Uge 18, 2019

Du får opsamlingen på Facebooks F8-konference, Instagram tester at skjule Like-antal, en tredjedel af danske unge mener, de kan undvære medier, ny runde af innovationsstøtte og tips til nyhedsbreve. Dette og meget, meget mere venter på dig forude.
Digital Ugerevy har din ryg – her er de vigtigste historier om nye medier og digital udvikling fra påskedagene.
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Om Digital Ugerevy
Dette er stedet, hvor du kan få overblikket. Det handler om nye medier, sociale platforme og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Det er dit brief på, hvad der er sket i ugen, så du kommer up-to-date, mens du nyder din morgenkaffe.
Digital Ugerevy har mere end 500 følgere, der arbejder indenfor journalistik, kommunikation, markedsføring, digital udvikling og ledelse.
Se hvad nogle af følgerne siger
? Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
Facebook, Facebook, Facebook:
Det vigtigste fra Facebooks F8-konference
Der bliver altid holdt øje, når Facebook holder deres store konference, hvor de præsenterer nye produkter, tjenester tiltag etc. Denne gang var især privacy et emne.
“Man kan diskutere, om det værner om privatlivet, men det værner i hvert fald ikke om vores private data. Vi deler stadig lige så meget med Facebook, som vi hele tiden har gjort. Vi skal altid huske på, at Facebook først og fremmest er en forretning. Det er ikke et medie eller en demokratisk platform,” siger [Astrid Haug].
Facebook pivots to privacy, but is it sincere?
Digiday har samlet op på, hvad der er vigtigst for annoncører.
Facebook pivots to what it wishes it was
Here’s How Mark Zuckerberg Sees Facebook’s New Era of Privacy
Facebook Unveils Redesign as It Tries to Move Past Privacy Scandals
The New York Times
Facebook vil erstatte nyhedsfeed for at værne om privatliv
Facebook Dating opens to friends with Secret Crush
Why Facebook is making a big bet on Messenger
The Verge
Facebook details Messenger updates: New desktop app, social video, and Project LightSpeed
New Tools for Messenger and WhatsApp
Social Media Today
New Updates for Instagram, Including ‘Shop from Creators’ and Updated Camera
Social Media Today
VentureBeat har samlet op:
Everything Facebook announced at F8 2019
Facebook slår ned på hate speech
Facebook today removed Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones, Paul Nehlen, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Infowars from Facebook and Instagram, saying their accounts violated its policies against dangerous individuals and organizations.
The Verge: ‘Facebook bans Alex Jones and Laura Loomer for violating its policies against dangerous individuals35’
Læs på dansk: Facebook bandlyser flere personer for hadtale [MediaWatch]
Facebook i gang med kryptovaluta
Verdens største sociale medie, Facebook, er ved at rekruttere snesevis af finansielle firmaer og onlineforhandlere, der skal hjælpe med at lancere et kryptovaluta-baseret betalingssystem for det sociale netværk.
Læs originalhistorien hos The Wall Street Journal.
Regulering af Facebook er en kæmpe opgave
Facebook is such a powerful and pervasive global system that confronting it demands radical new thought. It reaches more than 2.3 billion people, and that means more than 2.3 billion people regularly post videos, photos, and text to Facebook. They do so in more than 110 languages. The very idea that Facebook can police itself is absurd.
Facebook giver penge til forskning i SoMe og valg
More than 60 researchers from 30 academic institutions from 11 countries were picked by an independent peer-review review board. Grantees will have access to an unprecedented amount of data from Facebook and Instagram for their research; a total of 6.9 billion page posts, 1.2 billion group posts, 11.2 million verified profile posts and 1.6 billion Instagram posts.
Here are the social media and democracy research projects Facebook is giving data to
Nieman Lab
Fox News dominerer Facebook under Trump
In the Trump era, Fox News has cemented itself as the most dominant news publisher on Facebook as measured by engagement, a crucial metric for Facebook’s ranking system and a rough gauge of attention on the platform, topping news organizations like The New York Times and The Washington Post.
De andre:
Instagram skjuler Like-antal i Canada
I Ugerevyen fra uge 16 kunne du læse, at Instagram var ved at indlede en test af at skjule antallet af Likes for andre end den, der har uploadet billedet/videoklippet. Nu bliver testen rullet ud i Canada.
