Digitale medier og platforme i uge 46

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

Bemærk: De historier, der handler om annoncering på sociale medier (fx advarsler mod annoncering på Twitter, TikToks vækst i annonceindtjening etc.) finder du under ‘Business’-delen af denne uges Ugerevy.

✂ Meta-sparerunde er et nyt skridt væk fra medierne

Fra Nieman Lab:

“Among the mass layoffs at the company formerly known as Facebook last week are several roles that have served as a bridge between the news industry and the sprawling tech company. […]

The layoffs are another step in Meta’s journey to get the heck away from news. Meta, which promised $300 million in support of local journalism back in 2019 when it was still Facebook, has shifted resources away from its News tabshuttered the Bulletin newsletter programended support for Instant Articleseliminated human-curation in favor of algorithms, and stopped paying U.S. publishers to use their news content.”


👊 Facebook vil af med ulovlige lånegrupper

Fra MediaWatch:

“Ifølge politisk chef i Facebooks moderselskab, Meta, er man i dialog med bl.a. Finanstilsynet om at bekæmpe problemer med grupper, hvor brugerne udbyder ulovlige lån .”

🤯 Meta-ansatte fyret for at overtage brugerkonti

Det lyder… vildt.

Fra MediaWatch:

“Meta har i løbet af det sidste år fyret eller disciplineret flere end to dusin ansatte og entreprenører, som selskabet beskylder for uretmæssigt at overtage brugerkonti, i nogle tilfælde angiveligt for bestikkelse.”

🤔 Trumps kandidatur får betydning for Facebooks faktatjek

Fra CNN:

“Facebook’s fact-checkers will need to stop fact-checking former President Donald Trump following the announcement that he is running for president, according to a company memo obtained by CNN.

While Trump is currently banned from Facebook, the fact-check ban applies to anything Trump says and false statements made by Trump can be posted to the platform by others.”


💳 TikTok lancerer in-app-butikker i USA

Fra Social Media Today:

“While its in-app shopping experience hasn’t caught on as it would have hoped just yet, TikTok is slowly expanding its in-app shopping options, and making in-stream commerce a bigger focus, with the platform launching the first stage of its TikTok Shops integration in the US late last week.”

😬 TV 2 bliver (stadig) misbrugt i annonce på YouTube

Fra Mediet Markedsføring:

“Man kan på YouTube stadig se falsk annonce, hvor TV 2’s logo bliver misbrugt – selvom YouTube i sidste uge fortalte, den var fjernet. Samtidig er ny annonce kommet til. Google, der ejer YouTube, beklager.”

🤷‍♂️ Hvad skal danske virksomheder gøre i Twitter-kaosset?

Fra Mediet Markedsføring:

“Twitter er ramt af massive annoncør- og brand safety-problemer, som risikerer at ramme danske brands. Sådan siger digital specialist og journalist Lars K. Jensen, der anbefaler danske virksomheder at sætte sig indgående ind i farerne ved platformen.”

😳 Musk til ansatte: Arbejd ekstremt “hardcore” eller sig op

Fra The Washington Post:

“Twitter is shifting to an engineer-driven operation — one that ‘will need to be extremely hardcore’ going forward, according to the midnight email, which was obtained by The Washington Post. Employees were asked to click an icon and respond by Thursday if they wanted to stay.”

Mere om det:

👋 Mange Twitter-ansatte siger farvel efter Musks ultimatum

Problemet er angiveligt så stort, at Musk er begyndt at holde møder med nøglemedarbejdere, hvis opsigelser ville være kritiske for Twitter.

Fra The Verge:

“Hundreds of Twitter’s remaining employees have resigned ahead of Elon Musk’s “extremely hardcore” cultural reset of the company, according to internal Slack messages seen by The Verge and employee tweets.”


⚽ Twitter gruer for VM

Fra The Information:

“But now Twitter is operating with fewer than half the staff it had a month ago, raising questions about its ability to handle the likely surge next week. Musk instituted deep staff cuts two weeks ago after he took control of the company, and more have left Twitter since then.

