Uge 25 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Ugerevyen er din opsamling på, hvad der skete i ugen, der gik, indenfor digitale medier, platforme og teknologi.
Det er overblikket til dig, der arbejder med digitale medier – og er mere end bare nysgerrig.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.
Sommeren og dermed ferieperioden er ved at være over os. Derfor går Digital Ugerevy på en fortjent sommerpause og lader op. Jeg vil gerne ønske jer alle en rigtig god ferie, når I kommer dertil.
Vi ses på den anden side – men først når du har været igennem denne opsamling, selvfølgelig 😊

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
📉 Drastiske fald i trafikken fra Facebok
“Clicks coming from Facebook have been in decline for about a year, but that drop accelerated rapidly in May 2023, according to Echobox, which collects data from more than 2,000 publishers worldwide. Across Echobox’s clients, the share of traffic coming from Facebook fell about 50% from summer of last year.”
🗣️ Kræftens Bekæmpelse vil blande sig i Facebook-debatter
“Efter sommerferien vil Kræftens Bekæmpelse banke på i lukkede Facebook-grupper og blande sig på Facebook-sider, hvor de kan se, at der florerer misinformation om kræft og kræftbehandling. Bag pilotprojektet spøger erfaringerne fra HPV-vaccinen”
🍁 Meta blokerer for nyheder i Canada
“Canadiere skal i fremtiden finde andre og potentielt set mere traditionelle måder at tilgå deres nyheder på.
Meta, der står bag Instagram og Facebook, vil nemlig udelukke adgangen til nyheder på de to sociale medier i Canada på grund af en ny lov.”
- Canadians will no longer have access to news content on Facebook and Instagram, Meta says [CBC]
🛍️ “Trendy Beat”: TikTok vil sælge egne produkter i app’en
“TikTok is determined to make in-app shopping a thing, despite lukewarm response from Western audiences, as it seeks to capitalize on the massive popularity of the app, and in particular, its capacity to drive trends.”
😬 LinkedIn tester AI-genererede posts
Jeg sætter virkelig pris på ærligheden i denne artikel fra Social Media Today:
“While I get that AI content is going to become more and more common over time, and that trying to fight that flood will very much be like trying to fight a literal flood – utterly useless – I still think this use case, in particular, is a bad idea.”
👋 TikTok mister sin COO
“On Thursday, TikTok CEO V Pappas announced that they were stepping down from the company after almost five years. (Pappas, who formerly went by Vanessa, shared in February that they identify both as a woman and nonbinary, and began using they/them pronouns as well as she/her. They were almost certainly the highest-ranking nonbinary executive in tech.)”
🤳 YouTube tester videosvar
“YouTube has announced that it’s testing out a new option which will enable Shorts creators to create response videos to comments on other people’s channels, as a means of providing more capacity for interaction within the broader YouTube community.”
⭐️ Twitter ruller “Highlights” ud til Blue-abonnenter
“After testing it out over the past month, Twitter has now rolled out a new tweet highlights tab for Twitter Blue subscribers in the app, which enables paying users to showcase their best tweets via a new, dedicated feed on their Twitter profile.”
📄 …og 25.000 tegn i tweets
“After initially enabling Twitter Blue subscribers to share tweets up to 4,000 characters long back in February, then expanding that to 10,000 characters in April, Twitter’s now expanded this again, with Blue users now able to post 25,000 character posts in a single tweet.”
💸 Nu betaler Twitter Google Cloud-regningerne igen
“Twitter’s new chief executive officer, Linda Yaccarino, helped get the relationship back on track, according to a person familiar with the situation. As part of the discussions, which have included talks between Yaccarino and Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian, the two companies are also negotiating a broader partnership that could include advertising and Google’s use of Twitter’s API, said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss a private matter.”
🤔 Vil Twitter forhindre brands i at “trendjacke” via svar?
“So initially, Musk seemed to imply that all brands who look to get ‘free advertising’ via tweet replies could fall foul of, seemingly, a new Twitter rule, but he later added the ‘non-sequitur self-promotion’ element, which basically means that replies which are out of context, and that seek to advertise a brand in a tweet’s replies, will now be suspended if caught. “
🔙 Musk melder, at annoncørerne er vendt tilbage – eller er på vej
“The advertiser boycott of Twitter is all but over. The swarms of advertisers who left the social media platform last year, shortly after Elon Musk acquired the platform, are back, according to the controversial billionaire.”
