Uge 7 i digitale medier, platforme og teknologi

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

😳 Nyt tilsyn skal holde øje med 400 platforme

Fra MediaWatch:

Omkring 400 danske digitale formidlingstjenester vil fra på lørdag være under tilsyn fra DSA-tilsynet i Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen. Det oplyser styrelsen i en pressemeddelelse. 

🗳 TikTok opretter valgcentre i forbindelse med EU-valg

Fra MediaWatch:

Til juni er der Europa-Parlamentsvalg, og i den forbindelse har den digitale videoplatform Tiktok i samarbejde med valgkommissioner og organisationer i de enkelte medlemslande planer om at lancere ”lokale valgcentre” i Tiktok-appen.

✅ Meta lancerer Verified-filtre i kommentarer

Fra Social Media Today:

After experimenting with it over the past few months, Meta’s now rolling out its new Meta Verified comment filter on Instagram, providing another way to prioritize engagement from celebrities and people who’ve paid for verification in the app.

💬 …og “Folk du følger”-filter i dine beskeder

Fra Social Media Today:

Instagram has added a new DM filter option for creators, which will enable you to filter your inbox to only messages from profiles that you follow in the app.

🤳 Instagram tester karruseller i Reels

Fra Social Media Today:

Given the fact that both Instagram and TikTok essentially replicate each other as a matter of course, the former’s latest development will probably come as no surprise.

🎵 Nu kan du integrere musik i dine YouTube-shorts

Fra TechCrunch:

YouTube is introducing the ability for users to incorporate or “remix” a music video in their short-form videos, called Shorts, as the company continues to challenge TikTok. Given that YouTube has something that TikTok doesn’t, which is a vast library of official music videos, it makes sense for the platform to leverage it to advance its short-form video ambitions.

🤑 Meta gør det 30% dyrere at booste i iOS-apps

Fra The Verge:

Meta said Thursday that it will start charging a 30 percent fee when advertisers pay to boost the visibility of their posts in Facebook’s and Instagram’s iOS apps.

The change, which goes into effect later this month, stems from a 2022 App Store update where Apple extended its typical 30 percent cut of digital purchases to boosted posts, which are essentially ads.

😬 Influencere glemmer at markere annoncer

Fra Reuters:

Four out of five influencers on social media fail to disclose commercial content they post is advertising as required under EU law, a European Union study released on Wednesday showed.

#️⃣ Threads får “trending topics” – med politik

Fra TechCrunch:

After acknowledging last week that Meta’s X competitor Threads would not actively recommend political content, the company today announced a test of a new trends feature, “topics,” where such content could potentially surface anyway. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Monday that Threads would begin a small test of the feature, initially in the U.S., to help users find “timely topics” that others are discussing on the social network.


📖 Ny bog om hvordan Musk ødelagde Twitter

Fra The Washington Post:

Zoë Schiffer’s ‘Extremely Hardcore’ offers inside details about the billionaire’s leadership of the social media platform


💰 Beskyldning: X har modtaget betaling fra terrorgrupper

Fra BBC:

Elon Musk’s X, formerly Twitter, granted subscription perks to designated terrorist groups and others barred from operating in the US, according to campaigners.

📲 Bidens kampagne kommer på TikTok

Fra Politico:

Biden-Harris HQ, operated by the Biden campaign, made its first TikTok post Sunday night timed with the Super Bowl. It featured President Joe Biden answering football-themed questions. When asked if he was cheering for the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers, Biden opted for the Philadelphia Eagles because otherwise “I’d be sleeping alone” because “my wife’s a Philly girl.”

👻 Snapchat markedsfører sig som alternativ til sociale medier

Fra Digiday:

Snapchat’s latest brand campaign pitches the platform as an alternative to the current state of many social media platforms, harkening back to the days of using social media as a way to connect with friends and family.

🔮 Mastodon vs. Bluesky kan forme fremtidens sociale medier

Fra TechCrunch:

People on Bluesky and Mastodon are fighting over how to bridge the two decentralized social networks, and whether there should even be a bridge at all. Behind the snarky GitHub comments, these coding conflicts aren’t frivolous — in fact, they could shape the future of the internet.

💡 Sådan blev Mastodon venner med Meta

Fra Protocol:

Founder Eugen Rochko on helping Threads federate, dodging venture capital, and why he hopes Bluesky abandons its protocol

😱 Bliver 2024 et mareridtsår med bots?

