Uge 33, 2024

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

😠 Kritik af CrowdTangle-lukning

Fra NPR:

A Meta spokeswoman declined to comment on CrowdTangle shutting down, but did point NPR to a blog post about a new tool called Meta Content Library. The company says the Content Library is more comprehensive and provides a better picture of what is happening on its platforms. […]

Hundreds of researchers, including Geurkink, say the Content Library “isn’t yet sufficient.” She said she welcomes improvements to the new tool, but “they hardly fill the gaping hole that is left by CrowdTangle’s shutdown.”

▶️ YouTube tester længere videoer i Shorts-feed

Fra Social Media Today:

YouTube’s looking to capitalize on the popularity of Shorts by promoting longer video clips within the Shorts feed.

🤝 Meta og Universal indgår aftale

Fra MediaWatch:

Aftalen giver mulighed for, at musik fra Universal Music Groups kunstnere og sangskrivere kan bruges og deles på Metas globale platforme.

🧵 Threads lancerer nyt dashboard til desktop

Fra Social Media Today:

Today, Threads users on desktop are being informed that there’s a new analytics dashboard available for view, which provides a range of performance insights for profiles.

🗺️ Instagram tester “Friend Map”

Fra Social Media Today:

It’s been in development for some time, and now, Instagram has launched a live test of its new “Friend Map” feature, which can display the location of your friends on a dedicated display in the app.

🤳 TikTok giver influencer-bureauer adgang til data

Fra Digiday:

Social platforms from TikTok to Snap are developing closer relationships with influencer agencies, providing perks like access to first-party data and creator programs, as Meta maintains its dominance in social media spend.

🗯️ …og lancerer nye beskedmuligheder

Fra Social Media Today:

With DMs becoming a bigger engagement element, especially on Instagram, TikTok is looking to tap into the same behavioral trend, by updating its own direct messaging features.

💥 …og forsøger angiveligt at få nye brugere via rabatter

Fra Social Media Today:

According to a report this week from The Information, TikTok has been looking to attract new users in the U.S. through a scheme that offers discounts when you invite friends from other apps.

📽️ Twitch lancerer Stories

Fra MediaPost:

After losing significant market share to competing gaming livestream platforms in the second quarter, Twitch is focused on expanding its social sharing features. The Amazon-owned livestreaming platform is rolling out video stories – similar to Instagram’s popular Stories feature — in an effort to maintain more social output on the app.

❎ X åbner for lange posts via tredjeparts-apps

Fra Social Media Today:

That means that third-party X post creation and post scheduling tools will now be able to support longer posts, in line with the expanded posting limits announced by X in February last year.

🤔 Blev Musk og Trump afbrudt af DDoS-angreb?

Fra The Verge:

Musk claims there was a DDOS attack on X — but The Verge is told there was not.

Mere om samtalen:

📣 Musk bruger X til højrefløjsbudskaber

Fra The Washington Post:

Musk’s openly partisan participation on the site he bought in October 2022 reflects a broader evolution in his public persona from business-minded tech prodigy to right-wing firebrand. It has also raised questions about Musk’s intentions for the social networking site, which he said he purchased to promote free speech and a more open exchange of ideas. In some ways, the site has become a personal megaphone for his provocative political views.

🔎 Det er blevet sværere at finde gamle Trump-tweets

Fra Mediaite:

It’s a common practice whenever former President Donald Trump makes a comment on a topic to check and see what he said about it before, but if you want to check his old tweets, that’s no longer possible on The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter, rebranded as X after Elon Musk’s tumultuous takeover.

😡 Gamle LinkedIn-brugere er trætte af Facebook-ificering

Fra Bloomberg:

Longtime users irked by personal content lament that the job-hunting website has become more like Facebook. But some experts see an upside to being more open.

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

💌 LinkedIn-nyhedsbreve: Kan de noget?


News publishers, writers and tech companies are tapping into the platform’s large, professional user base but get frustrated by the lack of features and analytics. We asked LinkedIn what they are going to do about it

🎧 NYTimes lancerer Wirecutter-podcast

Fra Axios:

The show is part of a broader effort to make Wirecutter’s journalism more accessible and its business more resilient to changes in the media landscape.

