Uge 4 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
👍 Meta vil lade EU-borgere frakoble Facebook- og Instagram-konti
Under the changes, users will also be able to unbundle their Marketplace and Facebook Gaming accounts, though in some cases Meta says this will limit features.
Hvis du mangler et write-up på, hvad der er sket de seneste måneder og år i forhold til sociale medier og digitale medier, så har du det her.
Nyhedsmedierne fyrer, og annoncesalget er i frit fald. En af forklaringerne er, at trafikken fra sociale medier er faldet med 50 pct. på blot tre år.
🔀 Metas Oversight Board omgør beslutning med Holocaust-post
The Oversight Board has overturned Meta’s original decision to leave up an Instagram post containing false and distorted claims about the Holocaust. The Board finds that the content violated Meta’s Hate Speech Community Standard, which bans Holocaust denial.
😴 Instagram vil sende teenagere tidligere i seng
Building on its latest round of teen safety features, Instagram has today announced new nighttime nudges, which will prompt users to turn their damn phone off when they’re using it late at night.
Mere om Meta og de unge:
- Meta is rolling out tighter teen messaging limitations and parental controls [TechCrunch]
🧾 Nu kan du slippe for “læst”-kvitteringer i Instagram-DMs
After announcing that it was coming last November, Instagram has this week rolled out the capacity for users to switch off read receipts for their DMs, so you can control when “Read” and “Seen” indicators appear (or don’t) for the sender within message streams.
📼 TikTok tester 30 minutter i uploads
As you can see in this example, shared by social media expert Matt Navarra, TikTok’s currently testing the new 30 minute upload option in the beta version of the app.
😬 Bliver 2024 et hårdt år for TikTok?
Det handler blandt andet om algoritmen.
TikTok’s algorithm has been the key reason for its success; drawing users in, and selecting more content for them to ogle over as they scroll their For You page. But as the saying goes, nothing lasts forever, and unfortunately that’s the same for the platform’s algorithm.
- TikTok usage is starting to slow — is TikTok Shop to blame? [TechCrunch]
🤚 LinkedIn fjerner “lookalike” som målretning
LinkedIn has announced that it’s removing Lookalike Audiences as an ad targeting option, which could change the way that you look to reach your target audience in the app.
📞 X udruller lyd- og videokald til Android
Elon Musk’s own social network X is rolling out the ability to make audio and video calls directly from the app to its Android client.
📄 Threads arbejder på kladdetilstand
According to a new back-end code discovery in the Threads app, Threads users will soon be able to save their posts as drafts, enabling you to return and revise your missives at another time.
🕵️♀️ Apps høster data via iPhone-notifikationer
iPhone apps including Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and X/Twitter are skirting Apple’s privacy rules to collect user data through notifications, according to tests by security researchers at Mysk Inc., an app development company.
🤝 Udenom platformene: Flere creators går direkte til virksomhederne
Because of the platforms’ unpredictable algorithms and mysterious revenue sharing models, social media is becoming more of a marketing vehicle for creators rather than a means to drive revenue itself, creators say. Instead of waiting on the creator fund promised land, creators are rethinking how they view the platforms, with some using social media as a means to get the attention of brands rather than to generate revenue.
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
✨ Så kom DR Medieforsknings årlige rapport
Du kan læse artiklerne fra rapporten hos DR – og hente den som PDF.
Og her er en række artikler om den:
- Brugen af Tiktok, Facebook og sociale medier generelt blev slået tilbage i 2023 [MediaWatch]
- Kommentator: Trods fald i Facebook-brug er der stadig potentiale for medier på platformen [MediaWatch]
- Podcastvækst aftog i Danmark i 2023 og dækning blandt unge faldt [MediaWatch]
- Medietendenser: Unge kan ikke finde podcasts at lytte til, mens voksne drukner i dem [Journalisten]
- Efter at have spist større og større markedsandele er TV 2’s seerandel stagneret [MediaWatch]
- Færre lytter til traditionel radio – det mærker både DR og kommercielle aktører [MediaWatch]
🎧 Apple introducerer transkribering af alle podcasts
Apple automatically generates transcripts after a new episode is published. Your episode will be available for listening right away, and the transcript will be available shortly afterwards. There will be a short delay while we process your transcript. If portions of your episode change with dynamically inserted audio, Apple Podcasts will not display the segments of the audio that have changed since the original transcription. Music lyrics are also not displayed in the transcripts.
