Uge 14 i digitale medier

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
📹 Facebook lancerer ny visning af vertikal video
The TikTok-ification of social media more broadly continues, with Facebook rolling out a new, consistent full-screen video player, which will see all videos posted to the app expand to the TikTok-like vertical format.
🤳 Instagram deler tips til Stories
Today, Instagram has provided an expanded overview of tips and tricks for Stories, which don’t reveal any new features, but do provide some interesting notes to consider in your creative process.
🎥 …og arbejder på “Blend”-funktion
Instagram is developing a “Blend” feature that creates a private feed of Reels recommended for you and a friend. The company told TechCrunch on Friday that the feature is an internal prototype and is not being tested externally.
Mere Instagram:
- Instagram Chief Says Follower Counts Are Not a Good Indicator of Account Value [Social Media Today]
🤔 Hvem er Threads egentlig til?
On Friday it will be nine months since Meta unveiled Threads. Today, let’s check in on the state of the discourse about the app. While in most ways Threads has outperformed expectations, ongoing confusion about what the app is for continues to frustrate various corners of its user base.
Mere Threads:
💬 Sådan blev WhatsApp så stor
What was once a texting platform now runs the lives, businesses and political machinery of billions.
🤦🏻♂️ Checkmark til prominente vinder tilbage på X
A year after his controversial decision to remove verification from popular Twitter accounts unless they paid a monthly subscription fee, Elon Musk has thrown users another curveball. Starting Wednesday, the social network now named X began restoring the iconic “blue check” badges to popular users who aren’t paying for them — and mostly don’t want them.
🤨 Nej, organisk trafik på X er ikke eksploderet
In other words, SEMRush changed its reporting methodology to include SERP Features, the breakout panels in Google Search that show, among other things, X posts related to your search term.
Which, of course, benefited X’s traffic numbers significantly.
🦺 X ansætter ny sikkerhedschef
Kylie McRoberts, a current X employee who has worked on platform security and labels for sensitive content such as violence or nudity, is the new safety head. She will oversee the team responsible for maintaining X’s policies and developing new features.
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
📴 Yahoo køber Artifact – og lukker app’en
Instagram’s co-founders built a powerful and useful tool for recommending news to readers — but could never quite get it to scale. Yahoo has hundreds of millions of readers — but could use a dose of tech-forward cool to separate it from all the internet’s other news aggregators. And so, the two sides are joining forces: Yahoo is acquiring Artifact, the companies announced on Tuesday.
📈 Nyt The Guardian-nyhedsbrev sætter rekord
“A newsletter about our uneasy relationship to phones becomes The Guardian’s fastest-growing email ever […]
The newsletter had a simple pitch: Five emails to help you reset your screen habits and “reclaim your brain” in the new year.”
🔒 Substack låser brugere fast med “Follow”-funktion
Essentially, the “follow” feature allows Substack to hold writers (and readers) hostage on their platform, forcing them to operate in a closed-content ecosystem that predominantly benefits Substack. Readers must use the Substack app or the Substack site to see content from writers they “follow,” and writers have no way of independently reaching their “followers” — whereas they can email their subscribers directly, or, if they transition to another platform, can bring those subscribers with them.
🎂 Gmail rundede de 20 år
Gmail revolutionized email with fast search and a whole gigabyte of storage. But where’s it headed next?
👋 Google Podcasts lukker i USA
Google is currently sending in-app notifications to users in the U.S. that starting April 2nd they will no longer be able to use Google Podcasts and is recommending to export subscriptions to YouTube Music.
- Google Podcasts is gone — and so is my faith in Google [The Verge]
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤝 Sådan udvikler WSJ relationer med det unge publikum
Julia Munslow, Senior Platform Editor at The Wall Street Journal, spoke on stage about how she works on developing long term relationships with young audiences through TikTok. Joining the Journal from Yahoo! in 2021, Julia and her team spent a year thinking about how to launch on TikTok as a legacy news organization. The main goal: attract a new audience of younger readers.
