Uge 16 i digitale medier og platforme

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

Gør som de andre. Få overblikket allerede i indbakken:
Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
😡 Medier kritiserer Facebook i åbent brev
Brevet er blevet delt på Linkedin og er underskrevet af nyhedsdirektør hos TV 2, Ulla Pors, nyhedsdirektør hos DR, Sandy French, og ansv. chefredaktør på B.T., Simon Richard Nielsen.
- Medieklummen: Facebook og medierne: It’s complicated [MediaWatch]
🤨 EU kritiserer Metas model for betaling vs. tracking
It looks like Meta’s strategy of charging European Facebook and Instagram users, for the privilege of not being tracked for ad-targeting purposes, ain’t gonna fly.
🤖 Meta tester AI i Instagram
Meta is pushing ahead with its efforts to make its generative AI-powered products available to more users. Apart from testing Meta AI chatbot with users in countries like India on WhatsApp, the company is also experimenting with putting Meta AI in the Instagram search bar for both chat with AI and content discovery.
Mere Meta og AI:
- Ready for a Chatbot Version of Your Favorite Instagram Influencers? [The New York Times]
- Meta’s AI chatbot is coming to social media. Misinformation may come with it. [The Washington Post]
- Meta Releases Latest AI Model, Seeking to Build Out Rival to ChatGPT [The Wall Street Journal]
- Meta’s battle with ChatGPT begins now [The Verge]
- How Meta is paving the way for synthetic social networks [Platformer]
💬 …og direkte beskeder i Threads – via Instagram
This week, Meta launched a new live test of DMs on Threads, with some users seeing a new “Message” CTA button on Threads profiles.
🫰 Meta regner med annoncer på Threads senere i år
The tech platform recently told ad execs that they will be able to buy ads on its X-rival, text-based platform as early as the second half of this year, industry sources have told Digiday.
📷 TikTok lancerer foto-app i Australien og Canada
After hints of it were spotted floating around in the main app over the last few weeks, TikTok has now officially launched its new, dedicated photo-sharing app, called “TikTok Notes”, with users in Australia and Canada able to download the separate image app.
🤳 Medier tester linkfunktion på TikTok
However, it remains to be seen how much traffic TikTok can actually drive for publishers. TikTok declined to comment on the feature or its ongoing test.
LinkedIn — the social platform that targets the working world — has quietly started testing another way to boost its revenues, this time with a new service for small and medium businesses. TechCrunch has learned and confirmed that it is working on a new LinkedIn Premium Company Page subscription, which — for fees that appear to be as steep as $99/month — will include AI to write content and new tools to grow follower counts, among other features to raise the profiles of the company using them.
🤔 Tidligere TikTok-ansatte taler om forbindelser til ByteDance
Many of those ex-workers, four of whom were employed as recently as last year, say at least some of TikTok’s operations were intertwined with its parent during their tenures, and that the company’s independence from China was largely cosmetic. A few of the former workers would only speak to Fortune on the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation by TikTok, including the company seizing restricted stock they were given while still employees.
✅ Slut med at skjule checkmark på X
X will no longer allow users to hide their blue checks, regardless of whether they paid for premium or not. On Thursday, the app began notifying users that “the hide your checkmark feature of X Premium is going away soon.”
Mere om checkmarks på X:
- X Incentivizes Brands to Sign up To Verified for Organizations [Social Media Today]
📲 Airchat vil kombinere tekst og lyd
For those who don’t know, Airchat is a voice + text network, similar to Twitter in basic UI, but with the addition of voice for every post.
- Airchat revives the clubhouse [Platformer]
🆕 Bluesky tillader nu statsoverhoveder
Bluesky is apparently ready for a bigger challenge. It says it’s allowing heads of state to sign up now, a little over two months after it opened for general signups. In May last year, the site asked its users not to give invitation codes to “recent/prominent heads of state,” stating that it was its policy not to accommodate them.
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
😬 Google fjerner links til medier i Californien
Google has temporarily blocked links from local news outlets in California from appearing in search results in response to the advancement of a bill that would require tech companies to pay publications for links that articles share. The change applies only to some people using Google in California, though it is not clear how many.
