Uge 17 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
“BuzzFeed News was ‘a social media ecosystem company, and the ecosystem went away,’ said a former BuzzFeed exec who spoke on the condition of anonymity, ‘… HuffPost was a pre-social media company. And then got kind of eclipsed by BuzzFeed in the social media age. And then as social media goes away, the tide comes out, but HuffPost is still kind of there among the rocks.'”
- It’s back to the future for a diminished digital news business [Semafor]
- BuzzFeed to produce more content via independent creators [Axios]
😬 Meta-fejl fik annoncører til at bruge for mange penge
“A bug or error in Meta’s ad system caused campaigns to overspend by more than double their daily spending cap during the wee hours of the morning on Sunday, according to numerous complaints on Twitter, LinkedIn and shared directly with AdExchanger.”
“Facebook, TikTok and Twitter seem to be increasingly connecting users with brands and influencers. To restore a sense of community, some users are trying smaller social networks.”
👎 Snapchats AI-assistent får hård modtagelse
Det er der ikke nødvendigvis noget nyt i, når det handler om brugere, der reagerer på nye tiltag.
“The user reviews for Snapchat’s “My AI” feature are in — and they’re not good. Launched last week to global users after initially being a subscriber-only addition, Snapchat’s new AI chatbot powered by OpenAI’s GPT technology is now pinned to the top of the app’s Chat tab where users can ask it questions and get instant responses.
But following the chatbot’s rollout to Snapchat’s wider community, Snapchat’s app has seen a spike in negative reviews amid a growing number of complaints shared on social media.”
🤔 Er BeReals øjeblik forbi?
“Earlier this month, The New York Times reported that the app’s novelty had worn off among the app’s core Generation Z demographic, leading to a steep decline in monthly users. “The number of people who use the app daily has dropped 61 percent from its peak, from about 15 million in October to less than six million in March, according toApptopia, another analytics firm,” wrote the Times’ Callie Holtermann.”
😟 Clubhouse fyrer halvdelen
“Clubhouse, the pandemic-era social media sensation, is cutting more than half of its employees, the company said in a blog post on Thursday. Clubhouse attracted attention from an elite stable of venture capitalists, but saw usership drop precipitously not long after its buzzy launch. “
✨ Twitter præsenterer “Subscriptions”
I markedsføringen af den nye funktion fik Musk angiveligt delt sit eget antal af abonnenter.
“Subscriptions allows users to subscribe directly to a specific Twitter creator that has opted into the program. In turn, the creator can provide subscribers with exclusive tweets, subscriber-only Twitter Spaces, and other paywalled content.”
🚫 Flere medier stopper med at promovere på Twitter
“Publishers are following in the footsteps of advertisers that have pulled money out of Twitter since Elon Musk took the helm six months ago. Some media organizations are now doing the same, and no longer paying to promote posts on Twitter to draw more eyeballs to their stories or sponsored content.”
☝ Twitter implementerer prioritering af verificerede konti
“Despite widespread backlash over Twitter’s decision to remove blue checkmarks from legacy verified profiles in the app, it seems that Elon and Co. are pushing ahead with their subscription plans – even if the Twitter Blue take-up numbers have not seen the expected jump as a result of the change.”
🤔 Nogle har fået deres Twitter-checkmark tilbage
Det er lidt ved at udvikle sig til en joke, det her…
“Across Twitter on Saturday, some of the platform’s biggest names, from Stephen King to Chrissy Teigen, expressed surprise when their fickle checkmarks suddenly reappeared.
‘Friends told me my blue verified check was restored. Dont know why. I’ve paid nothing. I gave no number,’ tweeted Seinfeld star Jason Alexander.”
“My Twitter account says I’ve subscribed to Twitter Blue. I haven’t. My Twitter account says I’ve given a phone number. I haven’t.”
- Twitter’s Verification Fiasco May End in Court [Wired]
- Twitter’s blue tick restored to high profile accounts [BBC]
- These celebrities ‘subscribed to Twitter Blue.’ Except they’re dead. [The Washington Post]
- “Verified” becomes a badge of dishonor [Axios]
- Twitter’s badge of dishonor [Platformer]
- Twitter users are now wondering if mandatory blue checks are illegal [The Verge]
- A weekend-long master class in business failure. [Slate]
💭 Erfaringer med 6 Twitter-alternativer
“Even if I’m not ready to call it quits just yet, I’ve gotten more serious about looking for the exit door. So I’ve been partaking in as many Twitter-like social networks as possible, trying to rustle up enough of a community on each to keep myself engaged. Here are some initial observations about six of them.”
🤨 Har Elon Musk en burner-konto på Twitter?
“So, how bad is it really that Musk possibly leaked his own burner account? Hey, we’ve all been there! Sometimes you just accidentally leak your burner account where you alternate between roleplaying as a toddler and making gross comments about women.”
🐦 Status efter seks måneder med Musks Twitter
“But the problem is, successful super apps in Asia are hard to replicate in the Western world. Audiences here haven’t been primed in the same ways to pool all their everyday activities via an everything app as they have in Asia. Which is why social platforms have struggled to make social commerce work effectively to date.”
👤 TikTok tester AI-genererede profilbilleder
“As you can see in these examples, shared by social media expert Matt Navarra, TikTok is developing a new process that would enable you to create your own custom AI-generated profile images in-stream.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🤖 Artifact kan nu opsummere artikler via AI
“Artifact, the personalized news aggregator from Instagram’s founders, is further embracing AI with the launch of a new feature that will now summarize news articles for you. The company announced today it’s introducing a tool that generates article summaries with a tap of a button, in order to give readers the ability to understand the “high-level points” of an article before they read.”
