Uge 39 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

🤖 Meta lancerer chatbots i WhatsApp, Messenger og Instagram

Fra The Verge:

“For anyone who has used OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or other chatbots like Anthropic’s Claude, Meta’s AI will immediately feel familiar. Meta sees it as a general-purpose assistant for everything from planning a trip with friends in a group chat to answering questions you’d normally ask a search engine. On that latter piece, Meta is announcing a partnership with Microsoft’s Bing to provide real-time web results, which sets Meta AI apart from a lot of the other free AIs out there that don’t have super recent information.”


Pssst! Du kan læse meget mere om chatbots og AI i “Udvikling og tech”-delen af Ugerevyen.

💥 …og AI-genererede stickers

Fra The Verge:

“The company says AI-generated stickers are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of what’s coming.”

🇬🇧 Facebook får kritik for at lukke News i UK

Fra MediaWatch:

“En række udgivere i Storbritannien advarer i et brev Facebook-ejeren Meta om, at beslutningen om at droppe Facebook News-funktionen vil skade industrien.”

😬 Metas blackout i Canada rammer journaliststuderende

Fra Gizmodo:

“Student publications and nonprofit community outlets are caught up in a drawn-out battle between the Canadian government, big-name publishers, and Meta.”

🥹 Dengang der var trafik i Facebook

Fra MediaWatch:

“Sommetider kan det være sundt med et tilbageblik. Læs her om vejen fra de gyldne dage med nærmest uendelig Facebook-trafik – til en ny udmelding om magre procenter for nyhedsmedier.”

🧐 23-årig læser aviser på TikTok

Fra Slate:

“But lately, there’s been a bright spot. Kelsey Russell, a 23-year-old grad student at Columbia, has been single-handedly resuscitating the lost art of newspaper reading, with a particular emphasis on making it trendy for her Gen Z peers. “I’m just your media-literate hottie that’s gonna help you decide what print media you want to get invested in,” she tells the camera in one of her videos before diving into a copy of New York magazine.”

🤳 Snart kan du udgive på Artifact

Fra The Verge:

“Artifact, the AI-powered news app from Instagram’s co-founders, is adding a major new feature: the ability to post. So far, the app has been an aggregator for news and links from around the internet, but you’re going to be able to add posts directly to the app.”

🤨 Derfor er oplæsning af dødsannoncer blevet en ting på YouTube

Fra Wired:

“If you Google someone who recently died, you might see a flood of near-identical videos of men reading obits. Here’s why.”

🤔 Snapchat tester sponsorlinks i AI-svar

Fra Social Media Today:

“Snapchat’s moving to monetize its new “My AI” chatbot option, via a new partnership with Microsoft that will see sponsored links inserted into relevant My AI responses in the app.”

🧐 Går X (tidl. Twitter) nichevejen?

Fra Social Media Today:

“As X moves to shut down Circles, its more enclosed sharing option, it’s also looking to add more functionality to Communities, as a means to facilitate topic-specific engagement, in isolation from a users’ regular X identity.”

😬 EU er bekymret over misinformation på X

Fra Bloomberg:

“Elon Musk’s X was cited as the biggest outlet for peddlers of disinformation as the European Union urged Silicon Valley platforms to step up their vigilance to combat Russia’s ‘war of ideas.'”

🐦 Yaccarino taler om de første 100 dage som X-CEO

Fra Financial Times:

“This is the first time she has spoken at length to the press. She sat down for four exclusive interviews over the course of several weeks to reflect on her first 100 days in the job. It has been a baptism of fire by many accounts, including hers.”


✅ X overvejer mulighed for, at kun verificerede kan svare

Fra Social Media Today:

“X looks set to continue its push on X Premium sign-ups, with a new option in development that would enable you to restrict your post replies to verified users only in the app.”

🤔 …og en annonce-fri oplevelse

Fra Social Media Today:

“Hot on the heels of reports that Meta may be considering an ad-free subscription option for its apps, X may also be exploring the same, as part of its next push to better incentivize X Premium take-up.”

