiktok.”
- It’s way too late to stop TikTok [Fast Company]
🤔 Medier bør lave TikTok-risikovurdering
Det siger Center for Cybersikkerhed.
“Risikovurderingen vil bl.a. skulle omfatte, om telefonen, hvor man har appen installeret, også bliver brugt i sammenhænge, hvor man håndterer følsomme informationer eller ønsker fortrolighed.”
😬 Hvornår skal man som marketeer slette TikTok?
“Som marketingafdeling vil jeg ikke sige, at man skal være meget bange, men man skal gøre sig overvejelser om, hvor fortrolig information virksomheden sidder inde med”
🙏 TikTok vil berolige europæerne
“Mandag meddelte Tiktok britiske politikere og myndigheder, at de vil sikre europæernes data ved at bygge to europæiske datacentre på Irland, hvor de vil lagre data ifølge personer med kendskab til sagen.”
Lignende initiativer er i gang i USA.
👻 TikTok-ballade er godt for Snap
“Snap, der ejer det sociale medie og beskedtjeneste Snapchat, stiger mandag med 11,3 pct. og lægger derved til plusset på 5,5 pct. fra fredag.”
“[…] the influx of social media platforms and video formats entering the scene have forced publishers to weigh how to treat those readers: build an audience that stays on the platform — or funnel them back to their owned and operated properties, according to conversations with heads of audience development and social at Bustle Digital Group, Vice Media Group and The Washington Post.”
“‘We’re exploring a standalone decentralized social network for sharing text updates,’ the company told Platformer exclusively in an email. ‘We believe there’s an opportunity for a separate space where creators and public figures can share timely updates about their interests.’”
🎞️ Meta åbner for længere Reels
“Meta has announced some new updates for Facebook Reels, including an expanded length limit, Memories integration and new trending Reels templates.”
🤬 YouTube ser mildere bandeord
“YouTube will ease its restrictions on swearing in videos after an update it rolled out in November sparked backlash from several creators, and the company will be reviewing videos that had their monetization affected by the policy.”
🙏 YouTube Shorts: Optimisme trods lav udbetaling
De er dog stadig optimistiske omkring fremtiden, skriver Insider:
“Seven creators shared how much they earned in the first month of the program, as well as their RPMs, or revenue per mille — the amount a creator earns for every 1,000 views on a video. Their RPMs ranged from $0.04 to $0.06. (This is different from CPM, or cost per mille, which refers to the amount an advertiser pays for every 1,000 views.) Insider verified their income with documentation.”
Simon Owens, der blandt andet er tech- og mediejournalist, skriver også, at der er grund til optimisme:
“This is a brand new ad format for YouTube, and marketers are historically slow in adopting new formats. Even the largest brands only set aside a tiny portion of their marketing budgets for experimental ad buys, and it’s only after they’ve seen clear ROI that they begin ramping up their spending.”
💰 YouTube har skabt en økonomi for undertekstning
“MrBeast and PewDiePie are part of a booming business that localizes social media videos for fans around the world.”
Meta sluttede sig til Twitter og Snapchat ved at introducere et abonnementsprodukt, hvor brugerne kan betale for forskellige goder.
“The reactions all missed the underlying shift behind the move: Social media feeds, once filled with content from ordinary users, are now programmed primarily by professional creators. These creators need identity verification, customer service, and visibility boosting. And they’re willing to pay. Meta is simply filling the need.”
💬 Facebook overvejer at få beskeder tilbage i app’en
“In an interview with CNN, Facebook head Tom Alison said the platform is testing bringing messaging capabilities back to the Facebook app so users can more easily share content without having to use the Messenger app. The test comes as Facebook looks to beat back competition from TikTok by bolstering its position both as a platform to discover new content and discuss it.”
🤖 LinkedIn lancerer “collaborative articles”
“Today, LinkedIn has announced that it will begin using AI to expand on its content, beginning with a new initiative called Collaborative Articles, which will use AI-generated prompts to then call on specific users for their expertise and input. […]
And, that’s when the real magic happens: when professionals share real-life, specific advice by contributing their perspectives to the work questions we’re all facing every day. Because starting a conversation is harder than joining one, these collaborative articles make it easier for professionals to come together and add and improve ideas – which is how shared knowledge is created.“
💥 Hvordan en enkelt udvikler ødelagde Twitter
“On Monday morning, Twitter users logged on to find a thicket of connected issues. Clicking on links would no longer open them; instead, users would see a mysterious error message reporting that “your current API plan does not include access to this endpoint.” Images stopped loading as well. Other users reported that they could not access TweetDeck, the Twitter-owned client for professional users. […]
But in a sign of just how deep Elon Musk’s cuts to the company have been, only one site reliability engineer has been staffed on the project, we’re told. On Monday, the engineer made a ‘bad configuration change’ that ‘basically broke the Twitter API,’ according to a current employee.