🎧 Podcasts på YouTube Music lanceret i USA
“We’re happy to share that podcasts on YouTube are now available in YouTube Music! We’re rolling this out to all our listeners in the United States gradually, so hold tight if you don’t see it yet! This update allows those watching podcasts on the main app to continue listening to them on YouTube Music. More about the new podcasts listening experience on YouTube Music below!”
🎧 UK: Lyttere af nyhedspodcasts lytter hyppigere end andre
“People who listen to news podcasts are more likely to listen frequently than people who use podcasts in many other genres, according to a listenership survey by Ofcom.”
📧 Tidligere NPR-korrespondent starter nyhedsbrev
Fra Nieman Lab: The first Substack dedicated to war correspondence launches
“Mak says he was laid off from his job as an investigative correspondent when NPR cut its staff by 10% last month. On Tuesday, Mak launched The Counteroffensive, the first Substack dedicated to war correspondence. (Others have featured war correspondence from time to time, a Substack spokesperson noted.)”
😔 Datatilsynet skæres med millioner
“Med den netop indgåede aftale om finanslov beskæres Datatilsynets samlede budgetter med millioner af kroner om året i de kommende år. Se reduktionsplanen her.”
👋 Nate Silver forlader ABC News
“FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver and at least some of the data-driven site’s 35-person staff are leaving ABC News as part of broader layoffs at The Walt Disney Company. (Or, in the words of ABC News, FiveThirtyEight is being “streamlined.”)”
🏅 Nu kan man blive certificeret i “News Product Management”
Fra Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism:
“The News Product Alliance introduced today its upcoming News Product Management Certification (NPMC), a rigorous part-time, cohort-based program developed in partnership with the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY and News Catalyst, with the support of the Knight-Lenfest Local News Transformation Fund. “
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
😮 Time fjerner den digitale paywall
“The digital content from Time’s magazine will now be free, alongside all other content on the website, including 100 years’ worth of Time’s archived content.
The company will still charge for the print product and still offer a paid digital version of the print magazine through retailers (like Amazon Kindle and Apple News) and through Apple’s App Store.”
📉 Netflix mister brugere i Spanien med indtag mod login-deling
“I starten af februar lancerede selskabet et tiltag, som skulle modvirke deling af konti på tværs af spanske husstande. Tiltaget indebærer, at Netflix kræver en månedlig ekstrabetaling på omkring 40 kr. for at dele login med andre husstande.”
🧐 Udenlandske tech-selskaber fylder mere i det danske annoncemarked
“Udenlandske techselskabers digitale annonceomsætning i Danmark steg fra 6,8 mia. kr. i 2021 til 7,4 mia. kr. i 2022. Danske selskabers indtægter fra digitale annonce er i samme periode vokset fra 3,8 mia. kr. til fire mia.”
👋 Microsoft i gang med at droppe Twitter fra annonceplatform
Udmeldingen kom i sidste uge, nu er der kommet handling bag ordene.
“Onsdag begynder Microsoft udfasningen af Twitter fra den annonceplatform, hvor annoncører kan styre deres kampagner og opslag på en række sociale medier.”
🤔 Status efter to år med Apples ATT
“Two years after Apple’s App Tracking Transparency went into effect, the framework is looking more like Schrödinger’s cat than a total poison pill for ad-tech.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
👀 Her er de websites, meget AI er trænet på
“To look inside this black box, we analyzed Google’s C4 data set, a massive snapshot of the contents of 15 million websites that have been used to instruct some high-profile English-language AIs, called large language models, including Google’s T5 and Facebook’s LLaMA. (OpenAI does not disclose what datasets it uses to train the models backing its popular chatbot, ChatGPT)”
🤔 Fjernelse af AI-sang rejser vigtige copyright-spørgsmål
Sagen kort: En eller flere personer laver et musiknummer genereret af kunstig intelligens med vokaler, der lyder som Drake og The Weeknd. Sangen er blevet fjernet fra streaming-services og siden også sociale platforme.
“But then TikTok and YouTube also pulled the track. And YouTube, in particular, pulled it with a statement that it was removed due to a copyright notice from UMG.
And this is where it gets fascinatingly weedsy and probably existentially difficult for Google: to issue a copyright takedown to YouTube, you need to have… a copyright on something. Since “Heart on my Sleeve” is an original song, UMG doesn’t own it — it’s not a copy of any song in the label’s catalog.”
🤖 Microsoft Bing chatbot: Historien og fremtiden
“The AI-powered chat interface transformed the second-place search engine into a trendsetter. Now the company is integrating ads and working on accuracy.”
👋 Chefredaktør fyret efter Schumacher-AI-interview
“Interviewet blev på forsiden lanceret som Schumachers ”første interview” siden en alvorlig skiulykke i Alperne i 2013, hvor han fik en alvorlig hjerneskade.
Problemet var bare, at det slet ikke var Schumacher selv, der blev interviewet. Det var i stedet baseret på en samtale med Michael Schumacher, der helt bevidst blev ført med en kunstig intelligens.”
😎 Sådan vil Apple få dig til at købe deres AR/VR-headset
“Apple is taking a scattershot approach to the upcoming Reality headset’s features, hoping that a wide variety of options will get consumers to try the product. Also: The company’s Apple Card savings account finally launches, its first stores open in India, and there are new details on the headset’s charging system.”
🤖 Her er det højreorienterede bud på ChatGPT
“David Rozado, a data scientist based in New Zealand, was one of the first people to draw attention to the issue of political bias in ChatGPT. Several weeks ago, after documenting what he considered liberal-leaning answers from the bot on issues including taxation, gun ownership, and free markets, he created an AI model called RightWingGPT that expresses more conservative viewpoints. It is keen on gun ownership and no fan of taxes.”