📞 Kald på X bliver formentlig kun for betalende

Fra Social Media Today:

“I doubt that this will be any surprise to anybody that’s been paying attention to X’s push towards paying subscriptions over the past year. But according to a new report from TechCrunch, X’s upcoming audio and video calling features, to be built into X DMs, will be an X Premium feature only, meaning that you’ll have to pay to use either option in the app.”

✨ TikTok lancerer AI-assistent til annoncer

Fra Social Media Today:

“TikTok has launched a new, AI-powered “Creative Assistant” tool within its ad tools, which will guide marketers through various aspects of the campaign creation process, by linking them to relevant examples, tools, and even producing sample ad scripts, based on tools in TikTok’s Creative Center.”

🧑‍⚖️ Klar til mægling mellem medier og TikTok

Fra MediaWatch:

“Samme advokat, som mægler i forhandlingerne mellem medier og Meta, skal hjælpe med at få indgået en aftale med Tiktok. Forhandler på mediernes vegne ser frem til at få sat skub i sagerne.”

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

👋 Farvel til Google Podcasts

Fra YouTube-bloggen:

“Looking forward to 2024, we’ll be increasing our investment in the podcast experience on YouTube Music — making it a better overall destination for fans and podcasters alike with YouTube-only capabilities across community, discovery and audio/visual switching. Later in 2024, as part of this process, we’ll be discontinuing Google Podcasts.”

🎧 Podimo vil nu også være en nyhedstjeneste

Fra MediaWatch:

“Podcast- og lydbogstjenesten Podimo er nu også klar til at tilbyde sine danske brugere nyhedsudsendelser i jagten på at blive et massemedie, skriver Jyllands-Posten, der har interviewet indholdsdirektør Nikolaj Koppel og marketingdirektør Emilie Korning.”

👌 The Index vil vist dig det bedste indenfor design

Fra hestens mund:

“A curated online gallery with the best design studios, designers, type foundries, and other creatives worldwide.”

🏴‍☠️ Piratkopiering stiger igen

Fra MediaWatch:

“Efter en årrække med et fald i piratkopiering viser en undersøgelse fra EU, at udviklingen vendte i 2022, hvor især tv-indhold med sport er blevet delt ulovligt.”

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

🎧 The Economist lancerer abonnementsprodukt på lyd


“Economist Podcasts+ appeals to audiences who just want audio journalism for a fiver a month. The publication believes it can upsell pricier subscriptions from here”

📲 Financial Times lancerer endnu en abonnements-app

Fra Digiday:

“The Financial Times has launched another subscription-based mobile app product a year after the debut of FT Edit to reach readers outside of its U.K. home base and offer a lower-priced option to convert them into paying subscribers.”

🤳 TikTok i annoncesamarbejde med medier


“This is a shift since the app ‘historically has focused on independent creators.’ When an ad is aligned with their content, TikTok will pay publishers 50% of the revenue, according to VideoWeek, which added that TikTok is hopeful that it will be simultaneously incentivising premium publishers to create more TikTok-specific content. “

🍪 Livet efter tredjeparts-cookien er stadig et varmt emne for medier

Fra Digiday:

“The death of the third-party cookie was one of the top topics discussed during the September 2023 edition of the Digiday Publishing Summit. As it was at the March 2023 edition. And the September 2022 edition. And the March 2022 edition. And the September 2021 edition. And as it will probably be at the March 2024 edition.”

🤝 Mediano i samarbejde om videoer

Fra MediaWatch:

“Nye formater, mere dækning af kvindefodbold og videoudgaver af udsendelser er gjort mulig af partnerskab med streamingtjenesten.”

🤼‍♂️ Hvad annoncører kan lære af Department of Justices kamp mod Google

Fra Digiday:

“In what’s been billed as a battle for the future of the internet, key details of Google’s ad sales operations came out in the early proceedings of the Justice Department’s antitrust trial over Google’s search operations.”

📰 Er der stadig liv i print?

