Uge 18 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi
Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

📉 Medier mister Facebook-trafik
I nyhedsbrevet fra uge 17 indledte jeg med at advare mod at være for afhængig af enkelte, ustabile trafikkilder såsom sociale platforme – med BuzzFeed News (der lukker) som eksempel.
I den forgangne uge kom der endnu et eksempel.
Storbritanniens største avishus, Reach, melder om store fald i trafikken fra Facebook.
“Det skyldes ifølge Reach bl.a., at Facebook har ændret måden, hvorpå platformen viser nyheder, og at mediehuset derfor har set et fald i trafik til sine sites fra Facebook,” skriver MediaWatch.
Press Gazette skriver om, hvordan mediers trafik fra Facebook generelt er faldet:
“For 1,350 global publishers included in Chartbeat’s data, 27% of page views coming from external, search and social in January 2018 came from Facebook (2 billion page views). In April 2023, this was down to 11% (1.5 billion).”
Dette handler selvfølgelig mest om trafik fra Facebook (der har været den helt store trafikmotor for medier), men det er også en reminder om generelt at lægge sine æg i forskellige kurve, når det gælder om at skaffe trafik til sit website.
God fornøjelse med Ugerevyen herunder 👇
Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
“For de fleste danskere er nyheder fra sociale medier et supplement til nyhedsmedierne – det er ikke en erstatning […]
Det viser rapporten ’Danskernes brug af sociale medier som nyhedskilder – og deres syn på fake news og disinformation’, som Digital Democracy Centre på Syddansk Universitet står bag.”
📉 UKs største mediehus ser store fald i Facebook-trafik
“Storbritanniens største avishus, Reach, som står bag udgivelsen af bl.a. Daily Mirror, Daily Express og Daily Star, har set et fald i den digitale omsætning på næsten 15 pct. siden januar, skriver The Guardian.
Det skyldes ifølge Reach bl.a., at Facebook har ændret måden, hvorpå platformen viser nyheder, og at mediehuset derfor har set et fald i trafik til sine sites fra Facebook.”
- As Reach warns of traffic slowdown: How Facebook referrals to publishers have plummeted [Press Gazette]
🤖 TikTok på vej med label til AI-indhold
“The ByteDance-owned app is developing a tool for content creators to disclose they used generative artificial intelligence in making their videos, according to a person with direct knowledge of the efforts.”
✨ Instagram tester AI-genererede stickers
“As you can see in this example, posted by app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram’s developing a process that would enable users to create custom stickers in-stream, powered by generative AI.”
✨ Instagram implementerer flere feedback-muligheder på Reels
“Meta’s adding some new ways to provide input on the Reels that are displayed in your feed, while it’s also looking to showcase Reels – its fastest-growing content format – in more areas.”
🤥 Klimaløgne florerer stadig på YouTube
In October 2021, Google promised to stop placing ads alongside content that denied the existence and causes of climate change, so that purveyors of the false claims could no longer make money on its platforms, including YouTube.
And yet if you recently clicked on a YouTube video titled “who is Leonardo DiCaprio,” you might have found a ramble of claims that climate change is a hoax and the world is cooling after a Paramount+ ad for the film “80 for Brady,” starring Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field and Rita Moreno.”
🤔 Her er ordene, ByteDance holder øje med i Kina
“A moderation system run by ByteDance staff in China uses word lists to detect or suppress content about everything from TikTok rival YouTube to marginalized Uyghurs to 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump. Even though more than 50 lists have “TikTok” in their name, TikTok denied that the lists detailed in this story had ever been applied to its platform.”
🔦 Instagram vil gøre det lettere at finde brugergenereret indhold
“Instagram’s testing out a new option that will help brands discover relevant UGC in the app that they can then share as examples to better promote their products in-stream.”
- Instagram Updates Policies Around UGC to Expand Content Collaboration Opportunities [Social Media Today]
😡 Musk til NPR: Tweet eller I mister måske jeres profil
“Twitter CEO Elon Musk reportedly sent an email to an NPR reporter with a warning that the social media platform may reassign the @NPR handle to “another company” unless it resumes tweeting—something the public broadcaster stopped doing last month after being labeled “state-affiliated media” by Twitter.”
🧪 Twitter tester nye visninger
“Twitter’s looking to give its visual elements more focus, including, potentially, a new, dedicated video tab on user profiles, as it continues to re-shape the user experience under Elon Musk.”
🆕 Bluesky: Nyt Twitter-alternativ går i luften
“Bluesky is a “decentralized” social media platform backed by former Twitter CEO and founder Jack Dorsey.
It’s led by CEO Jay Graber, who was chosen by pre-Musk Twitter at least in part thanks to her background as a crypto developer, according to CoinDesk.
It was meant to function a bit like Mastodon, another Twitter alternative, with its federated universe of individual servers that users can traverse. But Bluesky is very new, and those separations between communities that ended up working against Mastodon — since many users found them confusing — have basically not been built yet.”
