Uge 22 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

🧐 Instagram fortæller om, hvordan algoritmen fungerer

Fra Social Media Today:

“Instagram chief Adam Mosseri has published a new overview of how Instagram’s ranking algorithms work, which could help you better understand how to maximize your content reach, and optimize performance in IG’s main feed, Stories and Reels.”

Læs det selv:

👋 YouTube lukker Stories

Fra Social Media Today:

“Originally launched in 2018 in order to latch onto the Stories trend (which had been initially sparked by Snapchat), YouTube Stories aimed to provide a similar, full-screen engagement option, and provide more ways for creators to connect.”

Fra Social Media Today:

“Meta’s Twitter alternative app is another step closer, with the experimental, text-based messaging feed now getting its own icon, as per the latest back-end code discovery.”

🙄 TikToks nye skrifttype vækker vrede

Fra Fast Company:

“As Instagram and other popular apps have learned the hard way when changing (checks notes) anything, people don’t like change. So, this month, when TikTok replaced Proxima Nova and Sofia Pro with TikTok Sans, its first bespoke typeface (which it rolled out globally last week), it naturally spawned the usual rage takes when users began seeing it overlaid on videos and everywhere else in the app.”

💭 Snapchat tester ‘Dreams’

Fra Social Media Today:

“As you can see in this screenshot, shared by app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi, Snap’s new ‘Dreams’ project will enable you to place your likeness into created realms, powered by generative AI.”

🤷‍♂️ Meta truer med at blokere for nyheder i Californien

Det ligner efterhånden, den playbook de altid bruger.

Fra NPR:

“Facebook and Instagram will block all news articles in California if state lawmakers pass a bill meant to funnel money from the tech platforms to media organizations, a Meta spokesman threatened on Wednesday.”

👍 Twitters crowdsourcede faktatjek kommer nu også på billeder

Fra The Verge:

“Twitter is expanding its crowdsourced fact-checking program to include images, shortly after a fake image went viral claiming to show an ‘explosion’ near the Pentagon.”

Her er årsagen:

🤨 Twitter trækker sig fra EU-kodeks mod misinformation

Fra MediaWatch:

“Det sociale medie Twitter trækker sig fra en frivillig EU-aftale om at bekæmpe misinformation.

Det oplyser EU’s kommissær for det indre marked, Thierry Breton, på Twitter.”


💸 Twitter tester ad tech-samarbejde

Fra MediaWatch:

“Twitter har indgået et partnerskab med adtech-selskabet Inmobi. Lige nu fungerer aftalen på forsøgsbasis, men på sigt kan ordningen virke til, at det sociale medies får mere stabilitet omkring sine annonceindtægter. Det skriver Digiday.”

De har brug for pengene:

  • Twitter only worth 33% of what Musk-led investors paid, Fidelity says [Axios]

😡 PR-firma sagsøger Twitter for ubetalte regninger

Fra Gizmodo:

“Twitter’s former public relations firm filed a lawsuit against the company on Friday, accusing it of unpaid bills since Elon Musk took over the company in October of last year. The PR firm and Twitter severed ties on November 16, three weeks after Musk acquired the company, but the firm says Twitter still owes $830,498 across six unpaid invoices, Reuters reported.”

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

💡 Påvirker det høje nyhedstempo demokratiet?

Fra Journalisten:

“Hvordan har teknologien og medierne udviklet sig, og hvad betyder udviklingen for folkestyret og demokratiets tilstand?

Det er nogle af de spørgsmål, som den såkaldte magtudredning skal forsøge at give svar på. Sidste år blev samtlige partier i Folketinget enige om, at magtudredningen fra 2003 skulle opdateres, og nu er manden, der skal stå i spidsen for det hele, blevet fundet.”

✉️ NYTimes lancerer nyhedsbrev om ekstremt vejr

Fra Nieman Lab:

“Readers can opt in to receive morning emails explaining the level and type of extreme weather risk in up to four different places. The newsletter is free for everyone, not just subscribers.”

🎧 JP lancerer daglig podcast

Fra MediaWatch:

“”Den daglige podcast er første skridt i en ambitiøs strategi for lyd, der skal bringe Jyllands-Postens journalistik ind i fremtiden,’ lyder det i jobopslag.”

🤔 Nyt magasin om podcasting – på print

Fra The Verge:

“Today, I have a Q&A with two of the founders behind Good Tape, a new biannual print magazine that is aiming to tell the untold stories within the podcast industry.

The publication hopes to feature a mix of journalism and cultural criticism about audio storytelling — with a focus on lesser-known creators and independent modes of production. The first issue is scheduled to be released in the fall.”

⭐ “Review bombing” af havfruefilm betyder ændring i IMDb-udregning

Fra Gizmodo:

“Whatever you might actually think about the film, The Little Mermaid has been the target of a mass of racist online vitriol over the decision to headline Halle Bailey as the human-thirsting mermaid Ariel. Review aggregating sites like IMDb are now trying to dampen the impact of 1-star user reviews by weighting those grades.”

🤝 Partnerskab gør Fyens Stiftstidendes klimajournalistik gratis

Fra MediaWatch:

“Fra 1. juni vil en aftale med Odense Klimapartnerskab betyde, at den fynske avis i to år får finansieret sin klimajournalistik. Finansieringen giver ikke redaktionel indflydelse, lyder det.”