📈 Medier øger tilstedeværelsen på Reddit

Fra AdWeek:

Some, such as Yahoo, Puck, and New York Times Opinion, have launched new Reddit accounts in the last several months. Others, such as Rolling Stone, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Independent, the AP, and Newsweek, have restarted existing accounts or dedicated more resources to them.

💪 Derfor skal medier ansætte tværorganisatoriske produktfolk

Fra Kevin Anderson:

To develop managers and to increase innovation capabilities, news organisations should identify possible innovation and product leaders and give them opportunities to work across the organisation, across editorial, commercial and technical teams.

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

💣 Vil USA splitte Google op?

Fra Bloomberg:

A bid to break up Alphabet Inc.’s Google is one of the options being considered by the Justice Department after a landmark court ruling found that the company monopolized the online search market, according to people with knowledge of the deliberations.

Læs også:

  • 5 insights during the intermission between US v Google I and II  [Digital Content Next]

⚽ vil sælge abonnementer via Brøndby-kamp

Fra MediaWatch:

Selvom rettighederne er dyre, forventer kommerciel direktør Anders Borup Sørensen betydeligt overskud fra nye abonnenter efter’s køb af eksklusiv rettighederne til Brøndby-opgør på udebane. 

👎 OLFI opgiver mediestøtten

Fra Journalisten:

Forsvarsmediet vil ikke søge om mediestøtte, selv om ny pulje blev oprettet med henblik på at hjælpe små medier som netop OLFI

😬 Garm-lukning skaber bekymring herhjemme

Fra MediaWatch:

Der er ifølge Dansk Annonceringforening potentielt set skabt en ”skræmmende præcedens” for forskellige brand safety-samarbejder, efter at Global Alliance for Responsible Media (Garm) har valgt at opløse sig selv som følge af udsigten til et søgsmål fra det sociale medie X.


👀 Annonceverden holder øje med Apple

Fra Digiday:

Renowned for its long policy of total (public) silence until it is ready to make some noise, the iPhone manufacturer has made maneuvers in recent weeks suggesting pending (further) disruption for the online advertising industry.


😟 Patreon bliver ramt af Apples regler

Fra TechCrunch:

Apple has threatened to remove creator platform Patreon from the App Store if creators use unsupported third-party billing options or disable transactions on iOS, instead of using Apple’s own in-app purchasing system for Patreon’s subscriptions.


Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

✉️ 10 AI-nyhedsbreve for journalister


Are you overwhelmed by all the talk of algorithms and language models? We picked a handful of newsletters that can help you make sense of it all

🤨 Googles AI-søgeresultater bekymrer medier

Fra Bloomberg:

Publishers say blocking the company’s AI bot could also prevent their sites from showing up in search

Se også:

🤩 Googles tale-Gemini imponerer

Fra The Wall Street Journal:

Does it help that the chatty new artificial-intelligence bot says I’m a great interviewer with a good sense of humor? Maybe. But it’s more that it actually listens, offers quick answers and doesn’t mind my interruptions. No “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that” apologies like some other bots we know.


🆕 OpenAI lancerer ny ChatGPT, du kan snakke med

Fra MIT Technology Review:

The voice-enabled chatbot will be available to a small group of people today, and to all ChatGPT Plus users in the fall.


👨‍🎨 X lancerer billedgenerator

Fra The Verge:

xAI’s latest Grok feature is exactly as chaotic as you might expect.

🗣️ Amazon putter AI i Audible

Fra MediaWatch:

Mundtlige forespørgsler fra brugere skal give personlige anbefalinger til bøger, de bør lytte til ifølge ny AI-funktion.

🤖 Derfor bør du bruge flere AI-assistenter

Fra MarTech:

When I’m using generative AI for research work, I’ve found that I get the best results by using multiple products simultaneously. I typically have tabs open for Gemini, ChatGPT and Perplexity and work across all three simultaneously.

🧑‍⚖️ Californisk lovforslag kan snart blive til lov

Fra Platformer:

California’s controversial bill to regulate the artificial intelligence industry, SB-1047, passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Thursday. If it passes the full Senate by the end of the month, it will head to Gov. Gavin Newsom for his signature. Today let’s talk about what it could mean for Meta, Google, Anthropic, and the other leading AI companies that call California home.