- Bluesky’s big moment [Platformer]
- Twitter founder Jack Dorsey says Musk wasn’t an ideal leader after all [The Washington Post]
- Behold: News outlets’ first skeets [Nieman Lab]
- Is BlueSky the next Twitter, and if so would that be a good thing? [Columbia Journalism Review]
🤔 Skal medier være på TikTok?
“Burns explained that the challenges news publisher face on TikTok ‘are common to distribution on any online platform. But they’re heightened in the case of TikTok, in part because it’s nascent, but also because of its inherent design, which is all about keeping users on platform.'”
🆓 Twitter giver flere mulighed for gratis API-adgang
“Twitter’s decision to shut off its free API caused more than a few problems for public institutions that depend on the functionality, and the company is clearly ready to backtrack. The social network has restored free access to the app programming framework for verified government and publicly-owned services that use the tool for “critical purposes” such as emergency notifications, transportation updates and weather alerts.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🎧 DR vil gøre flere podcasts eksklusive
“DR trækker “Sara og Monopolet – podcast” eksklusivt ind på egen platform: Flere podcasts vil følge, lyder det fra DR. Målet er at få flere til at bruge DR Lyd ved at fjerne podcasts fra fx Spotify og Apples platforme.”
🤦🏻♂️ Amnesty bruger AI-billeder
“Amnesty International forsvarer brugen af AI-genererede billeder med, at man ikke ville bringe folk i fare, hvilket kunne ske, hvis man benyttede ægte billeder”
🔀 Tips til en lettere overgang til Google Analytics 4
“Google’s Universal Analytics (UA) ends on July 1. In a little less than two months, everyone using UA will be switched to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). […]
To help with that MarTech and Harris, a/k/a the Google Whisperer, created our series Getting Started with GA4. Now she’s back with more tips and insights into GA4. “
Mere fra MarTech om skiftet:
- 3 Google Analytics 4 features to make up for lost data
- GA4: What marketers need to know for a successful transition
💡 Illustreret Videnskab er blevet et nyhedsmedie og arbejder med brugerbehov
Full disclosure: Jeg har tidligere arbejdet som digital chef hos bureauet Willmore og været med til at lave de analyser ud fra brugerbehov, der bliver nævnt i artiklen.
“‘Analyserne bekræftede, at det betyder meget, at vi er relevante hver dag, og ikke kun når magasinet udkommer. Det er nødvendigt, hvis vi gerne vil være til stede i folks bevidsthed,’ siger Elisabeth Halmø. […]
‘Det er en ændring i måden, redaktionen arbejder på. Hvor journalisten tidligere kunne skrive mere baseret på egen fascination, starter vi nu med at spørge: hvilket redaktionelt brugerbehov leverer denne artikel på? Det gør, at vi har en større klarhed om, hvordan vi skal vinkle, og at vi har brugerne i sinde helt fra idéudviklingsstadiet.'”
Hvis du er nysgerrig på brugerbehov i journalistik, har jeg skrevet om det i mit engelsksprogede nyhedsbrev:
✨ Nyt medie-startup: The Messenger
“The Messenger, a well-funded news startup founded by longtime media entrepreneur Jimmy Finkelstein, will launch in beta with 200 employees on May 15, the company’s president Richard Beckman told Axios. Two-thirds of that headcount will be newsroom employees.”
✋ Pornhub blokerer brugere i Utah
“In response to a new law that requires porn sites to verify users’ ages, Pornhub has completely disabled its websites for people located in Utah. […]
‘As you may know, your elected officials in Utah are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website,” DeVille says. “While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk.'”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
📈 Zetlands Good Tape giver overskud
“Der ryger flere penge ind i forretningen fra Zetlands transkriberingstjeneste, end der går ud. Overskud bliver geninvesteret i nye features og forbedringer, fortæller adm. direktør. “
📉 Et år efter Quartz fjernede paywall’en, falder trafikken stadig
“For Quartz, however, the experiment has so far produced uninspiring results. And against the backdrop of challenging economic conditions for digital publishers like BuzzFeed Inc. and Vice Media, its future looks increasingly uncertain. […]
But since ungating its content, site readership has dropped from an average of 3 million visitors per month in 2022 to 1.3 million visitors per month between January and March of this year, according to data from the measurement platform Comscore.”
✨ TikTok præsenterer annonceprodukt til medier
“TikTok said it is launching a new product that will make it possible for publishers to sell ads alongside their posts, a shift for the video-sharing app, which historically has focused on independent creators.”
👻 Kan Snap vinde annoncører med nye tiltag?
“The crux of the revised narrative is that Snapchat is an outlier in a social media landscape that’s going through a shift. These days, social media has become more about watching content by strangers and getting involved in viral trends, without a personal connection. Snapchat is pushing back against that as it wants to be seen as ‘the home of real relationships.’ This message was abundantly clear throughout Snap’s recent events for advertisers.”