Fra MediaWatch:

“57 pct. af alle unge mellem 12 og 24 år er i ugentlig kontakt med et dagblad. ”Det har overrasket mig,” siger Danske Mediers nye analysechef.”

⚖️ FTC sagsøger Amazon

Fra Gizmodo:

“Federal Trade Commissioner Lina Khan is finally entering the ring with Amazon, her oldest antitrust nemesis. The agency, along with 17 other state attorneys general, is officially suing Jezz Bezos’s e-commerce baby for growing and metastasizing into a trillion-dollar anti-competitive monopoly, allegedly at the expense of consumers and sellers.”

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🛑 Medier kan holde AI ude med Google-Extended

Fra The Verge:

“Now the Google-Extended flag in robots.txt can tell Google’s crawlers to include a site in search without using it to train new AI models like the ones powering Bard.”


🤦🏻‍♂️ Bard-samtaler blev indekseret af Google

Fra Fast Company:

“The search giant, which developed its Bard AI chatbot in response to the arrival of OpenAI’s ChatGPT late last year, has been inadvertently leaking conversations into its search results—an issue that is now being remedied after having been made public.”

🦾 Microsoft bager AI direkte ind i Windows

Fra VentureBeat:

“Arguably its most ambitious announcement from the day is the launch of Microsoft Copilot — an AI assistant designed to handle mundane tasks and provide inspiration to creators. This assistant is being baked directly into the Windows 11 operating system, a clear indication of Microsoft’s commitment to putting AI at the heart of its strategy.”

Mere Microsoft-AI:

🤖 Spotify lancerer AI-stemmer

Fra MediaWatch:

“Lyd- og podcastplatformen udruller funktion til at oversætte podcasts med klonede stemmer ved brug af kunstig intelligens.”


🗣️ ChatGPT udvider med stemmer og billedbeskrivelser

Fra The Wall Street Journal:

“OpenAI’s popular chatbot is speaking up — literally — with a selection of voices that sound eerily like a real human. Plus, you can now upload photos and the chatbot can interpret them.”


🌐 …og får adgang til hele internettet

Fra VentureBeat:

“OpenAI just announced on X (formerly Twitter) that ChatGPT ‘can now browse the internet to provide you with current and authoritative information, complete with direct links to sources,’ thanks to an integration with Microsoft’s Bing search engine.”

🤞 Getty Images lancerer AI – uden copyrightede værker

Fra MIT Technology Review:

“Getty Images is so confident its new generative AI model is free of copyrighted content that it will cover any potential intellectual-property disputes for its customers.”


🎆 OpenAI på vej med version 3 af DALL-E

Den kan blandt andet integrere med ChatGPT.

Fra hestens mund:

“DALL·E 3 understands significantly more nuance and detail than our previous systems, allowing you to easily translate your ideas into exceptionally accurate images.”

🦾 10 AI-værktøjer, der kan øge produktiviteten

Fra Worklife:

“Here’s a roundup of 10 other tools that workers might consider adding to their list to improve productivity, including one that helps you make smart workplace decisions and others that summarize meetings into presentation slides.”

🆓 Metas nye “large language”-model kan bruges af alle – gratis

Fra MIT Technology Review:

“Meta is going all in on open-source AI. The company is today unveiling LLaMA 2, its first large language model that’s available for anyone to use—for free.”

👀 Microsoft og Apple overvejede Bing-handel

Fra Bloomberg:

“Executives from Microsoft met with Apple’s services chief, Eddy Cue, who brokered the current search engine relationship with Alphabet Inc.’s Google, to discuss the possibility of acquiring Bing, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the situation was confidential. The talks were exploratory and never reached an advanced stage, they said.”

😳 Falske nøgenbilleder skræmmer i spansk by

Fra BBC:

“A sleepy town in southern Spain is in shock after it emerged that AI-generated naked images of young local girls had been circulating on social media without their knowledge.”

💰 Amazon i stor AI-investering

Fra MediaWatch:

“Amazon vil investere op til 4 mia. dollar i Anthropic, der arbejder med udvikling af kunstig intelligens, skriver Bloomberg News.”