Digitale medier i uge 26 (2021)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
✉️ Nyhedsbreve: Facebook lancerer Bulletin
Der er ikke så meget nyt her for faste læsere af Ugerevyen – andet end at Facebooks nyhedsbrevsprodukt nu rent faktisk er lanceret. Til at starte med er det kun særlige udgivere og profiler, der får lov til at udgive på Bulletin.
“Bulletin is built on a separate platform from Facebook — on its website, the FAQ states that this is to “enable creators to grow their audience in ways that are not exclusively dependent on the Facebook platform.” You don’t need a Facebook account to subscribe to a newsletter, but Bulletin relies on Facebook’s infrastructure, including the use of Facebook Pay to purchase premium subscriptions and join subscriber-only groups and live audio rooms.”
Lidt mere at læse om lanceringen:
Facebook recruits dozens of writers and jumps into newsletters with new Bulletin product
Facebook launches independent publishing platform, while its traffic to publishers drops significantly
– What’s New In Publishing
🇺🇸 Domstol afviser monopolsag mod Facebook
“The antitrust push targeting Facebook hit a significant roadblock on Monday when a federal court dismissed antitrust lawsuits that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 48 states had filed against the tech giant. “
Hvis USA vedtager nye monopollove, kan det blive lettere for FTC og andre at dokumentere, at Facebook har et monopol, skriver The Information.
Læs også:
Actually, the Antitrust Case Against Facebook Is Very Much Alive
– Wired
🎧 Bliver Facebook nogensinde et sted, vi hører podcast?
Simon Owens skriver i sit Media Newsletter:
“That’s not to say that Facebook can’t drive value for the industry. For instance, I think there’s a lot of potential for casual podcast discovery. Facebook has 2 billion active users, after all, and the Newsfeed is a powerful distribution mechanism, especially for passive consumption. A good audience development strategy might focus on finding these casual listeners and then funneling them toward a dedicated podcast listening app like Spotify or Overcast.”
↔️ Sådan bruger New York Times slides på bl.a. Instagram
“At the Times, using slides and cards on social became more of a priority around the beginning of the pandemic last year. The audience team wanted to have a more “visual presence” on Times platforms and wanted to make more use of the maps and data visualizations that lived on the website.”
👎 Den tyske stat frarådes at bruge Facebook-sider
Siderne på Facebook bruges især til at nå tyske borgere, der ellers er svære at nå igennem de klassiske medier. Så mon ikke opfordringen i lige så høj grad er et push til at få Facebook til at ændre deres praksis?
“German government organisations have until the end of the year to close their Facebook pages after the data protection commissioner found the social network had failed to change its practices to comply with German and European privacy laws.
In a letter to government departments and agencies earlier this month, commissioner Ulrich Kelber said Facebook had provided no way to run pages for institutions, whose feed users can subscribe to by clicking “like”, in an EU-compliant way.”
Og på dansk:
Tysk kommissær: Myndigheder bør slette…
– Version2
🤳 Instagram tester Stories-links til alle
“Instagram has always limited who can post swipe-up links to their stories, but today, the company is starting a new test that could widen that ability. In this case, however, it isn’t a swipe up that people will be able to offer, but instead a linking sticker.”
📽 Facebook tester Instagram Reels-integration
“Facebook may be close to giving Instagram Reels exposure a significant boost, by integrating a new Reels clips displaydirectly into the Facebook app, as it seeks to combat the continuing rise of TikTok.”
🎥 TikTok lader alle teste længere videoer
“TikTok has been experimenting with letting creators around the world post videos up to three minutes long and is now extending the option for all users in the upcoming weeks.”
😞 Medier får mindst værdi ud af Twitter
Lektien må være: Du kan som journalist og medieperson få meget ud af at være på Twitter. Men det er formentlig ikke her, du skaber resultat for din medieforretning.
“In news, few social platforms feel more central, or more complementary to its mission, than Twitter. For many journalists, Twitter is a nearly unavoidable second work station and forum to make their names.
But when it comes to driving results for media companies, Twitter is near the bottom of the heap among social platforms despite being among the most widely used, according to new Digiday Research.”