Musk’s layoffs decimated the team that oversees Twitter’s technical infrastructure, with as much as 80% of its staff cut, according to employee estimates.”

👋 Twitter trues af brugerflugt

Fra MIT Technology Review:

“Estimates from Bot Sentinel suggest that more than 875,000 users deactivated their accounts between October 27 and November 1, while half a million more were suspended.”


📦 Gør dig klar til livet efter Twitter

Fra The New York Times:

“Don’t delete your account just yet. Elon Musk’s takeover can teach us valuable lessons about our relationship with social networks.”


📉 Twitter-svindel ramte aktiemarkedet

Fra Washington Post:

“The pharmaceutical giant halted ad spending after fake blue-check accounts went viral. For $8, Twitter is ‘losing out on millions of dollars in ad revenue,’ a former Eli Lilly official said.”


😧 Mediefolk og debattører drukner i falske følgere

Fra Journalisten:

“De seneste dage har alt fra chefredaktører til mindre profiler på Twitter og Instagram fået tusindvis af falske følgere”

😞 En del af vores historie går tabt, hvis Twitter forsvinder

Fra MIT Technology Review:

“Almost from the time the first tweet was posted in 2006, Twitter has played an important role in world events. The platform has been used to record everything from the Arab Spring to the ongoing war in Ukraine. It’s also captured our public conversations for years.

But experts are worried that if Elon Musk tanks the company, these rich seams of media and conversation could be lost forever. Given his admission to employees in a November 10 call that Twitter could face bankruptcy, it’s a real and present risk.”


😳 Elon Musk fyrer ansatte, der kritiserer ham

Fra Gizmodo:

“Twitter owner Elon Musk can add another title to his already long list: Big Brother. On Tuesday, the social media boss showed his employees that he was always watching what they were saying on Twitter’s internal channels, especially if they were talking smack about him.”

Fra Platformer-artiken “Elon’s paranoid purge”:

“Musk has become obsessed with the idea that his employees might sabotage the site, they said, leading to near-total freeze on writing and shipping code and firings of anyone suspected of being disloyal.

In truth, several employees told me, the reality is the opposite: many workers are hanging on largely because they still believe in Twitter’s promise and feel a responsibility to keep the site up and running during a period of intense turmoil.”


🤔 Forfatter til Musk-biografi: Jeg tror, han kæmper med sig selv

Interview med Ashlee Vance – Fra Recode:

“I think he’s battling with his own self. It’s sort of like I talked about earlier: Now that the full Elon is out in the world, there’s just no reining it back in. And he kind of can’t control himself on some of that.

I think the central battle he faces right now is that he wants Twitter to be sort of separate from his personality and for people to judge it that way. And he doesn’t seem to get that that’s impossible. The only way maybe that works is if somebody else is CEO of the company and he’s not talking about Twitter on a day-to-day basis. But he just doesn’t seem to get that this is all intertwined.”

😒 Mastodon er alt for kompliceret

I en tid, hvor det sejler hos Twitter, er nogle begyndt at lede efter alternativer. Mastodon er en af dem – og det her lyder som den oplevelse, jeg hører om fra flere.

Fra Fast Company:

“My mission was to analyze how the social platform’s user experience used friction that could, in theory, weed out the trolls and the lowest-common-denominator users who make social media such a toxic experience almost by design. This would make Mastodon a better experience overall. And it is—if you are masochist, that is. The Mastodon UX doesn’t feel like friction. It feels like flogging. “

Mere Mastodon:

📹 Spotify ruller videopodcasts ud til hele verden

Fra hestens mund:

“Update as of Tuesday, November 15, 2022: Video podcast publishing capabilities are now available to Anchor creators in over 180 global markets. Learn more here.”

🏷 YouTube eksperimenterer med produkt-tags i Shorts

Fra Social Media Today:

“YouTube’s launching another monetization option for Shorts, with a new experiment that will see some creators able to tag products for purchase within their Shorts clips.”

🎵 Sådan bruger du YouTubes musikbibliotek

Fra Fast Company:

“Now, there aren’t a ton of license-required tracks: fewer than 100, as I write this. You’ll know which tracks are which in the “License type” column. Tracks that don’t require attribution are denoted by the YouTube logo and tracks that require attribution are denoted by the Creative Commons logo, which is made of the letters CC with a circle around them.”