Musks bud på en løsning er – ikke overraskende – en komplet genskrivning:
“A small API change had massive ramifications. The code stack is extremely brittle for no good reason. Will ultimately need a complete rewrite.”
Fra november måned:
- Here’s how a Twitter engineer says it will break in the coming weeks [MIT Technology Review]
😬 Twitter kan ikke længere beskytte mod trolls
“Twitter insiders have told the BBC that the company is no longer able to protect users from trolling, state-co-ordinated disinformation and child sexual exploitation, following lay-offs and changes under owner Elon Musk.”
- How a social network falls apart [The Verge]
➕ Twitter vil udvide lange tweets til 10.000 tegn
“To recap, the current long-form tweets, now available to Twitter Blue subscribers, can be up to 4,000 characters long, and were released early last month.”
😔 Meta gør klar til flere fyringer
“Meta Platforms Inc., the owner of Facebook and Instagram, is planning a fresh round of layoffs and will cut thousands of employees as soon as this week, according to people familiar with the matter.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
😬 Mange frygter for deres fremtid i mediebranchen
“Mange medie- og kommunikationsfolk er så bekymrede for, om de kan blive i deres fag resten af arbejdslivet, at de helt overvejer at forlade branchen”
- Otte gode råd til dig, der også er bekymret for fremtiden [Journalisten]
📲 Spotify kopierer TikTok
Spotify må være en af de apps, man bruger mest, uden at kigge på den. Det vil de vist gerne lave om på.
“Spotify is redesigning the core homescreen of its app, trying to make it easier for users to find new stuff to listen to — and watch. The new design goes heavy on imagery and vertical scrolling, turning your homescreen from a set of album covers into a feed that much more closely resembles TikTok and Instagram.”
🎙 …og opdaterer værktøjer til podcastere
“In addition to news related to its mobile app’s revamp and the introduction of TikTok-style music and podcast discovery feeds, Spotify announced podcast-focused news at its Stream On event in LA this morning. The company showed off a redesigned version of its Spotify for Podcasters dashboard, which will now work to better organize its tools for creating, managing, growing, and monetizing their content in one place.”
👋 Vox lukker Recode-brandet
“That’s why, starting today, we’re retiring the Recode branding and continuing our mission under the Vox banner.
Over time, we’ve heard some feedback from readers who found Vox’s sub-brands confusing — the exact opposite of what Vox strives for — so this change will help us more clearly communicate to our audience what Vox covers.
We’re also excited for our reporters to collaborate more with other teams at Vox — everyone from the politics wonks to the science nerds — as technology’s role in our lives continues to expand.
“Why Recode never did subscriptions baffled me,” skriver Brian Morrissey (tidligere chefredaktør for Digiday) i sit nyhedsbrev, og det kan man kun være enig i.
💡 Sådan har broroller udviklet sig på redaktioner
Som en, der selv har haft broroller ind og ud af redaktioner i mange år af sin karriere, synes jeg selvfølgelig, denne artikel er ganske interessant 🙂
“Five years ago, some self-motivated reporters became project leaders. Now, the likes of the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post have recognised the importance of these multi-disciplined maestros”
🤖 Wired: Sådan vil vi bruge generativ AI
“We do not publish stories with text generated by AI, except when the fact that it’s AI-generated is the whole point of the story. (In such cases we’ll disclose the use and flag any errors.) This applies not just to whole stories but also to snippets—for example, ordering up a few sentences of boilerplate on how Crispr works or what quantum computing is.
It also applies to editorial text on other platforms, such as email newsletters. (If we use it for non-editorial purposes like marketing emails, which are already automated, we will disclose that.)”
- Wired tells readers what it will use generative AI for — and what’s off-limits [Nieman Lab]
🕹️ Nyt spilmedie er gået i luften
“Hardwire vil dække gaming via forskellige formater. Direktør i Hardwire er også direktør i Seismo Media, som har fået knap en halv mio. kr. i redaktionel produktionsstøtte i 2023.”
🫴 Google vil støtte medier i Taiwan
“Alphabet Inc.’s Google said on Wednesday it will launch a T$300 million ($9.8 million) fund over the next three years to help boost the Taiwanese media’s continuing operations and digital competitiveness.”
🎧 Podcastere håber at finde nye lyttere i YouTube Music
“Podcasters view YouTube’s latest announcement to soon add podcasts to its YouTube Music app as an opportunity to find more listeners, according to conversations with four podcast executives — at a time when listenership has slowed.”
🌍 Verdenskort over de mest populære podcast-kategorier
“Looking at the Apple Podcasts rankings for a few dozen of the top countries by podcast popularity, we started to noticed Society & Culture appearing most often in the Top Shows charts.”
🏎️ Safari er ved at overhale Edge på desktop
“Desktop-computere er et af de områder, hvor Edge-browseren har klaret sig nogenlunde og været den næstmest benyttede browser, men nu er Apples Safari tæt på at overtage den plads, viser de nyeste tal.”