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

🙅‍♂️ Europæiske medier skeptiske overfor ID-alternativer til cookies

De har blandt andet talt med Ekstra Bladet.

Fra Digiday:

“Working with identifiers feels like more of the same for these publishers. It’s like giving their data away to advertisers without having any real say in it. After all, ad tech vendors keep their ID solutions all hush-hush. Until things change, these publishers aren’t budging.”

👋 Frihedsbrevet lukker direkte morgenprogram

Fra MediaWatch:

“Godt et halvt år efter at Frihedsbrevet overtog radiostationen Den Uafhængige, lukker det direkte morgenprogram ‘En Uafhængig Morgen’.

Det sker, fordi det ikke er lykkedes at få nok betalende abonnenter, fremgår det af en pressemeddelelse.”

💌 FTs chef for nyhedsbreve om strategi og community-arbejde


“As Head of Newsletters at the FT Sarah Ebner is the person tasked with managing the editorial output that goes out via email. In this interview, Sarah talks about her background and her passion for newsletters, as well as outlining the FT’s strategies for the platform, and how the brand might take newsletters in the future.”

📉 Facebook-fald fører til strategiske overvejelser hos Se & Hør

Fra Journalisten:

“‘Vi har mistet mellem 75 og 80 procent af vores sidevisninger fra Facebook. Det er markant. Det er hundredtusindvis af sidevisninger om dagen, som vi ikke længere får fra Facebook,’ lyder det fra chefredaktør Niels Pinborg.

Se og Hør-chefredaktør Niels Pinborg regner ikke med, at Facebook-trafikken fra sidste år kommer tilbage. Og det har haft den naturlige konsekvens, at ugebladet nu satser endnu mere på en strategi, som ikke er afhængig af Facebook.”

Læs også:

🎮 NYTimes’ spilsatsning fører til navneskift

Fra The Verge:

“In March, The New York Times made a small but important change to its crosswords app: it dropped the “Crosswords” part of the name in favor of ‘Games.’ It’s a small but important shift that acknowledges how the app has grown from a place to play the crossword into a hub for many of the NYT’s growing library of games.


The original crosswords app, which launched in 2009 on iOS, ranked highly on the App Store for the word ‘crossword.’ ‘We were cautious about messing with that very healthy funnel,’ [Jonathan Knight, head of games at The New York Times] says.”

📉 Vice er skyld i sin egen undergang

Fra A Media Operator:

“The Financial Times published a piece about the fall of Vice and in it, much of the blame seems to fall squarely on the large private equity firms that pumped cash into the company.


As I said above, Vice could act like the victim of private equity. But that would be a lie. It was a victim of its own overconfidence. It was a victim of wasting hundreds of millions of dollars. It was a victim of a bad business plan. No one forced it to take investor dollars.”

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🛑 Danske medier blokerer for robotters adgang til at høste

Fra Journalisten:

“Berlingske Media og JP/Politikens Hus vil blokere for AI-robotternes adgang til deres medier, fordi medierne ikke får penge af virksomhederne bag robotterne”


🏎️ Status efter et halvt år med ChatGPT

Fra VentureBeat:

“But clearly, the impact — as well as the fallout — of ChatGPT is just beginning. I think it’s worth marking the half-birthday of the world’s most well-known AI chatbot, which got the generative AI hype machine going at full speed.

It has already inspired a wave of creative and business applications and become a central part of discussions about ethics, privacy, copyright, data security and misinformation.”

Mere ChatGPT:

🤖 Få medier har retningslinjer for generativ AI


“For now, the majority of publishers have a relaxed approach: almost half of survey participants (49 per cent) said that their journalists have the freedom to use the technology as they see fit. Additionally, 29 per cent said that they are not using GenAI. 

Only a fifth of respondents (20 per cent) said that they have guidelines from management on when and how to use GenAI tools, while 3 per cent said that the use of the technology is not allowed at their publications.”


🤖 LinkedIn automatiserer svar til ansøgere

Det er ikke svært at forestille sig en fremtid, hvor algoritmer skriver ansøgninger og også svarer på dem. Dystopi eller utopi – you be the judge.

Fra Social Media Today:

“LinkedIn continues to integrate generative AI elements, this time within its Recruiter platform, with AI-created messages that HR professionals can send to potential candidates, which are customized and personalized based on InMail best practices.”

👊 12 firmaer, der arbejder på “deep fake detection”

Altså, de vil jo nok desværre altid være et skridt bagefter. Men det er godt, at der er nogle, der tager “kampen” op.

Fra Gizmodo:

“Companies racing to find detection solutions are doing so across all levels of content. Some, like startup Optic and Intel’s FakeCatch, are focusing on sussing out AI involvement in audio and videos while others like Fictitious.AI are focusing thier efforts more squarely on text generated by AI chatbots.”

🌍 OpenAI-boss: Vi bliver i Europa

Fra Reuters:

“OpenAI has no plans to leave Europe, CEO Sam Altman said on Friday, reversing a threat made earlier this week to leave the region if it becomes too hard to comply with upcoming laws on artificial intelligence.”


🕶 Er vi klar til Apples kommende headset?

Fra Vox / Peter Kafka:

“The coming headset reveal seems deflated and muddled, without anything like the anticipation that accompanied earlier products. There are also real questions about whether anyone will want to buy what Apple is reportedly selling: an ungainly piece of equipment that will cost around $3,000, make the wearer look extremely uncool, and with a utility that is completely theoretical.”