👦 US-undersøgelse af teenagere på sociale medier

Fra Pew:

“Majorities of teens credit social media with strengthening their friendships and providing support while also noting the emotionally charged side of these platforms”

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

📊 Google Analytics-bossen om migrering til GA4

Fra MarTech:

“We’re wrapping up our series on getting started with Google Analytics 4, with a Q&A with Russ Ketchum, director of Google Analytics. Here he talks about migrating from Universal Analytics and shares some GA4 power user moves.”

💰 ~3 mio. kr. til forskning i alternative nyhedskilder

Fra Journalisten:

“Lektor i journalistik Eva Mayerhöffer fra RUC modtager 2.879.859 kroner til at forske i danskernes brug af alternative nyhedskilder. Det oplyser RUC.”

🕹 Hvad kan medierne lære af gaming?

Det er en gammel traver efterhånden, men lad os da bare tage en tur til 🙂


“Journalists have used games to tell stories since the early 2000s but so-called newsgames, games that fold journalism into gameplay, are yet to convince editors to add them to their everyday coverage. […]

User experience and design researcher at BBC Sounds, Nick Donaldson, said: ‘Games have wins and losses, and this is exactly what makes them so connected to your brain’s dopamine response.

But that idea of a clear win and loss is not easily transferable to the world of media so it’s harder to replicate. Instead, the metrics are emotional: what makes us laugh, what makes us feel we understand the world.'”


🤫 Apple tagger podcast-episoder i det stille

Fra Bumper:

“As far as I can tell, these topics aren’t displayed on-screen. Rather, they appear in the page source, and seem to suggest Apple is tagging individual podcast episodes by topic.”

🎧 New Statesman udgiver longreads som podcasts

Fra Digital Content Next:

“‘The reason that we wanted to do it for the New Statesman was because long-form, deeply reported journalism is one of our greatest strengths,’ said Chris Stone, Executive Producer of Audio & Video at New Statesman Media Group. ‘It is one of the things that the brand has been known for over the years, and so it seemed like a natural thing to adapt from our existing stable of content.'”

✨ Sådan bruger Bleacher Report animationer i VM-dækningen

Fra Digiday:

“Bleacher Report is creating animated videos to join the conversations around the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar later this month – with a unique, satirical spin. The publisher will have a special episode of its popular animated series ‘The Champions,’ as well as a new, shorter-format show called ‘Champions Chat’ and quick skits to keep up with the games.”

😩 Apple tracker iPhone-brugere, selvom de siger nej

Fra Computerworld:

“I iPhones skal man som bruger give klar tilladelse til, at Apple skal kunne spore ‘aktivitet på tværs af apps og websteder fra andre virksomheder,’ som det hedder.

Men Mysk-folkene konkluderer ifølge Gizmodo, at indstillingerne af analytics control og andre privacy-indstillinger ikke ser ud til at have nogen som helst effekt på Apples reelle indsamling af data.”

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

💌 Rapport: Sådan bruger medier nyhedsbreve til engagement og indtjening

Fra What’s New in Publishing:

“Newsletters are an old tool that continue to be relevant. Many publishers across the world are using innovative newsletter strategies to drive traffic, grow subscribers, as well as generate ad revenue.

A new WAN-IFRA report presents multiple case studies featuring actionable insights for publishers looking at launching new newsletters or improving their existing strategies.”

💸 Interview med WaPos Chief Revenue Officer

Fra What’s New in Publishing:

“At the recent Web Summit in Lisbon, we sat down with Joy Robins, Chief Revenue Officer at The Washington Post, to obtain a pulse check on the business of news.

A few key themes emerged, including flexible reader access, micropayments and bundles, as well as the importance of doubling down on audience needs.”

😬 Endnu usikkert hvad krisen betyder for annoncemarkedet

Fra MediaWatch:

“Den økonomiske krise med udsigt til potentiel recession har sat gang i flere bølger på annoncemarkedet. Nogen annoncører sparer eller stopper helt med at reklamere, men for andre er det derimod det perfekte tidspunkt til at skrue op.”

