Uge 18 i digitale medier og platforme

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.

Digital Ugerevy udgives af mig, Lars K Jensen, og jeg arbejder til daglig med audience-udvikling i Berlingske-koncernen.

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Del 1: Sociale medier 

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.

😡 DR- og TV 2-værter i fælles opråb til Meta

Fra MediaWatch:

Tv-værter, der har fået deres ansigter misbrugt i svindelkampagner, siger torsdag fra i fælles video til Meta.

🤨 EU: Meta gør ikke nok i kampen mod russisk misinformation

Fra The Guardian:

The EU is set to launch formal proceedings against Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, amid concerns it is not doing enough to counter Russian disinformation before the EU elections in June, according to reports.

✨ Meta præsenterer nye AI-værktøjer til annoncører

Fra Social Media Today:

Meta has announced a range of new ad tools at NewFronts 2024, including improved creator search for affiliate campaigns, multi-destination product ads for Reels, and more.

🧑‍🎨 Algoritmeopdatering skal prioritere originalt indhold på Instagram

Fra The Verge:

Instagram is making significant changes to how its system recommends content, with a focus on original content and increased distribution for smaller accounts. The slew of changes were announced by the company in a blog post today.

🙅‍♂️ Flere medier har ingen planer om at forlade TikTok

Fra Digiday:

Execs at Bustle Digital Group, Gallery Media Group and The Washington Post told Digiday that they don’t have plans to change their audience development strategies on social media or abandon TikTok. This confidence comes down to having a strong production and distribution strategy for short-form vertical video on other social platforms, thanks in large part to TikTok. 


🤝 TikTok og Universal indgår aftale

Fra Variety:

The months-long standoff between Universal Music Group and TikTok over royalty payments and AI policies is finally over, at least for the time being, with the announcement that the two entities have struck a deal to bring the label’s music back on the platform.

💉 Pharma-firmaer kigger på influencere

Fra Digiday:

Brand advertisers in the health and pharma sector are some of the biggest-spending clients on media agency books. In the past, though, they’ve steered clear of influencer marketing. Now, despite uncertainty over the future of TikTok, industry experts say that influencer marketing has matured enough that healthcare clients are embracing it.

🧢 Sådan bruger aktivister “blå kommentarer” på TikTok

Fra Mashable:

You only meant to watch a video of an influencer sharing a funny story, but a puzzling collection of comments sent you down a news rabbit hole — one where you incidentally learned about the starving children of Northern Gaza. The comments on an Usher dance video unexpectedly got you fired up to decry the systemic bombing of a Palestinian refugee camp. Influencer clips about pregnancy soon necessitate follow-ups in which those same posters speak out about the harsh reality of pregnant women in Gaza.

🤳 Instagram tester “Clear Mode” til Reels

Fra Social Media Today:

Instagram looks to be experimenting with a new option that would enable you to hide the description and UI buttons on Reels clips, giving you a cleaner viewing experience.

🕹️ LinkedIn vil have os til slappe af med et spil

Fra Social Media Today:

After they were spotted in testing back in March, LinkedIn has now officially launched its new in-stream games, which are designed to give LinkedIn users a break from the grind of their workday.


👻 AI-nyheder fra Snapchat

Fra hestens mund:

Every day, Snapchatters create more than 5 billion Snaps on average to communicate visually with their friends. Now, we’re adding new features to help Snapchatters connect even more quickly, express themselves in new ways, and use My AI to stay organized amid busy lives and schedules:

🤑 Meta bekræfter bonusprogram på Threads

Fra TechCrunch:

Meta’s Threads social network passed the 150 million monthly users mark recently, but the company is not slowing down its growth engine. To increase engagement, the social media giant is running a limited-time bonus program for Threads.

Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.

👨‍💻 Vender forsiden tilbage?

Trenden er beskrevet før, og nu har The New Yorker også en artikel om emnet:

As social networks become less reliable distributors of the news, consumers of digital journalism are seeking out an older form of online real estate.

📽️ Podcastere oplever stor efterspørgsel på YouTube

Fra The New York Times:

Until recently, Exactly Right would have had little need for such accouterments — more typical of a television studio than an audio company whose products are primarily consumed on long commutes or during weeknight dish duty. But the podcast industry is changing. As consumers, especially those under 30, spend more time on video platforms like YouTube and TikTok, many audio creators are reimagining their work to be seen as well as heard.

Jeg har tidligere (2021) skrevet om, hvordan TV 2 Nord har eksperimenteret med at udgive deres podcasts på YouTube – med succes:

🌡️ Nye IAB-retningslinjer for podcast-måling

Fra IABs Tech Lab:

The latest update, however, requires companies to document how they resolve such anomalies. This added level of transparency by documenting practices was an important priority for the Podcast Measurement Working Group, and we’re excited to see this new requirement in v2.2. 

