Uge 15 i digitale medier og platforme

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
😬 Facebook tjener kassen på falske annoncer
Tusindvis af åbenlyse svindelannoncer, der med kendte som blikfang er designet til at franarre danskere deres penge, bliver ikke fjernet fra Facebook.
- TV 2 og DR politianmelder Meta for annoncer med værter [MediaWatch]
🛡️ YouTube vil beskytte børn mod kommentarsporet
YouTube’s comments section, historically, has had a bad reputation, but a change rolling out could prevent kids from wading into the comments cesspool. In an email to parents who supervise a child’s account, the company announced the introduction of a “read-only” comments option on their child’s supervised experience on YouTube.
🛑 Instagram vil advare mod nøgenbilleder
Instagram is now taking a meaningful step to contain the problem, by automatically detecting and blurring nudes in its direct-messaging service.
🤳 TikTok arbejder angiveligt på virtuelle influencers
TikTok is reportedly working on a new option that would enable brands to deploy virtual influencers, who would then be able to sell their products on their behalf via videos and live-streams in the app.
💥 Metas annonceplatform er “i stykker”
Many advertisers who rely on Facebook and Instagram have noticed that Meta Platforms Inc.’s automated ad systems have taken a major hit in recent weeks. Costs are up significantly, returns are down, and Meta hasn’t offered any explanation for what’s going on. Many marketers are totally confused and very much frustrated that things appear to be “terribly broken.”
😕 TikTok og Snapchat mener ikke forældresamtykke skal gælde for dem
To af de mest populære sociale medier mener ikke, at ny dansk lovgivning omfatter dem, skriver Politiken.
📷 Skal TikToks Instagram-konkurrent hedder Notes?
TikTok’s upcoming Instagram competitor app for sharing photos could be named TikTok Notes, according to screenshotsposted by users. TikTok also confirmed the app was in development.
🤔 Snapchat og medier: It’s complicated
As a result, key contacts at the platform have gone silent or become slower to respond to publishers, and replacements haven’t provided much clarity — yet. Add swirling rumors to the mix about what’s going on at Snap HQ, and it’s no surprise publishers are feeling a bit adrift, as six publishers told Digiday.
🤢 LinkedIn har et AI-problem
That’s the most AI-generated post I have read in the past 12 months, and I have read a lot of AI-generated posts. Maybe the writer just has a certain AI-style cadence. But it got me thinking about the one style of writing that AI has mastered, soulless LinkedIn-style comments.
👋 Journalister forlader platformene – skal medierne være bekymrede?
Before running headfirst into the next shiny piece of technology, newsrooms leaders must ask who will be impacted the most and what support they will need to keep going
✨ Meta klar med gruppeopdatering til Messenger
Meta’s announced some new updates for Messenger, including shared albums, so you can collaborate with group chat members on visual collections, the return of QR codes to connect (once again), and HD photos in-stream.
💸 Sådan vil X overbevise annoncører
But maybe — just maybe — there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. It appears X is making some genuine strides in the realm of brand safety. Could this be the turning point everyone’s been waiting for? Only time will tell.
🤝 Snapchat-partnerskaber til bedre kampagneanalyser
As part of its continued work to get its ad business back on track, Snapchat has today announced a range of new partnerships with third party data tools and ad platforms, in order to help ad partners make the most of their Snapchat campaigns.
💰 HootSuite køber Talkwalker
Two of the best-known names in the social media industry are joining forces, with Hootsuite announcing that it’s acquiring social listening platform Talkwalker for an undisclosed sum.
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🎧 Nu kan du lytte Substack på Spotify
Substack joins a growing list of publishers and platforms offering subscriber-based content powered by Spotify Open Access, including Bankless, Dateline NBC, The Economist, Freakonomics Radio, Patreon, Supercast, Supporting Cast, The Wall Street Journal, and more. For podcast creators, the Spotify Open Access API brings an expanded opportunity to offer premium audio subscriptions to Spotify’s 602 million monthly active users.
😬 Anti-fake-news-lovgivning kan gøre mere skade end gavn
“Fake news” legislation that governments around the world have written in recent years to combat mis- and disinformation does little to protect journalistic freedom. Rather, it can create a greater risk of harm.
🎛️ Spotify arbejder på remix-værktøjer
The audio streaming company is developing tools that would allow subscribers to speed up, mash up and otherwise edit songs from their favorite artists, according to people familiar with the discussions. It is a bet on the future of music consumption that Spotify hopes will deepen user engagement and appeal to young users, while generating new revenue for artists.
📈 Små browser-udviklere: EU-love virker
Independent browser companies in the European Union are seeing a spike in users in the first month after EU legislation forced Alphabet’s Google (GOOGL.O), opens new tab, Microsoft (MSFT.O), opens new tab and Apple (AAPL.O), opens new tab to make it easier for users to switch to rivals, according to data provided to Reuters by six companies.
