Digitale medier i uge 27 (2021)

Her har du den mest komplette opdatering på sociale medier og digital udvikling i mediebranchen. Du bliver holdt opdateret og sparer masser af tid.
Digital Ugerevy udgives af Lars K Jensen, der rådgiver, udvikler og arbejder med digitale medier og udvikling.

Del 1: Sociale medier

Her finder du historier om eller fra de store sociale platforme, der har en enorm rolle at spille i kontakten mellem udgiver/afsender og modtager.
🤨 LinkedIn blokerer opslag om Qvortrups første EB-leder
“To opslag er blevet fjernet…”
Læs også:
LinkedIn forklarer fjernelse af Qvortrups…
– Journalisten
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
☢️ Trump sagsøger Facebook, Twitter og Google
“The lawsuits, filed in U.S. District Court in Miami, allege the California-based social media platforms violated the right to freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.”
✋ Instagram tester begrænsning af udvalgt aktivitet
Instagram tester i øjeblikket en indstilling, der begrænse visningen af nye kommentarer fra eksempel nye følgere eller profiler, der ikke følger dig. Det skal begrænse mobning etc. på platformen. Læs mere hos Social Media Today.
🇮🇳 Indien: Twitter skal holdes ansvarlige for brugernes opdateringer
“The social media company no longer has immunity over content posted on its platform by third parties in India, according to a court filing submitted Monday by the Indian government. The court has yet to weigh in on the matter.”
😒 Twitter viser dig flere “Fleets” (stories)
“As you can see in this example, posted by user @ehab (and shared by Matt Navarra), Twitter is now highlighting Fleets from profiles outside of your network, by showing them with a gray lightning bolt, in variance to your regular Fleets.”
🔒 Twitter vil gøre privacy-indstillinger mere gennemsigtige
“First off, Twitter’s considering new prompts for when you go to change your privacy settings, in any capacity, which will better outline what that change will then mean for your tweets.”
Læs også:
Twitter shares its ideas around new privacy features, including a way to hide your account from searches
– TechCrunch
🥇 Facebook er den platform, der giver medier suverænt mest værdi
“When it comes to social platforms, there’s the Facebook company, and then there’s everybody else.
While publishers and marketers alike love to complain, even protest, about the social media giant, its two core ad-supported platforms, Facebook and Instagram, are far and away the most valuable social platforms to media buyers and sellers, Digiday Research shows. “
I sidste uge kunne du læse, at Twitter giver udgiverne mindst værdi, når det kommer til det forretningsmæssige.
📚 TikTok får folk til at læse bøger
“BookTok’s impact on the book industry has been notable, helping new authors launch their careers and propelling books like Silvera’s to the top of bestseller lists years after their original publication.”
Del 2: Digitale tendenser

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens tendenser indenfor medier. Det kan være en ny metode eller tilgang, branchen forsøger at tage til sig.
⚠️ Hvorfor falder unge for misinformation?
MIT Technology Review skriver:
“I’ve worked as a research assistant at the Stanford Internet Observatory since last summer, analyzing the spread of online misinformation.
I’ve studied foreign influence campaigns on social media and examined how misinformation about the 2020 election and covid-19 vaccines went viral.
And I’ve found that young people are more likely to believe and pass on misinformation if they feel a sense of common identity with the person who shared it in the first place. “
📺 Er Netflix ved at miste sit cool?
“Netflix is the Kleenex of streaming, a brand so dominant it can stand for the whole of the market. (It’s not “Hulu and chill,” after all.) There are signs that this synecdochal power is waning, though. Shiny new rivals, particularly HBO Max and Disney+, have rolled out their own formidable streaming libraries. Plus, a constellation of smaller streamers have established themselves by catering to niche audiences.”
🎙 Derfor skal alle podcastere udgive via RSS
“Podcasting needs to be available and accessible for everyone, across all user types, operating systems, devices and listening platforms.
And one of the cornerstones of open podcasting is RSS. We’ve banged on about it in the past, and we won’t stop: because RSS is the technology that powers it all.”
🤬 Audiacity har gjort brugerne sure
(Kontekst: Audiacity er et gratis og open source-lydredigeringsprogram.)
“An update to the Audacity privacy policy has raised concerns the audio editor may be used to harvest a wealth of user data under its new ownership. […]
When the acquisition was announced, Muse Group promised the software would remain free and open source. However, sections of the community believe the new privacy policy runs counter to philosophies and ambitions of the open source movement; some have gone as far as to call Audacity ‘spyware’.”
🦾 Hvordan kan medier bruge AI til moderation og engagement?
“But this is not just a story about community journalism and audience engagement. Half a million comments a month is way too much for a team of human moderators to sift through. With spam, abuse, graphic content and all forms of online hatred, the toll the UGC was taking on the team’s mental health was putting a question mark over whether it was all worth it.“
Del 3: Business

Her kan du læse nogle af ugens historier og tendenser indenfor forretningsudvikling i mediebranchen. Altså det, der handler om at tjene penge.
👔 Netflix hyrer tidligere Apple-chef som podcastchef
“Eaton will manage Netflix’s slate of podcasts, most of which are related to its original TV series and movies. Netflix has made companion podcasts to Martin Scorsese’s “The Irishman,” as well as TV shows “The Witcher” and “The Crown.” The company also produces podcasts that are more broadly about pop culture or feature stars from its programs such as “Okay, Now Listen,” hosted by Scottie Beam and Sylvia Obell.”
🧐 Lander USA Todays paywall mellem to stole?
“The marketplace for online news has thus far rewarded (a) premium quality and (b) local connection. USA Today’s digital subscription offering seems likely, in its current form at least, to fall between those two stools.”
🔮 Amazon har store planer for deres Publishers Services
“Combined with the identifier that Amazon plans to launch inside its own ecosystem soon, these moves would help differentiate APS from a mob of competitors who are quickly gathering up market share as publishers continue to add more SSPs to their operations.”
🍪 Omnicom anbefaler UID 2.0
“Omnicom Media Group (OMG), the media arm of holding company Omnicom, has formally endorsed Unified ID 2.0 as the post-cookie solution best suited for its clients and publisher partners and will begin to recommend publishers adopt that standard, Digiday has learned.”
🆕 Succesfyldt tech-medie lancerer nyt
“The Information is launching a new standalone publication about batteries and electric vehicles, CEO and founder Jessica Lessin tells Axios.
Why it matters: It’s the first time the high-end business and tech media company is charging for content separately from its roughly $400 annual professional subscription fee. “
Del 4: Udvikling og tech

Her får du et kig på nogle af ugens historier indenfor den digitale udvikling og teknologi, der enten direkte eller indirekte kan have betydning for medier/udgivere.
👨💻 Nu kan du bruge bl.a. TikToks anbefalingsmotor
“Now anyone can tap into the secret sauce behind ByteDance’s globally successful TikTok app—for a price. The China-based company quietly launched a new BytePlus division back in June focused on selling TikTok’s artificial intelligence technology, including the popular recommendation algorithm behind its ForYou feed, to businesses worldwide, the Financial Times reported Sunday.”
🤖 Robotterne tager ikke vores jobs – men de gør dem værre
Companies are automating away autonomy and putting profit-maximizing strategies on digital overdrive, turning work into a space with fewer carrots and more sticks“
🗜 Nyt JPEG-format kan spare 30%
“Nyt format skal forene egenskaber…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)
🤼♂️ Danmark er med i fint selskab i kampen mod tech-giganter
“Den danske model, der tillader…”
(Uddraget er forkortet af hensyn til den nye lov om ophavsret og brug af uddrag fra pressepublikationer. Læs mere.)