🤼♀️ Skal Musk og Zuckerberg nu slås med hinanden?
“After Elon Musk recently tweeted that he would be ‘up for a cage fight’ with Zuckerberg, the Meta CEO shot back by posting a screenshot of Musk’s tweet with the caption ‘send me location.'”
👻 Snap vil kombinere chatbot med annonce-forretningen
Det lyder umiddelbart som en… “spændende” idé.
“Snap Inc., the maker of the Snapchat app, is testing ways that its popular new artificial intelligence chatbot can boost the company’s advertising business.”
😬 Twitters API-ændringer kan få store konsekvenser
“Twitter’s recent decision under new owner Elon Musk to charge more than $500,000 annually for a once-free tool to analyze posts on the platform is hampering disinformation and war crimes research, and could slow rescue efforts during natural disasters, according to experts and nonprofit groups.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🧐 WordPress lancerer mulighed for betalte nyhedsbreve
“ is taking on Substack and others with today’s news that its Newsletter product will now support paid subscriptions and premium content. First launched in December, Newsletter allows writers to automatically send out posts via email to connect directly with their audience, while still being able to leverage’s other capabilities. Writers can opt to use the feature solely for newsletters or they can add the option to their blog to cater to readers who want to receive new posts via email instead.”
🤔 Derfor gik Spotifys podcast-planer galt
“Yet despite coming with their own excellent staffs and built-in audiences, Spotify’s lack of direction and knowledge of the podcasting space proved to be a death sentence for Gimlet and Parcast. The studios failed to attract large audiences and develop hit new shows. Shows didn’t get the right marketing or support from Spotify. Keeping certain podcasts exclusive to Spotify meant a drop in audience.”
🦸♂️ Sådan arbejder Politiken med “superartikler”
(Bemærk: Artiklen er bragt i samarbejde med firmaet bag det CMS, Politiken bruger.)
“Politiken calls these stories that strive for digital beauty and maximum reader engagement “super articles”. They are built from a workflow and template that Politiken created itself in CUE, a headless CMS platform from StiboDX. Adding so-called “super elements” to an article in the CMS transforms it into a super article, adding white space at the top and bottom, background media that sits behind the text, interactive video that moves as the reader scrolls, and other multimedia elements.”
🤼♂️ Nogle af de store trækker sig fra kampen om Reddit
“Some subreddits have pulled back from the blackout while CEO Steve Huffman claims his company may let users vote out unruly mods.”
- What we’re learning from the Reddit blackout [Platformer]
🤛 Rubrikkamp: Mennesket mod maskinen
“Hvem skriver de bedste rubrikker, mennesker eller kunstig intelligens? Journalisten har sat det klassiske man vs. machine-opgør op for at få svaret på netop det. I det røde ringhjørne: Jesper Helmer, TV 2’s forsideredaktør og en rubriksnedker uden lige. I det grå ringhjørne: OpenAIs algoritme ChatGPT”
Mere om overskrifter:
- People don’t want robots picking their headlines (but they don’t really want editors doing it either) [Nieman Lab]
🤢 SEO har druknet internettet i skrald
“The SEO arms race has left Google and the web drowning in garbage text, with customers and businesses flailing to find each other.”
😯 Kan podcasting give os en ny oplysningstid?
“The attraction of interview podcasts is their DIY nature. It is a return to the intellectual imitation that marked the birth of the public. But it is of an entirely different scale and reach. The group that listens to hours-long intellectual conversations every week these days numbers in the millions. And many of them live, like my high school friends, in places where it would have been impossible to overhear an intellectual conversation only 15 years ago.”
🎧 Spotify lancerer podcast med Trevor Noah
“Trevor Noah is one of the most successful comedians in the world and author of the New York Times best-seller Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. Now he’s bringing his sharp insights to the world of audio with his new Spotify Original Podcast.”
Mere Spotify-podcasting:
- Spotify breaks up with Meghan [Podnews]
- Spotify executive calls Harry and Meghan ‘grifters’ after podcast deal ends [The Guardian]
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
👩⚖️ Gannett sagsøger Google over annoncedominans
“USA Today publisher Gannett is suing Google for allegedly illegally monopolizing the advertising technology market, adding to an already-extensive list of lawsuits against the company for alleged anti-competitive behavior.”