During a keynote at Facebook’s annual F8 developer conference in San Francisco, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri said that Instagram will later this week begin a test in Canada that involves removing the total number of Likes on photos and video views in the Instagram Feed, Permalink pages, and Profiles.
Twitter klar med ny videostrategi
The company hopes that more high-quality video programming, created exclusively for Twitter with trusted media partners, will lure advertisers who are looking for more brand-safe destinations on social media platforms to run video ads.
Sådan bruger amerikanerne Twitter
Among U.S. adults, Twitter discourse is dominated by a small share of tweeters. The most prolific tweeters – those in the top 10% by number of tweets – are responsible for 80% of all tweets created by U.S. adults. That includes all types of tweets: original tweets, retweets and quote tweets.
Elon Musk får Twitter-babysitter
Late Friday, Musk and the SEC reached a settlement in their latest clash over his tweets. The dispute stems from February, when the agency asked a federal judge to hold Musk in contempt of court for violating a September agreement that a Tesla lawyer would pre-approve all of his written communications—including tweets.
Brand safety: Annoncører undgår TikTok
Marketers worried about brand safety issues are choosing to steer clear of emerging social platforms like TikTok and Reddit, typical for platforms heavy on user-generated content that don’t have mature advertising frameworks yet.
Tips til din digitale markedsføring
Study: Instagram sponsored posts surge 150%
Mobile Marketer
Facebook Publishes New Guide for Instagram Creators
Social Media Today
Facebook Works on a New Creator Studio Dashboard for Instagram
Social Media Today
? Tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
En tredjedel af de unge kan undvære medier
Mere end hver tredje 18-34-årige svarer i en ny undersøgelse, at de ikke behøver journalistisk redigerede medier for at kunne følge med i samfundsdebatten. ”Bekymrende,” mener medieforsker. Flertallet af de unge mener, traditionelle medier har størst ansvar for politikerlede
Er ‘storytelling’ overhovedet en god idé?
he story puts us at distance from the audience; we become the narrator, said Jeff Jarvis, professor of journalism innovation at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY, speaking at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia (5 April 2019).
“It also takes us away from listening: as storytellers, we are telling, not listening,” he added. Can storytelling put us on a wrong path?
BBC- og Slate-folk deler ud af podcast-anbefalinger
On this week’s podcast, we speak to two people who know a thing or two about what it takes to create an engaging listen, but have also learned the hard way the importance of having data backed up.
Luminary fjerner eksterne links i show notes
This morning, in a tweet responding to a brief storyin Podnews, Luminary confirmed it is indeed stripping out all external links in show notes. And it says they’re a…security concern?
Vigtig viden inden en smart speaker-satsning
The risk to business: If a company prematurely introduces smart speakers for more sophisticated purposes and the technology fails, the company’s hard-earned reputation could suffer.
Tidligere Google-CEOs datter lancerer non profit-medie
Sophie Schmidt, a tech industry veteran and the daughter of Eric Schmidt, the former Google and Alphabet executive chair, is starting a new publication about the effects of technology on the non-Western world, BuzzFeed News has learned.
BuzzFeed News: Sophie Schmidt Will Launch A New Tech Publication With An International Focus
? Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
Ny runde af innovationsstøtte
Nævnet har i denne omgang modtaget i alt 34 ansøgninger, og ud af dem var 12 om etableringsstøtte, mens de resterende 22 var om udviklingsstøtte. Ud af de 34 ansøgninger har 9 fået tilsagn, mens 25 har fået afslag.
Du kan se de ni modtagere og deres beløb her (taget fra denne PDF):
Projekttitel | Virksomhed/Institution | Tilskudsbeløb | – digital dannelse og deltagelse | Mediehuset København ApS | 230.000 kr. |
Den Gode Avis | Rasmus Mark Pedersen | 300.000 kr. |
Forundersøgelse til netmedie i krydsfelt af køn, karriere og familieliv. | Potential Company | 125.400 kr. |
LETTER | BaTea ApS | 2.179.800 kr. |
Techst | Foreningen Faktum Media | 2.035.500 kr. |
Projekttitel | Virksomhed/Institution | Tilskudsbeløb |
Dagbladet Information | A/S Information | 2.196.155 kr. |
Føljeton | Føljeton ApS | 123.000 kr. |
Hus forbi | Foreningen Hus Forbi | 600.000 kr. |
POVInternational | POV International | 721.949 kr. |
Nu tjener The Guardian penge
Today, 55 percent of Guardian revenue comes from digital sources, a real feat of transition. It’s a bar very few major newspapers have met; the Financial Times is the only one that comes to mind. The Guardian saw growth in both digital advertising and digital subscriptions, a combo many papers have missed recently.
