Uge 43 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🧑⚖️ 42 stater sagsøger Meta
“Meta was sued by more than three dozen states on Tuesday for knowingly using features on Instagram and Facebook to hook children to its platforms, even as the company said its social media sites were safe for young people.”
- Meta sued by 42 attorneys general alleging Facebook, Instagram features are addictive and target kids [CNBC]
- The states sue Meta over child safety [Platformer]
- The case against Meta’s manipulative business model [Digital Content Next]
- Meta sagsøges af amerikanske delstater [MediaWatch]
🙀 Meta tester bl.a. AI-genererede profilbilleder
“Meta continues to experiment with generative AI, this time via profile and post creation tools, which will provide more capacity to try out its evolving AI features.”
❌ Facebook fjerner “Rooms” i grupper
“Group rooms, which enabled users to create video chats with up to 50 members, were first launched in April 2020, giving people a way to connect amid the expanding COVID lockdowns. “
“The application of lip gloss in the first few seconds of an online video is a subtle trick that creators and influencers use to grab attention — ideally without viewers’ even realizing why they were moved to stop scrolling.”
🚶♂️ Threads tiltrækker brugere, der vil noget andet end Musks X
“Meta’s Threads Draws Power Users Seeking Alternative to Elon Musk’s X
New social media service is growing again, although demand for immediacy continues”
Det går fremad for Threads:
- Twitter is dead and Threads is thriving [Platformer]
- Threads Is Closing in on 100M Users Says Zuckerberg [Social Media Today]
👋 Twitter-konkurrenten Pebble lukker
“The grip Twitter, now called X, has on the market may be stronger than some believed. Unfortunately, that’s led to the first casualty among Twitter alternatives, as the startup Pebble (formerly T2), is shutting down.”
“Through it all, agency social teams are tasked with navigating a saturated landscape, determining what platforms will join a digital graveyard, like Clubhouse, or become a social media staple, like TikTok. ‘A lot of judgment and a little bit of predicting the future is necessary to do a good job,’ said Jordan Fox, head of Laundry Service marketing agency.”
🤳 TikTok eksperimenterer med 15-minutters uploads
“Do you want to upload even longer videos to TikTok?
Soon, that could be an option, with the formerly short-form video app experimenting with a new 15-minute upload option, extending on the current 10-minute video limit.”
✅ Instagram tester feed kun med indhold fra verificerede
“Meta’s moving to the next stage of its paid verification testing, with a new experiment that will see some Instagram users able to filter their main and Reels feeds to posts from ‘Meta Verifed’ users only.”
📍 …og “Tæt på”-feed
“As you can see in this image, shared by app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram’s currently experimenting with a new “Nearby” feed for Stories, which would highlight public content from users and businesses in your vicinity. “
🗯️ YouTube tester deaktivering af nye kommentarer
“YouTube is testing a new option that would enable creators to deactivate future comments on selected videos, while still keeping any comments that have been posted till that point, in order to provide more ways to manage the discussion around your clips.”
💰 Musk overvejer annoncefri udgave af X/Twitter
“As outlined by Musk, a key element of X’s new strategy is to offer no ads for paying users, which is based around the idea that X Premium take-up thus far has been low because as X has acknowledged, most users never post in the app.”
Det går den gale vej:
- New Report Suggests X Usage is Declining Amid Various App Changes [Social Media Today]
- One year in: Inside X (formerly Twitter) and its complicated relationship with advertisers [Digiday]
👥 Her er Twitter/X-eliten, der dominerer Israel-Hamas-dækningen
“An unorthodox group of 7 users is now the most dominant news source for information about the Israel-Hamas war on X (formerly Twitter), according to a new report from the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public.”
Det er vel næsten ikke nødvendigt at nævne, at “X’s New Elites are all verified users, and several have a reputation for posting misinformation“…
- Don’t blame social media for the fog of war [Vox / Peter Kafka]
- Elon Musk Mocked Ukraine, and Russian Trolls Went Wild [Wired]
- One Year On: The 12 Worst Moments of Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover [Gizmodo]
🔮 Sådan bliver 2024 på platformene
Forudsigelserne starter tidligt i år.
“Here’s a platform-by-platform breakdown of what’s in the works, starting with Facebook, which remains the most popular social media platform (by usage) in the world.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
😬 Ny Google AI-opsummering bekymrer medier
“Google bruger kunstig intelligens i opsummeringsfunktion, der er på vej. Medier kan aktuelt kun undgå at få opsummeret artikler ved helt at udgå af Googles søgemaskine.”
📉 Hvorfor får medier mindre trafik fra Google?
“Google knows very well that in order to be successful, they need to give people what they want at that exact moment. And so if people are searching for news, they need to give them that news.
So, if we as publishers are losing traffic from Google, there are three possible scenarios:”
🎧 Nye Medier og Center for Podcasting vil undersøge podcast-potentialet
“Med midler i ryggen fra DR sætter brancheforeningen Nye Medier og interesseorganisationen Center for Podcasting nu gang i en forundersøgelse af initiativerne til at forbedre lyd og podcast i Danmark. Det fremgår af en pressemeddelelse.”