😮 Annoncefri læsning overrasker JP
“Krav til digitale abonnementer vokser, og derfor har avisen lanceret tilkøb – bl.a. mulighed for annoncefrihed. Kommerciel direktør ser det som ”win-win” for læsere og annoncører.”
😩 Derfor føles abonnementer som en byrde for nogle unge mennesker
“An overall observation based on our analysis is that these young non-subscribers expressed a strong preference for ‘multi-perspectivism’ in their news use. They included a myriad of both national and international sources, they were tech-savvy and knew how to maneuver around payment models in search of information, and were pragmatic but not naïve when searching for accessible information.
A key overarching preference was the freedom of not being tied to a subscription. As such, it seemed unthinkable to ‘commit’ to one or two providers. Subscriptions were rather experienced as supplementary and restrictive burdens to their already existing news repertoires”
📈 Sådan kan personalisering hjælpe abonnementsforretningen
“Analyst and founder of A Media Operator Jacob Donnelly explains that audience ID tech is making personalization of paywalls appealing to newspapers after years of scale-based priorities: ‘You have to start every conversation with the who, and really be clear about who the audience is, so that you can get everything else right.'”
“Spotify planlægger en dyrere abonnementsmulighed, der forventes at inkludere high-fidelity-lyd i et forsøg på at skabe flere indtægter og berolige investorer, der har sagt, at musikstreamningselskabet burde hæve sine priser.”
🎤 Bauer Media lancerer digitale radiostationer
“Nye musikstationer på Bauer Medias digitale platform er etableret på baggrund af brugeranalyse. De går i luften samtidig med ny satsning på realitypodcast.”
💰 Flere penge til Podimo
“Podcast- og lydbogsplatformen Podimo har i juni fået friske millioner i tanken, efter det unge selskab har gennemført endnu en runde af kapitaludvidelse. Det fremgår af en registrering i det centrale virksomhedsregister og bekræftes af Morten Strunge, der er stifter af og adm. direktør i Podimo.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤖 Meta lancerer AI-model for tekst-til-tale
“Today, we are one step closer to the immortal celebrity future we have long been promised (since April). Meta has unveiled Voicebox, its generative text-to-speech model that promises to do for the spoken word what ChatGPT and Dall-E, respectfully, did for text and image generation.”
📹 Derfor er YouTube vigtig for Google i AI-kapløbet
“The video site, which Google owns, is the single biggest and richest source of imagery, audio and text transcripts on the internet. And Google’s researchers have been using YouTube to develop its next large-language model, Gemini, according to a person with knowledge of the situation. The value of YouTube hasn’t been lost on OpenAI, either: The startup has secretly used data from the site to train some of its artificial intelligence models, said one person with direct knowledge of the effort.”
🤨 Meta sænker aldersgrænsen for VR-konti
“Today, Meta has announced that it’s lowering the age requirements for Meta Quest accounts, with children aged between 10 and 12 now able to create their own VR identity via ‘parent-managed’ profiles.”
🤳 AI Act og ansigtsgenkendelse
“The key lawmakers working on the file removed those exceptions and expanded the ban’s scope. Their text would forbid devices from using facial recognition tech in real-time and impose limits for using the technology on pre-recorded footage.
Some center-right lawmakers worried that would hamper law enforcement. Last week, over objections from Christian Democrat lawmakers in charge of the file, the EPP group filed amendments to reintroduce exceptions to the ban. The amendments were rejected by the plenary — but a real showdown on the issue has been only postponed.”
Mere AI Act:
- Five big takeaways from Europe’s AI Act [MIT Technology Review]
- The EU AI Act is near. US AI regulation is coming. Here’s what you need to know [VentureBeat]
- Exclusive: OpenAI Lobbied the E.U. to Water Down AI Regulation [Time]
😎 Apple åbner Vision Pro op for udviklere
“Time to get a jump on all of that spatial computing. Apple today announced that its visionOS software development kit is now available, allowing 3D parties to begin building content for the Vision Pro. The SDK is available at least half a year before the headset officially goes on sale in the U.S., priced at $3,500.”
- Apple’s Vision Pro could be the next stage in UX design [Fast Company]