🏷 Twitter tester nye labels i kampen mod misinformation
“Twitter is considering changes to the way it contextualizes misleading tweets that the company doesn’t believe are dangerous enough to be removed from the platform outright.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
🦠 Laboratorieteori om COVID-19 skaber splid på Wikipedia
“In recent months, dissenting voices have become louder as the lab leak theory has garnered more mainstream attention and scientists have pushed for a “proper” investigation. […]
On Wikipedia, disruptive “edit wars” have broken out. Users have been caught operating multiple accounts and pushing their own point of view. […] The community is divided, and some fear the endless discussions could tear a hole in the encyclopedia’s ironclad guidelines. “
Læs mere i ugens artikel her i Ugerevyen:
Laboratorieteorien skaber splid på Wikipedia
#️⃣ Den utrættelige kamp for #FreeBritney
“The #FreeBritney hashtag has been gaining momentum since 2019, when a group of fans began to rally around the singer and call her conservatorship into question. At the time, some observers dismissed them as overly attached fans trying desperately to support their fave, but as Spears’ case garnered more and more attention, #FreeBritney gained steam.”
😬 Google tester advarsel ved usikre resultater
“Google is testing a new feature to notify people when they search for a topic that may have unreliable results. The move is a notable step by the world’s most popular search engine to give people more context about breaking information that’s popular online — like suspected UFO sightings or developing news stories — that are actively evolving.”
💬 SMS-beskeder vinder frem hos medierne
“Mass texting is used to build new audiences and even generate revenue for media organizations. But in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters — fires, storms and more — texts have also become a lifeline for those organizations.”
⏱ Bliver tre minutters episoder fremtiden for podcasting?
Radio Today har et interview med Commercial Radio Australias digitale chef, hvor han taler om fremtiden:
“Short-form podcasts: Consumption of this will explode by then. Most podcast consumption will be of episodes of three minutes or less once search is part of the discovery process.”
👨💻 US-medier holder fast i online-events
“In the transition into post-Covid life, more and more news outlets in the U.S. are opting to keep putting on some virtual events even as in-person ones return.”
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
😡 Kritik af reglerne for mediestøtte
“Olfi, Kforum og Nye Medier…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
🗞 Ingeniøren sparer på papir for at satse digitalt og holde på folk
“Fredag udkom Ingeniøren for sidste…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
🤩 Den uafhængige når 3.000 medlemmer
“Efter en hvervekampagne i juni…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
🤔 Abo-erfaringer: The Atlantic, Bloomberg og Business Insider
“Audiences can also get most of their news elsewhere for free. It means news publishers need to think hard about a subscription offering which has enough exclusive incentives but also allows people to try before they buy. Here is how those three publishers have been navigating this situation.”
Læs også:
Nicholas Thompson on why The Atlantic and a metered paywall is a match made in heaven
🤼♂️ Medier frygter “sejtrækkeri” i forhandlinger med tech-giganter
“Baggrunden for at gå sammen…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
💀 Udskydelse eller ej: Tredjeparts-cookien er på vej ud
For nylig meldte Google ud, at de udskyder lanceringen af deres alternativ til tredjeparts-cookien (og dermed Chromes udfasning af samme) til sidste halvdel af 2023.
Det skal dog ikke blive nogen sovepude, skriver Digiday:
“Google may have given third-party cookies a lifeline; regulators have not. Marketers following people across sites using those cookies still aren’t privacy safe. So while the ad industry’s outpouring of relief following Google’s reprieve for cookies is understandable, it changes little. Third-party cookies are slowly but surely being replaced by a mixture of solutions, from first-party cookies to cohorts. The extended timeline won’t change this.”
🔐 WWW-kildekode med autograf solgt som NFT
“Sir Tim Berners-Lee famously gave the source code to the World Wide Web away for free. But now he has raised over $5.4 million by auctioning off an autographed copy as a non-fungible token, or NFT, in a sale through Sotheby’s.”
Mere NFT:
Twitter Dives Into NFTs, Offers Newly Created Assets in Giveaway
– Bloomberg
🤖 Github bygger robot, der kan kode
“Algoritmen bag udtrækker sammenhængen fra…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
Læs mere:
Your AI pair programmer
– GitHub Copilot