🎓 Aftenposten deler erfaringer med lydartikler
In a recent blog post, we shared that we created a cloned voice using machine learning, making it possible for our audience to listen to articles from Aftenposten. Using quantitative data, we learned what people did — and didn’t — like.
🤦♂️ Google News prioriterede AI-skabte “nyheder”
Google News searches turn up AI-generated articles that brazenly steal from legitimate media outlets – and The Post has already identified at least one such ripoff of its own published work.
👋 Wikipedia lukker i Rusland
A campaign to replace the country’s Wikipedia with a more pliant alternative seems near completion.
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
⚽ Her er Ekstra Bladets planer med fodboldopkøb
- Ekstra Bladet sætter dato på lancering af Bold+-abonnement [MediaWatch]
- skal udgøre nyt ben i treenighed af betalingsprodukter hos EB [MediaWatch]
🤐 Medier er forsigtige med at føje chatbots til OpenAI-butik
OpenAI launched an app store called GPT Store on Jan. 10 where developers can share their custom ChatGPT chatbots powered by generative artificial intelligence, but digital publishing companies haven’t been all that eager to build chatbots — or add the chatbots they’ve already built — and make them available on OpenAI’s app store just yet.
- I love my GPT, but I can’t find a use for anybody else’s [The Verge]
🤖 Google åbner for beta-adgang til AI-tool til annoncører i UK og USA
The search giant yesterday said its “conversational” generative AI tools are now available for beta access to advertisers in the U.S. and U.K. before global access arrives for English-language advertisers in coming weeks.
💰 Apple barsler med gebyrer og begrænsninger for “side-loading”
Meta, Spotify and other companies are weighing new options for customers as Apple makes changes to comply with new European law
- Apple’s App Store policies are getting weirdly aggressive, but publishers should be okay [Nieman Lab]
📈 Netflix når 260 mio. betalende
Sidste år tjente streaminggiganten Netflix 5,4 milliarder dollar. Det svarer til 37 milliarder kroner.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
404 Media traced back the viral and abusive images of Taylor Swift to a specific Telegram community. That group sometimes uses Microsoft’s AI tools.
- The Taylor Swift deepfakes are a warning [Platformer]
✅ Blockchain-tool skal bekæmpe deepfakes
One company that is looking to help newsrooms tackle the onslaught of deep fake imagery is Taiwan-based Numbers Protocol. It developed a tool that embeds metadata into a photo, which helps establish where it came from, when it was shot and, ideally, information about the author. This is underpinned by blockchain technology, which allows viewers to see the photo’s complete history, including any alterations.
👉 USA: Højreorienterede medier er mere åbne overfor AI-bots
New data shows that over 88 percent of top-ranked news outlets in the US now block web crawlers used by artificial intelligence companies to collect training data for chatbots and other AI projects. One sector of the news business is a glaring outlier, though: Right-wing media lags far behind their liberal counterparts when it comes to bot-blocking.
🌐 Google barsler med generative AI-elementer i Chrome
Google has announced some new generative AI elements for Chrome, which will provide automated assistance to improve your experience, along with artistic inspiration in its web browser app.
✅ Kan ChatGPT faktatjekke?
Instead, it’s looking up what we, as the press and as fact-checking sites, have already written about a topic, and then comparing with that. In other words, it’s using our journalistic work. In fact, without real human journalists first covering these stories, ChatGPT would have nothing to look at, and as such wouldn’t even be able to do this.
😡 Britiske kunstnere overvejer at sagsøge AI-firmaer
British artists have contacted US lawyers to discuss joining a class action against Midjourney and other AI firms, while others have told the Observer that they may bring their own legal action in the UK.
🤔 Er AI fantastisk eller forbandelse for lokalmedier?
Here are a few questions that could shape the outcome — closing with a modest proposal for how AI companies could be the heroes instead of the villains in the story of local news.
🎧 Sådan arbejder podcast-netværk med AI-værktøjer
Podcast networks, like Acast, iHeartMedia and Spotify, are also testing these tools to increase their outreach to prospective clients, expand the range of shows that fit a buyer’s brief and translate shows into different languages.
💀 Nyt værktøj kan forgifte AI-modeller
It’s here: months after it was first announced, Nightshade, a new, free software tool allowing artists to “poison” AI models seeking to train on their works, is now available for artists to download and use on any artworks they see fit.