Spotify har købt podcasts for 400 mio. dollars
In all, Spotify has spent €358 million ($400 million) to acquire three podcast startups in 2019 so far. In its Q4 shareholder letterback in February, the company said it had earmarked up to $500 million for similar deals throughout 2019, so we can perhaps expect more from Spotify on the acquisition front in the coming months.
Slates forventer, at podcast vil stå for 50% af indtjeningen
Last year, Slate bet big on audioas a way to drive advertising and membership revenue. Now, it’s betting even bigger, forecasting that podcasts will drive nearly half of its revenue this year thanks to new shows and an expanded team.
Et kig på tendensen med betalte nyhedsbreve
This movement toward paid email newsletters is the latest attempt among those who write for a living to find a stable method of supporting themselves financially.
The Telegraphs omlægger salg i fokus på abonnenter
Any subscriptions business that embraces subscriptions over ad-funded general news, must dedicate resource into journalists that can create valuable content that converts subscribers. Churning out clickbait-style headlines that get picked up by search engines and perform well on social platforms and attracts fly-by readers, won’t cut it.
Annonce: NYTimes tror på kontekst
I øjeblikket fylder publikum/audience en del (hvis ikke alt), når der handles med digitale annoncer. The New York Times tror, at pendulet vil svinge mere tilbage i retning af kontekst (altså indhold):
“This is a bet for us,” Tomich said after the morning presentation. “I think there is an argument, and it’s early to make the fully formed argument, that the industry has course-corrected so far into precision audience targeting that there’s actually diminishing returns, and you can get more, at least for now, if you try a bit of focus on context.”
Det går den rigtige vej med annoncesvindel
The report anticipates ad fraud losses to total $5.8 billion globally in 2019 – an almost 11 percent drop from the $6.5 billion global loss reported in 2017. Ad fraud has reached a tipping point, with more ad fraud attempts projected to be thwarted than successful in 2019, the report said.
Annoncer og GDPR: Branchen afventer Google
The framework, whose first iteration was rejected by publishers for being biased toward ad tech companies, has been overhauled to appease publisher gripes around controls and to encourage Google to adopt it.
Financial Times og LA Times i samarbejde
Today the Financial Times announces a syndication deal with the Los Angeles Times (LA Times) whereby up to four FT articles will be available to LA Times readers every week.
? Udvikling

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
Derfor bør du overveje at holde dine nyhedsbreve lette
Remember this number: 102. If your email is more than 102KB in size, then Gmail will clip your message when it arrives and asks the recipient to “download” the rest of it. Why are long emails a problem? Most people put their tracking pixel at the bottom of a message. If the whole message isn’t rendered, then you won’t register an open.
25 mio. dollars til kommentarplatform
That means going beyond commenting and moderation to also include community pages and other ways to highlight and monetize user-generated content. The company’s customers include Hearst, Refinery29, Fox News and our corporate siblings at Engadget and
Vestager-bøde kan mærkes i Googles regnskab
Udsigten til at skulle betale den kæmpemæssig bøde, som EU’s konkurrencekommissær, Margrethe Vestager, uddelte for et år siden, har sat sine tydelige spor på det regnskab, som Googles moderselskab, Alphabet, afleverede sent mandag aften.
Spotify har nu 100 mio. abonnenter
Spotify now has 100 million paying users around the world, the company said on Monday. But the music-streaming giant stumbled slightly in its recent entry into India, and its profit margins narrowed partly because of an aggressive investment in podcasts.
Google fjerner gigant fra Play Store
As of today, 46 apps from DO Global, which is partly owned by internet giant Baidu, are gone from the Play store. BuzzFeed News also found that DO Global apps no longer offer ad inventory for purchase via Google’s AdMob network, suggesting the ban has also been extended to the internet giant’s ad products.