📰 Hus Forbi udkommer nu også som e-avis
“Prisen er den samme, 50 kr., hvoraf halvdelen går direkte til sælgeren. E-avisen er udviklet for at imødekomme, at stadigt færre danskere bruger penge på printmedier. I praksis vil en køber få en skrabekupon med en kode til download af avisen, som så kan tilgås digitalt.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
“Der er givet grønt lys til medier, som ønsker at kræve betaling som alternativ til cookie-samtykke, under forudsætning af at samtykket giver adgang til det samme indhold som betalingen.”
“Financial Times går nu endnu længere og vil som et eksperiment sælge to af deres mest populære premium nyhedsbreve som stand alone-produkter.
Det drejer sig om to daglige nyhedsbreve om dels britisk politik og dels markedstendenser i Wall Street. Begge nyhedsbreve er såkaldte personlige nyhedsbreve. Det vil sige, at de er skrevet af en af avisens stærke profiler.”
🕹 WaPo vil hente abonnenter med første egenudviklede spil
“Last week, the Washington Post launched its first in-house gaming product, just over a month after announcing the closure of Launcher, WaPo’s gaming and esports vertical. The move shows that national publications like the Washington Post still believe games are a good business — even if they remain unconvinced about the long-term sustainability of gaming journalism.”
🔙 The Guardian er tilbage i Apple News i UK
“The Guardian left the platform in 2017 but has been drawn back by new sales opportunities.”
🌐 Medium inkluderer Mastodon-instans som medlemsfordel
“Last month, Medium first teased its plans around the Fediverse — the group of interconnected servers powering a range of open source, decentralized applications, including the Twitter alternative Mastodon and others. It said it wanted to make access to a perk included with Medium membership, offering a place for authors and readers to discuss the content published on its platform.”
- Ready to prioritize yourself? For the first time, The Washington Post offers new subscribers access to its world-class journalism and Headspace’s mindfulness and meditation content [The Washington Post]
“Når tredjepartscookies udfases, får flere annoncører brug for et alternativ til at kontrollere rækkevidden af deres indhold. Schibsted melder sig nu under førsteparts-fanerne hos Adform.”
🤔 Hvem er de unge amerikanere, der betaler og donerer til medier?
“Gen Z and Millennials pay for or donate to a wide range of media sources.
This report outlines the Americans ages 16 to 40 who pay for or donate to news in some fashion.
It also compares those who pay for or donate to newspapers to those who pay for or donate to content from independent creators, a source popular among these age cohorts.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤖 Google havde allerede udviklet AI-chatbot men var forsigtige med at dele
“Google executives rebuffed them at multiple turns, saying in at least one instance that the program didn’t meet company standards for the safety and fairness of AI systems, the people said. The pair quit in 2021 to start their own company to work on similar technologies, telling colleagues that they had been frustrated they couldn’t get their AI tool at Google out to the public.”
🗣️ Schibsted lancerer AI-oplæsning af artikler
“I de fleste artikler, inkludert denne, finner du nå en avspillingsknapp. Ved å klikke på denne vil en stemme som tilhører podkast-programleder Anne Lindholm lese opp hele artikkelen for deg.”
🔩 Sådan fungerer teknologien i Intagram-stifteres nye app
“Late last month, Artifact, a personalized news reader built by Instagram’s co-founders, opened to the public. The launch was a surprise to many consumers, who wondered why the team behind one of the world’s most iconic social apps would return to startups to focus on one of the toughest areas instead: news.
It’s an ecosystem where publishers are failing left and right and misinformation is rampant, as the founders surely saw themselves while working at Facebook.”
😬 Facebooks nye, store sprogmodel er blevet lækket
“The leaked language model was posted to 4chan. The model was previously only given to approved researchers, government organizations, and members of civil society.”
📉 Meta må sænke prisen på VR-headset
“Facebooks moderselskab Meta Platforms sænker nu priserne på en række af sine virtual reality-headset, da efterspørgslen har været lavere end ventet.”
🤖 Sådan fungerer Slacks ChatGPT-bot
“Like Microsoft and Google, Slack owner Salesforce is shoving an AI chatbot into its workplace software to automatically write simple messages and summarize meetings.”
Det er ikke de eneste ChatGPT-planer, Salesforce har:
- Einstein AI was good, but Salesforce claims Einstein GPT is even better [VentureBeat]
🦆 DuckDuckGo bruger nu også ChatGPT
“DuckDuckGo launched a beta version of an AI search tool powered by ChatGPT Wednesday called DuckAssist. The addition to the company’s privacy-focused search engine uses ChatGPT and Anthropic’s language parsing capability to generate answers scraped from Wikipedia and related sources like the Encyclopedia Britannica.”
✨ Masser af links om journalistik og AI
Hvis du ikke allerede følger JournalismAI-nyhedsbrevet fra Polis (der er en journalistisk tænketanke ved London School of Economics and Political Science) skal du gøre det.
I den seneste udgave får du 20+ links om journalistik og AI. Sæt kaffen over og dig in.