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🤨 Har abonnement alligevel toppet som model?
Det diskuteres fra tid til anden, om vi er ved “peak subscription” (det tidspunkt, hvor abonnementsmodellen topper og derefter falder igen), og om det punkt overhovedet findes.
Her er et argument i den debat.
Do this job long enough and you’re bound to see media trends change. And it seems that the pivot to subscriptions might actually have peaked. Maybe WaPo’s Will Lewis was right after all.
But Digiday now has some data to back up the argument. Its findings are interesting:
💡 Gennemgang: Sådan optimerer medier deres indtægtsstrømme
However, with publishers facing declining referral traffic from search and social platforms, steeper competition for scale-focused campaign budgets, and a myriad of other woes impacting ad revenue, some publishers are growing their focus on events in 2024, while others are placing a renewed focus on subscriptions.
💡 Hvad kan mainstream-medier lære af nichemedier?
In a recent webinar hosted by analytics platform Smartocto, two niche publishers that cater to the chemistry and financial markets discussed why size is not everything and what mainstream outlets can learn from their approach.
🤔 Medier kigger på andre platforme i jagt på trafik
Nine digital publishing execs that spoke with Digiday said they are investing in other social platforms like Instagram and TikTok to grow their reach. But the question remains if alternative platforms can actually make up the social referral deficit.
📉 The Washington Post taber stadig trafik
Newspapers across the country have experienced a drop in website traffic and circulation since Donald Trump left office, but the declines at the Washington Post have been especially painful.
🍪 Det skal du vide om Googles Privacy Sandbox
Google’s Privacy Sandbox is a space where a series of complex proposals to protect user privacy have been developed and are undergoing (or have undergone) extensive testing. In short, Privacy Sandbox is an attempt to fill in the many gaps that will open up in the advertising ecosystem when third-party cookies are deprecated in the Chrome browser.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
🤖 Håndbog: Hvad kan redaktioner få ud af AI?
Ring Publishing has crafted a comprehensive handbook detailing how AI can revolutionise your editorial processes, content creation, and personalisation. The handbook also provides practical tips for implementing AI tools, including best practices for integrating AI into workflows, strategies for maximising the effectiveness of AI, and guidelines for ensuring ethical AI use. Here are some highlights to whet your appetite for what AI-driven publishing entails.
- AI is already reshaping newsrooms, AP study finds [Poynter]
🫸 JFM lancerer JourBuddy
Systemet er døbt ”Jourbuddy” og er dels en række AI-værktøjer, som bliver bygget ind i JFM’s publiceringsværktøj. Værktøjerne omfatter rubrikhjælp, en kort version-generator, feedback på artikelopbygning og sprog, seo-hjælp, en Facebook-opslags-asisstent. Jourbuddy er også en selvstændig platform, hvor værktøjerne er tilgængelige og bliver suppleret med blandt andet en ”idéudviklings assistent.”
🌐 Sådan oversætter Sermitsiaq til og fra dansk
In this special series that focuses on journalism rather than algorithms, Sermitsiaq’s tool translates news content into a minority language ignored by most platforms – and subscribers can also use it for themselves
😬 Sådan skærer AI-firmaer hjørner i jagten på data
The race to lead A.I. has become a desperate hunt for the digital data needed to advance the technology. To obtain that data, tech companies including OpenAI, Google and Meta have cut corners, ignored corporate policies and debated bending the law, according to an examination by The New York Times.
🎧 Spotify lancerer AI-playlister
Indtil videre kun i UK og Australien, dog.
Spotify already found success with its popular AI DJ feature, and now the streaming music service is bringing AI to playlist creation. The company on Monday introduced into beta a new option called AI playlists, which allows users to generate a playlist based on written prompts.
🏷️ Meta udvider markering af AI-indhold
Meta admits its current labeling policies are “too narrow” and that a stronger system is needed to deal with today’s wider range of AI-generated content and other manipulated content, such as a January video which appeared to show President Biden inappropriately touching his granddaughter.
🤯 Grok opfinder iransk angreb på Israel
Even more concerning, the fake headline was apparently generated by X’s own official AI chatbot, Grok, and then promoted by X’s trending news product, Explore, on the very first day of an updated version of the feature.
🔮 BuzzFeed skal være et AI-firma – hvad betyder det?
BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti published his annual letter to shareholders Monday afternoon, outlining his vision to turn the flagship BuzzFeed publication into an AI-driven technology and media company.
✨ Meta lancerer ny AI-chip
Reuters reported earlier this year that Meta planned to deploy a new version of a custom data center chip to address the swelling amount of computing power necessary to run AI products in Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. The chip, referred to internally as “Artemis,” will help Meta reduce its reliance on Nvida’s AI chips and reduce its energy costs overall.