Fra Scientific American:

The use of bots, or automated social media accounts, has made it much easier to spread deliberately incorrect disinformation, as well as inaccurate rumors or other kinds of misinformation. But the bots that afflicted past voting seasons often churned out poorly constructed, grammatically incorrect sentences. Now as large language models (artificial intelligence systems that create text) become ever more accessible to more people, some researchers fear that automated social media accounts will soon get a lot more convincing.

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

💡 JP introducerer væsentlighedsscore på historier

Fra MediaWatch:

Den vil, sammen med en væsentlighedsscore på de enkelte artikler sat af JP-journalister, personalisere oplevelsen af Jyllands-Postens forside ved at vise forskellige nye artikler til den enkelte baseret på deres læsevaner.

🤷‍♂️ Er Reddit nu der, vi skal finde nyheder?

Fra Columbia Journalism Review:

Twitter had been our place. Where journalists gathered and pored over news in as near to real time as possible.  […]

Over the same decade or so Meta—the company that used to be known as Facebook—first diminished its interest in news, then developed something close to active hostility to it. […]

So where do we, for want of a better word, go? I spent weeks asking where, if anywhere, news is discussed and shared in sober terms online. […]

The most surprising answer I found—given that it was once considered the villain of the piece—was Reddit.

Mere Reddit:

📰 NYTimes’ vigtigste forsider er nu en podcast og et nyhedsbrev

Fra Vanity Fair:

New York Times reporters have long dreamed of seeing their stories on A1 of the print edition, preferably above the fold, and, more recently, atop the website. Sure, these goals still exist, but there are now two more coveted “front pages” of the Times, as top executives will tell you: the flagship podcast, The Daily, and the flagship newsletter, “The Morning.” “That’s how you get seen,” said one reporter. “It’s not a necessary evil, so much as something you have to care about now.”

📴 Derfor fjerner ny iOS-opdateringer web-apps fra din hjemmeskærm

Fra 9 to 5 Mac:

One change in iOS 17.4 is that the iPhone now supports alternative browser engines in the EU. This allows companies to build browsers that don’t use Apple’s WebKit engine for the first time. Apple says that this change, required by the Digital Markets Act, is why it has been forced to remove Home Screen web apps support in the European Union.

🤦‍♂️ Nævn: Svært at vurdere succes med lydunivers til børn

Fra MediaWatch:

Men Radio- og tv-nævnet ser mulige faldgruber ved en kendskabsmåling, som vil komme, omkring et år efter at det nye lydtilbud går i luften. Det vil ”være vanskeligt at vurdere, om lyduniverset for børn og unge er en succes henset til den korte tilladelsesperiode,” skriver nævnet.

🤝 Ny MCO-direktør skal gøre medieklyngen landsdækkende

Fra MediaWatch:

Media City Odense (MCO) har en ambition om, at MCO med Michael Jensen ved roret skal blive en landsdækkende medietech-klynge.

🙏 Portugisisk startup bekæmper nyhedsørken med konstruktiv journalistik


Lisbon-based digital news startup Mensagem de Lisboa came up with the idea of creating pop-up newsrooms to bridge this gap and build a platform for underreported voices. The project – Projeto Narrativas – Undesert the News saw a team of journalists working with young people in Lisbon’s most marginalised neighbourhoods to tell constructive stories that mattered to their communities. The project was supported by a Journalismfund Europe grant.

😢 Spotify-fyringsrunde truer “Every Noise at Once”

Fra TechCrunch:

On a brutal December day, 17% of Spotify employees found out they had been laid off in the company’s third round of job cuts last year. Not long after, music fans around the world realized that the cult-favorite website Every Noise at Once (EveryNoise), an encyclopedic goldmine for music discovery, had stopped working.

👔 Gannett udnævner privatlivsdirektør

Fra Publishers Daily:

Moss will lead Gannett’s privacy program, creating and enforcing policies for collection, storage, use, distribution and disposal of customer and employee data.

🌍 Apple- og Microsoft-tjenester bliver fritaget for gatekeeper-rolle

Fra MediaWatch:

Det drejer sig om tjenesterne iMessage fra Apple og Bing, Edge samt Microsoft Advertising fra Microsoft. De to techgiganter klagede i september over, at EU-Kommissionen ønskede disse tjenester omfattet af reglerne for gatekeepere under Digital Markets Act.