📉 TV 2 Kosmopols navneskift kostede på trafikken

Fra MediaWatch:

Antallet af brugere om året faldt til 9,6 mio. i 2023 fra 18,6 mio. i 2022, mens sidevisningerne faldt til i alt 75,4 mio. i 2023 fra 95,7 mio. i 2022.

🤖 Google automatiserer Publishing Center

Fra MediaPost:

Publishers can continue to customize their publications in Google’s Publishing Center. But they will no longer be able to add new ones. 

The reason is that Google is rolling out automatically created publication pages later this year.

📗 Rusland laver statsstyret Wikipedia-klon

Fra 404 Media:

Ruviki is intended to be a more “trustworthy” source of information for Russians by editing out anything that makes the Russian government look bad.

Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.

🧐 Medier er afventende ift. Googles Privacy Sandbox

Fra Digiday:

And while there’s a shared commitment amongst media execs to continue testing cookieless alternatives in the meantime, allocating resources to delve further into Google’s Privacy Sandbox isn’t going to happen — at least not until the company accelerates beyond the 1% deprecation level.

🎧 Lyd fylder mere i konverteringerne hos Ekstra Bladet

Fra MediaWatch:

”Vi kan se på brugernes adfærd, at det i stigende grad er lyd, der er med til at sikre salg. I sidste uge besøgte knap hver tredje nye kunde en podcast, enten på web eller i app’en, lige inden, de købte abonnement hos os,” siger [Ekstra Bladets redaktør for betalt indhold, Maria Lützen].

🔨 Viaplay vil snart sætte ind mod kontodeling

Fra MediaWatch:

Enheder, der bruger Viaplay udenfor husstanden, skal minimum en gang om måneden, logge ind på husstandens netværk, fremgår det.

🌍 FT kigger mod det globale, betalende publikum

Fra Toolkits:

Its new “global paying audience” metric (GPA) reflects subscribers to the FT’s core digital product, but also factors in paying customers for its live events, subscribers to publications in its FT Specialist division, and print newspaper circulation. The company said it currently stands at a global paying audience of 2.6 million and expects to reach three million by 2028.

📰 Berlingske automatiserer layout af avisen

Fra MediaWatch:

Efter seks år stopper Berlingske layout-samarbejdet med bureauet Wunderkind. I stedet hjemtages arbejdet, fordi det kan automatiseres, fortæller ansv. chefredaktør.

Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.

🤝 Financial Times indgår aftale med OpenAI

Fra Press Gazette:

The FT follows in the footsteps of Politico, Business Insider and Bild owner Axel Springer which signed a deal to provide current content and training data to OpenAI in December. Axel Springer chief executive Mathias Dopfner said in London last week the most important part of their deal “is the content delivery of stories we create and remuneration for that, because that is always based on new and original content”.

Mere om medier og AI-firmaer:

😡 Kritik af DFs Mette Frederiksen-deepfake

Fra Kforum:

Fordømmelsen af DF’s deepfake-video var universel og kategorisk fra landets medier, forskere og politikere. Flere mener, at DF’s satire var ulovlig, eller burde gøres ulovlig hurtigst muligt. Selvom det ikke er første gang, Mette Frederiksen bliver udsat for deepfaking. Ifølge den vrede folkestemning er deepfake en fare mod selveste demokratiet og vores fælles virkelighed. Hvis vi ikke stopper den slags videoer, vil der opstå en epistemisk apokalypse, hvor ingen længere kan skelne mellem sandt og falsk, sagt og simuleret. 

🤐 Metas AI er upålidelig

Fra The New York Times:

The new bot invites you to “ask Meta AI anything” — but my advice, after testing it for six days, is to approach it with caution. It makes lots of mistakes when you treat it as a search engine. For now, you can have some fun: Its image generator can be a clever way to express yourself when chatting with friends.

🎓 Pulitzer Center vil træne journalister i AI

Fra Nieman Lab:

The Pulitzer Center has officially kicked off The AI Spotlight Series, a new training initiative that aims to teach 1,000 journalists how to do AI accountability reporting over the next two years. 

🛑 Apple fjerner AI-billedgeneratorer

Fra 404 Media:

Apple has removed a number of AI image generation apps from the App Store after 404 Media found these apps advertised the ability to create nonconsensual nude images, a sign that app store operators are starting to take more action against these types of apps. 

🧠 OpenAI lancerer “Memory” til betalende ChatGPT-brugere

Fra The Decoder:

OpenAI has enabled the “Memory” feature for all ChatGPT Plus users, the company announced via X. Memory allows users to tell ChatGPT things they want it to remember across chats. The feature can be turned on and off in the settings.