📧 Sådan arbejder The Telegraph med nyhedsbreve
This week we speak to The Telegraph’s Head of Newsletters Maire Bonheim, and Deputy Head of Newsletters David Alexander, about the publisher’s newsletter portfolio. We talk about why The Telegraph and others are prioritising newsletters, how newsletters can be used at different stages of the subscriber funnel, and what they’ve learned from a community-focused approach to their Politics newsletter.
💡 Sådan arbejder Financial Times med nyhedsbreve, nicher og audience
The media face so many challenges that it is hard to focus on just one problem, Kritasha Gupta, head of business development at the Financial Times, tells Ashley Norris. But, she emphasises, we need to go always go back to what the audiences want.
💳 Sådan forsøger Apple at få podcasts til at bruge abonnement
An executive at an independent podcast told Semafor that in recent months, when they asked the company how they could be promoted in the carousel, Apple leaders suggested that the show participate in the platform’s new subscription program.
🗨️ Reach vil finde nye brugere via WhatsApp
In the first of a two-part feature examining publisher strategies with direct messaging, Reach’s engagement director, Dan Russell, discusses how WhatsApp has become a ‘big win’ in reaching new audiences.
😳 Forbes kørte annoncer på alternativt website
Forbes for years ran an alternate version of its website where it packed ads that were intended to run on, another sign that brands don’t always get what they pay for in the opaque digital-advertising market.
A grand total of one percent of browser traffic is now free from third-party cookies. Hooray? Amidst the ensuing chaos, there’s been a medley of trial and error, wild guesses, and enough pontificating to fill a library. Time to hit pause, sift through the wreckage, and brace ourselves for the next act in this digital circus of drama.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🗣 Automatiske stemmer på vej hos NY Times
The New York Times plans to make the vast majority of its articles available to users as narrations read via an automated voice, executives tell Axios.
💰 Google overvejer betaling for AI-søgninger
Proposals would mark first time any of the software group’s core product falls behind a paywall
🤖 Nu kan du bruge ChatGPT uden at logge ind
It’s core to our mission to make tools like ChatGPT broadly available so that people can experience the benefits of AI. More than 100 million people across 185 countries use ChatGPT weekly to learn something new, find creative inspiration, and get answers to their questions. Starting today, you can use ChatGPT instantly, without needing to sign-up. We’re rolling this out gradually, with the aim to make AI accessible to anyone curious about its capabilities.
- ChatGPT no longer requires an account — but there’s a catch [TechCrunch]
🤔 AI-firmaer mangler kvalitetsindhold at træne på
Companies racing to develop more powerful artificial intelligence are rapidly nearing a new problem: The internet might be too small for their plans.
⚠️ OpenAI-upload kan krænke ophavsret
Maria Fredenslund, der er direktør i Rettighedsalliancen, har konstateret ”en lind strøm af brugere, der uploader alt muligt ophavsretsbeskyttet indhold for at træne den kunstige intelligens til deres eget skræddersyede formål”.
📃 200 musikere underskriver bekymringsbrev ifm. AI
The list of undersigned artists is so power-packed and wide-ranging that it could make for a great Coachella lineup — it features Billie Eilish, the Bob Marley estate, Chappell Roan, Elvis Costello, Greta Van Fleet, Imagine Dragons, Jon Bon Jovi, the Jonas Brothers, Kacey Musgraves, Katy Perry, Mac DeMarco, Miranda Lambert, Mumford & Sons, Nicki Minaj, Noah Kahan, Pearl Jam, Sheryl Crow and Zayn Malik, among others.
💸 Er annoncer en farbar model for AI-firmaer?
On Monday, — an “answer engine” used by about 10 million people a month — said it plans to introduce advertising later this year. Ads will take the form of “sponsored questions” that appear as suggestions at the end of an answer to users’ initial queries.