🧑💻 ‘Huset’ første serie, hvor streaming trak det største læs
“Særligt blandt de yngste af DR’s seere har ”Huset” klaret sig godt. Intet DR-program på tværs af genre er set mere i målgruppen 15 til 31 år.”
👋 Jon Stewart forlader Apple TV+
“Recently, there has been a bust-up between Jon Stewart and Apple TV+, reportedly over topics he was not allowed to cover on his “The Problem” show. So much so, in fact, that the host is leaving the streamer.”
📺 Apple redesigner TV-app’en
“Apple Inc. will redesign its TV app in a step toward consolidating the company’s various video offerings later this year, according to people with knowledge of the matter, part of its efforts to become a bigger player in the streaming world.”
💡 Hvad er “content credentials”?
“In an attempt to help people distinguish between AI-generated and human-generated content, Adobe and the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity have proposed a system for disclosing how a piece of content was created.”
🛡️ Newsguard udgiver faktatjek i Israel-Hamas-konflikten
“The Israel-Hamas War Misinformation Tracking Center details 14 false or unsubstantiated claims circulating the internet, broadly fitting into four main themes: the attack against Israel was a false flag (pinning the blame on another party); Israel is staging footage of dead children killed by Hamas; The Biden administration approved an $8 billion aid package for Israel; and Ukraine sold weapons to Hamas. “
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤷♂️ Skal abonnementsmedier hæve prisen?
“As such, the choice to raise your prices depends on what kind of growth you are expecting. For instance, if you are a new publisher who is trying to get things going, raising your subscription price at this point would be catastrophic because it will essentially kill your early growth. […]
And when you are a company like the New York Times, with about 10 million paid subscribers, an 18% increase will likely more than surpass any drop in conversions.”
🤝 Ny annonceplatform på vej
“Værdikæden mellem annoncører og medier er blevet uigennemskuelig og fyldt med unødvendige aktører, lyder det fra annonceplatformen Adnuntius, der er på vej til Danmark.”
📈 Spotify nærmer sig overskud på podcasts
“Spotify is on track to break even on its podcast business by next year, said Spotify CFO Paul Vogel during the company’s third quarter earnings call on Tuesday morning. In June 2022, Vogel had announced the goal of making the platform’s podcast business profitable within one to two years.”
🤔 Derfor investerede Schibsted i Viaplay
Schibsteds opkøb af ca. ti pct. af aktierne i Viaplay Group har to formål, Det ene er at forsvare sin position i Sverige og Norge, og det andet er at være en position til at gribe evt. muligheder, der byder sig.”
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤖 Gør din egen stemme syntetisk med ElevenLabs
Fra seneste Medietrends-nyhedsbrev:
“Eller også kan du bygge din egen syntesiske version af din stemme, som så efterfølgende ved hjælp af text-to-speak, kan speake alt.
Som en lille showcase, kan du for eksempel lytte til denne indledning af nyhedsbrevet oplæst med min stemme, selvom jeg aldrig har indtalt den. Blot kopieret teksten ind i en supersimpel brugerflade hos Elevenlabs.”
🔮 DALL-E 3 er et kig ind i fremtiden
“Then, on Thursday, DALL-E 3 arrived. After a short time in public beta, the next generation of OpenAI’s image generator is now available to enterprise customers and to subscribers to ChatGPT Plus. (You can also use a free version through the Bing Image Creator.) […]
Here are five surprising things I’ve learned about DALL-E 3 in my first weeks of using it.”
🤖 Hvordan klarer up-to-date ChatGPT aktuelle nyheder?
“As we saw the announcement, we decided to put ChatGPT to the test and find out how it fared when asked about news stories. Did the chatbot offer accurate and up-to-date information? How would it handle contentious topics? How would it handle requests in languages other than English? What sources would it use?”
🤔 TV 2-vært brugt i deepfake-svindel
“Ditte Haue blev brugt til svindel på Facebook. ‘Nærmest alle kan med meget få ressourcer skabe det her indhold,’ siger forsker”
Mere om deepfakes:
- ‘Here is the news. You can’t stop us’: AI anchor Zae-In grants us an interview [The Guardian]
- Victims of Deepfakes Are Fighting Back [Gizmodo]
👊 Nyt værktøj til kunstnere i kampen mod AI
“A new tool lets artists add invisible changes to the pixels in their art before they upload it online so that if it’s scraped into an AI training set, it can cause the resulting model to break in chaotic and unpredictable ways.”
😎 Skal du have Meta-smartbrillerne fra Ray Ban?
“I’m a smart glasses skeptic. Not because the technology is impossible but because I’ve tested several pairs and even dove deep into the category for a two-part mini-documentary a while back. So when I say I was impressed by the $299 Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses, it’s not just that mine came with rose-colored lenses. “