😬 Vice gør sig klar til konkurs
“Vice is still engaged in talks to sell itself, either in full or in pieces, two sources told Axios. A sale would prevent bankruptcy, but finding a buyer willing to pay more than $1 billion for the company has been challenging, as has finding one willing to take on the company’s debt load.”
- Why has Vice not found the right support from advertisers? [Campaign]
📱 BBC konsoliderer web og app for at nå USA
“The BBC is consolidating its digital website and apps in the U.S. this fall to attract readers and advertisers on this side of the pond. The redesigned digital platforms are expected to roll out globally by next year.”
💳 Twitter på vej med mikrobetaling
Det her [Nieman Lab] skal nok blive… spændende at følge. Historien om mikrobetalinger i mediebranchen er lang – næsten lige så lang som diskussionen af dem.
Nieman Lab-artiklen forsøger at indkapsle det og nogle af argumenterne for, hvorfor flere medier er skeptiske overfor modellen, der lyder så oplagt set fra et brugersynspunkt.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
💡 Her er EBs erfaringer med OpenAI-teknologi
Fra Generative AI in the Newsroom:
“However the goal of reaching a point where we can trust the summaries and publish them directly without a human in the loop seems very far away. A custom user interface for accepting and rejecting the summaries combined with a database of accepted summaries, rejected reasons and prompts used proved to be a useful tool for learning and improving the prompting.”
😳 “The Godfather of AI” forlader Google med en advarsel
“Dr. Hinton said he has quit his job at Google, where he has worked for more than a decade and became one of the most respected voices in the field, so he can freely speak out about the risks of A.I. A part of him, he said, now regrets his life’s work.”
Flere varsler:
- Geoffrey Hinton tells us why he’s now scared of the tech he helped build [MIT Technology Review]
- Microsoft Economist Warns Bad Actors Will Use AI to Cause Damage [Bloomberg]
- Letter from the editor: How generative AI is shaping the future of journalism and our newsroom [VentureBeat]
- AI in media: myths and misconceptions [Media Voices]
- ‘Thirsty’ AI: Training ChatGPT Required Enough Water to Fill a Nuclear Reactor’s Cooling Tower, Study Finds [Gizmodo]
⛔️ Samsung forbyder generativ AI efter læk
“A month after internal, sensitive data from Samsung was accidentally leaked to ChatGPT, Samsung is cracking down on usage of the generative AI service.
The electronics giant is temporarily restricting the use of generative AI tools on company-owned devices, covering computers, tablets and phones, as well as non-company-owned devices running on internal networks. The ban would cover not just ChatGPT, but services that use the technology like Microsoft’s Bing, as well as competing generative AI services like Bard from Google.”
🔙 ChatGPT er tilbage i Italien
“ChatGPT’s maker said Friday that the artificial intelligence chatbot is available again in Italy after the company met the demands of regulators who temporarily blocked it over privacy concerns.”
🌍 Europa fører an indenfor ChatGPT-baserede apps
“The study uncovered 40 AI chat apps with over 10,000 users that harness ChatGPT or similar tech. Europe emerged as the global leader of the nascent segment. The continent was the birthplace of 14 apps that bagged a total of 8m downloads — 34% of the entire sector.”
🤨 ChatGPT-3.5 genererer mere misinformation på kinesisk end engelsk
“When tempted with China-related myths in English, ChatGPT-3.5 generally refuses to comply. But when fed the same myths in Chinese, ChatGPT becomes a disinformation superspreader, NewsGuard found.”
Mere om AI fra NewsGuard:
- AI Chatbots Have Been Used to Create Dozens of News Content Farms [Bloomberg]
👺 ChatGPT bruges i stigende grad til at sprede malware
“As public interest in generative AI chatbots grows, hackers are increasingly using ChatGPT-themed lures to spread malware across Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
That’s according to Facebook’s parent company Meta, which said in a report out Wednesday that malware posing as ChatGPT was on the rise across its platforms.”
🤖 Microsoft giver alle adgang til chatbot
“Microsoft is making its Bing GPT-4 chatbot available to everyone today, no more waitlist necessary. All you need to do is sign in to the new Bing or Edge with your Microsoft account, and you’ll now access the open preview version that’s powered by GPT-4.”
- Microsoft’s Bing AI Chatbot Will Let Users Post Images, Ask Questions About Them [Bloomberg]
👋 Farvel, kodeord – nu kan du bruge passkeys med din Google-konto
“Google announced today that passkeys are now rolling out to Google Account users globally.
The news comes nearly a year to the day after Google, Apple, Microsoft and the FIDO Alliance announced a partnership to make frictionless passwordless logins a reality across devices, operating systems and browsers.”
🤝 EU-aftale om AI kommer formentlig senere i går
“Margrethe Vestager, der er EU’s konkurrencekommissær, har søndag oplyst, at medlemslandene senere i år sandsynligvis vil nå til enighed om en politisk aftale, der vil bane vejen for den første store lovgivning på området for kunstig intelligens.”