- News publishers group urges government to investigate Google for blocking some California news outlets [CNN]
- When Facebook blocks news, studies show the political risks that follow [Reuters]
Og på dansk:
- Google fjerner nyheder for brugere i Californien i protest mod lovgivning [MediaWatch]
Fra hestens mund:
- Why the California Journalism Preservation Act is putting support of the news ecosystem at risk [Google Blog]
Der er også gang i den i Frankrig:
- Google’s fight in France and what it means for UK publishers [Press Gazette]
📈 DR Gensyn godt fra start
DR’s nye arkivtilbud på DRTV, Gensyn, er kommet flot fra start. I løbet af de første uger efter premieren har over en halv million lagt vejen forbi, og de bruger næsten to timer om dagen. Her kan du også se, hvilke programmer der hitter mest.
📉 Trafik til højrefløjs-sites kollapser
As you may have heard, mainstream news organizations are facing a financial crisis. Many liberal publications have taken an even more severe beating. But the most dramatic declines over the past few years belong to conservative and right-wing sites. The flow of traffic to Donald Trump’s most loyal digital-media boosters isn’t just slowing, as in the rest of the industry; it’s utterly collapsing.
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
🍳 The Guardian lancerer opskrifts-app
The Guardian Feast app is available for a 14-day free trial, followed by £2.99 per month in the UK, €2.99 in EU, $3.99 in the US and Australia, and $2.99 in Canada and the rest of the world for a monthly subscription, with an annual option also available.
☠️ Demokratiet dør bag paywall’en
How many times has it happened? You’re on your computer, searching for a particular article, a hard-to-find fact, or a story you vaguely remember, and just when you seem to have discovered the exact right thing, a paywall descends. “$1 for Six Months.” “Save 40% on Year 1.” “Here’s Your Premium Digital Offer.” “Already a subscriber?” Hmm, no.
Det er et emne, jeg tidligere har skrevet om:
- Paywalls og demokrati [Lars K Jensen]
💡 WSJ om ændret SEO-landskab
On this week’s episode Edward Hyatt, Director of Newsroom SEO at The Wall Street Journal takes us through staying abreast and ahead of changes to the SEO landscape. From personal experience he outlines the differences in SEO strategies between subscription and non-subscription publishers, the changes in the SEO landscape over the past decade, and the potential impact of AI on SEO for publishers.
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
⚙️ 7 eksempler på AI i medierne
AI-buffet hos svensk avis, et britisk mediehus, der laver AI-artikler i tusindvis, samt eksempler fra JP/Politiken, DR, Podimo og Sermitsiaq.AG var på menuen på konferencen Nordic AI in Media Summit.
Jeg har også skrevet om noget af det, jeg tog med fra konferencen:
- AI: The Honeymoon Is Over, Implementation Awaits [Products in Publishing]
👩💻 Hvordan vil journalister egentlig gerne bruge generativ AI?
The Generative AI in Journalism: The Evolution of Newswork and Ethics in a Generative Information Ecosystem is based on survey responses from 300 news professionals, mostly from the US. It explores how they currently use, and would like to use, generative AI – automated technology that has never been easier to use or afford.
💡 Sådan arbejder Newsweek med generativ AI
The legacy publication is leaning on AI for video production, a new breaking news team, and first drafts of some stories.
✨ Ny ChatGPT Turbo til dig, der betaler
OpenAI announced today that premium ChatGPT users — customers paying for ChatGPT Plus, Team or Enterprise — can now leverage an updated and enhanced version of GPT-4 Turbo, one of the models that powers the conversational ChatGPT experience.
😲 Kun 105 dollars for en AI-propagandamaskine
I paid a website developer to create a fully automated, AI-generated ‘pink-slime’ news site, programmed to create false political stories. The results were impressive—and, in an election year, alarming.
🤔 AI har et måleproblem
Which A.I. system writes the best computer code or generates the most realistic image? Right now, there’s no easy way to answer those questions.