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

😱 Er medierne klar til det store brag?

Fra The New Yorker:

Ads are scarce, search and social traffic is dying, and readers are burned out. The future will require fundamentally rethinking the press’s relationship to its audience.

📉 Fald i Facebook-trafik gjorde ondt i Aller

Fra MediaWatch:

Mediehuset mærkede det strukturelle markedsfald, nedgang i annoncesalget og faldende Facebook-trafik i en sådan grad, at koncernen afsluttede regnskabsåret med et underskud på næsten 27 mio. kr. Og det er ikke tilfredsstillende, lyder det i en kommentar fra adm. direktør Charlotte Riparbelli. 

✨ Træt af at vente på Google: Marketers tester selv cookie-alternativer

Fra Digiday:

They’re testing alternatives to third-party cookies now that the tech giant has clipped one percent of them in its Chrome browser. These marketers understand the tests won’t be perfect, but they’re seizing the moment to make a start. After all, as they argue, if not now, then when?


🤔 Bonnier ser stabilisering forude

Fra MediaWatch:

Den bæredygtige digitale forretningsmodel er inden for rækkevidde hos Bonnier Publications. Men inden det punkt indfinder sig, skal omsætningen lidt længere ned, vurderer topchef Jesper Buchvald.

📉 The Guardians annonceindtjening falder

Fra Press Gazette:

The ad downturn accounted for £12m of a £17m revenue shortfall compared to budget in the first three quarters of the Guardian and Observer publisher’s financial year. Membership revenue from readers was £3m behind budget and other revenue types are £2m behind budget.

🤔 Hvorfor har medier ikke kastet sig over betalte podcasts?

Fra Simon Owens:

The weird thing about paid podcasts is they’ve been embraced by small podcast networks and individual creators to great success, but they’re largely avoided by traditional publishers, even those that have integrated paid subscription models for their text-based content.

😬 Sein vil undgå lukning med indsamling

Fra MediaWatch:

Det digitale medie Sein, der bringer historier af og til de unge mediebrugere i Danmark, har lanceret en indsamlingskampagne for at undgå lukning af mediet. Det skriver Sein selv.

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🤖 Sådan gør medier deres sites mere eller mindre venlige overfor AI

Fra Digiday:

Many publishers, like 404 Media and The Washington Post, have grown wary of AI crawler bots and their ability to scrape and take original content for unapproved uses, including training large language models or altogether regurgitating the articles with a new headline and no credit. 

🔎 Tre AI-søgealternativer til Google

Fra Wonder Tools:

Perplexity, Dexa, and Arc Search all offer good new alternatives to the classic Google search box. I’m increasingly using these new AI search services because they provide direct, relevant answers, not just long lists of links. Read on for my take on these new ways to streamline your searches.

📹 OpenAI tester tekst-til-video-værktøj

Fra Wired:

We already know that OpenAI’s chatbots can pass the bar exam without going to law school. Now, just in time for the Oscars, a new OpenAI app called Sora hopes to master cinema without going to film school. For now a research product, Sora is going out to a few select creators and a number of security experts who will red-team it for safety vulnerabilities. OpenAI plans to make it available to all wannabe auteurs at some unspecified date, but it decided to preview it in advance.


😎 Apple Vision Pro-brugere returnerer deres headsets

Fra The Verge:

Comfort, headache, and eye strain are among the top reasons people say they’re returning their Vision Pro headsets.

Mere om brillerne:

👨‍💻 Ukrainske journalister bliver trænet via VR

Fra Nieman Lab:

“When you end up in an extreme situation, you can’t think properly. In a virtual situation, you realize how you would feel and you can imagine the kind of decisions you will make. It works with your emotions.”

🏃‍♂️ Apple på vej med AI-rival til Microsofts GitHub Copilot

Fra Bloomberg:

Apple Inc., racing to add more artificial intelligence capabilities, is nearing the completion of a critical new software tool for app developers that would step up competition with Microsoft Corp.

😬 AI-crawlere truer robots.txt

Fra The Verge:

For decades, robots.txt governed the behavior of web crawlers. But as unscrupulous AI companies seek out more and more data, the basic social contract of the web is falling apart.