🤔 Studie: Kontekst og indhold er stadig vigtigt ifm. annoncer

Fra MediaPost:

“Publishers and advertisers must pay attention to context. 

Of the online shoppers polled, 67% are more likely to pay attention to an ad if it is relevant to the content they are viewing.”

📈 TikTok overhaler Twitter og Snap i annonceindtægter

Fra The New York Times:

“This year, TikTok is on track to make nearly $10 billion in ad revenue, more than double what it generated last year, according to estimates from the research company Insider Intelligence.

TikTok’s ad revenue this year is expected to eclipse that of rivals like Twitter and Snap, although its business remains small compared with Google and Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.”

Mere om sociale platforme og annoncer:

🛑 GroupM advarer mod at annoncere på Twitter

Fra Digiday:

“GroupM, the world’s largest media buying agency, is telling clients that Twitter is now a ‘high risk’ media buy following a barrage of controversies, U-turns and confusion that capped off Elon Musk’s second week as the owner of the social network.”

❓ Hvor forsvinder Twitters annoncepenge hen?

Når nu færre annoncører bruger færre penge på Twitter, hvor forsvinder pengene i budgetterne så hen? Kort fortalt: Alle steder.

Fra Digiday:

“What is likely though, is those dollars won’t be heading back to Twitter anytime soon.”

🤏 Flere mindre annoncører holder fast i Twitter

Fra MarTech:

“Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter caused the biggest brands to pause their advertising on the social media platform. However, many smaller ones remain and are still glad to be there. Kaela Green, VP of paid social at Basis Technologies, says that’s because both the audience and the content protections are still there.”

🤝 Vox bliver muligvis del af mediekonsolidering

Fra Axios:

“CVC Capital Partners and Group Black are pursuing a joint bid to buy Vox Media, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Why it matters: The bid comes as the media sector is grappling with a tough economic climate and as CVC, the European private equity giant, is eyeing a consolidation move into more media assets across the U.S.”

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

😎 Apple har planer om en 3D-verden

Fra Bloomberg:

“Apple’s recent job listings shed light on plans for its upcoming mixed-reality headset. Also: The company struggles to find a new design chief, AirDrop is limited in China, and Covid lockdowns hurt iPhone shipments. Plus, Apple hires a new CIO.”


🥶 Twitter indfører kodefrys

Fra Bloomberg:

“Twitter Inc. has implemented another freeze on software code, meaning that new products and features can’t be shipped unless they are critical, according to three people familiar with the plans. “

🔮 Her er Berners-Lees vision for et kollaborativt web

Fra VentureBeat:

“Now Berners-Lee is working on a new data-sharing standard called Solid that could help deliver on the initial vision, and a company, Inrupt, to help commercialize this vision. He cautions that this new Web 3.0 vision for giving back control of our data differs wildly from current Web3 efforts built on less efficient blockchains.”

😬 Problemer med SMS-delen af Twitters to-faktor-sikkerhed

Hvis man gerne vil beskytte sine digitale oplysninger og profiler bedre (og det bør man), kan man bruge to-faktor-sikkerhed ved login. Kort fortalt betyder det, at man skal have adgang til en anden faktor (for eksempel en mobiltelefon eller e-mailindbakke) for at kunne logge ind.

Ligesom vi kender det fra NemID og MitID.

I ugens løb skete der udfald på SMS-delen af Twitters to-faktor-sikkerhed. Det vil sige, at nogle af de brugere, der får en SMS tilsendt med en kode for at kunne logge ind, ikke kunne logge ind.

Wired skrev om problemet mandag, og Twitter Support har siden meldt ud, at to-faktor-sikkerheden virker, og at man undersøger problemer hos dem, der ikke får SMS’en med koden.

MIT Technology Review har tidligere skrevet, at tekniske udfald kan blive det, der forårsager Twitters kollaps.

🎧 Mød BBCs første tech-redaktør

Fra The Addition:

“As the BBC celebrates its centenary, its first tech editor, Zoe Kleinman, provides insight into her fascinating role.”